Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Teaching Mr. Shrill a Lesson

Harley: Well, you broked almost all of our toys. And you wasted Daisy's moneys on worthless CDs. You are a little bit bad.
Harley: To teach you a lesson, I might have to bite your hand.
Harley: Chomp!
Harley: Ooopsie. I did that? You are not made very well. And your bones look like toothpicks!
Harley: Do not worry. I will keep a close watch on your hand. Hahaha! I made a joke. Do you want a watch on your hand? I will reattach your hand later. If you are Good.
PS: This was just a skit. No actual clay men were harmed during the making of this post.


104 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

Harley, you did the right thing. Mr. Shrill was getting out of hand and needed to be taught a lesson.

Out of hand... get it? hahahaha!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Mr Shrill DESERVED that! Lost all yer moneys on bad CDs...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It looks like in the third photo that Harley is thinking of taking Mr. Shrill's head off too. We hope he learns his lesson and doesn't break any more toys, then he can have his hand put back.

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh Harley, I have to admit that I could hardly focus on the story. So many pictures of you! I feel dizzy...
Purrs, Siena

Poppy Q said...

Hahaha that was great. You did a good job there Harley.

snowforest said...

Mr Shrill had done bad..he had it coming..

Unknown said...

hehe That was beautiful.

:) I've been reading you via my EC dropping. If you ever wanna swap links or host a giveaway for some of the funky jewelry I make, just email me!


Karen and Gerard said...

Yay Harley! Way to go, teach that Mr. Shrill not to mess with you and Daisy! I do not feel one bit sorry for Mr. Shrill. Thanks for the laugh! Your mommie really does great coming up with these skits! My husband and I both enjoy starting our day with you guys.

RJ Flamingo said...

Harley, I want you to be my enforcer and teacher-of-lessons-to-bad-advisers from now on! You're a good kitty!

The Florida Furkids said...

Harley, you're a good brother to Daisy. Mr Shrill deserved to be punished for all the bad things he's done.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Dearest Harley,
You sure showed Mr. Shrill who the boss is. Very excellent job! Harley, you look like our big brother, Jimmy Durante Graves III...all 'cept for the fact that you don't have a big honkin' nose like our Jimmy does...that's how he got his name. His picture is on our bloggy you think you look like him?

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We agree that Mr. Shril needed a lesson, Harley! We hope he will behave from now on.

Harley, we need to tell you that we think you are so beautiful! You look like a Chinese painting!!!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

Anonymous said...

Mr Shrill was out of hand! And now he's without a hand! Hahaha!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Great job, Harley! Mr. Shrill may need some help. Could you lend hima a hand...hahahahah.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Harley, we think you had an excellent solution to Mr. Shrill's bad behavior.

We hope the hand doesn't get lost though. ~S,S & C

Parker said...

Hands down, you taught him a good lesson!
Hands down...I crack me up!

AM said...

Too funny Harley! You are becoming quite the model/actor.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Ooooo. Watch out, Harley means business!

The Island Cats said...

Harley, we think you taught Mr. Shrill a lesson...let's hope he doesn't mess up again!

Karen said...

Harley is one mean lookin' mofo...maybe you should've named him Guido, or The Enforcer, or possibly Guido The Enforcer. He sure is a cutie, especially when he's maiming clay men!

Sandy Kessler said...

I see Harley , you will be the mediator in upcoming disputes. By the way , you are getting more handsome every day. Evie told me to say that !!!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Ohhhh noooo! Poor Mr. Shrill! I think that skit was very funny! Let's all give Mr. Shirll a big hand! Hehehehe! Hey, I made a joke too!

You guys make me laugh! Sure wish I had a clay man to play with!

Amber-Mae said...

What did his hand taste like? Clay-ish??? I think he got what he deserved.

Not feeling well,
Solid Gold Dancer

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Haaaa haaaa Harley! Mr. Shrill got taught a well deserved lesson, we've got to "hand" it to you ... hee hee! Maybe now he will be a lot more respectful of you and Daisy!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Mickey's Musings said...

Well,I hope Mr Shrill realizes that there are consequences when you treat cats badly :0
I hope he smartens up ;)
Purrs Mickey

Maureen Hayes said...

Glad to see Mr. Shrill getting what he deserves. Good job Harley, you keep him in line!

Maureen Hayes said...

Glad to see Mr. Shrill getting what he deserves. Good job Harley, you keep him in line!

Cory said...

Harley, you can give back Mr. Shrill's hand once he hands over what he took from Daisy...Ha ha I'm funny too, I made myself laugh!
Harley, you are are hand-some! Ha I did it again!

Sarainy said...

Hahaha that's awesome!

I have the sneaky feeling this won't be the last we hear of Mr. Shrill ;)

Sarge Charlie said...

Harley is becoming a star in his own right, good job on mr shrill Harley, he was bad to Daisy. I like a brother who protects his sister.

Maggie May said...

