Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Harley's Eyeballs are Made of Plastic

I am pretty sure of this.
Mine are real glass.


90 Notes for Daisy:

i beati said...

Glad you pointed that out. Great camera work .You both are jewels Bitty Bopper is sitting on my mouse, and the kittens are playing in a box at 4 a. m.

Anonymous said...

Oh eye see! hahahahha! Nice pics tho Daisy ... really eye catching!

Anonymous said...

We think you both have purrfect eyes, Daisy! But we do not think they are plastic or glass. We think they are made out of goopy eye gunk.

Wonderful photographs! You both look especially fabulous in natural light!

Poppy Q said...

You both have bootiful eyes, but yours do sparkle like diamonds Miss D.

snowforest said...

I think they are made of crystal!

Teddy Westlife said...

Um, I am not sure I can tell the difference. Is that bad?

Huffle Mawson

The Meezers or Billy said...

great pikshurs!!! that means Harley can ram his face into things without breaking his eyeballs!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hahaha the Meezers are funny. You both have lovely eyes but whether they are glass or plastic, it's best to be careful with them.

Anonymous said...

wow! i love the last (3rd) picture! absolutely purrfect!!!

Parker said...

Whatever they are made out of they sure are beautiful!

gemmak said...

Lol....very clever Daisy, I think you both did very well with the modelling for these pictures, eye'll bet you had to sit very still! ;o)

Forever Foster said...

Those are very beautiful pictures, Daisy. You and Harley have lovely eyes:)

Everycat said...

You both have gorgeous eyes and those eyes are made out of cat magic!

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

What pretty photos! You both have such lovely eyes. Do you think Harley's eyes are plastic because he's a rowdy boy and might break glass ones? I know a sweet princess like yourself would never roughhouse enough to break glass!

The Florida Furkids said...

You both have very expressive and beautiful eyes!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You eyes look wonderful, plastic,glass or gunk!!

Henson Ray said...

I feel like I'm at the grocery store, and I have to make the decision between paper and plastic. Actually, no matter what their eyes are made out of, they both look beautiful.

Anonymous said...

yeah they are right, no matter what you eyes are made of, they certainly look expressive and captivating.

The Island Cats said...

We've never thought about this, Daisy...thanks for giving us something to think about...

Sarge Charlie said...

Harly looks nice but you are the beautiful one Miss Daisy

Luzinha said...

hello, gorgeous!

Daisy, you're very funny! kkk

you and Harley have beautiful eyes! and it doesn't matter what they are made with! nice pics!

kisses for you all!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

look how different your cute little heads are shaped!

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

Wow that is very interesting Daisy! You are very smart to figure that out because they look the same to us.

Mickey's Musings said...

I never thought about what eyes are made of!! I do think you both have lovely eyes :) Hey,as long as they work...right ?
Purrs Mickey

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Daisy, you are right! We can see the difference.

Lin said...

I'm with Auntie Bee--I noticed the shape of the faces immediately! What a cute little squishy face you have, Daisy! Just right for smoochies!

Hobbes (the stripey kitten) and I send our bloggy love......

Quill and Greyson said...

What great photos, Mommy is squealing over your darling nose Daisy. I think Harley looks sweet too, even if he is plastic.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Yers definitely are the real thing Daisy. But I think yers are made of the ocean, cuz I could swim in them!3871474

Chrissie said...

I think you have beautiful eyes, Daisy and a very cute nose! Harley has handsome eyes and a boy nose!

Donna said...

Oh, you both have beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful glass Daisy.

Marilynn said...

Beautiful eyes, Daisy. Yes, indeed! Gorgeous profile, too!


Marilynn, Grace & Company

Cory said...

We think they are really pretty whether they are plastic or glass! Now I'm gonna wonder all day about my eyes....

Janet said...

Yes, I think you are right, Daisy. Yours are the real deal!

Anonymous said...

Fake eyes or real eyes, Harley's certainly learning to pose for the camera. You're a good teacher.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

oAH Wowww....
No wonder Harley's eyeballs are strange to me~!! Because they are made of plastic!

JD at I Do Things said...

Those are beautiful photos! But how can you tell the difference between a glass eye and a plastic eye? Harley's look like glass to me.

JD at I Do Things

Anonymous said...

I think it is funny that there is actually a blog label for "borrowed eyeballs." Popular topic :) You both have gorgeous eyeballs!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We like both your eyes...no matter what they are made of.

Anonymous said...

Very purrrrty eyes you have!

Milton said...

Ya know, Harley has some nice whiskers. He's gonna be a ladycat magnet when he gets to be a mancat!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

If woo mew so!


Puglette said...

hi daisy and harley! you both have beautiful, big eyes. i like the furs on the sides of your faces...it looks very soft. daisy, you almost have a puggy muzzle!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think they are both beautiful. Now if only the Woman would get nice photos like that of me--image how much people would like them...

LZ said...

Those are very neat shots! I think they are both nice eyes but certainly different.


Babs (Beetle) said...

They are both very beautiful eyes Daisy. MB said she wished she could get some daytime shots of us but we are always out somewhere or asleep!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You have some classy glass eyeballs, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

We've never noticed that Harley's eyes are plastic. You sure know how to pay attention to detail, Daisy!

