Today is a very important day, where every American has the chance to exercise their right to vote. I hope everybuddy, no matter who you vote for, will take the time to cast their ballot. I am proud to be an American!

What? You have not voted yet? Well, you better get to your polling place right away!

Before they run out of these cute stickers!

Have You Voted?
108 Notes for Daisy:
All the best for the vote and the outcome!
Although I only could watched on International news from TV.
But I also concern about it~!!!!
Your sticker is much cuter than Mom's, Daisy! You seem to attract nothing but cute! You are a Cute Magnet!
We heard on the radio that you can get a free donut at dunkin donuts, a free coffee at Starbucks or free icecream at Baskin Robbins if you wear your sticker.
Our election is on Saturday, we get nothing. Mum says we will just get more tax.
Good luck, it sure will be exciting.
Good morning Daisy, you certainly do look proud in that first photo! We voted early so we already got our sticker.
Hope it all goes well for you guys!!!
We had our election a couple of weeks ago and got sweet FA!!!
purrs Goldie
Mum voted yesterday for her election. She didn't get anything either!
We hope you had fun voting, Daisy:)
Good for you Daisy!
(we didn't get stickers cause our beans did it by mail...)
It's cold outside!
I don't wanna exercise. I wanna stay in bed.
Oh, I'll excerice that right.
You are such a patriotic pussy, I am not allowed to vote because I am not an American but I am hoping for good things for America and for you and Harley on this important day.
Daisy, you modeled the I Voted sticker very well. We hope it doesn't pull your furrs when you take it off. We are sending Mommy to get us one ASAP.
~S,S & C
owr lady said she didn't get a sticker cause of the way she voted. This is not gud, very problematic for our sense of style!
Yup, it's very important!
We wish we could vote, but we have different passports! All paws crossed on the outcome, though!
i'm glad u voted, daisy. u know ... da grate state uv florida wuz sumwut uvva problem jus a fyoo yeerz back.
We are on owr way. Yoo are a good US catizen making sure yoo voted.
Daisy we match . I have one of those cute stickers , too.I voted for someone with honor , and dignity who served his country in hard times.It made me [proud..
Being an election administrator, i have made one of these pictures of you my desktop background for the day...
Well done, Daisy!
My Mom said she will vote within the next hour (uhhhhh, that means she will go to the polling center in an hour and will probably stand in line for quite a while.) She promised she will bring me back her sticker.
Daisy, thank you for your Public Service Announcement - everyone who can vote, should! Did you sing my song while you were standing in line?
Your sticker is way cuter than the one I got!
I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve! Go Blue! Sorry. That just slipped out... (hee hee)
We're going at 11:15! Though it will be hard to push the levers with our fingers crossed.
Your pal,
Come vote for Daisy(or your favorite blog) at A Dog and 2 Cats.
Daisy - you look very cute with your sticker. Mom is planning to vote this morning before work (she works weird hours). Everyone who can needs to go vote because if you don't then you don't have right to complain about administration (local or national)
Daisy: I'm sure you know that, with that sticker, you can get free coffee from Starbucks, free ice cream from Ben and Jerry's, and free donuts from Krispy Kreme. Enjoy!
That's a nice sticker Daisy.
I hope you're all happy with the outcome!
Purrs, Sukie x
I voted!
Mom and Dad are going to vote this morning. Mom said she is so tired of political ads!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Daisy! We are proud to be Americans too. Mom has to wait until after work to vote. I sure hope they have not run out of those cool stickers!
That sticker looks very cute on you, Daisy!
wow, you are lucky that you are able to vote!!!
I did not get a cute sticker, but I was the SECOND person in my Ward to vote! I gave my kitty a belly rub for luck before I went.
We voted, but we didn't get a cute sticker. We didn't get anything...maybe we can get some cheese out of this deal?
We wondered what did the polling volunteers do when you came into to vote?
These were indeed wonderful pictures of you...oh did Harley vote too?
Good for you Daisy for getting the word out that everyone should vote. Our mom and dad voted early.
~The Creek Cats~
We voted early, yay!! Everyone should vote, even if it's raining (which it is here). Some things are worth getting your furs wet for.
I voted early, too, but my sticker was NOT as cute as yours, Miss Daisy. My mom says we're stayin' up to watch the returns and I'm hopin' for pizza!
We can't vote cuz of course we are British, but mum sez it is very impawtunt that everyone votes when there are elections in their country.We don't get stickers either.
Daisy, did you have any trouble reaching the voting machine? :-)
That's right Daisy all the Humans must vote!Did you get my Mommy's question yesterday about the template? She just wants to know which one you use, she can't find a 3 row template for the life of her, did you find that on blogger? Thanks!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Way to go, Daisy. Voting is very, very important.
We voted yet didn't get that cute sticker :)
We voted or Mom and Dad did!! But they didn't bring us the cute sticker!!
Your FL furiends,
I am very proud of you for voting Miss Daisy
Our Meowm voted last Thursday!!! She didn't get one of those cute stickers though.
We voted too Daisy, wouldn't miss this one for the world.
I voted!!! Now it's a waiting game to see who wins.
When we voted, my ladies pointed out that my sticker is not as stylish as yours. You have set the standard for "I voted" stickers across the country.
Boy I want one of those. We went the Male to be a pollworker. He is out from underfoot for 14 hours today!
yes i did daisy and thanks for reminding efferyone! and thanks for the cute card too!
smiles, auntie bee
I'm glad you voted Daisy :)
That is a cute sticker too :)
Purrs Mickey
