Merry Christmas, everybuddy! Today we wanted to show you our Secret Paw presents, which we got from our friends at
Manx Mnews. Here is the box, which I am sniffing very carefully.

And look at the beautiful card we got!

Harley enjoyed the tissue paper. A lot!

We got these very cute catnip filled toys! I am scratching the carpet because I am very excited. And we also got some very scrumptious foods called "Tuna Grill Cuisine in a Delicate Broth." YUM!

But here is the best part of all: this adorable Reindeer Suit! I think Harley might have helped Santa guide his sleigh last night.

I have a tiny head, so the Reindeer Suit was a little hard for me to wear. But I am a professional, so I still done good. Right?

Merry Christmas! And thank you so much to Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie!

Merry Christmas!
95 Notes for Daisy:
Merry Christmas, Daisy and Harley, and Mommie and Daddy!
Daisy, you done real good! In fact, you did wonderful, even with your tiny head! Always the professional! And Harley is getting quite good, too. You must be teaching him a lot!
We hope you have a wonderful day!
Daisy, you are a wonderful model and you are teaching Harley to be a good model too.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and that Santa is good to you.
We wish you, Harley, your Mommie and Daddy a very Merry Christmas! We hope you have a lovely day, that your bellies are full and your hearts are happy.
You look terrific in your Rudolph suit. Abby and her family have great taste in cute fashions:)
That was a great Secret Paws. You both look lovely in the reindeer suit. Merry Christmas to you both and your family.
Goodness! Daisy you are looking fierce with your professional pose and reindeer hat. "Fierce" is the highest compliment in model talk. Tyra Banks said so.
Daisy, you are free to eat your feed at any time, but then I cannot read it anymore if you do!
Oh my sweet rudolph, you two look cute as reindeers!! Merry chrismouse to you and your family.
Thanks for making each day brighter, by your daily entertainment.
Big smooches.
You are both great models. Harley is really coming along in his modeling career!!
Merry Christmas to you and to your Mom and Dad too!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Yes you model it beautifully Daisy. What a special gift and how cool are their names!!!Merry Christmas and memorable holidays to all those in your kingdom. Have so much fun with tissue and toys !! Adopted 5 kitties to at least 4 good homes 1 still needs a home, a blonde cutie..Sandy
A very merry Christmas to you, Daisy, Harley and family! You both look wonderful in the reindeer suit.
what a nice presents!
you're look so beautiful with "red nose"! how nice you're!
merry christmas for you and Harley and for your family too!
have a nice day!
kisses for you all!
what a bunch of nice gifts.
merry xmas.
You both look adorable in the reindeer hat. We wish you a very Merry Christmas!
May the holiday season bring you peace and joy.
Looks like y'all had a merry Christmas, indeed!
WOW!!! Awesome reindeer outfit! I love it! I don't think I could ever look as good as you in the outfit. Have a very Mioewwwy Christmas.
Love Charlotte x
Merry Christmas! Daisy, you done real, real good!
That was an awesome Secret Paws package!
Daisy and Harley, we wish you and your Mommie and Daddie a very Merry Christmas!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon, Momma and Daddy
very merry christmas to you daisy and harley and mommie and your rock and snail and lizard and even mr. shrill if he's good today!
smiles, auntie bee
Great secret paws.Merry Christmas to you all....Hugs
What a special Secret Paws! Merry Christmas! We hope Santa brought you everything you wished for.
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
Miss Daisy, Mr Harley Merry Christmas to you, yours, and give thanks for the soldier who is standing the post on Christmas day...
Meowy Krismouse!!!!
We think you both make adorable Reindeer.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
What great Secret Paws presents!! Daisy, you look very good in the reindeer outfit!