Maureen said...

That is so cool.... I love looking into our three cats eyes (er, three cats, not one cat with three eyes, that is) ;)

They are all so different!

Great photos!

Cafe Cats said...

We are confuzzled. Is it because your pretty eyes have reflections in them and Harley's pretty eyes don't?

the Cafe Cats

Amber-Mae said...

Plastic or glass, I think both you & his eyes are nice & shiny!

Have a wonderful Happy New Year!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Victor Tabbycat said...

Wow, I nefur knowed sum eyes was plastic an ofurs was glass. I wonner if that has anyfing to do wif the eye goo Nina gave me? I don't efur wanna haf that again!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Interesting theory Daisy!

BeadedTail said...

Beautiful pictures of both you and Harley! Whatever your eyes are made of, they are lovely!

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Daisy and Harley? Why does it look as if you are not wearing your harnesses? there are alligators in your pond for heaven sakes. I'm pretty far away and it isn't good to make me feel concerned. At least get into the stroller and zip it closed.



Your eyes are pretty cool looking. Love, Bobby

Sweet Purrfections said...

Those are some beautiful pictures of both of you. I can't tell the difference between glass and plastic eyes. Is something wrong with me?

The Furry Kids said...

Hee hee! I think Harley's eyeballs really are plastic. I am glad that you share all the stuff you learn in your experiments with us.


PS - Congrats to the Dolphins for making the playoffs. The Lions got their own special award this year, but Daddy doesn't seem to think it's nearly as cool as going to the playoffs. :)

Poppy said...

I think you both have very nice eyeballs. They do look a little bit weird from the side though. But the most important thing is that they help you see! Make sure you keep your eye on Harley so he doesn't cause any mischief!


Poppy said...

Pee Ess:
Do you know about Cats With Blogs? It is new, and it is just like Dogs With Blogs, which I am a member of!



Anonymous said...

awww Harley, for once you don;t look stunned my buddie :)
You look very thoughtful and at peace :))
And don't you listen to Miss daisy, she is just a little bit cheeky today! You do not have plastic eyeballs any more than she has glass :))


The Creek Cats said...

We are all in agreement here.....you both have very purrty eyeballs!

Sassy Kat said...

One thing for sure weather the eyes are real or plastic is that you two both have beautiful eyes.

Moonchild Dancing! said...

Ah! lolol That's great. Awesome photos of your eyeballs you kitties. :) Peace!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Plastic? Like 'Super Fun Elastic Plastic'? Harley's muzzle is longer den yoors...maybe cuz he is a boy cat or maybe cuz yoo two is diffrint.

Anonymous said...

Yep, they look plastic!

Marilyn said...

I hope yours don't ever break then. That would hurt.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Our Mommy has glass eyes. She takes the glass out at night and has regular run of the mill eyes that she can't see well out of.

You are very funny Daisy. ~S,S & C

Asta said...

I bet Harleys awe weal gems too
smoochie kisses

Fat Eric said...

Ummm...I think you might need to do some research and read a book about eyes, Daisy.

Lovely pics of you and Harley though!

Luna und Luzie said...

Both are gorgeous eyes.
Beautiful pictures!

L. Alida said...

Well, I think you both have lovely eyes darling Daisy!
I loved seeing Pixie's Valentine to Icon Baxter Bently. I am sure they are happy together now. Pixie's meow is so much like Tookie's. I bet they are good friends too.
Sorry I haven't been visiting much. I have been a bit hurty lately. I miss you though and look forward to seeing you as much as I can.
Hugs and Smoochies,

Anonymous said...

I think you both have very beautiful eyes :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful eyes!

Bob Johnson said...

Wow, scary eyes, now we know why, all the best Daisy in 2009.

Quasi said...

Harley is getting to be a really big boy, isn't he? BTW, my eyes are made of real glass, too.

AM said...

Wow, we could just gaze all day into either your eyes or Harleys!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Hmmm ... I wonder what mine are made of? Probably glass like yours, right?

Motor Home Cats said...

You both have very nice eyes. We think that you can both see a lot no matter what your eyes are made of.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Anonymous said...

and both are absolutely beautiful! Hope you and Harley had a great Christmas, Daisy!

Lorenza said...

You two have pawesome eyes!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

We fink both of yoo has nice eyes, glass or plastic!

eastcoastlife said...

The eyeballs are like gems! Very pretty!

May you and Mummy be prettier, richer, healthier and happier this coming new year!! Happy year 2009!

Bae Bae said...

Well you 2 have very nice eyes. ;)
Have a happy new year

~ Bae

C said...

Amazing pictures! They are so cute!

Max said...

Hmmm....if you poke him in the eye, you'll find out. You'll get in trouble, but at least you'll know for sure.

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

why'z you have glassy eyes? you wears glasses? i no gets.... my eyez just is eyes.... yours is prettier than harleys

Anonymous said...

can u leave ur phone number to me???

Boy n Beethoven said...

Oh dear! Does it mean your eyes will break if you gets whapped on the face too hard?
I do hope my eyes are plastic like Harley's then, or they may break if I get too many mighty whaps from the Giant Kitty.


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Beautiful eyes!

Anonymous said...

Although simply reading your these things, but I still can not help but praise from the heart, a good blog!

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