Way to teach Mr.Shrill a lesson, Harley. I think you really go through to him when you bit his hand off!
~The Creek Cats~

Dma said...

not only very entertaining but you are quite the actor harley and your mom is quite the cameraperson. it would take me a gazillion years to get any of my boyz to recreate that skit.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

don't do it harley! it's a trick! mr. shrill should lose both hands i think, then we'll see if he is sorry or not...

smiles, auntie bee

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Way to go, Harley.
Love & Purrs,

The Meezers or Billy said...

so wait, Mr Shrill's shert is akshually his body? and it's GREEN? that is just so weerd

Jimmy Joe said...

Whoa--you're a tough one, Harley! I wonder if Mr. Shrill has really learned his lesson...
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe


We just loved your expressions when we "attacked" Mr.Shrill -- he geniunely seemed surprised.


Eduardo said...

Waaahaaahaaa! That was too funny! Good job Harley!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You two sure have been busy! We have not been able to visit and had to catch up.
We hope Mr. Shrill has learned a lesson!

~ Miss Emily

Babs (Beetle) said...

The thing is... MB has always taught me to care for the underdog (clay man in this case) so even though I know he was very naughty, I still feel sorry for him. I secretly like Mr Shrill :O) Mind you Harley, you are one handsome young thing!

Purrs, Sukie x

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Good job Harley, Mr Shrill was very, very bad! Hmm, maybe mom should bite dad's hand. He did break one of her toys and he made some bad investments...but he did get da good cd's so...Daisy is gonna be proud of yoo for not letting Mr Shrill get away wif being nawty.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello mr shrill its dennis the vizsla dog hay hav yoo evr seen the famus dokyoomentry evil dead too in wich the ledjendary broose campbells hand is detachd and spends the rest of the moovie trying to kil him??? i wood sugjest yoo keep a verry close eye on yore hands aktiviteez until it gits reattachd or posibly put down the garbaj dispozal ok bye

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

oAH......Nice work, Harley~!
You are just like my brother Lego like to.... destroy something.
I hope Mr. Shrill finally get to normal~!!! I feel so sorry for him, a hahaha~~~

Cafe Cats said...

Harley, You are are a very strict disciplinarian!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

YOu go Harley! Teach that bad Mr. Shrill a lesson!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Three cheers for Harley! It's about time Mr. Shrill got some of his own medicines!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harley you were good to set limits with Mr. Shrill.

Daisy Deadhead said...

I linked you today, to thank you for telling me about Wordless Wednesday!

I love Harley, whom I assume was named after the motorcycle? :P

Why I love Wordless Wednesday (and more Jones Gap photos)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I laughed so much :)

Brilliant "comic", go go Harley, you are so cute, and Mr Shrill is so ewul with you and Daisy!

BumbleVee said...

perfect! take off the other one too. It's about what most brokers deserve.... he ain't so "hand"some now is he?

AB clan said...

Poor Mr Shrill

Hope your Mom fix his hand

Your Pals
ViVi & AB

Everycat said...

We think Harley was quite fair with Mr Shrill given that Mr Shrill has such form as a clay criminal in the home.

Whicky Wuudler

Leslie said...

Get the little clay man Harley!

Janet said...

Mr. Shrill deserved that little wake-up call! Hopefully he will be good now! (Harley, do not eat his hand, though. That would be taking it too far!) :-D

Anonymous said...

I am glad to know that no clay people were actually hurt. Great skit though!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Daisy, I thought long and hard about your offer of a broker, and I think, maybe, possibly, or even definitely, I actually don't need one. *Gives sheepish grin* Thank you for the offer. I think that Mr Shrill deserves all he got. Err Mum, what???

Southbaygirl said...

Daisy, harley and Mom,

Thank you so very much for caring and your compassionate words! The support of the cat community has been amazing!!! Thank you very much!!

Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, Mom Penny and Angel Winton

Anonymous said...

Hahahha Harley!!! This is maybee an extreeme punishment, but I knowz that you knew that it would not really hurt Mr Shrill coz he is a clay man... haha I liked your watch joke! :)


BeadedTail said...

Good job Harley! And cute joke!

The Furry Kids said...

It is very good that Harley is keeping such a close watch on Mr Shrill. He's trouble.

Forty Paws said...

Not good for Mr. Shrill. Good thing that you can reattach his hand. You could put Mr. Shrill in a time-out.

Luf, Us

jenianddean said...

Harley and Mr. Shrill -- you two are just too funny together.

Asta said...

I think MrShwill desewved that lesson..I'm soowe he willbe fine..but he's been vewy notty lately
smoochie kisses

L. Alida said...

Oh Harley, you are just too cute! Your little skit with Mr. Shrill is very funny!
I think you would like to play with Toeshee. He is running around right now and driving Cody crazy! I have all ready squirted him with the "holy water" bottle several times. Sigh... he's such a cute little monster. :)
I hope you and your lovely sister have a wonderful day!
Hugs and Smoochies,

JD at I Do Things said...

