It has been a while since we played the "Find the Differences" game! For today's mystery, you must carefully study the photo below. Are you done looking?

Now, look at this photo. There are THREE things different in this image. Can you find all of the differences?

Did you find them all? Click
HERE to see if you are correct!

Monday Mystery: Find the Differences!
99 Notes for Daisy:
Very clever Miss D, thanks for making us use our brains on Monday.
Have a nice week sweet girl (and Harley and mom and dad too).
You are very cool today , Daisy and stumped me a little with those buttons.
i got two owtta three daisy ... an dat'z pretty good fer me!
Happy Monday! That was a tough one. Thank you for making us think. And you look adorable in that outfit.
Yea! We got them all!
And we think you look so pretty in that outfit!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
I got them all! This is much better than the hard riddles I can never guess.
Huffle Mawson
We got it! That's because the PM is on her second cuppa.
Looking cute Daisy!
Purrs Shade and Goldie
Ohh! I found them all! This one was only kind of hard! (either that or I had my super xray vision glasses on)
aw, we only gotted 2 - we didn't see the one on your skert. oh well, it was lots of fun though!!
We got two of the three!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
2 out of 3 ain't bad...
You sure are a kyoot little cowgirl, Daisy!
We got them! Akshully, we think the artwork was improved by the paw print! You may want to consider keeping that, after you sew your buttons back on!
Red really is your colour, Daisy. You look super cute wearing that hat, and you will keep your nosie safe from the sun at the same time. Wins all around!:)
Oh Daisy, you never cease to amaze me with your wit & style!
we found them! We found them!
Bajas & Virus
We got the buttons, but we totally missed the paw print. ~S,S & C
It took me a couple of minutes, but I found them! Very subtle, the tiny button on your skirt... Not bad for only half a cup of coffee! :-)
Have a great day, Daisy!
Thanxs for starting my little brain working. You are so cute in your red jacket and pretty skirt.
Yes! I was right on all three things! Thanks for making me think this morning, Miss Daisy.
Daisy, I am very good at these! The differences are:
Extra button on skirt
Extra button on shirt
There's a pawprint in the large picture behind you
*Gasp!* I got them all! Yay! That was fun, Daisy.
Oh yes, I got them all :O)
That's a very cute outfit Daisy.
Purrs, Sukie x
YAY!!! I was right!! I like those games :)
Purrs Mickey
This is one of Pamilla 's favorite puzzle~!
Very very good one!
The button on your shirt, the little flower on your skirt, and the paw on the picture frame!!! Do I get a prize???
We are super good at finding differences!
Very cute pictures. I love your hat very much!!!!
What fun, a game and pretty pictures of you miss daisy!!
Thanks for starting out my day right.
you are very tricky miss daisy....
I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it! Yay! I don't usually figure these things out! We loved the outfit AND think we are inspired to get our own pawprint artwork.
I love your pose.
The differences make no sence: you're a beauty!
Key of the AB
man my old eyes aren't working today! i only got the paw print!
smiles, auntie bee
Hey! We found them all! We're getting purrty good at your Mysteries, Daisy!
I got them all! Jelly Bean had to sit on the computer keyboard and help me so I guess you could say we got them together.
That was fun, Daisy, I love your mysteries!
We found two of them. That is a very cute outfit Daisy!
we got it good game.
I've found it! I've found it!
1- Paw on the painting
2- Extra button on shirt
3- Extra button on skirt
4- No cheating! Haha!
Haaa....I got it!!
Finally, I get one! :D
The buttons on the shirt, the buttons on your pants, and the picture on the wall all are different in the second photo.
I feel smarter than usual today! ;)
That was fun!!! My mom loves mysteries!!! Have a great week Daisy!
Bah...I only found two of them. Daisy is cleverer than I am.
yay! I finally solved a Monday Mystery before looking at the answer!
Thank you,
OOPS we only found two of the three...thanks for making us use our noggins...
I found them Daisy! I'm really on top of things today! YAY ME!
And yay you for being so precious!
Ohh can't find no has idea... too hardz...
We only found one! Hmph!
We giffed you an awardie, as well.
You are a very smart poose Miss Daisy. And you are always so fashionable!
I figured it out!
Whew! I got them right this time :-)
I got all three yay!The little one on your skirt was tricky.
We eventually found the small one on your skirt. That was hard.
Without looking at da hint...da pawprint on da piksher, a shirt button is missing and a button on yoor skirt (or were yoo wearing chaps?) is missing. Mom helped us, she loves deze kinda puzzles.
