Santa Claws is very busy getting ready for the big day tomorrow. I am wearing my Mrs. Claws suit so I can help out. You may tell me any last-minute Christmas wishes you have, and I will pass them along to Santa Claws for you.

Is that all of your wishes? Good ones! Now I will think very, very hard so Santa gets your wishes. I am glad this cap keeps my brain warmed up. This helps my brain waves work better. Sort of like a sweatsuit for my head. Only my head, it does not sweat. Except my nose does get a little damp. I do not believe it is sweat though.
Harley: Hey, Daisy! How do you work this thinking cap again?!
Daisy: Harley, take that cap off! It is still not too late to go on Santa's "Naughty" list!
Happy Christmas Eve, everybuddy!

Santa Claws is very busy right now...
107 Notes for Daisy:
And a very happy Christmas eve to you too Daisy...and Harely of course. You look very beautiful and Christmassy in your Mrs. Clause outfit Daisy :o)
.....and a very happy Christmas to you all for tomorrow, I will be away and my cell doesn't let me comment here for some strange reason, you can be sure I will be looking in on you tho' first thing in the morning and hoping your stockings are full of lovely presents! :o)
Our wish is for good will to all living things Daisy, even Mr Shrill.
Happy Christmas to Daisy, Harley and their family.
Whicky Wuudler et al
Oh, Daisy Dear, you should have heard Mom squee when she saw you in your Mrs. Claus dress! Our delicate ears have been assaulted! hahaha! She stoled your closeup for our desktop! How festive!
We really do not want any toys or treats because we have more than we can play with, so we would like you to ask Santa Claws to help all of our friends who are sick, missing or homeless. But if Santa Claws happens to have a Cat Dancer...
Merry Christmas Eve, Daisy, Harley and family!
Daisy, that is a marvelous dress! You wore it very well!
Harley, don't steal your sister's clothes, you'll be getting your own!
Daisy, Daisy you're pretty amazing!
I loved to know you... I had fun everyday I came here, to read your blog, to see your beautiful clothes and, of course, I liked to know your friends, Harley, Snail, sTony, and even so Mr. Shrill... you make my days very happy! I wish you, and your family, a very, very Merry Christmas, and I wish Santa brings you a lot of presents! Be always a good cat!
kisses for you all!
Merry Christmas, Daisy and Harley! ...and Mommie too :)
Thanks for sharing with us.
Cheers, Roma
Daisy, you and Harley are adorable. You make excellent Santa's Helpers. We hope all of your Christmas wishes come true.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Daisy, you make a very pretty Mrs. Claus. Harley, not so much :P
We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!:)
Merry Christmas eve, Daisy and Harley! you both look so cute!
Can I tell you my Christmas wish? I wish for good health for me and all kitties.
We're wishing for good health for all of our kitty and woofie pals and their beans and for forever homes for all of those without them.
We're trying very hard to be good today...Harley, you might want to try our method - lots of naps today!!
Daisy, you look adorable in your Mrs Claus outfit and we know Santa appreciates your help!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Christmas Daisy & Harley !!
ViVi & AB
... and to you both... and to your family.
(Daisy, you're just the cutest Mrs Claws we have EVER seen...)
Merry Christmas All!
Merry Christmas Eve to you and Harley, Daisy.
~ The Bunch
You 2 make me smile a lot- and I'm quite sick now. thank You for that and happy Christmas to all at your house ..Sandy
aww Miss daisy.. just AWWWWWW
Thank you for so many wonderful smiles through all the year!
Have an extra wonderful Christmas little Miss and your whole family! :)))
Meowy Christmas to you and yours, Daisy, Harley, and Mommie.
How sweet you are to help Santa Claws out. I'm sure he'll appreciate it and put you on the extra nice list. Harley however.......
Daisy Claws, It is good to know you are on the job :) You look absolutely lovely too :)
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE to you and your family :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You elves be nice. :)
Daisy, you are such a cute Mrs. Claws. We are very happy knowing you are helping out Santa on the big day. We are wishing that all kitties have good and loving homes...Grete says woofies too!
Daisy you are the cutest Santa helper I have ever seen. Wishing you the very best of holidays surrounded by your loving family...
Love Miss Peach
Oh, just lookit that adorable little face in the hat! You are a cutie, Daisy.
And really, really tolerant about dressing up. My friend's cats are not anywhere near as patient and good-natured as you are about these things.
Happy Christmas Eve, Daisy and Harley!
you iz so beautiful! maybe i gives wearing dresses another tries....
have a wonderful holiday! i hopes you & harley gets lots of great presents! and i comes play wiff yous after holiday! your friend peanut butter.
Daisy, you are a lovely Mrs. Claws. We wish for all our sick friends to get better, for all the homeless to have homes and peace on earth. We know it's a tall order .......We hopes it won't take Santa too long to fill it.
We are surprised Harley wore the cap, we do not like anything on our ears. Please do not be cross with him, he looked cute.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Wishing you a very happy Christmas Eve Daisy and Harley! And we want to thank you for such fun posts this year that we've enjoyed reading.
