Toolbelt Harley
After Daisy helped me with the blue dress, I found out that RUFFLES might NOT be so manly after all. So today I am going to model the most RUGGED and manly thing of all: A TOOL BELT! I feel very proud to wear MANY tools around my WAIST. And the belt is made of a very TOUGH brown faux leather. I also learned that "faux leather" is another way to say PLASTIC.

93 Notes for Daisy:
Harley, you are very manly! A very manly mancat!
Aswell as fixing things, you could also build some manly things! Like a bar!
Harley I need a lot fixed. Would you like to start witht the patio door or bedroom door??You're the guy to call with all those tools!!!!
Harley Dude you could build Mr Shrill a girlfriend.
You do look all mancatly in your toolbelt - awesome.
Ohhhh you could build a catdoor!!
Or you could drill off Mr. Shrill's foot if he does not play nice with you.
Abby & Stygia
Harley you are the epitome of mancatlyness! With all those tools you could definately fix Mr Shrill.
Handy Mancatly Fashion Tip: Kilts are very mancatly - in the UK we see builders wearing them in the summer - made out of all sorts of very manly materials!
Happy New Year to you all
Whicky Wuudler
Harley, you are definately a stud. We think you should make sure to watch a lot of the DIY network so you can learn lots.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Harley, you are so manly I am practically swooning!
Huffle Mawson
You are definately a very manly cat now Harley but of course we never doubted it....even in the ruffley dress! ;o)
Harley, you are lookin' good, buddy! You could get a manly membership into the YMCA (the Young ManCat Association) with that faux leather tool belt. You may need some more tools, but those are a very good start!
PS: Maybe your drill is cordless and has batteries.
Harley you are looking very manly indeed! And if there are any problems around the house - you can fix it! I like the idea of building a bar ... I wonder what sort of drinks you could serve? A niptini? :D
Harley, you are always manly, even with the ruffles. I bet you are going to fix everything around the house.
You look very mancatly Harley with your tool belt. You could build an operating table for Dr. Daisy. She would find that very helpful. Your drill is rechargeable so you don't need a cord for it.
Harley, that is very manly! And your Mom is so lucky to make four extra paws around the house to help fix stuff, too.
Harley, you ARE very manly! If I wasn't so smitten by Oliver I'd be flirting with you!
*blows kiss*
Pawsome belt Harley!!!!! Now everycat will know who to get to fix things around the house ;)I think your drill must be cordless :) I bet that will really impress the girl cats,heehee
Purrs Mickey
Harley, the handy cat... kkk
so cute!
kisses for you and Daisy!
Harley, you are definitely a manly cat. Maybe you could come by my house and hang some pictures.
Wow! Nice tool belt you got there Harley. Be careful with that drill okay?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Harley, you manly mancat! I think the drill is a cordless!
Harley! I thought you were MANLY even in the blue ruffled dress! Your tools are very impressive. Maybe that drill is battery-powered?
JD at I Do Things
Tim Taylor would be proud!
What an extremely manly toolbelt and you are a very very manly mancat, Harley! We are very impressed!
xx Asha and Katia
Happy New Year to Daisy and Harley!
Harley, bravo!
I like your new tool belt, so manly, man!
Can I borrow it to impress girls?
Just for one day?
yup. pretty danged manly harley! and cute too...
smiles, auntie bee
O Harley...I love your tool belt. What do you plan to build with it?
Harley, you are very manly indeed. My Mom said she could give you a list of things to fix if you're bored! Come on over!
Yes, are quite manly!!
Harley you are very mancatly in your great toolbelt!
Happy New Year!
U r a very hansum gentlecat.
Harley: VERY manly.
But ... don't you need a couple of thumbs to be able to use tools?
You are totally man-catly...and you know they don't yet have a cat hosting a show on HGTV...could you sign up to try and be the next Design Star? You could build important things like cat trees and cat shelters!
I do hope woo have read the instrukhtion manuals!
I bet when we look up MANCAT in the dictionary, they have your picture right there! We love your toolbelt and hope you find something to fix soon. Perhaps, an "accident" will happen today; something knocked over, pushed off the table, etc... Good luck!
very very manly. i need some work done in my house if you have reasonable rates.
handsome mancat...
Harley, you are a handsome Big Man Cat! I think Little Isis has a bit of a crush on you. At least I think that's what she meant when she said "Harley can fix it!" after she just took apart a rattle mousie.
Very manly.
Be sure to visit us today.
Wow Harley, you have more tools than I do, all I have is a butter knife.
You are the manliest mancat, Harley! Minnie swoons at your manliness! :D
Harley, you look very manly indeed! Much more manly than the blue dress!
more power, tool man
Ha ha! I think that is way better than the frills Harley! I'll let you into a secret. I think I would prefer the tool belt, and I'm a girl cat :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay if yoo need to find sumthing to fix the eeziest way is to brake sumthing ha ha ok bye
You are super manly, Harley! Mama wants to know if you can teach me how to fix stuff at our house?
2 words for real manly fixing:
Duck Tape!
You can fix anything with it.
