Monday Funday: A Holiday Word Search
Hello, everybuddy! Here is a holiday Word Search Puzzle I made for you to try! You can click on the puzzle image and make it print out full size. Then, search for the hidden words, and circle all the words that you find. All of the words are things that a cat might wish to find under the Christmas tree.

73 Notes for Daisy:
Oooh I will have mum print this out for me to do. Lucky we have a new printer at home now.
Huffle Mawson
You look so cute under the tree. Are you searching for presents?
~ Bae
This is a very good one Daisy~!
I like playing this a lot~!
I thought the circles will become a Christmas tree shape, heehee~~~
But it does lots of fun!!
Oh, how clever, my printer is broked though Daisy but I will try and do it here :o)
Wmmm... Daisy, you aren't peeking inside any of the gifts under the tree, are you?
Hi Daisy! We will do this with mum. Maybe even on Christmas Eve!
i getted them all! i iz good cuz i getted good eyesight. but how comes no "red mouse" on your list, just mouse? thats all i hopes under my tree! bestest to peek when mommy goes to other room or out to store. then u no gets caughts!
Mom's going to print this out for us to do together when she gets home from work.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Yippee I win many treats Actually I'm sick right now and this gives me things to do ..Thanks Daisy Sandy
Oh, what fun! I know what all cats looove to have under the Christmas tree. A mouse!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That looks like fun!! After the wee ones hit the hay, we'll do this with the PM!
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
I am hanging out under the tree just in case!
I wouldn't want to miss a present!
What fun Daisy! Momma let me print out your puzzel and she's going to help me with it (I have trouble holding the pencil).
I love word search puzzles and this is a good one! I also found "rat", but it's not on your list. Do I get bonus points? ;-)
We saw some right off the bat. Temptations and catnip, we will have to look for the others later. This looks like fun. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Oh's snowing MORE now so my mom may be not going off and disappearing today like she normally does...maybe we can work the puzzle together! :0)
What if at your house, you're not getting a Christmas tree and never will?
Thank you for the puzzle Daisy. Mommy won't put our presents under our tree, she says we will get into to much trouble. We hope you have a purrfect Monday Daisy.
Mom said she will print this out and let us play! It looks like great fun.
We are not allowed to play under the tree anymore, speshally since we accidentally tore open one of the gifts.
I will have to get Mom to print this for me and all 5 of us will work on it.
thanks daisy! i love puzzles! you are a smart girl to do this!
smiles, auntie bee
i love word finds. i'll do yours at lunch.
Daisy, you are so smart. I will get my mom to print this out so we can play while we are sipping hot chocolate and eating nip candy canes!
I'm really more of a cat person, but everyone in my family insisted on a dog.
Miss Daisy, you have been such a joy this year, I hope you find everything you want under your tree.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart.
I know some SK's that are gonna love this one, Miss Daisy. You know what? I think it's a rool, as Tripper would say, that once a present is under the tree it can't be removed for any reason except for the recipient to open it.
I'm pretty sure its a rool.
Hi daisy! thank you very much for the puzzle! I love word search! i sure hope you were just passing by the gifts under the wouldn't want santa to move you to the naughty list!
Your so sweet to make that Daisy! Thanks! I know Santa Paws is going to bring you everything you want!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Daisy what a fun thing. However sweater is on there. It's something I most certainly hope is NOT under my tree. Last year they made me wear it..
What a sweet picture of you Daisy!
That was very clever Daisy! These are a lot of fun :O)
I hope you and Harley have lots of presents under your tree.
Purrs, Sukie x
So cute and funny!
Hey, you won an award over at my Grab Bag blog!
FUN! Thanks, Daisy!
We is gonna haf mom print dis out and we will spend da afternoon searching fur da will give us something to do when it is so freezy cold out dat even da nayborhood kids are not out playing. Der is nothing on da kitty t.v. to watch, no kids, no skwerrels, no birdies not even a bunny!
You're so clever Daisy! But guess wot, I still haven't put new ink in my printer, so I haven't done your crossword from 253 years ago yet. I'll try to get my head round the ink thing so I can do both puzzles when the telly gets boring over Christmas. I mean, what's wrong with me?!? I LURV puzzles, I spend about 92 hours a day doing them. Duhr! :) xxx
Thanks for the word search, Daisy. My momlikes those.