Good for you. Your Mommie and Daddy have done the right thing in teaching you about your right to vote. Love you Daisy and Harley and Family!
Bobby and my Mommy and Daddy
I think its rather unfair that the LL has never had an "I voted" sticker. Apparently NJ doesn't hand them out? This seems unfair and sounds like she will not be getting coffee or a donut!
I voted! 7AM this morning. :)
Hope you made the right decision on who should win. I know who should win & who WILL win!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I voted :-D
Mom's jealous 'cause you got a sticker and so did our Dad, but she didn't get one. Maybe she should go back and vote again to be sure she gets a cool sticker!
Your friend
Daisy, we love your sticker!
Mindy, Moe & Bono
Ha, Daisy, I just came back from voting!
I'm so happy to know that you voted too!
Happy Election to you! ;)
Yay, Daisy! And you look adorabble in yur sticker.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I was thinking it was important to vote in such an historic election - I forgot all about the stickers! Actually, we don't get stickers in Oregon because we don't have polling places. All voting is done by mail in/drop off ballots so no hanging chads!
We wish we could vote but we gave our bean very clear instructions on who we want to elect so we're confident taht she will make the right decision!
Mom and Dad are both wearing their stickers today. We should ask them to share!
We got orange stickers at our place. We took off work today because the forecast was good and we didn't want to have to rush before or after work and stand in line forever. We went at 11:10 this morning and were done in 10 minutes! We didn't have to wait at all!
Yes, it is very important to vote, no matter who you vote for. My Grandpa says if you don't vote you can't complain!
In Canada we voted for a new Prime Minister last month - well he's actually not new, he is the same one we had before.
Our Prime Minister's family fosters kittens! No matter what the politics - everybean has to like that : )
We voted but didn't get one of those sticker : (
The Lady voted! And guess what? She can access your site from work again! Guess it was that button you mentioned - silly, isn't it?
I love your sticker, Daisy. ML did not give me hers when she early voted last week. I think it's for the "scrapbook", or whatever.
Hey! I GOTV today!
Know hope!
Your sticker is way cooler than the one Mama got. I hope it doesn't stick in your furs too bad. hee hee
We got our stickers!
Jack & Scout
Greyhound Kids
Way to go, Daisy! You are setting a good example for cats and hoomans everywhere.
p.s. Thank you for the very nice words at our blog!
Ha ha ha! I saw those stickers out today! Yeah so glad you voted Daisy! I think my male tabby named Bunny is in love with you!
I voted two weeks ago, Daisy. Now, I'm looking forward to watching the campaign coverage tonight.
You have to be 18 to vote in my state but I'm glad they have different rules where you live. If all the cats voted, things would probably be better.
We voted! It is good to be patriotic and do your civic duty.
I has a votereded! :)
My mom said we have to be 18 to vote and we are only 3 and 4. By the time we are 18 we will be geezer cats. Our mom and dad consulted with us before voting though so we are happy with their choices.
Hi Daisy! I did not vote. But don't worry, I am in Canada, so we aren't allowed to vote for your president!
Love Clover xo
Daisy, I'm very upset. I didn't get a sticker or a lollipop or anything. Did you have to be a cat to get one?
Yup yup yup! I got my sticker too! I think it's very special that you got a sticker too!
That is a furry nice sticker that you've got, Miss Daisy! Mom didn't get a sticker for me 'cuz she votes by absentee ballot.
No sticker for me
but no more political commercials either!
And I have a Hope in my heart that we will see a bright new day dawning tomorrow.
love to you & your mommy
and to Harley, too!
All our 8 beans voted but they didn't get any stickers...darn!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
My mommie voted after work and they didn't have any stickers. Bummer!
That is a very cute sticker Miss Daisy!
I do not know if peoplez should vote for the sake of voting, they might vote the wrong PARTY in.
I think the elections is wrong nowdays, peoplez votes fro the figure heads rather than the partys ideals, plans etc...
Momma had a bad dream about all this stuffs.. she hopes it is not true..
You look really cute in your sticker, Daisy!
yes! I has bote I has bote!! me boted for meeee cuz me is Merican!!
Hahahahahahaha - you look gorgeous with your little "I voted" sticker, Daisy!
Tou're a great American citizen. Hope you are all OK.
Hi, Daisy!
Glad you voted!
I know this is an important day for you all.
Kisses and hugs
Our stickers were blue!
My parents voted last week... I didn't get a cute sticker though.
got the sticker too Daisy.
We voted!! But we didn't get any cute sticker like you did Daisy! :)
You are a very good citizen, Daisy!
Yes, I voted. I love what you did with the sticker. Daisy can wear it with pride. Great idea:)
I took da sticker off my mom's sweater. I have an addiction to plastic and sticky stuff, like tape and stickers. It wuz good. So wuz da election.
That's a really cute sticker.
All the best for the voting
~ Girl girl
We voted by male, so we didn't git a kyoot sticker. Hoo do I talk to abowt changing the flag colors to pink wite and bloo?
The Canadian elections were last month, and both of our humans cast their votes by mail!
that's good daisy, exercising your right to vote. :)
Did you get your free Starbucks Daisy?
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay ar those stikkers edibul??? ok bye
We made sure The Big Thing went out ta vote! He came back wif a "I Voted" sticker on his hat, so we guess he did... :)
We think both portraits are good (but we like yours better)...
I don't think I'll put de sticker on mah furs. I think I'll puts it on the collar insted.
There is going to be an "OUCH" moment when you peel that sticker off! But I'm glad you exercised your right to vote.
My bean worked at the polls on Election Day. She's proud of you and loved this post!
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