Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mr. Shrill's Big Escape

If you read last week's Sunday Comic, you saw that Mr. Shrill has been held in the Scientific Observation Pen because he was acting bad. Now he wants to come out! I am not sure if he is ready to be released yet. He did not have any good behaviors that would qualify him for early release.
Let me see, Mr. Shrill. Did you make a big mess in the Pen?
I took my eyes off him for a second and he is already trying to escape!
Mr. Shrill, you might be a little bit evil. But I am not sure.
Well, he is out on parole. Remember, I am keeping my eyes on you, Shrill.


76 Notes for Daisy:

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

That Mr. Shrill looks like he's gonna go disturb Harley again.
Maybe you need to microchip Mr. Shrill, ya know... just to keep him on his clay toes, Daisy.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Keep a close eye on Mr Shrill

~ Girl girl

Parker said...

I don't like the look in his eyes Daisy, I think he's up to No Good!

Poppy Q said...

Miss D, you would make a stern prison warden.

Anonymous said...

Always, always trust your first instinct, Daisy!

Forever Foster said...

We are glad that you are there to keep Mr. Shrill in line, Daisy. Who knows what sort of trouble he could get up to, otherwise!

Babs (Beetle) said...

I'm glad Mr Shrill is out now. I like Mr Shrill, although he's a bit mischievous. You can keep him in check Daisy.

Purrs, Sukie x

Anonymous said...

You are wise not to trust Mr Shrill Daisy/ I hope he keeps away from Snail too!

Maybe Mr Shrill needs an ASBO (anti social behaviour order) In the UK they are handed out to the bad lads (and gals)

Sandy Kessler said...

Those eyes mean business for sure !!ha ha That Shrill is a crafty one. Be on alert Daisy

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We wouldn't trust that Mr. Shrill at all! Keep an eye on that dude!

We use Google Reader for new blog updates and have been very pleased with them. Just last night we got caught up on all the blogs for the past 5 days. It gets out of control once in a while.

Hugs and purrs to you and Harley!

TabbyNormal said...

Mr. Shrill is very rebellious. We are quite sure you will know what to do when he acts up again!

Abby & Stygia

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We sure do hope Mr. Shrill behaves himself. Looks like you are keeping a good eye on him!
~ The Bunch

Cory said...

Good thing you are on it Daisy, Mr. Shrill doesn't stand a chance against you!

Lidian said...

I'd keep an eye on that naughty Mr. Shrill, Daisy!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Daisy, do you think Mr. Shrill is going to toe the line this time? We hope so, because we know he can be such a troublemaker for you and Harley ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You better keep an eye on him Daisy, we think he is up to no good. ~S,S & C

Dma said...

i would recommend keeping shrill away from Harley. Harley seems a bit too trusting at this point...

Sweet Purrfections said...

Better keep a close eye on Mr. Shrill and you better warn Harley that he is out again!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You look terribly severe in that last photo, Daisy!!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom

The Fitness Diva said...

Watch him, Daisy!! He seems kinds sneaky.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Keep your eyes peeled on Mr. Shrill Daisy, he's very tricky!

Whimpurr said...


Unknown said...

Uh oh! Watch out everykitty, Mr. Shrill is on the loose!

Anonymous said...

Daisy you're going to have your paws full with Mr. Shrill! But you're doing a good job of diciplining him. Do you think he learned his lesson?

Maggie May said...

You watch him closely Daisy!!!
~The Creek Cats~

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I'd keep a close watch on him too....he looks a little shifty!

The Island Cats said...

Hey, Daisy, make Mr. Shrill wear a tether! Then you'll be able to keep tabs on him while he's out on parole!



I am glad you have such keen senses and I know you will keep a good eye and ear out on Mr Shrill...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

personally i'd keep shrill in there a bit longer! har har

smiles, auntie bee

Unknown said...

So adorable -- Daisy is just great in front of the camera. And mom is great behind the camera -- I don't know how you get Daisy in these shots, but hats off to you, it's got to take some time! They always come out so perfect as do your stories.

Thoughts said...

HAHAHA! Daisy you better make sure he doesn't pull a fast one on you! Maybe you can enlist Harley to help you watch him!

The Oceanside Animals said...

pssst hay mr shrill luk behind yoo ok bye

Anonymous said...

Oh cat, we see trouble brewin wif Mr Shrill out!

Sarge Charlie said...

Harley will be safe with you keeping your eye on Mr Shrill

jenianddean said...

