Happy New Year, Everybuddy!
On the eve of the New Year, Harley and I would like to celebrate all of the shelter cats around the world who have found Forever homes this year. As our holiday gift to you, we would like to share a few images of some of the former residents of Cats Exclusive who are celebrating the holidays in their new homes because they were adopted in 2008. These cats probably have new names by now, too!
This is the silly and adorable Yoko! She had a little mohawk.

This is Alfie. He is modeling real good.

124 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy and Harley:
I am so happy we spent some fun times this year. I've enjoyed your modeling and photo wednesdays, your quizes and all the fun.
You are two very special kitties and all the love your mommy and daddy puts into you shines through in each picture.
May two thousand NICE be as blessed and bountiful for you All.
Cheers and God Bless,
~RE Ausetkmt
recycled frockery
Mama ASID's Back Yard
A very happy new year to you, Harley and your Mom and Dad - and to all the shelter cats that were adopted or are waiting to be adopted all across the world!
May the new year bring countless moments of happiness for all of you :)
Hi Daisy!
It was great to see the kitties that your Mommie has helped to get to their Forever Homes! It looks like there are some real characters there :)
Only one of our foster kittens kept the name we gave them- Pipi Saurus-Rex. We were happy that it was her, because she was named after our baby bean friend. Pipi was her nickname:)
Happy New Year to you and your family!:)
Dear Daisy and Harley,
that was a great New Years eve post, and we loved to hear that so many kitties found their forever homes. What a great wish for 2009, we wish that too!!
Happy New year from our house to yours.
Julie and Poppy Q
That is a ovely wish for the New Year ... and we join you in making it. As you know Alfie was a rescue cat from Cat's Protecion in the UK and we are so glad they rescued him so we could offer him a forever home.
Love to you both Daisy and Harley ... and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your whole fambly!
What a lovely post and a fine wish for the New Year - for all homeless animals to find a forever home in 2009 - what a wonderful thing that would be!
Happy New Year to you Daisy, Harley and your family.
Whicky & Family
Happy New Year Harley and Daisy, I've been very fortunate to run into this blog, every post by either harley or daisy always made up my day ... your antics never failed to make me smile. Do keep it up and if only I wasnt born with the worst case of asthma I'd have a cat or two with me. All I can do is adore them from a distance and from pictures. Love you both guys :)
We join you in wishing for a Forever Home to each and every cat and dog.
We will always remember that Harley's name use to be Neptune and how excited we were when we first got a hint of your surprise!
Happy New Year, Daisy and Harley!
we wants to says happy new years to yous too! We loves coming to visit you every day. And iz so great what you dided for all those other kitties! mommy getted me from a girl who had too many kitties. and she sez if i wasn't so mean to other kitties she would save another one. i think she means i iz too pretty an another kitty would feel bad.
Daisy and Harley, happy new year to you too. I am very glad to have met you this year, and I am very glad that all those kitties have a nice home to be safe in for 2009.
Huffle Mawson
Happy New Year darling Daisy, Harley, your lovely mom and also dear snail.
From the topcatrules girls and Leslie.
P.S. Trixie and Tigger were shelter cats too!
What a great wish for 2009, we wish that too!!
They are all so beautiful, I wish they could all come and live here with us. I did hear the humans talking about getting a shelter cat in the New Year to come live with us but I have to say, I am not so sure. What if we don't get on very well? FAZ
p.s. Have a very Happy New Year Daisy and Harley and all your beans.
Yippee!!!!! Such a good year for all those sweet kitties!!!
I agree too that the best thing that happened to me this year was coming to my forever home out here in the woods. Even if I brought a little trouble with me!
Purrs and Happy New Year wishes for you two!
A beautiful post! We are keeping our paws crossed that many more kitties and woofies get forever homes in 2009! Your post made Mom's eyes leaky 'cause she was lucky enough to meet so many of the kitties at Cats Exclusive when she did the show there.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That is wonderful about all the Cats getting new forever homes!! We will purrr for all the kitties to get Forever Homes in 2009! And Harley is so cute and we have enjoyed him being your brother. He's getting better at modeling. too! We want to wish you a Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2009 Daisy, Harley, Mom & Dad! (((((hugs))))
Your FL furiends,
That was a wonderful thing to see Daisy!
Happy New Year's Eve!
Happy New Year to you and Harley and to your mum too. We also hope all those kitties have great times in their new forever homes, and we hope lots more kitties get homes in 2009.
And a very happy new year to you Daisy, Harley and your Mommie and Daddy and thank you for brightening our days in 2008. The photos of all the cats that found forever homes this year are lovely, lets hope lots more find their forever family in 2009 just like Harley did :o)
Our family is so happy to have discovered you and your site, Daisy. I am glad Harley has found a forever home and I hope even more kitties find forever homes in 2009.
