Monkey Business
Monkeys are cool! I have decided to learn more things about monkeys in case I ever get to have a pet monkey of my very own. Here I am learning that monkeys have funny fingers.

- Do you think the monkey close to the stage at the left is planning some mischief? I believe the answer is YES.
- Can you name all the instruments? The correct answer to this question is NO.
- What is the monkey with the stick doing? Trying to poke the other monkeys.
- Why does he sit at one side and face the players? He cannot poke them with the stick unless he is facing them.
- Do you think the very little monkey in the very tiny chair will play his instrument well? He is trying his best, but he is not very good.
I am sorry that I do not have an answer sheet. But I think we passed with a good grade.

67 Notes for Daisy:
Yeah we're first!!!!!
We don't know much about monkeys either, so we're glad you're learning in case we ever have a question. We're not sure we want a Monkey for a pet though. sTony might be jealous if you got one.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow you girls sure know lots about monkeys. I do hope you get one as a bet this year, than would be a whole lot of fun.
We could not name all the instruments either, so we believe the correct answer is NO, too. We could ask our Grampy if you want, he would know them all.
We also can not name any of the monkeys, but we can name all of the Monkees.
Do you have any toy monkeys?? because I got a sock monkey for Christmas and I put him on my tree. Sandy
Wow, those monkeys look pretty clever, playing all of those instruments. We didn't recognise them all either. You know, Mum says that there was a famous gorilla called KoKo who had a kitten as a pet - there's a film about her too. We think that it'd be great for a cat to have a pet monkey, since a gorilla might be a bit big.
Gypsy & Tasha
Mommy thinks that monkeys are probably hard to have in a house 'cause they like to get into trouble.
(Mommy is a little scared of Monkeys, and if they have a clown suit on...YIKES!)
Gosh I'd never seen a monkey before, I prefer the animal programs with other cats in them or better yet with mice and birdies in them and squirrels too! ;)
I have learnt a lot from reading about them here Daisy and shall look out for them in the garden now! :)
I nefer knew anyfing about monkeys befur. Thank you fur the lesson, Daisy!
We have learnt a lot about monkeys now Daisy, thank you. Mum said there used to be chimpanzees on the TV having a tea party.
Michico was born at Monkey year,
well you know, in Chinese tradition, 1980 is monkey year, and every 12 years, it will repeat again.
But she doesn't adore monkey at much, so she always feels very surprise to know these, thanks for let us know~~
Those are very special collected~!
It would be very cool to have your very own pet monkey, Daisy!
You sure do know a lot about monkeys Daisy. And your mom has some really cool stuffs. Do you think Santa would bring you a monkey next Christmas if you asked him? Why don't you dress Harley up like a monkey so you can practice owning a monkey?? I think that would be fun.
Sumtimes, the FL and Mr TF call me a little munkey. Yoo can study me all yoo wunt!
Monkey orchestra! I would love to see that.
monkeys is cool!
"if I had a million dollars, i would buy you a monkey!"
oboy monkey monday! i think that one monkey is up to monkey business. ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Let me see, I think "Monkey Business" ended a presidential campaign. How many cats did I confuse with that statement.
Have you seen the Wizard of Oz? That movie has flying monkeys.
The flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz scare me! I think I wouldn't want a realy monkey in the house, just one of the monkey dog toys that Grete can chew on is enough for me.
Love this blog. Daisy is really cute!
We thinks we got an A+. Thank you for teaching us about monkeys, with Mommy you never know what might come see us.
A doggie came to visit a few days ago. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Daisy...we think monkeys are funny looking...but we don't know much about them...thanks for the monkey lesson!
I guess monkeys are different than people and what they do is different. My mommy says the man with the stick is the director and he uses the stick to keep the beat of the music. I bet there are a bunch of directors that would prefer poking the musicians! Hee! Hee!
Those monkeys sure are funny!
It's interesting how the writing on the back of the stereo view reads like an elementary school lesson!
Cool item! Sometimes my little felines get called monkeys... when they act up.
That's as close as I'll get to owning one!
deer daisy,
az u may recall, i havva monkey miself. i wood bring it to florida to show u ... but i'm grownded an i can't get OWT!
Wow! A monkey for a pet would be very cool. What a lucky cat you are Daisy!
That little monkey in the middle is kinda SCARY, don't ya think?
Sorta what I pictured Mrs. Shrill to look like.... just saying.
Monkey was my mom's nikhkname when she was just a wee one.
She akhtually thought it was her name and gave THAT to the person in the department store that found her when she wandered off...imagine hearing 'would the parents of Monkey.....'
I'm with Parker's Mom!