Merry Christmas to all of you and your beans!
Wally, Ernie, Zoey & mom Sue
Merry Christmas Daisy, Harley and Mommy & Daddy. Leo and Liberty say Merry Christmas, too.
What adorable reindeers, not vishus at all! Pawesome secret paws pressies!
Hippy, Hoppy, Happy Christmas to you, Harley and the Momee and Dadee! You brighten my life:) xxx
Merry Christmas to you and Harley too! You look great in the reindeer outfit, and what a great present you got!
Merry Christmas Daisy, Harley and Mommie and Daddy!
Daisy, you did really good! You are such the professional and one would never know that the reindeer head was too big.
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Oh Daisy You can pull anything off, you're a supermodel! Your training of Harley is very impressive.
Oh, that reindeer suit is just soooo cute!
Merry Christmas & Happy Howlidays!
Very happy,
Solid Gold Dancer
And a very Merry Christmas to y'all. Enjoy your gifties and each other
Merry Christmas to all of you!
daisy, yor a cute raindeer
Merry Christmas Daisy and Harley! I hope Santa brought you everything that was on your list! Thank you for spreading happiness and joy.
Daisy, this is just a wondering question but,
What did Mr. Shrill get, and where is sTony?
I love your reindeer suit! Merry Christmas, Daisy and Harley!
Daisy and Harley, merry Christmas!!
Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom
Merry Christmas Miss Daisy! You look cool in antlers!
Lola & AppleJack
Merry Christmas! What an adorable reindeer suit!
ohmaigosh Daisy and Harley!! This year was such a pawtastic year with you!! You made mai mom laugh all the time she thankz you for pawsome reporting on life of Daisy and Harley!! Have a great holiday and wish you have great great time with your friends and family!! xoxoxoxoxoxox LOVE
Oh what a good gift you got!!!
Happy Holidays to you all!
Happy Holidays to Daisy and Harley and your fambly!
The reindeer outfit is just gorgeous .... Daisy - you look very fetching in it!
Merry Krissmouse! Dat was a great prezzie box...Speedy is jellus, he wanted to lead Sandy Claws sleigh. Okay, not really, mom opened da door last night and Speedy ran into da living room and hid behind da couch. He doesn't like cold.
Merry Christmas from Rocky and his Mommie and Daddy too. Daisy and Harley, you both look spectacular today! Purrfect, in fact. :)
That is a wonderful present!
Merry Christmas to you all!
From Sen-Chan, Tom, Tama-Chan and #1
Yoo twos make furry good raindeers. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Daisy and Harley!!!! You both did a great job of posing and helping Santa with the sleigh!!! Hope you have a very fun day!!!
What a wonderful little package and Miss Daisy you are the eternal professional cutie! :)
Harley I thinks you should try and get a job with the fat man! :))
We hope you are having a lovely Christmas :)))
Purry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Daisy, Harley, Mommie and Daddy!! Hope you day was filled with love and fun!! You both looked cute in the reindeer suit!!
((((Hugs from our house to yours!!)))
Your FL furiends,
You did great Daisy! I hope Santa brought you and Harley everything you asked for.
Buon natale Miss Daisy, Harley and the family! I hope you have had a wonderful Day.
Much love,
Opus and Cyn
Those are great presents!
Merry Christmas Daisy, Harley and Mommie and Daddy!
Dennis says
Very nice pics, very nice to get presents, a very fun day.
Goodness gracious, you are two of the cutest reindeer we have ever seen. Merry Merry Christmas!
We love the reindeer suit and loved how you both took the time to model it for us. Merry Christms Daisy, Harley and family!
What great gifts you received! You did great in that outfit, Daisy.
Merriest Christmas wishes to you, Harley & your family. And thank you for your concern for me.
Merry Christmas Daisy & Harley! Because we just discovered your new brother last night, I am SURE this has already been said a million times but he's an Adan clone, is he not? It took me overnight to figure out who he reminds me of, but definitely Adan!
Merry Christmas Daisy and Harley, you make me laugh every single day!
Thanks from Susan in Chicago
