It is me again, HARLEY! Daisy said that I could MODEL again. Since I do not know what is fashionable, I asked her what to wear. Daisy told me that BLUE is a very manly color, so I should pick out something BLUE! So I DID! HOW do I LOOK? Good, right?

Daisy told me that the wavy things on the sleeves make my SHOULDERS look GOOD! I think they are called "RUFFLES"! I hope ALL my fashions will have RUFFLES!

Here I am trying a FANCY pose!

Did I do GOOD?!? This modeling thing, it is very EASY! Am I supposed to say GOODBYE now? Okay. GOODBYE!

ps: Do you want my AUTOGRAPH? I wroted my NAME below. See?

Fashion Friday with Harley: Blue is Manly
99 Notes for Daisy:
tee hee! Silly kitty...
Harley, I see a big future for you in the fashion industry!
Well done Harley!
I have seen an outfit like that in size 3X running around here too!!
You look very dashing in blue.
Blue definately suits you Harley. Very mancatly indeed. You did good young fella.
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!
Whicky Wuudler et al
You did very good Harly, but I don't think ruffles are very "manly." You need some sport shirts! Your modeling was great though, I think you're a natural! I would like your autograph (you must have forgot to sign your name, silly Harly!)
Ooops, I see your signature now, maybe I just came a little too early before you finished your post! I love it!!
Lol Harley, I think you are doing very well at your modelling but I think Daisy is teasing is manly but I think maybe ruffles are not quite so manly! heh ;o)
Harley, I think Daisy is not so good on manly fashions as she is on girly fashions. (Sorry about that Daisy.) FAZ
Goodness you have a wonderful face, Harley. It is so happy and full of life. You did a wonderful job modelling. Only a REAL mancat can wear a skirt.
You are becoming a very good model Harley, and blue does suit you.Maybe you should give the ruffles a miss next time though.
I have a blue outfit too, it has sparkles like yours. Blue is definetly manly!
Riley, super manly macho cat
Harley, you're a fabulpus model! The ruffles are a very bold choice, and you are able to carry it off. I have a feeling you will be a trend-setter, and every man and mancat will be wearing ruffles.
Dude, you'd look great in anything! Mom swoons over those eyes of yours, Harley. Should we be jealous?
Daisy has taught you stellar modeling techniques in a short time- You look manly and great !!Sandy
Oh yes, you look very fetching in blue, Harley. I think.
Huffle Mawson
You look so handsome! It matches you nicely. :)
Harleyyyyy, did you know that that is...
A DRESS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
PS: You look good in blue.
You are a great and manly model, Harley, well done! Two paws up!
And Daisy is a terrific fashion consultant!
Happy weekend -
purrs from Asha and Katia
Hi ya Harley! Maybe you could get on America's Next Top Model???
Awesome Harley! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I think that you should go for an outfit without the frilly bits next time :O) You are doing very well at modeling though Harley!
Purrs, Sukie x
OK Harley!! We need to talk! Blue is a manly colour,BUT it would look better if it was a muscle T-shirt!! Ruffles! Blue jean...yeah!!
Fashion advice from a girly girl may not be the best ;)
Purrs Mickey
Um, Harley, beautiful looks great on you, but the ruffles . . .
You did a great job modeling! Of course, you have a great teacher.
Harley, no one does girly better than are going to need your own closet of your own man-cat clothes...we thing you'd look awesome in a leather jacket! Of course you look good in anything...or nothing at all :blush:
Dearest Harley,
Blue is your color! You're doin' a real good job with that modelin' stuff! But...Harley, all the boys in the Whiskers and Purrs Gang want to pass along to you that ruffles ain't the manliest of things you could might wanna look into modelin' flannel shirts or somethin'.
Regardless, though, you look wonnerful!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
You're turning into a great fashion model, Harley!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You are a furry fashionable boy, Harley! You should try a UtiliKilt next!
Harley looks very stylish in blue! We love your eyes, Harley! You look like you have on a little mask! :-)
Harley, you look very manly!!!
wanna come PLAYPLAYPLAY?????
Aw, Harley, blue may be manly, but you've got a lot to learn about fashion! You are a good model, however, and almost as photogenic as Miss Daisy!
We definitely think you have a future in modelling.
Harley, you might want to skip the outfits with ruffles and sequins and floppy skirts. We think your Mom needs to purchase you some "manly" outfits to wear. Plus, you're going to outgrow most of Daisy's clothes very soon, because you will be a "large" mancat. Blue is a nice color on you though.
Luf, Us
good poses harley, ruffles are gud fur yoo
Excellent color~!!!
You look so great in Blue....skirt?
I think you done good, Harley. You're a natural!
You have a face made for modeling, Harley - in *anything! :)
Daisy knows fashion but we think she might have been....well....teasing you.
Umm... Harley? You are so very special, aren't you? snort!
I love you in blue, but perhaps Mommy should pick out your next outfit, instead of Daisy... hmmm? snicker!
Very fancy outfit ... you did very good modeling.
Way to go, Harley! You look like a 'natural' model!!
glad to see you are so confident in your masculinity....
See you in the next Aberkitty & Finch catalog!