Aww... those are some happy kitties. I almost got the 10th but... not now :P
Happy New Year 2009! May 2009 be a happy and healthy year for everyone!
Lots of love,
Criz & the J Family Kitties
My cats and I are trying to place 3 right now. We just got sad news that one adoptee from 3 years ago is gone ..We do what we can l feline bundle at a time.. Special wishes for a memorable 2009 !!Harley you are sooo lucky, but of course you know that!!
P. S. all my cats a re shelter or rescue right Princeman, Pinky, Toppy, Evie , Sweetheart and Darlin??
Daisy, those are reasons enough to celebrate!! We are so happy those kitties have new homes and we know many more will find homes next year :)
We wish a safe home for all kitties.
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Congratulations to all the kittehs and their new hoomans. I wish a safe and happy home to all animoos in the New Year.
Happy New Year to you too. We also hope the same for a bright new year for all shelter animals. Such a great list of pretty kitties who found their forever home.
How wonderful that all those kitties got forever homes! I wasn't a shelter kitty, I was a 'stray', but my sister Jelly Bean was a shelter kitty. Now we both have forever homes!!
Happy New Year!
What a wonderful way to celebrate the New Year. Thank you for sharing all those beautiful photos. I hope the new year brings many, many homeless animals to their wonderful new forever homes.
JD at I Do Things
Dear Daisy and Harley I wish you a very very happy New Year and many new photo Wednesdays, Toysdays, Sunday Comics... I was homeless kitten but now I'm like you Harley: very happy cat now in my forever home!
Daisy...it warms mom's heart to see that so many beautiful kitties found furever homes...we hope that in 2009 even more can find homes!
Happy New Year to all of you!
Daisy and Harley, we are wishing you both health and happiness in the coming year! Happy New Year!
We are so glad that all those kitties found forever homes. Especially that Neptune fellow. :) We didn't know he had a white spot on his back. Mama says that looks like a good smoochy spot.
Happy New Year!!!
Harley, it's so wonderful to see you when your name was Neptune! We are so happy you found your forever home and all your other shelter buddies who also found homes. Happy New Year to all of you!
Dear Daisy and Harley,
I am so glad that you are together having this great new year~!
That is awesome~!
I hope you 2 will have a lovely new year!!!!! And so thankful that you are my very good support this year!!
Happy New Year :o)
Happy new year!! we knows that all those kitties are ringing in the new year in style in their new homes!
Thank you for sharing pictures of the shelter cats who now have forever homes. The two of you have a very special mom and dad!
Happy New Year to Daisy and Harley!
Happy New Year to the Daisy/Harley family and here's hoping all kittehs get forever homes in 2009!
Wow! I'm so glad all those kitties found forever homes this year, Miss Daisy! Thank you and your mommie for helping them to be adoptable. And I'm so glad to know Harley of the Plastic Eyeballs, too.
We are so glad that all of these babies found forever homes!
Luf, Us
Amen to everything you said! We want to thank you, Daisy & Harley for blogging. Each and every post puts a smile on our face, and some even get us rolling on the floor with laughter!
Happy New Year and all the best to you, too!
xxx Asha, Katia (& Lidian)
That is a wonderful wish, Daisy! One of our kitties was a shelter cat and we were so happy to give her a foreverhome. It took a very long time for her to believe she would be staying with us.
We wish the happiest of new years to you, Harley, and your mommie and daddie!
Such beautiful kitties, one and all!
What a great post Daisy! I hope all the cats & dogs around the world find forever homes too! Happy New Year!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Oh I think Scout reminded me of Parker!
And I recognized Harley !!! HE HE.
Happy New Year's Eve Daisy. Tell me--did you ever miss a day posting this year? We don't think so!!
daisy thank you for making me smile every single day of this whole year!
happy new year honey!
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, how wonderful family you have! it's good to know there is so much love in your home that you can give it to somebody else. I wish for you all that 2009 brings a lots of health, peace and love to carry on!
kisses and happy new year!
Beautiful shelter cats! We hope many more can find good homes in the coming new year.
We thank you, too, Daisy, for the daily dose of smiles you give us.
We made a mistake in our post, so here is our new one. Thank you for sharing your photos of those adorable kitty cats. We are rescued cats ourselves, so we pray really hard every night for all shelter cats.
So many interesting flavours!
Khongrats to all those khats!
Happy NYE!
happy new year sweet girl, we love you and Harley
I am so glad to have gotten to know you guys this year! Ya'll are very cool cats! I hope ya'll have a very safe and happy new year!
Yay! what a wonderful post!! We love shelter workers and think they are angels. Ollie is celebrating in his forever home too, his shelter name was tyson. We love our shelter pets.
