Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Harley Gets Lucky

Hi everybuddy! LOOK what my buddy Mr. Shrill got for ME! My very own Christmas STOCKING BAG! This is where Santa Claws puts PRESENTS! And my SPECIAL bag is very BIG!
Thanks, Mr. Shrill! I am very LUCKY! I CANNOT WAIT to see what I get in my Stocking Bag!


98 Notes for Daisy:

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dear~~~
Congratulations Harley~!
Your very own stocking bag~!!!
I am wondering what will it inside!!!!

Teddy Westlife said...

Daisy, Mr Shrill is being very mean to Harley. I hope Santa is not getting him a Christmas present.

Huffle Mawson

gemmak said...

But that's a coal bag Harley.....does santa put nice presents into coal bags? I think you need to take advice from Daisy on Christmas bags!

i beati said...

Shrill you dastardy curmudgeon, how could you do that to Harley his first Christmas!!!

I'm adopting out kittens all day tomorrow 5 of them !!!!!

Poppy Q said...

Ohh noes Harley, Mr shrill is tricking you. I am sure you has been a good boy, and deserves some nice treats.

Just when I thought Mr Shrill was ok, he goes and gets up to mischief.

Forever Foster said...

Mr Shrill! You are supposed to be trying to get on the nice list! I think you're out of time now, buddy. This last trick has pushed you over the naughty line.

Parker said...

Oh Mr.Shrill. It is very naughty to play tricks on Harley!

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh Harley, my sweety-pie! Don't believe Mr. Shrill, you have to understand that he is, well, lost for the good case. Go and talk to Daisy about Christmas stockings and she'll explain to you.
Have a lovely Christmas, Harley!
Purrs, Siena

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...


I think mr shrill is playing tricks on you and he switch your stoking wiff his he is not good. Harly your stoking will be filled wiff lots of toys

Luzinha said...

it seems like Daisy was right... Mr. Shrill is a hopeless case, I think... kkk

watch out, Harley... Mr. Shrill is tricking you!

kisses for you and Daisy!

The Florida Furkids said...

Oh No....Mr Shrill really hasn't learned how to be good has he. We think Mr Shrill will always be on Santa's naughty list.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Amber-Mae said...

Hmmm, that sure doesn't look like a X'mas stocking to me. Mr.Srill must be put into jail again!

Stuffed with LambChop,
Solid Gold Dancer

Sarge Charlie said...

Miss Daisy, please tell Harley that Mr Shrill is not very nice.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mr. Shrill is being mean to Harley. We think he should stay on Santa's naughty list. Harley is such a sweet boy we hope Santa leaves him something extra nice. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Cory said...

Don't worry Harley, no matter what the bag says on the outside, it's what Santa puts on the inside that counts! Besides the bag matches your coloring and you look good next to it! It will be filled with good stuff!

Slash and Bronzy said...

Watz inside? Watz inside?


Tink said...

I hope the inside isn't what's on the outside. You deserve nice gifts, Harley!
Meowy Christmas and a purrfect new year!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Harley, you have been fooled. do not, I repeat, do NOT put that bag under your tree.
You are a good kitty boy and you do not need any coal. Coal is for bad kitties.

...perhaps you could add some lettering to that bag, "for Mr. Shrill"

purrrs and hugs to both of you fine good kits
Love, Prinnie

Anonymous said...

This is so cute..;) Drop to ur EC Daisy..Have a blessed christmas!

World of Technology

Mickey's Musings said...

Sorry Mr Shrill!! That bag may say 'coal',but Santa is smart and will give Harley nice presents.
You,on the other hand, will get the coal!!!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Oh poor Harley! Daisy, come and explain to Harley! That Mr Shrill has a wicked sense of humour.

Purrs, Sukie x

Anonymous said...

Harley, I think you need to learn how to read. Have mommie help you out. She will 'splain it to ya.

I think Mr. Shrill is re-gifting his present from last year... tee hee!


Anonymous said...

Mr Shrill you is so lucky I am not anywhere near you a cause I would EAT YOU!.. You is a very naughty man!!


The Island Cats said...

Harley...don't trust that Mr. Shrill! He's gonna get nothing for Christmas!

Babs (Beetle) said...

I have something for you on my blog.

Purrs, Sukie x

The Creek Cats said...

Mr Shrill has definitely been naughty, not nice!

Dma said...

betcha it's something that will keep you warm...

Unknown said...

Harley, I think you need to stomp on Mr. Shrill and squish his little clay head for being so mean and tricking you like that!

Anonymous said...

Oh Harley, you are so sweet and innocent.

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! Not only has Mr. Shrill not learned his lesson yet, now he trying to take Harley to the dark side! Daisy, you must help Harley!

