Friday, October 17, 2008

Fashion Friday: Our Halloween Collars!

Look what Harley and I got from our friends at HOTCOOLDOGCAT! The top one is Harley's new Dress-Up collar, and the other two are our Halloween collars! I love the sparkly jewels. I am almost certain they are REAL diamonds. I'll bet orange diamonds are very rare.
Here I am modeling my Halloween collar. I am smiling real big because I look glamorous. I thought up this pose where I cross my paws all by myself! This is also a good pose in case you are telling a lie (if you cross your paws, it does not count as a fib).
I am turning around now so you can see the back of my collar. It says my name! D-A-I-S-Y!
Here is Harley modeling his Halloween collar. He is still learning how to model. It is very hard to get him to stop playing long enough to model. I am trying my best to teach him, but he is not a very good student. Maybe he is still too young.
And this is Harley's Dress-Up collar! Black is a very good color for him.
Harley and I are ready to go Trick-or-Treating now. I just found out that we must wait TWO whole weeks. That is almost forever.
Thank you ever so much to our friends at HOTCOOLDOGCAT. If you click HERE, you can see more of their beautiful collars!


83 Notes for Daisy:

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You cats look pawsome in those sparkly collars.

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

When we put our collars on our furs almost completely cover them up! We must have thicker neck furs in Georgia or something!

Those are neat collars! I know how you feel, Daisy! Gandalf is 4 now, but he is still hard to teach anything! I love him, but little brothers are a challenge! -Grayson

Forever Foster said...

You're one stylish ladycat, Daisy. We can see your influence in teaching Harley to model already. You are doing a very good job :)

gemmak said...

The pair of you look stunning in your new collars...I think maybe Harly will learn to model nearly as good as you Daisy but it might take lots of practice, you have to try to be patient with him....or perhaps play the 'smacking game' with him a little.....but around his ears now and then! A little discipline is good....and sometimes fun ;o)

Karen Jo said...

Your new collars are stunning. I love Harley's new dress-up collar and your Halloween collars are very special. I also think that orange diamonds are very rare. You must be careful not to lose any of them.

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

That's alot of bling-bling going on, Daisy! haha
U and Harley are going to be the best-dressed trick-or-treaters in the neighbourhood, that's for sure!
p/s: wat caught the attention of u and Harley in the last picture?
Hugs and Purrs,

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wow there was so much bling there I almost needed shades!!

You two are looking great and very festive!

Purrs Goldie

Anonymous said...

Miss Daisy I do not know any more pro model than you iz.
I love the crossed legs look, it is very demure.
You collar is so sparkly and pretty but I must say it looks like it is from one of those naughty hoomas clubs that like to wear leather and chains and stuffs.. It is just a little thick for a lady cat.. but meh, I iz an old fashioned kinda boy :)


Parker said...

Those collars are wonderful! I agree Daisy, I think that orange diamonds are very rare - even more rare than purple ones!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Lucky you! Those are stunning Halloween collars!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, those collars are pawsome! We 'specially like how sparkly they are!

We got new Halloween collars too and will be modeling them next week!

Wally & Ernie

Babs (Beetle) said...

They are very lovely collars! You celebrate Halloween much more that we do in the UK, although we are beginning to more now.

Purrs, Sukie x

The Florida Furkids said...

Those are beautiful collars!! We'll have to have our Mom check that site out!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cupcake said...

How BOOtiul Daisy! Get it? Halloween? Ghosts? BOO?

But really, you're right. Black is Harley's color.

Sandy Kessler said...

Your smile is wonderful - you must make a Christmas calendar . I will buy some !!!Sandy

Liss said...

Those are lovely. Orange diamonds are very rare!

Donna said...

Those are very good collars, Daisy. I am glad you and Harley decided to wear the nice things. Now people can see you when you trick or treat, and you also look very stylish.

Mickey's Musings said...

