I've been modeling some fancy outfits and costumes lately, so today I wanted to wear something simple. This is a good way to show that even a t-shirt can enhance your figure! Here is my tie-dyed dinosaur t-shirt. I think you can see that this shirt enhances my shoulders and arms. But I noticed that it does not disguise my squishy belly very well.

The different shades and colors can draw the eye away from figure flaws! Here, my elbow is creating the illusion that I have shoulders.

And look how strong it makes my neck look! This is one magical t-shirt.

Here is a side view so you can see how slimming this fashion is!

I am a little bit worried that you cannot see the fancy embroidered dinosaurs, so I wanted to show a good picture of the shirt. And it comes with a fancy dinosaur hanger, too!

Fashion Friday: My Dinosaur T-shirt!
87 Notes for Daisy:
A very colorful and puretty shirt - just like you!
That's such a flattering fashion Daisy, you look absolutely stunning :o) I think you should ignore your little tummy tho, it's is just a feminine trait that we girls all have to endure and yours is so small and cute anyways :o)
Miss D you are dinoliscous. Have a lovely weekend in Florida.
We used to think dinosaurs were scary. Now we see just how fashionable they can be.
dinosaurs are a kind of lizard, hahahaha~~
Thinking of this will make you wanna kill it, right?
There you go Daisy!!! Go get the Dinosaurs~!!!!!
-- ok, I am crazy --
I think that T-shirt is great, I especially like the color change at blue yellow and green, very very beautiful~! And the red point of Dinosaur is very very catching my eyesight. Very good design~!!
How adorable, Daisy! Florida Casual fashion at it's finest. We can not wait to see this years Holiday trends.
p.s. We did not notice your squishy belly too much!
What a pretty T shirt Daisy. Don't worry about your little squishy belly, we think it is adorable. Of course we all know Skeezix loves it too.
Daisy, I snuck back on to the computer to see what you are up to. It's a fancy T-shirt! And you look very cute in it.
As usual, you look very stylish! I have never noticed a single figure flaw in any of your photos. You are a beautiful kitty.
The perfect outfit to have a playdate in!
This is a definately a wonder garment. My Mum wonders if they make it in human sizes. Tee hee
Whicky Wuudler
Wow that's a great t-shirt Daisy. I don't know where you find all these fashions!
Huffle Mawson
Friday is a good day for wearing relaxed clothes. That's a great T-Shirt, Daisy!
Thank you for modeling Daisy. The dinosaurs yes I saw them and your svelte figure. We ladies have to watch out for squishy belly.
Miss Daisy - Always the fashion queen. I like your dinosaur t-shirt!
Purr-fect for Casual Friday, Daisy! You're right about the colors drawing the eye away from figure flaws - I'm going to try that, today! Tho I'm not sure it will work half as well for me...
That is a very pretty T-shirt and you wear it well. The colors looked magnificent on you. But then you look good in anything Daisy.~S,S & C
that's a very beautiful shert Daisy! and you are very beautiful too!
What figure flaws?
That is a very cute and colourful T!
Daisy, you even make a t-shirt look good!
That's one very cool t-shirt Daisy! Very pretty and practical too - just the sort of thing I could wear while playing in the run, chasing tree feathers! :)
Other than amassing a fine collection of tree feathers in my bed as well as Mummy & Daddy's, I have managed to get my paws on an exclusive press release! ;)
Cool shirt Daisy, I love dinos.
What a beautiful shirt! Perhaps you could lend it to me? I could use some slimming fashions.
JD at I Do Things
Sweet T-Shirt pretty girl. Your tummy doesn't look squishy to me at all. All that playing with Harley must be Pumping You UP! Are you laying Mr. Shrill's hand on Harley when he's asleep? Sometimes I do stuff like that to Alan when he's asleep. It's funny! Hahahahahahaha!
That is such a very cute shirt with its very own matching hanger. You modeled it great too! I loved your fashion tips you shared as well today. Your cushy belly is cute too!
We love your squishy belly, Daisy! Mom calls it the "domestic short-haired pouch". Even my brofus have it. We think it has something to do with being "tutored". But you are so pretty and you shouldn't fret about your squishy belly at all! Mom said she would snorgle it if you would let her.
Clarissa & Co
Great t-shirt, Daisy! It may just be a simple t-shirt, but when you model it, you make it look couture!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
You look stunning in that t-shirt...and that hanger looks like it would be fun to shred!
Oh, that is so gorgeous. Once again, I applaud. :)
Cool T-Shirt Daisy!! It is casual.but pretty. I like it!!!
Purrs Mickey
i'm jealous of that outfit although i know i wouldn't look nearly as good wearing it as you do.
You have more and nicer clothes than I do... heck, I think you even have more than my daughter! (which is sayin' something...)
Great shirt!
wow i am going to have to get a dinosaur shirt to hide a few of my flaws too!!! nice!
smiles, auntie bee
Don't worry, Miss Daisy, needing to disguise a squishy belly is more common than you'd think. Some people make it an art form.
You look quite lovely in your dinosaur T-shirt.
That a very cool T-Shirt Daisy!
Do you think you look like a hippie?
Purrs, Sukie x