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

Poor Harley, you better sick Daisy on that mean ole Mr. Shrill. Merry Christmas to you and your humans.

Anonymous said...

Harley I think Mr. Shrill played a trick on you. Maybe Daisy can explain it to you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Harley, Mr. Shrill is being mean to you. Go and tell Daisy she needs to have stern words with him.

Anonymous said...

aw, how mean! Unless of course, the coal is soft and fluffy and filled w/some nice cat nip!

Unknown said...

Oh no poor Harley. I bet you get some wonderful presents from mommy Harley. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

Mr Shrill is norty ... whereas you are nice - so we know what Santa will do ... don't we? Tee hee!



We think Santa Paws is going to bring you a nice christmas stocking filled with all of your favorite toys and treats...don't be fooled by Mr.Shrill.


Milton said...

You better be careful Mr Shrill. Santa might see that you are teasing Harley and give you nothing and all the good toys and treats to him!
That's what I'd do if I was Santa.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh Harley, you can't trust Mr. Shrill. Daisy, you must take care of Harley and protect him from Mr. Shrill's tricks.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Poor Harley, he's so sweet and innocent and thinks effuryone is nice! Daisy, yoo need to talk to Harley and Mr Shrill needs to go to a time out again. We think Sandy Claws knows and will bring Harley some good toys and Mr Shrill...yoo are not worth wasting good coal on.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Hey Harley, you may want to avoid having an open flame near your bag of presents. Unless you're cold. Or you want to cook hamburgers ...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harley, how thoughtful. I hate to think that Mr. Shrill was playing a joke on you.

Daisy, I think Mr. Shrill has been very naughty this year.

Thoughts said...

Uh oh harley, I think that evil Mr Shrill is trying to play a trick on you. You better ask Daisy dear what she thinks baout this because "coal" is not a good purr--resent for Christmas...

Sweet pictures!

Shaggy and Scout said...

"He knows if you've been naughty, he knows if you've been nice, he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake."
Thats a Santa song Harley and Santa knows just where each of you stand.

LZ said...

Just don't lick what's in there....I don't think its tasty.


Cafe Cats said...

Oh Harley! Mr. Shrill accidentally gave you his stocking! You'll have to trade back right away!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Harley, Mr. Shrill is not your buddy. I don't think Mr. Shrill is anybody's (good) buddy.

Give it back to him. He's the one who deserves this stocking ;-) Trust me.

Puglette said...

hi harley! you are such a sweet kitty boy that you will have lots of presents from santa!!
you know, mr. shrill is just about kitty toy size for a big boy like you. maybe you should show shrill what big teeths and clawrs you have!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That Mr. Shrill needs a personal meeting with Santa...

Cat Street Boyz said...

Aw....Harley, We are gonna tell Santa on Mr. Shrill!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Anonymous said...

Hope you get lots of good toys and treats for Christmas, Harley. It is a big bag even though Mr. Shrill is not being nice again.

Eduardo said...

You know, thats a great bag Harley!I think Mr.Shrill put the wrong name on it though! He put Coal, thats not your name! You might not get your stuff! I knew a guy name Coal, He was very heavy set, & boring!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

The Devil Dog said...

Dear Mr. Shrill, be careful otherwise Santa will give you the same, except a bigger bag. Harley has been very good, and doesn't deserve coal.


With that title, I thought Harley got my sister, Lucky, but then I realized she is still right here.

Monica said...

You might not like the presents you get in that bag, Harley. Have a Merry Christmas though...

Shilgiah the Cat said...

I'll bet Santa will bring you lots of nice things inspite of mean Mr. Shrill and the black bag he gave you.

TabbyNormal said...

I think the joke is on Mr. Shrill. That bag matches your colors perfectly!

Abby & Stygia

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

mr shrill you are a bad bad boy! harley will get something great from santy claws, you wait and see you bad thing you.

smiles, auntie bee

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Harley, take Mr. Shrill, put HIM in that sack and give it to the Grinch!!!!

The Crew said...

Hmmmm...I don't think you should trust Mr. Shrill, Harley. He's fooled Daisy before, you know!

Merry Christmas to you both & your family, too.

The Crew

Anonymous said...

Naughty Mr. Shrill. Now what did I tell you to be? Good for goodness sake. Well ... I must say you are not being nice to Harley and it is his first Christmas. Give him something else instead.

Bobby (mancat)

Lorenza said...

I am thinking Mr Shrill is the one who deserves that bag!
Kisses and hugs

Haley H said...

He's a mean one, that Mr. Shrill.

I hope you get all sorts of goodies this year. Have a Merry one~

Clover said...

