The Photo Hunters theme this week is: ruined. So today, I decided to show you something that I ruined and as a bonus, I will explain how to avoid Getting In Trouble for wrecking stuff. This is was a crystal vase.

There is a little gardenia in the vase. It smells pretty! I kept going back and sniffing the flower.

Then this happened. By Mistake. Oopsie.

After I saw the accident I made, I acted real shocked and surprised!

And then, I said I was very sorry and I tried to look my cutest. Many, many times, if you look real cute, you will not get into trouble. Even when you do very Bad Things. My Mommie said she was not mad, because it was an Accident. Then, when she turned away....

... I did this! Please remember, this step must not be done until your mom turns away. Or you could still end up getting in Trouble. BIG Trouble

Photo Hunters: Ruined
99 Notes for Daisy:
You are TOO FUNNY, Daisy! You made #1 laugh out loud! Maybe it is because she has just come from watching little Tama-Chan flying around the living room, looking for trouble...
Have a great weekend!
Your Pal,
That was a very useful lesson with some educative illustrations. Daisy you iz very smart..and funny!
Daisy, you have made us laugh a lot! We are pleased that your mum didn't catch you blowing raspberries! We will remember to always make sure our mum has her back turned.
Thank you for the demonstration and lesson, Daisy. I have to be careful that my laughing doesn't wake anyone up! Thank you for that, too! made me laugh sooo much Daisy. I think your plan for accident management is very clever! ;o)
Daisy, I hope Bud and Kelly don't read this blog. I don't want to see them picking up any bad habits.
On a side note, I'm glad to see that your mommy forgave you.
Hahaha Daisy you make us laugh. We are glad your mum forgave you, but we are even more glad she didn't see you sticking your tongue out at her.
You know Daisy... we have some gardenias by our front door...
anything is worth the chance to smell a gardenia! Anything! So, no big deal here...
At least the gardenia and your cute little nose weren't ruined.
If I did that, my mum would turn around and see me for sure. I am not a lucky kitty.
Huffle Mawson
My mommy laughed and laughed! You're so cute! You're advice is excellent too.
oh no I cannot stop laughing at that turn the back tongue- You are something Daisy- never a dull moment with you.
Darlin got out last night , then cried all night to get back in. Lots of accidents in my house lately, lots of crystal , too. Hmmmm
Yup, accidents happen and it's a good thing that we are so adorable!
LOL LOL Daisy you are hilarious!
We think the Gardenia did it! We have them too and a VERY similar thing happened here. It's the Evil Gardenias!!! Great tips - we know we'll put them to good use!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Daisy you are such a card. That was really funny. It was also very good advice for young cats who may need handy tips on avoiding getting into trouble.
Have a great weekend Daisy and family!
Whicky Wuudler
I understand you wanting to sniff the Gardenia miss daisy, I am sure you are very sorry about the vase and the rest was just a joke.
Oh, what a sneaky little kitty you are Daisy!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
You are just too much, Daisy! Sticking your tongue out behind your mommie's back.... oooooh, SO bad!
But I agree, looking really cute can get you out of lots of trouble. I have used that trick myself a few times! ;)
Such a shame! But we all ruin something at sometime. Looking cute is such a good tip, I just wish I could :)
Ah Daisy! You are such a naughty kitty!
You're poor mommy sure has a lot to deal with having you around!
"Daisy, she's a good cat,but she's not always a nice cat"
Living up to tour banner I see!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh, Daisy!
I hope your Mommie doesn't read this post, or you will be in the doghouse! I know it was just an accident, but you'd better be more careful. Next time, Mommie might not fall for that sweet, innocent who-me? face!
JD at I Do Things
harharhar! daisy ... yer da gratest!
i think i havta send u dat jeter harris harharhar pin asap!
Oh, Daisy! You stuck your tongue out? ROFL Be careful not to get caught. ;)
The vase was very pretty we are sorry it got broke.
You are right gardenias smell heavenly. We like to sleep under the gardenia bushes when they are blooming. ~S,S & C
Oh, that is a very good lesson and you are so cute, who could ever be mad at you, Daisy?
