Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Dare to Get Involved

My friends at The Cat Realm had a challenge for us:
We call this fourth Dare the "Get Involved Dare" because we want each and every one of you to cone up with a Dare of your own.
The winning Dare came from Mr. Chen! He dared us all to come up with one creative, fun, useful way to save the environment and put a picture of yourself doing it on your blog.

Did you know that plastic six-pack rings can entrap and strangle birds and other animals? At my house, we have a big trashcan just for recycled things. But before we throw any plastic rings out, we are sure to cut apart all of the plastic rings. Please be very careful using scissors!
Mommie, are we doing it correctly? I think so.
Here I am posing with the cut-up plastic rings. Plastic is not very pretty.
And when you are all done, here is where all the recyclable things go!
I have never been in the garage before. I did not go inside the trash can because I am not for Recycling. I am for keeping forever.


103 Notes for Daisy:

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a pawsome job you did with the plastic rings Daisy..
Yeah you stay away from the bin. You're for keeping. :)

~ Girl girl

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think this world could be saved by you~!!!!!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Way to go, Daisy! Did u had fun in the garage?
No way u are going into the recycling bin, there is only 1 Daisy the Curly Cat in the whole wide world!
Purrs and Hugs,

Unknown said...

I’ll pass the dare on to Alex—when he wakes up.

Anonymous said...

You are a good recycler, Daisy! We live in the county and we take our trash to the Dump. There is a bin or dumpster for everything. Glass, paper, cardboard, yard trash, etc... There are nice men that make sure people don't put the wrong trash in the wrong bin. We think they might be the trash police.

Anonymous said...

You sure iz for keeping Miss Daisy!!
That is a very impawtent message, peoplez need to think before they does things, even before they buys things too!
Momma is silly, as you know, she tries to only buy things recyclable or recycled, she researches products before she buys them coz she won't use anything tested on animals, even down to laundry detergent...
You might think you can't make a difference but one single person out of every 10 in the billions of people out there.. it quickly adds up ;)

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
Yes!!! You are for keeping forever and EVER!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

gemmak said...

I think you should be awarded the Nobel prize for environmental stuff Daisy! What a cler curly cat you are. I hadn't ever thought that those nasty plastic rings could do such horrible harm so you have taught me something very important today....and I shall also be very careful with scissors! :o)

Parker said...

That was a very smart thing to do Daisy, we do the same thing with our plastic tops. I would hate to think that we caused a bird or other living thing to have to get caught in a plastic ring thingy.
You are right, you are for keeping forever!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are a very good recycler Daisy, but no way would we want to see you recycled. We love you just the way you are.

ZOOLATRY said...

We are so glad you brought this to our attention. We are good recyclers with many things -- but we had NOT cut apart those plastic rings and now we will always do so. Yes... Daisy is for sure a forever cat, not at all recycleable material!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Nice recycling play by play!!!

I am trying to get the PM to do our dare for tomorrow!

Purrs Goldie

Sarge Charlie said...

Excellent post Miss Daisy, you are a real good citizen

Poppy Q said...

Thanks for saving all the wild life by recycling and cutting up the plastic rings.

I am so glad we gets to keep you forever. That last photo and statement made my mum laugh.

Smoocheroonies to you.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Good job, Daisy. We do not want you to go in the recycled bin - you are definitely a keeper!

Team Tabby said...

Daisy, you are so smart! Those plastic rings are a big concern to the environment, especially when they are thrown overboard from boats into the sea. Cutting apart and placing in the recycle bin is the best way dispose of them.

Mindy & Moe

Chrissie said...

It's a good thing to take care of the water birds..even tho' they are too big for me to even THINK about as prey, a guy can dream, eh? My mom thinks they are beautiful and loves to watch them, too.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Good one Daisy! Mom does dat too. She don't wants no plastic to get frew to da ocean. We finks all owr gabbij goes to da burn plant tho.

Mickey's Musings said...