Daisy,those are spectacular collars!! They look good on you and Harley too :)
Thanks for letting me know that it is not a fib when tou cross your paws!!! After all these years I learned something new and useful!!!!! heehee
Purrs Mickey

Cory said...

Those collars are beautiful and they look awesome on you and Harley...and I'm not crossing my paws at all!

Janet Roper said...

Daisy, you are quite the fashion maven, and Harley is quite the stud with your beautiful collars!

Janet Roper said...

Daisy, you are quite the fashion maven, and Harley is quite the stud with your beautiful collars!

The Fitness Diva said...

Oh, my, how smashing you both look!
And yes, Daisy, you are the glamour QUEEN!
You both are so fashion forward it's scary! ;)

Dma said...

those really are neat collars. i'm sure under your tutelage harley will soon be a modeling pro.

Maggie May said...

Great collars! You both model them so well!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~

Purrageous Pirates said...

Very cool collars guys!! Very stylish!!

HARLEY!! Come and PLAY with us!! ME and BILLY and DANA. YAY! PLAYPLAYPLAY!!! - Fagin

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Oh Daisy, you look so lovely in your new collar! And Harley looks quite dashing as well.

Anonymous said...

Those are some really nice collars Daisy! I bet you'll have fun on Halloween.
And I'm sure you'll be able to teach Harley to model eventually...just keep trying!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You two DO look very good in those collars!

I hope you have a fun week-end. Maybe you can practice trick or treating at home

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh you are so lucky to have orange diamonds Daisy, they are very rare.

It is so rare that an orange diamond receive a color grading of pure orange, that many collectors have never seen one. More common, yet hardly abundant, are orange diamonds with a color modifier such as brown or yellow. Prized for their beauty and rarity, orange diamonds are one of the most sought after colors by prominent collectors.

You both looked lovely in your collars and we are sure Harley's modeling will improve with practice. After all he has a wonderful teacher.

~S,S & C



We all refuse to wear collars...and those are so purrtee...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i wonder if they have one of those orange ones that says "sarge"? i have to go see!

smiles, auntie bee

Unknown said...

Fabulous collars, may want to increase your insurance!

Your pal,


Puglette said...

Hi Daisy! I love your beautiful new collars. You are such a wonderful model, and sparkling diamonds look so good on you. Harley looks very cool in his flashy collars. You are both very loved.

The Furry Kids said...

Those new collars are fabulous! I like your new pose, Daisy. It is very sophisticated.


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Can I just say Stunning!
~ Bandit

Samantha & Mom said...

Wow! Those are great sparkly collars Daisy and Harley and they look great on you! And two weeks is a long time to wait for Halloween!
Your FL furiends,

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What sparkley collars! We bet they real glow nicely in the dark.

The WriggleButts said...

You're both looking real nice!


CastoCreations said...

Those are SO freaking awesome. You guys look fabulous!!! =)

Karen and Gerard said...

That was very nice of them to send you those pretty collars. I especially like Harley's dress up one! Harley looks like a very fun cat. He reminds me of my Moe! He had black spots too.

T.Allen said...

Wow Daisy you and Harley look stunning. And, yes I bet orange diamonds are very rare. If I had an orange diamond collar like yours I almost wouldn't mind being on trick or treating duty this year!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy those are amazing collars!

Tatum Tot said...

Oooo what pretty collars! I have pink ones that I like, I need a Halloween one too!

Anonymous said...

You both have beautiful collars. We hate to wear collars, we do back flips and spin in circles.

Sassy Kat said...

Beautiful collars, you two look so fashionable. I will have to check out the collar place and see what they have.
I need you and Harley to head on over to my place today, we could use some back up on our team.

Jans Funny Farm said...

You two look really spiffy in your new collars. It will probably be a long time before Harley learns how to model as well as you, Daisy. Little boys just aren't as fashion conscious. They'd rather play.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Pawsome! Wow, orange diamonds must be furry, furry rare. Don't feel bad Daisy, Speedy is 3 years old and he's still hard to make sit still and learn anything. We think boys is harder to teach den gerls.