And our special wish is: A loving forever homw for every lonely, sad or abondoned cat or dog - or animal.
Alfie is so glad that Mom picked him from Cat Rescue - 'cos he had such a sad start in life. We just wish ALL cats could be as lucky.
You both are looking very festive and o so cute!!
Have a joyous Christmas!
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
i wish for world peace.
and harley to be a good boy.
Merry Christmas to the Curly Cat family!
(that's santa claus!) are an adorable Mrs. Claws!
Happy Christmas Eve to you and Harley and your mom!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey (and mom Sue)
Daisy, I just love your Mrs. Claus dress. You are doing a good job looking after Harley. He just wants to get in on the fun and not be tricked by Mr. Shrill.
Have a happy Christmas. I got nothing to get from Santa Claws though, because I'm Jewish.
You look so adorable and sweet as one of Santa's helpers, Daisy!
Don't be mad at Harley - what's he supposed to wear? He needs an outfit, too, or at least a cool Santa hat to put on!
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and that Santa puts all kinds of cat goodies under your tree!
Aw, Daisy, you make a great Mrs. Claws! I hope you and Harley and your hoomans have a lovely Christmas.
I can't stop MB from laughing!
Daisy you look soooooooo cute as Mrs Claws. I hope you got all my wishes sent to Santa!
Have a very lovely Christmas, all of you!
Purrs, Sukie x
Have a happy Christmas Eve too!
Well you and Harley put a big smile on my face this morning - Happy Christmas to you both, and your beans!
Happy Christmas Eve to both you and Harley and your mommie.
Oh Daisy you make a lovely Mrs. Santa Claws!! You and your family have a very fun and Merry Christmas Eve!! We wish for all our furiends to be healthy and happy and all kitties to have a wonderful home like we do! Harley is trying to be like you Daisy!! He is such a cutie!
Your FL furiends,
I'm wishing for happiness for all kittehs everywhere!
Merry Christmas!! =^..^=
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah to you all! You look so cute in your cap!!
That is an outstanding portrait of you. Wow how gorgeous you look and both of you are so festive in your holiday outfits this Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas
merry christmas daisy and harley and mommie!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy and Harley, we hope you have the merriest of Christmases! We hope Santa Claws will bring you many Temptations! Thank you for all the smiles you have brought to us this year. :-) Be sure to tell your mommie thank you, too!
Happy Christmas Eve to you, too, Daisy! and to Harley and to your Mommy, too! I hope Santa brings you everything you dream of - a cozy lap, a catnip toy, and all the love, ever!
Thank you for brightening my mornings and bringing a smile to may face everyday! And you make a charming Santa's helper, too! :-)
Daisy I am sure you are an excellent Santa's helper. It's a lovely dress you are wearing.
My wish is that everyone will be safe this holiday whether they travel a long way or just run to the store.
that is a very festive dress Daisy!
We hope yoor whole fambly has a great Christmas...yoor so cute Daisy and Harley is just adorable. We hope Sandy Claws brings yoo effurything yoo asked for. Mr Shrill is getting coal, right?
daisy, yoo luk so kyoot as mrs. claws
hi daisy and harley! daisy, you are just adorable! Harley, you are such a sweet, silly boy. happy christmas eve to you too!!
You look very lovely in your Mrs Claws and Harley will learn how to use the thinking cap. Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays to all of you! You always make me smile!
Take care,
You make a lovely Mr.Claws Daisy! Harley, not so much. Have a great Christmas!!
Second photo of Daisy.. PERFECT!
Merry Christmas Daisy and Harley. I love this outfit the best.
Aww, don't yell at Harley. He just wants to be smart like you!
Wishing you and your Mummy a Merry Xmas!!
Christmas wishes and blessings for you and your family. You are really the best dressed Mrs. Santa I have ever seen.
Merry Xmas my friends!
Love n' peace born in your hearts this Xmas n' stay in there forever!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo luk verry kyoot in yore bonnet dada sez he thawt yoo wer kwite gud in the famus dokyoomentry witness feetchering harrison ford i hav no ideea wot he is tawking abowt ok bye
Daisy, you are the sweetest model ever.
Sending LOVE and hugs to you and Harley and your Mommy this Christmas Eve.
Uncle Mo
and the purries of
Purrchance To Dream
Typical siblings. You look adorable in your brain warming cap and outfit, Daisy. Harley, you don't quite have the feminine touch.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Christmas to Daisy, Harley and your Mom from all of us! You look so cute in your Mrs. Claws outfit! And Harley looks so silly in the hat. hahaha!
Laila, Minchie and Mom Peggy
Daisy, you look so beautiful in your Mrs. Claws outfit. My wish is for you, Harley and your mommy to have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas to Daisy and her family.
Dear Daisy,
Would you ask Santa to get all kitties great forever homes? That's my biggest Christmas wish.
Merry Christmas to you and to Harley and to your Mommy and Daddy!
Daisy, you n Harley make quite a team. Hope you have a great Christmas.
Gosh that cap is adorable! You guys looks so cute with it.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and may God bless you and yours. :)
Yoo make a very good Santy Paws helper! (And kyoot!)