Daisy,that is excellent!!!!!!!
Mom does that too :)
I am glad you know that you are for keeping!!!! I guess the garage is not the place for you. Scary things are there ;)
Purrs Mickey

Lidian said...

Fabulous recycling job, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Your a good helper. We always try to help our mommy too.

Isis said...

You're so thoughtful Daisy!

The Devil Dog said...

What a very good job you did, Daisy. We recycle too, everything mom can think of, except for us.


Pearl C. Pritchard said...

You know what? I learned something new here -- and I will cut up my plastic rings too.

PS -- I'm really sorry to hear about Pixie. I hope you're OK over there.

Anonymous said...

That's super Daisy! We recycle all kinds of stuff at our house, I'm glad to know you are too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy! We cut up plastic rings too and recycle all our papers, plastic and glass. Mom also has reusable tote bags for shopping. Recycling is very important and we hope everybody remembers!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Good work Daisy! We do this too! We do not have such a big recycling bin though, ours is very small.

I do not go in recycle bin either, because I am for keeping too!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

daisy i always cut them up in little pieces. then i wonder if they will get swallowed and choked on! never throw plastic stuff in the water either!!! no no no... and that fishing string stuff is bad too.

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

The mom does that here too! Good minds fink alike! We hope more beans will learn to do this, through yer instruction Daisy.

Dma said...

Excellent lesson and response to the dare. and I agree, you are a keeper.

Ailurophile said...

Great to see you doing your bit for the environment :)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, Mommy cuts these plastic rings too! What a great job you did! Yep, you are definitely a keeper! :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Our Meowm does this at work.....she works for a recycling company after all....but she was thrilled when she found out someone else at work was doing the same thing!!!!

GReat job Daisy!!

i beati said...

Great tip Daisy I've seen animals die from plastic and become seriously injured. Great tip Now I'll work on

Little Big Man said...

Yes Daisy you are definitely for keeping forever and ever.
My meowmie also cuts apart those nasty old six-pack ring things. She saw a picture of a poor little baby seal with one stuck around his neck and as he grew it was strangling him.
Keep up the good work Daisy!
Purrs and Headbutts


YOU look beautiful doing things that are good for our enviroment!\


Nomi said...

If cats can wecycle, then so can hoomans. Good lesson Daisy. My miewmie wecycles too. The wecyle police here are efen thinking of putting flashy boxes in our bins so we only thwow out the wight things !! Can you believe that ? Be careful in the garage. You are much safer in the house Daisy !

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Daisy, you did a great job! And that's a very good tip.

Jan used to do that too but she hasn't bought any plastic rings in a long time. She says maybe when our finances are better, but why would she want to buy plastic rings when she could buy us treats and toys?

Us4 Cats said...

we really like this one. You did a great job here. Thinking how the trash humans toss out can actually harm nature. Kudos to you!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Very important to cut those ring things. You should be a spokescat for recycling too! You're so cute everyone will listen to you!

The Oceanside Animals said...

The book "The World Without Us" mentions the huge pile of plastic floating in the Pacific. Scary stuff!

Tybalt said...

That's great, Daisy! We cut up our plastic rings, too.

(You ARE for keeping forever!)

Boy said...

Yes indeed Daisy! You're meant for keeping forever!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Of course you are not for recycling Daisy! We do that too. YEAH.

LZ said...

Good job Daisy!! My LL keeps saying she's going to help us with the dare but she keeps being "too busy".


Marilyn said...

Way To Go Daisy! I'm glad you didn't get recycled with the plastic rings.

Moonchild Dancing! said...

Yay! Great job doing your part for the enviroment and nature Daisy! :)

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

You certainly are for keeping forever, Daisy! You look so cute with the plastic, even if it's not very fashionable.

Babs (Beetle) said...

That is very good Daisy. We don't get a lot of those in the UK any more. They come in cardboard packaging now, which is a very good thing!