Way to go, Harley! That'll show Mr. Shrill. A "chomp" every now and then never hurt anyone (too much).

JD at I Do Things

T.Allen said...

You sure taught him a lesson Harley!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Harley is a good student. He's quite a model in his own right already. Daisy should be proud of her teaching skills.

darlene said...

lmao...OH NO MR BILL!

Unknown said...

Way to go Harley.

The Devil Dog said...

No clay men were hurt, but maybe Mr. Shrill learned a very valuable lesson. We hope.

Roxy & Lucky

happypitbull said...

Good job Harley! Say, I just noticed in these pictures that you have black "eyeliner" all the way around your eyes. No wonder I always thought your eyes looked so pretty!

Patrice said...

Next time take his head! Hehe..just kidding. I suggest Mr. Shrill be your new toy. said...

ROTFL I love the look on your face Harley. You look so perplexed, and I like your joke. It is a funny skit.

Although, I have to say, I'm glad it was a skit... It was a skit wasn't it? (laughing)

Keep having fun! And by the way, I have a surprise for you and Daisy on A Nice Place In The Sun.

Come and see when you have the chance. Although, I can see that you're busy so take your time. I just wanted you, Daisy, your Mom, Snail, and even Mr.Shrill to know.



Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Ha ha ha Harley! You made Mr. Shrill be good for a change. You are a good little brother.

Your pal,


Samantha & Mom said...

Hehehehehehehe!! Oh Harley you taught Mr. Shrill a lesson he won't soon forget!! We hope he learns his lesson!
Your FL furiends,

Teddy Westlife said...

Well, Harley, if that didn't teach Mr Shrill a lesson, nothing will.

Huffle Mawson

Clover said...

Hi Harley,
You sure did teach Mr.Shrill a lesson!!
Love Clover xo

Nomi said...

Good job Harley, Mr Shrill needs a bit of discipline or he will rule the house !

Cat in the Foxgloves said...

Hi Daisy and Harley! I've missed seeing your adventures this past week! That was a very good skit that you (Harley) and Mr. Shrill was SO realistic! But I'm glad that he wasn't really hurt.

Sunny's Mommy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sunny's Mommy said...

Harley, I was waiting for you to bite Mr. Shrill's head off :-p Then you wouldn't have to listen to bad Mr. Shrill. His head can easily be reattached, when you feel like it ;-)

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha Harley do yoo fink Mr Shrill learned a lesson??

Marilyn said...

Yay Harley. I think maybe you might be a hero.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Harley, I have not been by to visit in a long time.
It is good to see you and Daisy!!


Boy said...

You were wight to take off Mr Shwill's hand Harwey! He needed to be taught a wesson! I think you're handsome Harwey!

Cupcake said...

Bad Harley!

The Meezers or Billy said...

HARLEY!!! ME has tagged you for a MEME!!! - Billy

Unknown said...

hahahahahaaaaa!! Mr sheril that's what you get for stealing green papers from kittehz!! Good job Harley!! you is soooo cool!

Tesla and Hansel said...

thank you so much for thinking of tesla during our hard time! We're still not completely better, but we're on the right track! thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

ohoh Harley - you are becoming VERYYYYYY cute.... I might have to adopt both you and Daisy.....

duo_disaster said...

Mr. Shrill sure deserved it Harley!

SophieKitty said...

Good for you, Harley. Mr. Shrill needed to be taught a lesson after what he did to you and Daisy!

Chrissie said...

Blech! Mr. Shrill canNOT have tasted very good, Harley. I must say, you are more stern than Miss Daisy. She has let Mr. Shrill get away with many bad things. It's good she has you to put the whoop on bad claymen and rude lizards!

Liss said...

That was such a great skit, my fav. Mr. Shrill skit.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Harley!
I hope Mr. Shrill learnt the lesson!
Kisses and hugs

Quill and Greyson said...

Good for you Harley!

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - them were furry realistic special effects!

dennis said...

Dennis likes Harley.

Anonymous said...

Harley you are very smart as well as bootiful!

Motor Home Cats said...

Harley, we think you did a good thing. Did Mr. Shrill behave himself the rest of the day? Did he get his hand back?

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade



Jackie said...

I agree with G& did a good thing. But maybe now if you help Mr. Shrill he will be nicer.

Please forgive me for being so late.

Wow a whole day now...but life has been crazy the last few days.

So if you and Daisy will forgive me I promise to try to be better starting tomorrow!!

Hugs from puma and me...oh MolleyPop wants to hug you too!!:-)

Mo and The Purries said...

Harley, I'm glad you put the disclaimer there at the end, because Daisy will tell you there are some whack-a-doodles out there who might get offended if actual clay men were harmed in the making of this skit!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! Harley, you've got the greatest facial expressions! Mr. Shrill sure got what he deserved.

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