That was a clever - and fun! - Monday Mystery, Daisy!
I found the answers! There's a paw print on the picture, one button missing from your cute shirt & one button missing from your bag. And I haven't even looked at the answers yet! Whee!!! I go look now.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Whooops! That's not your bag, that's your skirt. Hehe! Now I go look at the answers.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
We got two out of three but Momma thought one of them was the brightness of the photo and we missed the skirt change. You are very good Daisy!
We got all three right away! Must be all that LSAT studying the LL is up to.
Yep! Although that last one took us a while...
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
Very cool! I like that game ... and I even found all three this time!
WOO HOO!!!!!! We got them!
You look very cute today Daisy!
I saw all of them. Yippee! :)
I got all 3 Daisy! :) Yippy!!!!!
My you are clever...I only got two of the three.
Wow. Being made to use my brain on a Monday of all days. Luckily I passed. Perhaps I will keep my job yet another day! Thank you Ms. daisy for keeping me awake.
I found them! Daisy, my Mommy was wondering what template do you have?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
p.s. cute outfit Daisy!
You need to button a button.
You've lost a daisy from your
leiderhosen (sp?).
And find some windex and get that pawprint off the picture before your Mom sees it there.
We found the difference!!! Great game, Daisy!
~The Creek Cats~
It took us a while, but we found all three. Of course, you are so cute, we kept getting distracted by your cuteness.
Yippeee...I got them all :o) I like this riddle Daisy :o)
Daisy, You just want to make me kiss all the sugar off your neck! My Daddy used to kiss my neck until I would squeal with delight. You look like Little Daisy Oakley. I bet if you had a sharp shooter, you could train Harley to put an apple on top of his hear and let you shoot it off. Sometimes the best things in life is "Daisy The Curly Cat!" Let's get together and write a book for children and plush faux animals, so everyone could hug you close. You are a market within a market.
meow I didnt see any of them. eek. Very good you sneaky cat you.
I took me awhile, but I got all three. This is a fun game!
Hi Daisy well I didnt get enny of the difrences but my Mummy getted them all. She sez it is cause she is a copyeditor and so this is like what she does for her job! She tolled me to tell you that this was a reely good game and she wuz challenged. You are sooo creative!
Frum yer pal Dozer
Oh! We actually got those correct! Whoo hoo!
Luf, Us
Well, two out of three ain't bad right Daisy?!
So bright and colorful Daisy. But your missing a button hun.
Daisy and family have an awesome day.
Yea for me, I found all 3 (my husband only found two).
OH NOES@@ we did not even look at the wall picture... but we did see the buttons missing very cheeky!
You look so country today Miss Daisy, like you are going to go into the meadows and pick Daises (the flowers silly billy) ;)
That was vary hard, but I finely got it!
We is sleepy today but we gotted ONE right! Great one!
I found them all! I rule!
JD at I Do Things
We are feelin good cause we got them all! But we kept getting distracted by looking at YOU.
Abby & Stygia
YIPPEE ... I actually got them all! WOW! How fun!
I got them all Daisy! Whooot! That was fun! :) Thank you!
Hope all is perfect over there!
We got them all, we got them all. Yippie!
Thanks, Daisy, that was fun.
I got two out of the three Daisy! By the way, you look adorable today!
Yayyy we got all three. The little buttons took the longest though.
We got 2 out of 3. Darn!
Hope you had a happy Monday!
You look so adorable in that outfit.
we only got 2 of them daisy! you sure fooled us!
I got em all--whoo-hoo--thanks for making me feel smarter today :)
Yeah!!!!! I did it, I did it, I did it. Finally I got it right! I really like this game, hope we can play it again soon.
Hi, Daisy!
I got them too!
Kisses and hugs
Good evening Daisy! I found two. It's a fun game! You are such a cute cowgirl.
Harley must have a FLV test? I will hold him in my thoughts. I'm sure he will check out perfectly.
Big Hugs to You and Him!
I found them all, Daisy! I have been working hard on my puzzle skills.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
That was so much fun...I love you in that cowgiwl outfit, but you need all the buttons and bows and pawpwints to make the pictoowe, hehe
smoochie kisses
It took us a while to find the little button that was missing on your skirt pocket, but we finally did. We got the other two pretty easily. That was a lot of fun.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Darn it, we only found two. This is a fun game Daisy! We like it!
aw, now this is too cute.
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