Purrs, Sukie x

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That is so wonderful, Daisy, that you are doing your part for the environment.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

This is a really good post. The beans try to do the Beach Cleanup (we have missed the last few years) and Mommy is always sadden by the amount of trash on our beaches and especially those stupid rings that can hurt birds, turtles and other animals.

We always take a plastic bag with us when we go to the beach or creek so we can pick up the trash others leave behind. ~S,S & C

Mini said...

Way To Go Daisy!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

We are recycling a whole bunch, too. Good job with those scissors, Miss Daisy!

Gizmo said...

I just want to say thank you for your kind comment on my sissy, Jewels. =^..^=
I am equally sorry to hear about Pixie. Was a pretty kitty.
I can't wait to see them all again one day!!!

The Crew said...

You are very wise, Daisy. We've never seen those plastic thingy's though, 'cause Mom's soda cans come in a box.

Your friend

jenianddean said...

Good job cutting the plastic rings. Garages are the best! I wish we had a giant recycling container because we usually make more recycling than trash, but it fills our little tub all the time.

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow... that is a very civic minded thing to do daisy. Save the environment, free the birds, recycle your rubbish... burps~~ sorry about that... a feather got stuck in my throat.. LOL!

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is a very good thing to do, Daisy! We do that, too.

Liss said...

So sweet, what a great idea.

Eduardo said...

You did a wonderful job helping save the enviorment! You are for keeping forever Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Thoughts said...

Daisy you are such a good girl! We always cut up our six-pack rings too for the very same reason. You never know where they might end up!

You are definitely for keeping fur-ever!


L. Alida said...

Good job Daisy! We try to remember to cut those plastic rings too. And, the small butter and sour cream containers make very nice containers for crunchies and Catsip milk. :) I also use them if I notice a stray kitty around.
I hope you and Mommie are doing okay. I have been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I just know Pixie is happy and waiting sweetly for you.
Big Hugs and Smoochies,

The Furry Kids said...

Good job on taking the dare, Daisy! Though I do think those rings look just a little bit delicious. I do love me some plastic. heh heh


AB clan said...

Thanks DAISY for teaching to be "green".

We love your beautifull hat!
ViVi & AB

Unknown said...

Recycling is very important! Good job Daisy!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mom used to do dat but she don't buy dem 6 packs wif rings anymore. Yoo be careful yoo don't fall in dat box cuz yoo are definitely fur keeping.

PB 'n J said...

Great job Daisy! It's so easy to help the environment - and now lots of kitties will know how!

The Florida Furkids said...

We try to always recycle! Mom doesn't buy much with those plastic thingys, but we always make sure they are cut up. We're going to have to do our post for the Dare too!

Daisy = 100% Non Recycleable! You're a keeper!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Daisy!!! Your momee wouldz nevfur lets da ree-cycull-ler gets you!! (Iz dat likes da jabberwockee?) You iz a wize & good cat to helps your momee out. & dis waz a furry good dare too.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yer doing' a great job Daisy - keep up da good werk! Thanks fer keeping our wildlife plastic free!

curator said...

Yes, plastic rings stuck on wildlife makes us sad and we cut those rings up all the time - Go Daisy!!

Anonymous said...

The FL is always fishin' thoze outta the trash and cutting them up win she sees that other peepul have throne them away. Many many wild animuls are maimed and killed by them evry yeer. I'm vary happy to see yoo doing such a good thing for the envirment.

Donna said...

U is forever, sweets. :)

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, you did a great job recycling those plastic rings! And you certainly are a keeper so no need for you to get into the recycling bin!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

We recycle a lot at my house too. My mom cuts the plastic rings too!

Quasi said...

We do the same with our plastic rings. I often settle down for awhile on the papers before they go outside, just to scent them in case other cats want to make use of our recycling. You're right, Daisy, you are not recyclable!

Teddy Westlife said...

I hope you were very careful with those sharp scissors Daisy! And you are definitely for keeping forever, NOT recycling.

Huffle Mawson

The Island Cats said...

That's a very important thing to do, Daisy. Thanks for helping the environment, specially those birds!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Squirrel said...