I send lovey hed butts to yoo, Harley and yur mommy and hope yoo haff a Merry Christmas!
You are a lovely Mrs. Santa Claws helper. I love your cap, too.
Poor Harley, it doesn't look right on him, somehow.
Merry Christmas to all of you...and Happy Holiday Hugs
Gretchen, Mike and the Mom Bean
Merry Christmas to you, Harley, and your Mom, Daisy...I hope it's the best one ever~
Big hug~
Merry Christmas Daisy and Family!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Daisy you are adorabull in that dress! Happy Christmas!
Yer pal Dozer
Daisy, you look so sweet in your Mrs. Claws cap!(But, I have to admit, so does Harley!) I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.
JD at I Do Things
A very happy Christmas Eve to you, Daisy and Harley, you look so adorable in your Mrs. Claws outfit! We all wish you and your Mommie and Daddy a very Merry Christmas too!
Many hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
Oh Daisy you look darling! I LOVE the outfit! I hope you and your family have a very, Merry Christmas!
Can you pass along our wishes to Santa Paws? We wish that no kitty will ever have to go, sick, hurt, hungery or cold!
Daisy!! You look faboo!!
You look so pretty in your Mrs Claus outfit Daisy. Mom is jealous of you cause she can't get anyone of us to respond to her dressing us up. I bet your Mom started dressing you when you were a very young kitty. When Mom was a child she tried dressing up a kitten and she scratched her pretty bad. At least we don't do that to her, we just show our displeasure. We want to wish you, Harley and your beans a very Merry Christmas
Casper and Crew
We wish for everyone to have a wonderful Christmas!
You are such a cute Mrs. Claws Daisy! Merry Christmas to you, Harley and your family!
Daisy! I just broke free for 10 seconds and came right over to see what is new with you. HARLEY! I searched your archives real fast to see who and what he was, and now I know he is your new brother. That is so so amazing. I am having allergies in my eyes tonight because it is not really crying.
You look so happy with him.
This is the best Christmas Eve present yet!
Annie the Once Foster now Forever Cat
Merry Christmas y'all!
What a cute Mrs. Claws you are Daisy. It is Christmas Day here now so we will wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
I love your Mrs. Claws outfit, Daisy! I asked for lots of things this Christmas, but I forgot to ask not to have a Christmas Bath. And I just got one! Oh well. Merry Christmas anyway!
And a happy Christmas eve to you two as well!
OHHHHHH! Yoo look MAAVELOUS as a Mrs. Claus Daisy! Merry Christmas! Yoo look so wonderful it brought tears to Mommies eye fings. Haf a great Christmas Daisy and Harley and da best to yur fambly.
Oh, Miss Daisy! You are so cute! I'm sure that Sandy Clawrs will be bringin' you an' Harley lots of toys, kyoot outfits, an' Temptations for Christmaus.
Merry Christmaus to you an' your fambly!
Haha... luckily I was off the bad Daddy list. :P
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Criz & the J Family Kitties
Daisy, you are the cutest Mrs Claws I ever did see! Please wish for an end to cruelty and hunger in the world and for loving forever homes for all those who are lost, lonely and abandoned.
Thank you for brightening up my days!
Happy Christmas to all of you in the Daisy household, including the mysterious Dadee, of whom we know so little... :) xxx
Merry Christmas to you Daisy, Harley and your mommy and daddy!
You look very pretty and helpful in that dress.
The Whippy Curly Tails
Just perfect for the season, Daisy!
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!!
Merry Christmas Daisy!
All I really want this year is for all our kitty friends to be happy and healthy and for the sick ones to get better really fast. And Nip.
Oh come on, I just am not me unless I'm somewhat self absorbed... ;)
Happy Holidays to our friends!
Merry Christmas, Daisy and Harley. Harley looks funny in that hat, heehee.
Merry Christmas to both of are both so beautiful in your outfits. May you have a wonderful holiday..thank you for bringing so much joy and fuffiness to all.
Merry Christmas to you both Daisy and Harley! And Merry Christmas to your humans too.
You look gorgeous in your Mrs. Claus dress, Daisy. Don't be mad at Harley. He just wants to look as good as you do. My Christmas wishes are for all of our sick friends to get well and for all kitties and woofies to find great forever homes. Merry Christmas, Daisy, Harley and family.
How cute you both look!! We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. That is the most byootifullest kyoot owtfit I have ever seen!!!! Yoo make my hart go pitter pat! And I can't wate to open yer prezint in the morning.
Skeezix the Cat
Mmmmm. Yoo know, in that bottum foto I think I can see kleevije.
Have a lovely holiday!
Speechless. One is just speechless in the glory of your X-mas outfit....
Thank you so much for your condolences about Timothy!
And Happy Holidays to you!
The Cat Realm
Merry Christmas, Daisy!
From, The Morning Scratchers
Merry Christmas from my blog to your blog.
Bear((( )))
Daisy, you look so adorable in that outfit...and it was very nice of you to help out Santa. Harley looks funny in that hat. We hope that you guys all had a great Christmas.
I love that second picture!
How adorable!
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