A Sleepy New Year's Day
Happy New Year, everybuddy! I might have stayed up a little too late last night. So, I think I will spend most of the day today resting. 

Here I am napping. You can join me if you like. This video might help you nap. If you know what I mean. This is what you call a subtle way of saying the video could be a little bit boring. But it is less than a minute long, so your suffering will be short.

101 Notes for Daisy:
Look at that, Gandalf. Daisy fell asleep right in the middle of commenting.
Grayson, I think that you might be right. After all, Daisy, is the blogging-est kitty we know!
Happy New Year, Daisy and Harley!Enjoy your restful day!
From #1 (on behalf of Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan)
Wow, Daisy, that really is tired! Did Harley wear you out?
Happy New Year to all of you.
Abby & Stygia
SQUEE! That was beautiful, Daisy:)
Napping is a very good way to spend New Years day. Start the year as you wish to continue, they say:) (that kind of rhymed).
I am inspired to go take a nap now. Happy new year to you Daisy, and to Harley, and your mum and dad.
Huffle Mawson
Happy new year, Daisy and Harley! I look like you a little bit right now, since I just woke up. Minus the curly furs, of course.
Miss D, we are all tired at our house too, and we had a quiet New Years night.
Sometimes it is great to be a cat and be able to take a snooze anytime.
Sweet dreams dear friend.
I think that's a lovely peaceful video Daisy, have a good rest day and happy new year! :o)
I hope that you enjoy your rest Daisy!
Happy New Year!
What a relaxing video. I let Jane watch it but she hasn't fallen asleep yet....maybe I'll let her watch it again.
me teepy too!
Ha ha, you look like our Mom in the morning in that video. We jump on the bed and even poke her in the face with our paws, but she just mumbles and pulls the sheet over her head. But we always win. We just keep poking at her, walk over her and meow until she gets up.
Happy New Year to Daisy, Harley, and Mommie!! May you all have a healthy and wealthy 2009!
Happy New Year, Sleepyhead! We loved the video! We hope you and Harley and your Mom and Dad have a wonderful New Year!
Happy 2009!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We will join you for a nap.
That must have been some party Daisy, we thing sTony might have more energy then you did in the video.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
It should be think not thing our typist isn't properly awake yet. ~S,S & C
Daisy,we stayed up late too!!! We liked the video and we are going to nap too :)
It is really wild ,windy and stormy outside today! That is perfect snoozing weather.
We wish you all a
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
that was so funny daisy... happy new year honey!
smiles, auntie bee
Well now you've put me back to sleep Daisy..
I felt you may have overdone the catnip and dancing last night. Many blessings in the New Year for you and those you love!!
Daisy...we could watch you sleep all day!
Happy New Year to you and Harley and your mom and dad!
You are such a cute little sleepy head Daisy! Happy New Year!
You are so cute sleeping Daisy and so good too, coz you didn't put the bitey on the Mommie when she disturbed you!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, Harley and your Mommie and Daddie :) xxx
Daisy and Harley, we wish you a very Happy New Year, furriends!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Happy Noo Yeer Daisy!
Lola & AppleJack
You are just as adorable sleeping as you are awake!
I just want to wish you, Harley, Mr. Shrill, Snail, and your Mommie and Daddy a Happy, Happy New Year, Daisy!
You have been one of my joys of 2008!
Fitness Diva
That is a cute video, Daisy! You sure were tired. I hope that hand left you alone long enough for you to catch up on your sleeps.
Happy New Year to you guys!!!
Extremely relax and sweet , Daisy~!
How lovely video~!!!!
I enjoy that very very much~
Ohhh! Sleepy girl! I was not bored at all. I could watch hours of you stretching, yawning, and making reindeer paws.
Happy New Year to Daisy, Harley, and Family!
JD at I Do Things
Daisy, you obviously had a late night! Happy New Year Daisy and Harley!
poor daisy. She is so tired!
Wow! You sure is tired! Were you out living it up last night and seeing the New Year in?
Happy New Year to you all!
Hmm, too many niptinis last night, perhaps? Somehow, I don't think Harley is going to let you sleep all day. Happy new year to you both and to your mommy and daddy, too!
Happy New Year!!!
Daisy yoo look like mommeh muahahhahahaha happee new years!
Happy New Year! You musta done some major celebrating last night, because you look exhausted. Yawn.
Dear Daisy-face,
Happy New Year! To Harley, too.
Awww, Daisy! That was a very sweet movie. You must have had a late night to be so sleepy!
Have a wonderful 2009!
Poor, poor Daisy, probably doesn't any rest with her owner prodding her for a video all day. Geez.
Happy new year Daisy & Harley.
ViVi & AB
repairing and desearving sleepy!
happy 2009, Daisy! all the best in 2009 for you and your family! kisses, kisses, kisses....
That's just about the cutest video I've ever seen! Happy New Year!