I always cut those rings off the bevvies before putting them in the fridge--that way it's easier to open and you cut the rings at the same time.

good post Thanks Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Perfect! Daisy you are so derned environmentally friendly!


Quill and Greyson said...

You even look nice in plastic!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I agree, you are a keeper.
I know your sister is watching over you, Daisy.
Love and purrrs to you

Samantha & Mom said...

Get Involved dare daisy! Those plastic rungs are really bad and we love the way you cut them up! How did you like the gargae!!

Just Ducky said...

Daisy kitties can be recycled. I am recycled, I didn't get tossed out in the trash by my firsted owner. No I was sent to the kittie recycling center (shelter) were mum picked me!

mum cuts our plastic rings up too, then I love to chew on them.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
Good job taking care of the environment!
My grandma separates the garbage but then the garbage truck comes and mixes everything!
Kisses and hugs

The Cat Realm said...

Thank you so much for accepting the Dare, Daisy! What a great job - we never thought about those plastic rings possibly killing poor innocent creatures! But as our staff does not drink any kind of sodas we've actually NEVER seen those plastic rings! But our staff says they will tell others who they know who do have them to cut them apart!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Excellent idea! You even make plastic six-pack rings looks stylish.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of happy feet.. remember Lovelace, the self-proclaimed oracle of Adelie Land? He got stuck into those plastic rings and he almost killed himself. These plastic rings should be cut up! Nice trick and tip for recycling you got here Miss Daisy!

Just About Anything

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Daisy! Even though cats and birds have major differences, it is a fine thing for you to do something good for them.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

I am SO sad and heartbroken to hear the news about Pixie's journey to the Rainbow Bridge. I know you and your mommy miss her terribly. I miss her too, and all of the other fuzzy loves at the Bridge.
purrs and headbutts
Icon, Katie, Mia, and their mom Alison

Chesney Cats said...

Mama does that with those plastic things too. We want to play with them when she's finished cutting them, but she says no. :(

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Anonymous said...

Daisy: Good for you for recycling, and for your very helpful instructions on how to get started. And you're right - you are definitely not for recycling, but for keeping.

Bay Martin said...

This is my first visit to your blog, and I find it so neat, cool, and very informative and of great interest.

Poppy said...

My Mommy and Daddy cut the six pack rings too--even the little tiny connecting rings that aren't really rings at all. Helping the environment is a great dare to take! And I are NOT for recycling!


Lux said...

You sure are for keeping forever, Daisy. :)

Recycling sounds like a good thing to do ...

Amber-Mae said...

Daisy, you are a good girl to recycle things. Oh no, you're not for recycling!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

i think it's beautiful dare,very handsome to see,good looking and attractive too.

Anonymous said...

Daisy I think its great you recycle! My Mummy and Daddy live in a town that doesnt really do that but they drive to sumplace to recycle anyways. It looks like mebbe yer recycling gets picked up by those men that ride on a big truck so yer Mummy and Daddy dont have to drive anywheres to recycle. My Mummy sez thats pretty nice cause it saves gas to do it that way and that is even better for us. Yay Daisy you is saving the world a lot!

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Daisy! I'm glad to see that someone else cuts up their six-pack holders. I often have to be after others who don't do that.

Gaston is back! muahahahaha said...

Good job Daisy! You look fashionable even just posing with the cut-up plastic rings ^_^
Happy puuurrsss..

Anonymous said...

Mom said another important tip is to squash tin cans before you put them in the trash for recycling. She once found a cat with it's head stuck in a can - it was traumatised. Mom gently took the tin off the cat's head and reassured the poor little thing - then it scampered off to find it's mommy. My Mom always squashes cans but she said some people don't realise the risks to animals. So please readers SQUASH CANS too before binning them.

Anonymous said...

I agree, you are a keeper.
I know your sister is watching over you, Daisy.
Love and purrrs to you

Anonymous said...

use th rings for braclets

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