You do look very mancatly with the tool belt. let us know what you find to fix at your house.
Yes Harley, you look very Manly! Maybe you could come over to our house to build Tristan a closet for all of her new Christmas boas. -Crikey
Way to go Harley! You are a reel man with that toolbelt! Dont worry if there is nothing to fix all you have to do is break sumthang first. That's what my Daddy does!
Yer pal Dozer
Ooooh Harley! You are so very manly!
Lola & AppleJack
harley, our mommees wants to know how you stay so still for the flashy box while you models stuff. we wonts let her put anyfing on us.
Now there's a dude for you, much better than frills. You rock Harley.
Wow, Harley. I am super impressed with all your manly tools. :)
I bet that drill is battery operated. No chord needed! =D lol
DOOD! That is a pawsome tool set - totally manly!!! We fink it is genuine NAGUHIDE!
What a manly mancat you are Harley!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Yes, Harley, now you look manly, a true mancat! I am glad you too our advice and chucked the ruffles!
Wow Harley! Meowm says she has some things here that need fixing...and she is certain you can do a better job than the maintenance men.
Oooo, Harley! Yoor furry manly. We are redecorating and Sadie could use some help...cordless drill...screwdriver...yup, yoo gots it all. Including good looks.
You the man Harley. Love your tool belt.
Harley you are certainly manly with that toolbet on! I even think you are cuter than Carter on HGTV and that's saying something!
Dearest Harley,
You are the manliest man EVER!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Harley, I think you are going to have a girl friend by Valentine's day! You are just so cute! Way cuter than Ty and Carter on tv! :)
Hugs to you and your sis Daisy,
That's a nice tool belt there, Harley! You should build a big cat tree!
We think tool belts are very manly. You you are a very HOT mancat Harley. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Maybe you have a battery operated drill Harley. Our Daddy borrowed one from a friend and he liked it a lot, the boy beans are suppose to get him one for Father's Day. ~Socks
Oh Harley, I would hire you anytime for all the jobs that need doing round here! You are a gorgeous mancat:) xxx
Well, toolbelts are manlier than ruffley dresses.
You da MAN, Harley! I am so impressed! And yes, men like to fix things, so your instincts are right on target!
I hope you have some great fun fixing things around the house for your Mommie!
And I like that belt! It suits you well! ;)
Very manly indeed, Harley!
Very manly! Harley, would you like to come over and hang a picture for me? I've been bugging Sunny's Daddy to do it for months now.
What a manly tool belt you have Harley. I think you look very good.
"Yes" very manly and cute :)
Harley you are soooo manly. You can come and fix my dryer. I bet you'd be really good at fixing things like that.
Harley, you are ginormously mancatly! Sigh, really, very mancatly...
Youawe vewy vewy manly!
I'm so glad to know that I can call o you if I need something fixed..I'm suwe you could do anything
smoochie kisses
Now Harley having a tool belt does not make a man.. there was a man with a tool belt in the Village People and we all know what that means.
Real man cats can feel comfortable in anything a cause they are comfortable with who they are :))
I know you iz a man can Harley buddie :))
But your tool belt is pretty darm cool! :)
You are very manly! We have a lot of things that need to be fixed here. Come on over!
Harley the toolcat!
You do look very manly Harley! I have some stuff you can fix that Bendrix broke. How about a platter and a cabinet door (he jumped on it funny)?
Happy New Year to you all!
Wow Harley, we are furry impressed. Real Tools! You look um, very Mancatly...
You lkook very mancatly. I think you could even wear the blue ruffle dress with that tool belt and still look mancatly.
Harley, you look very manly indeed! You also look very eager to begin fixing stuff. Did you ask your mom if there is anything needing fixing?
Mindy, Moe, Bono
SO Cute!! I loved the pictures!
I want one of those for my little Pita.
Cat Rabies
Hi, Harley!
What a difference!
Yes, you look very manly now!
Kisses and hugs
You look very handsome and manly, Harley. I'd love to watch you fix something.
Harley, you are very manly now. Mom said to come over here because we have bunches of stuff to fix.
Oh, doooood! YOU CAN OPEN CANS OF STINKY GOODNESS WITH THOSE!!! Think of the possibilities!
Very Manly Harley!! I was a bit worried about the ruffles.
Oh my yes, Harley is very manly. Left an award for Daisy on my blog. ;-)
Lazy Housewife
can i borrows you? mommy started makings me a cat house/box/scratchy post thing but it has nails pokey out! i could use a hot man cat like yourself to helps me!
looks like indiana jones :)
You are ever so ManCatly, Harley ... I agree with Poppy Q: Build Mr. Shrill a girlfriend so he won't be quite so annoying to Miss Daisy, okay?
Uh oh, a mancat with tools might have more ambition than abilities. That's what our mombean says. But she thinks you could audition for The Village People...what ever that means.
We think you're cute!
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
wow Harley, those are the cutest tools on a belt I have ever seen!! And you are the cutest cat with the toolbelt on...haha!!
Show off your drill!
It seems a little more than I need to check the information, because I was thinking: Why does not my GLOG these things!
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