I've just read back a bit coz I'm behind (again) and seen the sad news about Icon Baxter Bentley. I can't believe it! I'm off to pay my respects. Yet another sad loss:-( xxx
We think monkeys are fun...we watched some on t.v. yesserday and dey were playing tag in a tree, which is fun. We did not see any playing musical instruments. And like Gandalf and Grayson our mommy could not name all da musical instruments and din't know da monkeys but can name all da Monkees and what instruments dey played. She also sed something about Beatles and a whole fambly of partridges.
Those are definitely the right answers! And that is a great picture card. You sure know enough about monkeys to get one, we hope you do!
xxx Asha and Katia
Fank yoo for tellin us all about monkeys. Dat is a reely cool and yooneek fing to collect.
I love monkeys, and this is a cute post. It is good to learn about animals!
Thank goodness you answered the questions for me! I was stumped. I always suspected your mommy had SOME kind of Weird Monkey Stuff type habit! HAHAHAHA!!
Yup. Monkeys and mischief go hand in hand.
I passed - I passed! (Because you said so.) :)
Monkeys are cute!
Monkeys awe vewy cool!
That is a vewy good answew to all those hawd questions..I don't know the inswoomentses eithew, but I bet it was a swell concewt
smoochie kisses
A++ for you Daisy, soon you'll be accepted into the UKA, University of Kitty Academy for your MFB Masters in Feline Brilliance :)
Daisy I dunno bout monkees. They play music and that seems noisy. Yer naybors might complain!
Yer pal Dozer
I liked looking at your weird monkey picture but my Lap Lady is kind of afraid of monkeys. Like Parker said it would be a really scary monkey in a clown suit!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
Momma finally found some time when bloglines didn't take forever (just 10 minutes and three tries) to export her file so she could put everyone in google. OH MY! Daisy that is so much nicer! I can't believe you didn't tell us! It's so much easier to not HAVE to read everyone or they get lost and we can just say we've read who we want and stuff. Oh nice nice nice!!!
Very interesting to learn about Monkeys.
Your friends ViVi & AB
Ooo monkeys, how fun!
I would like to play with a monkey or two and chase them round and round!
I like monkeys, Daisy! Thank you for sharing your monkey knowledge (business?) with us all!
I think monkeys are pretty cool. They call me a monkey a lot.
P.S. The bed rocks!! I can curl up in a complete ball.
Good job Daisy! Your such a smart girl! My Grandma used to have a Monkey as a pet & he was very mean to everyone but her(& he did fling his poo)! He was like a little hairy person, but for some reason he didn't want anyone to touch him but Grandma & so everyone got bit a lot. They gave him away while Grandma was at school.
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
a monkey! so cool! I think that the monkeys are very clever! and cute too! ask your mom give you a monkey on your birthday! and the names of the instruments I don't know either! pitty!
kisses for you all!
The only thing I've heard about monkeys, besides the fact that they are very mischievous, is that they throw their POO!
I think that is a little bit yucky.
Actually, I think that is a LOT yucky!
That was fun Daisy! My mommy is scared of monkeys so I know I'll never get one for a pet.
The video of Pixie below is so sweet. We remember that. We're sure she and Icon are together snuggling in warm grass.
Wow, monkeys really ARE cool. I liked that picture very much. And I think you did very well answering all those questions. You know a lot more about monkeys than I do.
JD at I Do Things
Those monkeys made me just a little askeert.
I don't think you need a pet monkey daisy. They are even more mischievous than Mr Shrill!
Purrs, Sukie x
Miss Daisy even if you was wrong you would pass! But I think you answers are very good!
Miss Daisy.. the crazy Phantom of The Opera man loved Monkeys too!!!.....:P
Mommy likes a monkey too, I think they would make a nice pet for you Daisy.
Being the teacher, I do have the answer sheet, and you done good!
Daisy, it is just SOOO funny you had monkeys on your post today, because our Momma was going through some of our old posts earlier, and saw the picture of her chocolate Easter monkey! The first thing she thought was "Daisy's Mommie really likes monkeys", isn't that quite a coincidence? And that is a really cool old monkey picture that your Mommie has, they are all so cute with their instruments!
Purrs and headbutts to you and Harley,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Those are talented monkeys!! Those answers are pretty good. I think they are the best ones :)
Purrs Mickey
I think you got a perfect score. I was very impressed by your answer to question number two.
That would be sooo coool if you got a pet monkey! Ask your mommie.
I don't know too much about Monkeys either, but my mom says they are stinky!
Kisses and hugs
Well, I is sure you gotted all your answers correct! I asked the Giant Kitty and he saided they're right, and he's a genius, so there. You is clever too, Daisy because you manage to get them all correct!
You sure do know a lot about monkeys, Daisy. We're glad we got to take the test with you. If we'd had to take it on our own, we would likely have flunked.
It looks like you did a great job answering all of the questions. We like monkeys too. We think a monkey would be a good pet for you to get.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
cool blog
Although simply reading your these things, but I still can not help but praise from the heart, a good blog!
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