Anonymous said...

Daisy yoo can teach Harley, we jus fink it will take more time, hims being so young and stuff!

Yoo both look pawsome in yer new collars!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

you have very very elegant thin neck~!!! Very Very beautiful~!!!
I think you and your brother today are both very elegant, hee hee~~~

Anonymous said...

What fabulous collars. You both look very stylish in them. I think Harley will have a great career as an action model.

Anonymous said...

You're one stylish ladycat, Daisy. We can see your influence in teaching Harley to model already. You are doing a very good job :)

Anonymous said...

You're one stylish ladycat, Daisy. We can see your influence in teaching Harley to model already. You are doing a very good job :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

I think the beautiful kitties are what make the collars so nice. I don't wear a collar, but if I did, I would want one of those.

TabbyNormal said...

Dear Daisy,
I know how you feel. Abby thinks everything is a reason to play. The funny thing is, now that I know her, I find I need to play a lot more often, too. Funny how that works!

Your collars are wonderful. I am sure they used the last orange diamonds in the world for you two.


The Meezers or Billy said...

your collars are beautiful!!


capybara said...

They are definitely Catwork Queens the pair of them. Stumbled.

Anonymous said...

We’ll post links to sites that have Wednesday (plus or minus a few days) submissions of their chosen animal artwork. “Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.”—Bertolt Brecht

Shaggy and Scout said...

Very attractive collars for both of you!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You two look great in thsoe collars!!!!!!!!

LZ said...

I want to come trick-or-treating with you two! All of that bling is sure to attract Temptations.


PB 'n J said...

You both look Pawesome! You're sure to get lots and lots of treats!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow! Those collars are VARY glammeruss! I've never seen orange dimunds beefore: and thare are a LOT of them on yer collar! Those collars must've cost a millyun buks!

The Crew said...

Oh, you both look great! Harley will be a famous male model some day.

Daisy, I'm positive those are orange diamonds. They're very rare I think, so take good care of that collar.

Your friend

Asta said...

you and Harley bof look so glamowous and festive..I can't believe we all have to wait two mowe weeks
smoochie kisses

Whimpurr said...

Very spiffy! You two are trendsetters fur sure!

BeadedTail said...

Those are the most awesome collars ever! You both look stunning in them!

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Oh such fashionable accessories! So chic!!!!!


The Cat Realm said...

You are such a wonderful and professional model Daisy - Harley will eventually learn it from you!

The Devil Dog said...

Those are very handsome collars, Daisy. Does Harley like modeling?


Quill and Greyson said...

So pretty, oh and handsome you look!

Poppy said...

Ooh, you both look so nice in your Howl-oween (Meow-loween??) collars! And Harley's dress-up collar makes him look very sophisticated.


Chat Blanc said...

Catalicious collars! :D

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

You look so grest in your new collars! I am so sad cause I lost mine pretty blue collar


Lux said...

Daisy, that first post is the best ever - you look fantastic! Those collars look *great on both of you!

Lux said...

P.S. I meant the first "photo!" ;-)

Anonymous said...

Daisy and Harley, your collars are gorjuss and you will look very fine trick or treating!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Those are very nice sparkly collars. Harley did a great job of modeling, but only a pro like you could master the crossed paws pose. You have taught him very well.

Quasi said...

Daisy, it takes real talent and drive to be a supermodel like you. Perhaps Harley is destined for other things.

Sunny's Mommy said...

I love your new collars. They are very nice, and look so good on both of you!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is kwite the bling yoo hav their ar yoo too rappers or sumthing??? ok bye

Anonymous said...

Super fashion sense! You and Harley look as fashionable as a bratz doll!

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy I luvs them collars! You and Harley looks so dignificated. Mummy is jest glad I have not eated my collar whut I am wearing now.

Sushi said...

I also got my Halloween costume this year, but it doesn't have all the diamonds! OMG you guys are so chic!

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