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed New Year!
All the best to you Daisy and your owner in 2009.
ps you have good taste in music, very nice video, I'm even tired now.
What a sweet video of you pretty girl! Although when you opened your eyes & saw the camera it looked like you were a little perturbed.
Happy New Year from all of us!
Daisy - Those are big yawnies you have!
Daisy, you're so sweet - get a good rest!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
Wishing you a very happy New Year!
You are making me even more sleepy than I already am!
Happy New Year!
We hope you all have a wonderfurr New Year!
You are the cutest, Daisy! Happy New Year to all of you!
Siena & Chilli
That made us sleeepy, Daisy....
We are going to rest now, but before we do we'll wish you a Happy New Year!
Purrs...and headbutts...
~ Bob and Patrick
... and The Bunch!
Happy 2009 ! We are SO glad we met you guys this year XO
Happy New Year, Daisy! We liked yer video, it was very, yawn, restful, yawn yawn, and... ZZZ
You do look very tired there. Perhaps I will join you in that nap?
u have a nice cat there. happy new year.
Dozing Daisy...yoor just too cute.
YOU are so adorable Sleepyhead...
Happy New Year
Now I'm SO sleepy...must go to bed...sweet dreams sleepy head Daisy! Happy New Year!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I love the new video!!! You could never be boring, I wanted to reach out and scritch your head too! Your mommie has great taste in music too! I think I will watch that video again!
hugs for a happy new year!
You look so sleepy, Miss Daisy!
Happy New Year!
My fur-babies have been the same way all day...maybe it's a cat tradition...
Such a peaceful video Daisy. It must be hard to get a good nap with that hand waking you up! But I can understand how it'd be so hard not to pet your cute little face!
Happy New Year Daisy and Harley! You are such a cute napper Daisy. :) Your videos are always adorable, no matter what you're doing.
You are adorable Daisy! And you have the right idea fur the mew year... a nap sounds purrfect!
Happy Mew Year to you & Harley!
You look so cute in the video. We wish you a very Happy New Year!
Daisy just wasn't having any of it...a blessed and healthy New Year to you and all your felines!!!
(Big Kitty & Little Kitty)
HAND: "Mommy"
ha haaaaaaa!!!!!
I just love ur blog Daisy. No wonder all COOL cats are here :-)
Happy New Year to Daisy, Harley, and your lovely human!
Hi, Daisy!
I loved to see you "almost" in action!
Have a happy nappy day!
Kisses and hugs
That was a very cute video and it did make me a little bit sleepy. But do not be offended because I am always a little bit sleepy!
You take it easy Daisy, I might need your for kitten sitting duties in February as I'm pregnant!!! :) Oh and my friend and second-cousin Baillee has started to blog and she'd love to meet you, I've told her loots about you! :)
Happy New Year Daisy! Oh yer nappy makes me sooo tired I think I am gonna take a nappy nap too!
Yer pal Dozer
Poor tired Daisy. You have to stop burning the candle at both ends.
Happy new year!!!
I'm one of your entrecarddroppers and I'm sending you my best wishes.
May many dreams come true.
Happy New Year to you too Daisy!
Happy New Year ... we've been napping all day too since we were up until morning.
Happy New Year to you and your family :-D
Oh Daisy, you are so cute as a sleepy kitty.
Happy New Year
Lucky & Roxy
Sleeping Beauty! awwws
make a little room for mez!! I could do with a sleepy nap too! :)
Happy New Year Daisy and Harley! And to your fambly too.
you overdided it too? i getted stoned on red mouses an i sleepiez wiff mommy all day today. she overdided it on wine....
oh I didn't suffer! it was really fun watching you sleep Daisy!! I hope this yesr will be pawtastic year for you!!
Happy New Year Daisy!
We liked your little video!
Happy New Year Daisy! We hope you are getting lots of rest!
OH.. I think I wanna rest today too. ;)
~ Bae
That looks like the life!
I hope woo have a phine 2009!
We want to wish you a Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2009!!! And you video made us very tired "yawn", too!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Noo Yeer Daisy and Harley!!!
That wuz a furry tough role fer you in that video! Happy New Year 2009!
Happy New Year Daisy and Harley!!!
We napped today too!
Willow and I hope that you and your family have a very Happy New Year!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Happy New Year Daisy and Harley! Hope you had a restful day with minimal hands bothering you! ;)
Even watching you sneep is wondewful..Mommi wants to weach thwough the pootew and pat youw cuwly eaws and tummie
sweet dweams
smoochie kisses
Are you sure you're just tired? you look like you might be a little hungover? We loved your video and watching you sleeping so peacefully!
That's purrty much what we did yesterday too!
Awww, Daisy somehow manages to look fashionable even while napping--impressive :)
Looking forward to a great 2009! Best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Happy New Year, furriends! The video isn't boring at all, it's cuuuute!
Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!
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