Wow Daisy! That's awesome! I tooks a very very long time, but I founds them all!
How totally pawsome, Daisy! You are so clever.
Great puzzle, Daisy!
Daisy!!!!!! What a fun game!!! We will do it as we watch the snow flurries outside :) Thanks!!!!! :)
Oh Daisy this is such a great word search we love them. Guess what? Prinnie is at the vet, she has some peeing troubles and we are worried. I hope she comes home soon
headbumps, Pierro
Thanks for sumthing to do wile I wait for Santy Paws. Krissmiss takes so long to git heer. Why is that? I don't like beeing watched by Santy. The preshure is killin me!
You are so clever Daisy! Where do you come up with this stuff? we have it printed and will work on it tonight! Hugs!
Oh thank you for the word search Daisy! They are so fun. You and Harley are just too too adorable in your elf suits! Are you two excited for Christmas? I hope you are having a happy week!
hugs and smoochies,
Hi Daisy,
I'm back and I missed your blog so much.This looks like fun mom's going to print it and I'll help her search.
Arianna was so happy you like her coloring.She loved the coloring page and says your so cute.She loves your blog and your costumes and they always make her smile.Your a great friend...Hugs Ariel
Daisy, you are so well hidden I'm sure no one will see you under there. Hope you get all the things in your word search for Christmas. Purrs to you.
Man, it's gonna take me ALL DAY to do this!!!!!
Oh, gravy! That looks fun. I am printing it so I can work on it. Thank you.
This looks like lots of fun, Daisy! Fanks!
Stinkygoodness? What is that, Daisy? Merry Christmas you funny little kitty.
Ha! I found "stinky goodness"! I hope you and Harley find lots of that under your tree.
JD at I Do Things
I found a few, but I'm still working on this. I promise not to check the answers before I finish ;-)
You are so creative, Daisy!
What a kool puzzle! And that's an adorabble pickshure of you undur the tree. I bet Santy Claws brings you and Harley lots of great prezzies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Daisy, You and your Mommie are so much fun! We loves you!
Bobby & My Mommy
What a great idea, I am pawing around looking for all the words!
Soory if I had to potty ...
Thanks. I love word search puzzles.
Daisy! I love that intense hunter-like look on your face! You look like you mean serious business finding these things!
I hope you get them all! :)
Daisy! i've got my pencil and hooman ready to play!
Daisy! yoo iz da BEST pressie unner dat trees!
heheh Daisy I like you in stealth mode! :)
I will get Momma to do this a little later when she can keep her eyes open :)
Ooo that looks furry hard an' a'sides, I can't read.
hi daisy,
thanks for the holiday word search puzzle..its a good one for vacation..
i hope my house cat, garfield will get to know you.
and oh, you have great photos!!
Merry Christmas to you and your mum!
I don't see any lizards on your wishlist, Miss Daisy!
Hi Daisy! That is a neat puzzle. I hope to find some of those things under our Christmas tree, but so far all that is there is boxes with paper and pine needles.
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I sometimes wonder, who are these people and why are they following posts on 113Tidbits. It took a great deal of time and I am appreciative for your coming by and reading it.
I was thinking that if you wanted, you could write a guest post. No strings, no topic barriers, just looking to share what you have to say with the handful of folks that read my blog. I understand if you don’t want to, but I thought I would extend it.
Regardless of your decision, I wish you well and look forward to your future comments, tweets and outreach.
113Tidbits -
I hope you are finding lots of presents with your name on them under that tree Daisy! Of course, there should be lots for Harley too!
Thanks, Daisy! You gave mom something to do on her days off!
Oh! The WOman LOVES these things! Thank you, she will enjoy it alot!
I hope all of those presents are for you!
Oh, we printed it and it was FUN!!! I want that under my tree!
Well, except a foreverhome, 'cause I have one of those. And a harness. I don't like harnesses, they make me fall over and be dead.
Thank you for making this Daisy!
Thank you for your purrs and good thoughts! They worked! Dr Tara called and said my bloods and pees were perfect!
Yes, we get to play with Scissors! He's my favourite! And he's easier to hold than the OTW's good fabric Scissors that we are NOT allowed to play with!
We love to help Mom with word searches, and now we have one of our own to do. Woohoo.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
This looks like fun, thanks Daisy. You are so creative. My bean just loves that picture of you under the tree by the way...
luv Theodore
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