You gotta watch the Mr. Shrill very closely. If he acts up again, you might need to eat an eye again.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy, I think one of these days Mr. Shrill may get into serious trouble. He is really a handful!

Linda S said...

I don't know, Daisy...are you sure you want him running free? I'm just sayin'...

watch out Harley!!!!!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

He's a sly one.

Toulouse said...

Oh my goodness, he is still in captivity?? I'm glad you let him out on parole. Keep a watchful eye on him though! *wink*

LizzyT said...

He looks a little unsteady on his feet, has he been drinking?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Maybe Mr Shrill needs a hobby, besides riding Harley or bothering yoo. Mom sez dat a hobby distracts some from being nawty cuz it gives dem something to do dat makes dem happy.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Yeah, keep him on the straight and narrow path, Daisy. It looks like he's trying, but I don't trust him. He's trouble with a capital T!

Unknown said...

Daisy, I'm a bit distressed that the Scientific Observation Pen seems to be right out of LOST, which would make Mr. Shrill the heroic Jack Sheppard and you my Other.

Okay - I've got to go watch back-to-back episodes of Pushing Daisies to wipe that image from my brain pan.

Your concerned pal,


Asta said...

Maybe he can weaw one of those electwonic bwacelets, that way you don't have to watch him all day long and you can play
smoochie kisses

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

You keep a close eye on Mr. Shrill, he looks like he can't be trusted.

Thank you stopping by to read about the mystery toilet guest.

Don't forget to stop by and read...
The mystery toilet guest!...Part Two

(((HUGS)))Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernie's Voice

The Furry Kids said...

That Mr Shrill seems to be a little bit of trouble. I hope you can get him back in the pen.

Marilyn said...

Maybe he was reformed when he was in prison. That sometimes happens.

PB 'n J said...

Keep a good eye on him Daisy - we're not sure he can be trusted to be loose just yet!

Donna said...

Wow. I'm glad you have Harley to help you keep an eye on him!

The WriggleButts said...

I sure think Mr.Shrill is up to something...


Mia Celeste said...

Oh what fun we can have with playdough. Say hi to Mr. Shrill and Daisy. She's very cute.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Shrill looks like trouble good job keeping an eye on him :)

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

I like how cranky you look at Mr. Shrill. I get crank-a-dank at shrill things too.

Henson Ray said...

The ongoing adventures of Harley, Daisy and Mr. Shrill...what could be better?

JD at I Do Things said...

Daisy, you look so stern! I don't see how Mr. Shrill would dare try to escape under your watch! He'd better be careful!

JD at I Do Things

Unknown said...

Daisy dont let Mr Shrill go!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Only time will tell if Mr Shrill will be worthy of getting out!!
Purrs Mickey said...

Yep, Mr. Shrill looks like he's pretty mischievous, but I know you have a handle on him Daisy.

Good girl,


Annie said... I can tell you mean serious business. laughing...



Quasi said...

I think you are a very kind warden, Daisy.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Daisy, you's really got tha eye on that mean ol' Mr. Shrill. i's sure him's up to no good.

SophieKitty said...

It looks like you are watching Mr. Shrill very closely.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
We all know Mr. Shrill. He means trouble!
I hope he will behave!
Kisses and hugs

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I hope Mr. Shrill doesn't corrupt sweet little Harley.

Quill and Greyson said...

He looks shifty Daisy.

BeadedTail said...

I think he's up to something Daisy! Better get Harley for back up!

The Devil Dog said...

You keep two sharp eyes out on him Daisy, we don't know if we trust him either.

Roxy & Lucky

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

let him go daisy.
wut'zza clay guy gointa do???

Sushi said...

Mr. Shrill is really smart, keep 2 eyes on him Daisy! One is not enough !!

Motor Home Cats said...

We hope Mr. Shrill manages to keep out of trouble this time. Thank you for stopping by and purring for us the last couple of weeks.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Lux said...

I dunno, Daisy ... he has a suspicious look about him ... ;-)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Make Mr Shrill at least clean up the Observation Pen...

Anonymous said...

I can see very much your concerned face in the 2nd last picture Miss Daisy.
I would not worry, Mr Shrill is naughty but I do not think he is Evil :)
I think you should help get Harley s confidence back and make him in charge again of watching him :)


Amber-Mae said...

Sneaky little bugger. He needs to be on leash...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Deodand said...

I love the look Daisy is giving Mr. Shrill in photo #4. The ears say it all!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Shrill needs help with his manners! Maybe he should go to my manners school!- Mrs. Beasley

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