Have a happy new year!!!
Thank you for talking about forever homes this New Year's Eve. Here is a link to Reilly, who came to live with us four and a half years ago. Before that, he had lived on the streets. His fur had been so matted that he had to be shaved when the rescued him. As you can see, he's much happier now in his forever home.
Happy New Years
oh, dey are all so kyoot!
That makes it a very good year for those kitties. Makes me smile.
WOO HOO!!!! So many wonderful cats getting furever homes!!!!!!!! Definitely worthy of a celebration!
They are all very beautiful and we are glad they all got forever homes.
We hope you all have a very joyful 2009.
Purrs, Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi x
Have a wonderful new year, and don't let Harley drink too much champagne!
Hi, Daisy!
You are one of the highlights of my day everyday of the year! Here's to a great 2009!!
Wow! That's wonderful that many of your friends at the shelter have found forever homes! It sure is a wonderful feeling. HAP HAP NEW YEAR!
Pooped from celebrating,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy New Year, Daisy, from my Devons to you.
I suspect my Chanterelle isn't going to be with us for the duration of 2009, so we've started scouring the shelters for a new pair. I wish I could find more Devons, though. You guys are the best.
Aw, Daisy, that post made my eyes all leeky!
Yay for Forever Homes for these adorable kitties (especially for Harley - the luckiest shelter kitty of 2008!)
Here's hoping that every shelter kitty in 2009 gets a wonderful Forever Home, too!
Uncle Mo
YAY for all the happy kitties finding furrever homes! Paws crossed that lots more kitties do the same this year.
Happy New Year!
We will join you on your extra lovely wish and that no Kitty or any animal go hungry :)
This was an extra lovely post and made us all smile so big ( as you always do), but warm in the heart also knowing that these furry babies found wonderful forever homes! :)))
Thank you!
And we wish your family lots of Health, Happiness and love in the New Year :)))
That was such a cool post, I love it when I hear of shelter pets being adopted and enjoyed seeing these pictures. There are so many nice cats who still need homes! The cat sanctuary I support each month has 220 waiting for homes. It is a no-kill place. They even take in feral cats and those with cat HIV.
hi, happy new year, you have so many cute cat
These just made me cry! I am so happy they have homes!!!! (and a couple of them could use some fattening up for sure!)
Pepe is just adorable... he'd have me at MEOW!
And as for Shinji, I'd love to have a "winking cat"! :)
God bless you for taking in Harley. I totally believe the people who take in stray kitties have a special place in heaven.
All my cats came from the streets. Except Sake the siamese looking cat only with long hair. She came from a box that said "free kittens" being tended to by some lady at a Publix.
What a wonderful way to celebrate the new year!
Awww their all so cute.That's a great wish...Happy New Year :)
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Daisy and Harley!!
Oh Daisy, what a wonderful way to end 2008 by showing some of the beautiful kitties that are in their forever homes now - including your handsome brother Harley. My wish for 2009 is that the list of kitties in their forever home is even longer. Thank your Mommie for all she does for that wonderful shelter!
Happy New Year to the Daisy family!
That is our wish, too -- fureffur homes for all preshus kitties and woofies. We have happy-leaky eyes at yur post. How wunnerful, for all those sweet kitties to have founded fureffur homes!
We enjoy yur bloggie so much! Efun when we can't make our vizziting rounds as much, you are always in our hearts!
Happy New Year to you and Harley and to yur sweet Mommie and Daddy!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Happy New Year Daisy and Harley and your mommy too. That's a beautiful wish for all the furbabies who still need a forever home and lots of love to go with it.
It's our wish dat all da homeless kitties get homes or shelter in 2009 too! Mom was squeeing over all dem cute kitties. We hope yoo, Harley and yoor mom and da haf a healthy and happy new year!
Happy New Year to you and Harley and your beans! All of our fur babies were from shelters - if only we could scoop them all up and bring them home...
What a lovely tribute to shelter kitties who got forever homes this year!
May we all have a Happy New Year and we second the wish for all kitties (and woofies for that matter) who do not have happy forever homes to get them in the year to come.
Daisy and Harley
We are so glad that all of those kitties have found love and happiness in new forever homes in 2008, we are wishing for more kitties to find their forever homes in 2009!
Happy New Year's Eve!
Happy New Year!
I hope 2009 is filled with the kind of happiness and fulfillment you deserve.
Your Mom is the best, Daisy! Love your blog and especially you and Harley, too. Thanks for brightening every day.
I am scratching the belly of my adopted kitten as I type!
May everyone find warm and loving homes in 2009, where kitties are rightfully worshipped and adored.
Happy New Year!
What wonderful pics of very lucky kitties! We sure are glad that we get to watch Harley here on the CB!