Merry Christmas, Daisy and Harley~!!!
I am so glad you recieve that great great secret paws~!!
That is awesome~!
And both of you are great models,
wearing hat does very very hard~!!!
You are doing perfectly great, Daisy~!!!
Adan & Lego
You and Harley did great modeling. You are teaching him well.
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
~ The Bunch
Meowy Christmas Daisy, Harley, Mommie and Daddy! You and Harley look adorable in your antlers Daisy!
I hope your family had a wonderful happy day.
Hugs and Smoochies,
Lorianna and her 4 :)
Merry Christmas to you two Daisy and Harley. Thanks for making mine a lot brighter with those cool reindeer ears :)
At ferst I kinda wet my pants win I saw yoo as a vishus deer cuz I thot yoo'd bin assimulayted. But now I'm not scairt. Very much.
Happy Krissmiss!
PEE ESS: I git to open yer prezint soon, but I hafta wate until Unkul David gits heer and he's NEVER on time.
Wow, you got great stuffs! Merry ChrissyMouse to all of you, (Mr Snail, Mr Lizard, and Mt Shrill).
You got some very nice presents there. Harley and you both look cute in the reindeer suit! That tissue paper was a very good gift too.
Daisy Happy Howlidays! You look real nice in that raindeer suit but look out that Santa doesnt get confoosed and take you home with him!
Yer pal Dozer
Love and Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
Mommy ML
Merry Christmas to you all.
We hope you and your family have an awesome Christmas!
Lucky, Roxy, PlusOne, Dad & Mom
Merry Christmas Daisy, Harley and mommy! Your adorable pictures made me smile today. You got some great gifts and you both posed so well. Thank you for all the joy you bring us each day. May your New Year's be wonderful too!
Purrs and hugs!
Awww....Merry Christmas to you, Daisy, and to Harley and your Mommie, too!
Those are some awesome gifts, and you did a super job modeling the reindeer getup.
Great as always! :)
Merry Christmas to you Daisy and Harley, and to your Mom and Dad! That was a cool package that you received - we love how professionally you both modelled the Reindeer costume. Hope you get to spend the holidays with those you love,
Gypsy & Tasha
How cute. You did very well modeling the suit, even though it is a little big for you.
You make such cute reindeers. Merry xmas to you kitties. ;)
~ Bae
Merry Christmas to you Daisy, and to Harley and your mum and dad. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Huffle Mawson
What a great present you got from your secret paw. I would never know that the reindeer outfit didn't fit you perfectly, Daisy, because you are such an excellent model.
okay we love, love, love this! Smiled, laughed and admired you Harley and Daisy!! Happy holidays!
I so proud ov u bofe for helpin Santy Paws. :)
A very blessed Christmas to you and your pet humans!
Skittles, The Huntress
Merry Christmas Daisy and family!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, crud! We KNEW that Mom was forgettin' something! She forgot to sign us up for Secret Paws!
Merry ChristMAUS!
DMM & the Feline Americans
Have a wonderful holiday season ahead! Lovely gifts!
Cute pics.
Bolsa de trabajo
Merry Christmas Daisy and Harley (and your beans). Daisy, you and Harley both did a wonderful job in your reindeer suit. That was a great gift to get you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Happy merry Christmas to Daisy.
Merry Christmas Daisy and Harley and your Mommie and Daddy!
Your Secret Paw presents were great!
Wow, it looks like you had a great Christmas! You's a lucky ducky, I mean kitty !
Daisy and Harley, you all are great models. I am glad you got wonderful secret paws prezzies!
Merry merry ho ho!
Uncle Mo
you got a very cute reindeer suit. how i envy you. merry xmas to you and happy holiday.
You have obviously gotten the meaning of Boxing Day down pat, Daisy!
We would say have a good Boxing Day, but we can see you already are.
Meryxmas & happy new year,nice job daysi.
Can you help my chitika&wigetbuks please.See you next time.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and that Santa is good to you.
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