We must try to look as cute as you do when we scratch the furniture, instead of running away!
Thanks for the tips, have a great weekend -
xx Katia and Asha
Daisy! ;-D That was just a little bit naughty! lol
Oh Miss Daisy. You are just too much! I can't believe you let your mom catch you sticking your tongue out at her.
Oh wow, that last step was something I've never tried before but was super funny! We ruin things all the time around here but we try not to say "ppfffttt" to mom! But maybe I might try it....
Thanks for that lesson, Daisy...we learn so much from you!
pee ess. why is mom laughing out loud????
Mommie is getting VERY good at Photoshop Daisy - but I think she is using it to get you in trouble. I suppose that is her way at getting even for the broken vase. And such a pretty vase it was, too (Love this post!)
Daisy, you rascal! Did you happen to notice the beautiful tinkling sound crystal makes when it hits tile? It almost makes up for the loss of the vase.
That is a very good lesson, Daisy~!
I think your mommy loves you very very much~!
Hee hee,
I imagine Mica makes that same expression in the last photo when he pretends the things on Mommy's dresser are hockey pucks and he's shooting for a goal.
It's his surefire way of getting her out of bed at 5:00 am to feed him breakfast!
Your pal,
Last picture is so great haha so funny!
PD my babies coming soon!
that's what i do when i break something, as soon as sarge turns away i make that same face! he doesn't get too mad at me when i do the sad sorry face. you are so smart!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Petra, I am really stickin' my very own tongue out!
I loved this! It made me laugh so hard! Thanks Daisy!
Dearest Daisy,
You are one funny girl and very sassy, too! We think it is very wise to not stick your tongue out at your mommy...she might not want to give you temptations for a while if you do.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
We have lots of "Accidents" in our house too. And, yes it does help to look your cutest after they happens. But, the last picture, we are going to have to try that one!
Awesome. LMAO.
You rock, Daisy.
OMG that was hilarious! Daisy you are quite photogenic.... that last photo had me LOL'ing! Too bad about the vase, and you are lucky indeed no one saw that tongue!
Oh Daisy! You are such a little rascal! I love your spirit. Have a great weekend!
Daisy! We are surprised that you would stick out your tongue at your sweet Mommie. You needs to sit in the corner becauze she is the bestest Mommie for you and she spoilzzes you.
P.S. Goes and gives herz lots of make-up hugs.
Very cute Daisy. One of the most adorable posts I have seen yet. I always run away when I know I have done something bad. Maybe I will try the cute thing next time.
Oooh! Hahahahahaha! That was a real surprise! You are sooo clever Daisy, and sooo sneaky he he he!
Purrs, Sukie x
hahaha Daisy you is real smart!! you made mai mom laugh so hards!!
Hi, Daisy!
Ooops! I will follow your advice next time an "accident" happens here!
Kisses and hugs
haha what a cheeky girl you are Daisy ;)
Ooops. Maybe as Christmas is coming you could save up and buy your mum a replacement vase for Christmas??
Oh well Daisy sometimes these things happen. It was a beautiful vase though and a beautiful gardenia. Purrs FAZ
I shall keep this in mind Daisy. I just hope I can remeber not to do it until she stops looking.
It's a furry good thing that you are so cute, Miss Daisy. I think that you'd be in lots of trouble if you did stuff like that an' WEREN'T such a cute little girl.
Oh Daisy you are so cute I don't know how you could ever get in trouble and Big Trouble at that.
Daisy, you should have your own TV show, you are just so good!
Sometimes Taco sticks his tongue out too but I always catch him 'cause he forgets to put it back in! I bet you don't forget, you're too smart for that. I posted a pic too, Sumari ruined Seth's drink by poking her nose in the mug and sneaking a few licks of water, she thinks it tastes better if it's in a people cup instead of her beautiful glass bowl on the floor.
You're making me giggle, Daisy - I love the sticking-out-tongue picture!
Daisy?! aren't you just cute. That was good you made my headache go away. hehehe...
Oh Daisy-you were very daring!
BTW: we think we could put a photo of bloglines up. They are not working at all today for us (no posts anywhere! Even you!)
Oh Daisy! Oh dear!
I am looking forward to going home to my cats today, I have been visiting a sister up north.
Daisy, you are one rascally cat! And irreverent too.