Happy new year! May 2009 bring you both and your family happiness, prosperity, good health and all your heart desires. Thank you for being such a good friend and doing so much for other pooses
love and peace
zevo & friends
hope to see you tonight
Daisy the woman is in love with AVA. Cut that out! I got enough cats. I got three of my own and then I help take care of Benny and the Jets what are living in our special basement room. So cut that out!
Daisy I saw your name on the Weblog finalist list! Congratulations girl! I love ya. And guess what? The Woman is a finalist in another CATegory but she doesn't talk about that because it's a different part of her life. Anyways, you are a winner girl! All the way.
Happy new year.
A very Happy New Year to you Daisy and Harley, and all your family. It is now 2009 where we live and I can safely greet the New Year without bringing any bad luck on anyone. :)
Thanks for sharing the picture of all the great cats who found forever homes. Harley we sure are glad you found yours.
We are joining you in your wish for next year "a Forever home to all cats and dogs of the world."
Happy New Year to you, Daisy and all your friends!
Oh this is a very nice post Daisy the Curly cat! thank you for al the smiles you gave my momma this year! You made her laugh almost as loud as Dennis does!
That is a wonderful post, Daisy. I enjoyed all the pictures. I hope Harley knows how lucky he is!
Aw, what a wonderful story and photos! Wonderful!!!
Happy, Happy New Year to you Daisy and Harley!!!!
Probably the most beautiful post I've ever seen! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Daisy!! Ohhh all those kitteh are so beautiful!! I am so glad they found a good home!! xoxoxo
We wish wif yoo too, dat all the homeless kittehs and woofies has furever homes in the new year!!
Happy New Year!! We all hope its filled with lots of new and great things for you all. =)
I is Jake!
Mommy Bean Laure
TT's spirit
We agree with your wish completely, Daisy, and hope it comes true.
Hi, Daisy!
I hope your wish come true!
Happy New Year!
Kisses and hugs
Happy New Year Daisy and Harley.
According to chinese tradition, 2009 is cow(牛)year, Cow means growing, Yeah! A growing year!
So Happy 牛 Year to you!
╭┴──┤Happy ├╮
│o o│牛year │●°
╰┬──╯ │ ∴°﹒
☆ | / /∴☆
Oh Daisy, I'm so happy that Harley's become part of your family and our new friend! It was great seeing all the kitties that have found homes.
Thank you for the advice and wishes for my health - you're a good friend.
Happy New Year wishes to your family from ours!
Happy New Year to you all and to all the shelter kitties. Your mom is doing a great job with them!
Happy New Year Daisy..to you and Harley...oh, and Mom too.....
Happy New Year to everyone. What a great post.
Happy New Year!
May you and yours be blessed with much happiness and many joys in 2009!
Oh, now you're just making the Woman want another kitty. Noooooo! ;)
Happy New Year to you Daisy and Harley and your beans. Our new brofur, Bono, is quite at home with us now and fits in well. We are happy.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Hoppy Hoppy Mew Ear, beeooteeful Daisy!!! May efurry cat find their Furever Homes this year!!!
They are all so sweet and adorable!
I'm so happy that they have found loving homes! :)
Happy New Year to Daisy and Mummy!
May you have good health, great wealth and much joy!
Daisy and Harley
Thank you fow showing us those bootiful catses..I'm so happy they found fuwwevew homes..I pway that all fuwwkids find the same love and wawmf and family to take cawe of them
Thank you fow all youw help wif this
smoochie kisses
It twuly is a Happy NEwYeaw!
Oh what a great way to ring in the new year by showing us the good outcomes for these adorable friends! We are so glad they all found their forever homes - especially Harley!! Being from shelters ourselves this is especially important to us.
Happy, Healthy New Year to you and Harley and your mom!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Happy New year, irst WE , greeting from Belgium
Blog cat chartreux Louisette, links cattery chatteries chartreux friends fotos, Des ondes...
Blog Louisette +2 golden retriever
You have wonderfull photos cats, congratiulations
Happy New Year to you and the kitties as well! My shelter kitty looks a lot like Harley!
More photo wednesdays in 2009!
Happy New Year!
all beautiful pictures!!
Starry catch my eyes the most! meow!
I really want that mohawk kitty! I did rescue baby Kirby this past summer he is doing really well. I gave Harley and Daisy an award this morning. It is here http://blog.mackyplanet.com/2009/01/03/mackyplanet-lemonade-award.aspx
Happy New Year
Are you doing a book? You should and I would buy it!
That is a good way to end the year. Looking back at adoptions.
So Harley was originally Neptune? Harley suits him much better.
Happy New Year!
Is it too late? LOL
It seems a little more than I need to check the information, because I was thinking: Why does not my GLOG these things!
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