Super cute! I wish my t-shirts made me look as good. :)
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay if yoo want to luk like yoo hav showlders why not just ware a shirt with big poofy showldermapads??? i heer they ar mayking a comeback ha ha ok bye
So pretty you are. What a wonderful color on you Daisy. Have a purrfect weekend.
So pretty you are. What a wonderful color on you Daisy. Have a purrfect weekend.
That is a very flattering shirt. I like the dinosaur.
Mom wants one of those!!! She wants it to take off about 20 pounds, and make her middle age droopy boobs look perky again.
What a magical shirt! Mom says she needs to get one for herself (but she wishes it would cover the squishy belly part!) We think you have a cute belly!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Rawr! Dinosaurs are cool! You are a great model, Daisy. Thank you for sharing your modeling tips. Have a great Friday!
ps- thank you for the kind words. I am honored that you read my puggy blog.
Beeyoutiful shirt!
Luf, Us
Wow, thanks for the tips on hiding our figure flaws, do you think they will for humans as well?! I loved your pretty dinosaur t-shirt and thought the colors looked lovely on you.
That is an awesome shirt, Daisy! I love tie-dye. I also like how your elbow looks like a shoulder--ha ha ha! I don't really have shoulders either.
It shows that a gal can look good in jeans and a tee or all dressed up real purrrty! Daisy you're a beauty no matter what you wear, your beauty comes from within!
Pawesome t-shirt Daisy and you look lovely in it. You don't have any flaws sweetie:) xxx
Its nice to chillax in some comfy clothes too!
Very cute, Daisy!
Very flattering t-shirt Daisy! You are just as adorable in casual wear as in your fancy clothes!
Daisy, you look adorabble in yur dinosaur t-shirt! It's flattering frum efurry angle.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Looking good! I hate to say this but I know a dog that would look good in the shirt, though not as good as you.
That is a furry pretty shirt, Daisy!
You, work it girl!
Very, Very nice Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Oh Daisy I like your little tummy! Those cool blue and green colors look so nice on you. They bring out your eyes.
I think you are playing a joke on Harley with Mr. Shrill's hand. :)
You two are just so cute!
Hugs and Smoochies,
Daisy, yoo has a cute belleh, do not worry about it!
is a very nice addition to any wardrobe, Daisy.
Daisy I just love your colorful dinosaur t shirt. You look so cute in it!
You look dynamite in the colorful dinosaur t-shirt!
you have very good taste in T's Daisy.
I love the little hint of tye dye and the dinosaur is very cute!
I myself am a big fan of T's also. They make for very comfy wear and yes they do hind many flaws!!
Have a good weekend:-)))
Ideal for casual Fridays!
Your pal,
Wow, Daisy!! Simple T looks so fabulous on you...We love that dinosaur!
Momo & Pinot
I really like your dinosaur t-shirt, Miss Daisy. Mom teaches a bunch of lessons 'bout dinosaurs in the spring, she could use you for Show-and-Tell!
that certainly is some shirt, Daisy - but what makes it great is YOU wearing it!
AHHH That is just like MOmmas bedtime T-Shirts, though hers does not have dinosaurs :(
They is so puuretty Miss Daisy!!
And you know what, I am very glad it does not hide your tummy, I think your tum tum is just gorgeous and so does Momma, she just wants to grab those cookies and wiggle madly!! :)
Don't worry about the squishy belly. We also have squishy bellies. Mom wonders if we are just going to grow into them someday. We hope not.
I like your t-shirt Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, you do not have any figure flaws, and your squishy belly is very cute :-)
Daisy when you become hippy dinosorz?? me lives in vermontz and dat shirt you wear is very popular herez!!
Hey Daisy can you come to kittybellys.com and show your bellys too? dat's mai mom's new sites!! fanks!
Daisy that a great shirt!
Cool shirt! The Woman says she wishes it was a grown up people shirt...she loves bright colors like that. I don't think she would look as good as you in it, though.
I love the colors of your t-shirt. They complement your furs nicely.
Hey we are together, Opus is visiting me for the weekend!
We both agree that this is a perfect outfit for you. With that type of cut it makes you look so slim. Good choice.
Oh Daisy, that is such a good color on you! I adore the dinosaur hanger too! Do you have your own personal designer? That shirt brings out all your good qualities! *wink*
Daisy, trust us, you look quite atractive in yer dinosaur shirt!
Your magical t-shirt is amazing...and very cute.
What a pretty shirt!! You look lovely in it, Daisy, as you do in all your fashions....
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
pee ess: You & Harley are invited to Sammy's birthday party tomorrow.
You look good in everything!
OH Daisy you look so strong! And beautiful! :) Pretty shirt!
that is very nice!!!! did you dye tye it yourself???
Daisy you are the Kate Moss of the cat world!
Daisy, casual is a very good look for you! Not every kitty looks good in both casual and formal wear!
Very nice Tshirt. An you do look like you have shoulders!
We love your Dinosaur shirt Miss Daisy! You look very spiffy in it!!
Your FL furiends,
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