I think you will be cute face must have really worked.
I hope you aren't teaching such behavior to Harley!
Priceless, and not the vase, the last picture! I learned a valuable lesson, thank you. I am sure it will come in handy.
Daisy, you are good at managing your fambly and getting away with doing naughty stuff. I pay attention to all your lessons 'cos I hope one day I will be able to get away wiv all the naughty stuff I do instead of being in BIG trouble all da time.
Oh Daisy, no you didn't! :) I'm glad you didn't get cut on the broken glass. After Toeshee breaks things I must quarentine the cats so I can vacuum. You are so fuuny. I just love the pics your Mommie captures of you.
Happy weekend!
Oh noe! Oopsey. Well, we all make mistakes. Mr. Flower can live in a different voz now.
Daisy! I can't let Livvy see you sticking out your tongue behind your Mommie's back!! She might get ideas!!
You are mighty cute, though. could have tried to blame it on your pesky brother ... he seems rather destructive this week too! LOL
Oh Daisy
That last pictoowe almost made me think you did that on puwpose, but I wefoose to believe that of you
smoochie kisses
Your so funny Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Oh Daisy, you are very funny today! It's true though, you can get away with almost anything if you are cute! I think that's why kittens live long enough to grow up into cats.
Really, though, your mommie shouldn't have her vases so close to the edge of a table that. (Cat help it, cats rule!) Love your pictures, you even make my husband, Gerard, laugh out loud!
Daisy, you are so funny! I hope you aren't teaching Harley what to do when your mom turns away. That would not be a good thing to teach your little brother!
Too bad about the vase. :(
Oh, Daisy, you made us all laugh here.
Miss Daisy you crack me up!! I always want to make that face too, but somehow when I do I get caught! I will try to remember your good advice and make sure no one else is looking when I do it in the future. You are much to cute to stay mad at for anything anyway!
I cannot quit laughing. I am scrolling down trying to imagine what you should not do unless mommy has looked away and was totally flabbergasted when I saw you sticking out your tongue. You are too much!!!
Perfect!! You have perfected shock and ahwww.
You make the cutest faces Daisy! The cutest!
Oh man, Daisy, I hope your momma didn't see you making fun of her. That was very nice of her not to get too mad at you for breaking her pretty vase. You're right, though--that gardenia did look very interesting.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oooooh hooooo! We can't believe you got away with that. We think Jan has eyes in the back of her head but we can't find them. Must be covered with hair.
Oh Daisy, you are one clever kitty. You know how to work your Mommie. LOL
Oh Daisy!!!! That last picture made us laugh and laugh and Mom is till laughing!!!
Your FL furiends,
LOLOLOL Miss Daisy you has THE most expressions that I know of!!! You is the cuteest little girl even when you is being naughty!! hehe
I think my Momma would have let you off still even with the pokey outtie tongue hehe
We try not ta look pleased about a "knockover" fer a full day afterwards. It safer...
Hahahaha you're one of my heroes, Daisy!
Gee Daisy, good thing your mommy was there, you could have been cut by the sharp glass! We have to admit that you made us LOL in the end!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yoo gave her da big razzy!!!! Yoo are qwite a karakter!
Daisy you have so much Cattitude! Funnily enough my Cats seem to exhibit similar behaviour. Although I have never seen them stick their tongues out at me yet!
Daisy, you 're great!!!
Your Pals
ViVi & AB
LOL! that is so cute!! :D Daisy, you're one naught cat
Lol...Daisy you just so cute I love the last photo :)
Dont worry, things like this always happen at our house, but we still get lots of loves. just try not to do it again :)
Miss Daisy, you are such a Qwack-UP! Your mommie is pretty quick on the draw with her camera, isn't she?
How did you do all those expressions? We're sure its not with treats right?
Daisy I broke something last weekend really bad! I broke our food dishes and Chase and Latte were not happy but it was totally the LL's fault for putting it up high and unstable while she washed the floor.
Tee hee hee.. You're so clever, Daisy!
LOL this article very good and Daisy very funny i love cat
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