Poor Harley!! Mr. Shrill, that was so mean. :(
Love Clover xo

Everycat said...

Mr Shrill is clearly a hopeless recidivist, what a mean trick to play on sweet Harley who is too young to realise.

I hope there's an intervention for Mr Shrill in the New Year!

Whicky Wuudler

Forty Paws said...

That's a very interesting stocking Harley!

Luf, Us

AM said...

all we can say is WHAT??? How dare Mr. Shrill give sweet Harley a bag of coal. His day will come I tell you, his day will come.........

Anonymous said...

Oh Harley, we are not sure if we wud trust Mr Shrill. His record of being naughty or nice is more on the naughty side.

Cat in the Foxgloves said...

How sneaky of you Mr. Shrill! I'm sure Santa Claws won't be bringing YOU nice presents!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We thought Mr. Shrill wanted to be classed as "good" so he could get presents even though he was on the naughty list. Fat chance now!

Unknown said...

Oh Harley, I think that bad Mr. Shrill is playing a nasty trick on you!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

At least the bag suits your furs, Harley... something tells me that Mr Shrill is going to get a nasty surprise from Mr Claus this year...

The Fitness Diva said...

Mr. Shrill is being mean, Harley!

You watch!

Merry Xmas to you, Daisy, your Mommie and all the gang!

Black Cat said...

Mr Shrill, why are you being so horrible to darling, innocent little Harley? You will suffer at Christmas... No nice pressies for you (I hope)!

Happy Christmas all ('cepting Mr Shrill!) :) xxx

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

iz coal funs to play wiff?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Shrill don't tease my friend Harley.

BeadedTail said...

Alright that confirms it, Mr. Shrill is permanently banned from the Nice list. Santa knows to bring you nice gifts Harley and you won't get coal.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Harley, I think Mr. Shrill is playing a trick on you. Get with Daisy and straighten him out!
(Momma said you are very handsome.)
~ Little Fella

Quasi said...

Um, Harley. If something falls out of that bag that's hard and black like a, well, rock, don't try to eat it, okay buddy?

Anonymous said...

Harley, that Mr. Shrill is not to be trusted. He's trying to get Santa to leave you a lump of coal. Daisy - sort out Mr. Shrill with a good bitey - he needs to be taught a lesson. Purry Christmas to both of you!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

i forgetted to tells you i giveded yous awards! i knows you gets lots but i likes you and wanted to give you some as a chrissy mouse present!

Poppy said...

Oh dear, Harley. Maybe you should ask Daisy to explain what that bag is for. But I wouldn't worry too much, because Santa Paws always knows who is good and who is bad. :)


Anonymous said...

Harley I think Mr. Shrill is doing what we grown ups call regifting!

catsynth said...

That's pretty harsh. But we like the color black :)

Anonymous said...

Does that spell COLA? Rocky says it does...lol. Merry Christmas to Harley, Daisy and all the furkids that visit here.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Well, we guess it's better to get something than nothing, eh Harley??

Thank you for your card! Merry Christmas to you both (and your mom too)! Best wishes for a happy, healthy 2009!

Mr. Chen & Ollie

Bae Bae said...

I think Mr Shrill is being notti here Harley..

~ Bae

Lux said...

Oh dear, Harley! That Mr. Shrill!

You look fantastic in those pictures, by the way. :)

Daisy Deadhead said...

364 days of fun for only one day of coal! Take your chances and enjoy yourself! :P

Quill and Greyson said...

Don't trust Mr Shrill!

SophieKitty said...

That is why you are on the naughty list, Mr. Shrill. Harley, don't let him fool you.

Leslie said...

Merry Christmas Harley and dear, dear Daisy - oh, and to snail!

from the topcatrules girls, Tigger and Trixie and Pyewacket. :)

Motor Home Cats said...

Harley, that isn't a nice stocking bag. Mr. Shrill wasn't being very nice to you. We think you should step on Mr. Shrill.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Anonymous said...

Mummy readed me the bag. I thinks Mr Shrill acksidentally gived Harley the wrong bag. That is Mr Shrills bag!

Yer pal Dozer

Mo and The Purries said...

Harley, that is hilarious!

Mr. Echo said...

Harley, I do beleeve yoo is smiling! I hope yoo haff the very best time for yur first Krissmiss in yur new home. I don't think Santy Paws could possibly bring yoo a gift bedder than the one of a forever home tho.


Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!!! Wishing you the best! Daisy and Harley I love the hat!!!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Too funny, Harley!

Unknown said...

yey Harley!! You can has stockingz! dat means you is official member of da familyz!! me hope you get yummy things in there!! xoxoxoxo


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