Blue is your color for sure. We think you will look good in any color. Even in ruffles, you look stunning!
~ The Bunch
Oh my Harley thanks for that little good bye!! And yes you are very handsome!!:-)
uhm right.... Daisy told you Blue was good for guys....but.... of course, she was giggling when she chose something with ruffles wasn't she? that would have been the give-away....
don't trust her Harley.....
What a frilly Mancat you are Harley! teeheehee!
The ruffles definitely make your shoulders look GOOD. Do we hear Daisy giggling somewhere? Great job, Harley!
abby & Stygia
Harley, you look wonderful in blue! Maybe you and Daisy should go shopping to get you some blue overalls like the ones she has modeled before and you could model them together! We like her overalls a lot!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
OH are a great model but we think you need your own wardrobe!!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
reelee, reelee manly harley!
Harley, you are soooo handsome. And yes, blue suits you very fine. But try to find something without - what they're called? ruffles? - the next time if you can... ; )
Purrs, Siena
That's a lovely blue on you Harley! may want to try jsut some shirts.......just sayin'.
Harley, while I must admit that Miss Daisy has impeccable fashion sense, there are other choices for blue apparel. Please have your mommie save some green papers and purchase some blue jeans and pullover shirts or perhaps some button down oxfords?
I'm just sayin'!
Harley, you did a very nice job on fashion Friday. You may want to talk to your mommy...i think Daisy may have played a little trick on you. ;o)
Great poses, dude ... but I gotta come over and have a man-to-man talk with you about those ruffles! Daisy, I bet you're giggling in a corner somewhere :-)
Um, we don't think Daisy did dat on purpose. Maybe da only blue in da closet dat would fit yoo hadded dem ruffles on it. Tho they do make yoor chest and arm mussels look huge we think yoo definitly need yoor own clothes. Mostly cuz yoo is surely gonna outgrow her stuff purrty fast.
Oh yes Harley, blue is definately your colour. I think Daisy needs to talk to you about "types" of clothing now - just a thought.
hey Harley, do not let you get dresses, are for girls!
Dude, I have to disagree with Daisy for once. I just don't think ruffles are for you, although that color is fine and the poses are really good.
Looking good Harley!
That model is really the cat's whiskers!
I think someone is being misled.
Harley, Teach me how to sign my name, Bobby, please. It looks so artistic.
You certainly look good in blue, and you did an excellent job writing your name. Hope you & Daisy had a Happy Thanksgiving. ~S,S & C
"Daisy she's a good cat, but not always a nice cat" - your big sister is living up to her reputation! The blue is fine, but the ruffles, not so manly! However, I think she is just jealous because you have picked up the modeling thing so well, she probably feels threatened. Assure her she is the star and avoid the ruffles!
Hope you had lots of yummy turkey yesterday!
Purrs and hugs!
Wow Harley you do look exceptionally cute and also manly at the same time.Honestly, you do! Thats what I tell baby mao when the human puts him in frills. It's true. xx
OH Harley I thinks your sisfur is being a little bit cheeky!
Ruffles are not for men buddie, but we knows you is manly so we will overlook it! :p hehe
Momma just loved your last two pictures! We both thinks that you has a good future in modeling too!
It must run in the family :)
Harley! You look absolutely beautiful! In a very manly way, of course. I think blue is your color.
Your Mommie is so talented to be able to take such wonderful photos of you and Daisy. Of course, she has very good subjects.
I hope to see you model again soon!
JD at I Do Things
Poor, poor Harley. He's going to be devastated when he finds out. ROFL!
Harley yoo shud see Skeezix, he cud help yoo pick out ruffles too!
OMG. This post and all the comments have me laughing SO hard!!! :D
Harley, you look good, it's true...
Everyone looks good in blue...
but ruffles, flowers, bows and curls
are not for manly cats, just girls!
please try to remember this!
and watch that Daisy - she can be a tricky one! ;)
You did a great job modeling. The only problem is that you are in a dress. Boys don't wear dresses. But you still look good. We think you should wear some red. We think that would look great on you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Harley, you do look great in blue but the ruffles, not so much! You are doing pawesome on the modeling poses though!
Harley, you did a great job!
Woo woo, Harley! lookin' Good! Is that Tinkerbell on that, um, fashion? I love Tinkerbell!
I think you may have a very profitable future in modeling. I hope you were paid with many Temptations like Daisy does!
I think I know a curly cat that needs to be chased. Harley, it's a good color but the ruffles! I think Daisy is messin with yoo.
Harley! Harley!
I think your mom needs to go shopping for you! Blue is manly but... a blue dress??
Kisses and hugs
Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Now, um, Harley - I think it maybe a dress you have on there.
Harley - you look great! And such purr-fect eye contact with the camera, too.
Dad would say that you are in touch with your feminine side. Other than that, most men don't wear ruffles. Just an FYI.
ohhhhhhhhh Harley you is so cute!!! blue is your colors truly!!
Harley, blue is definitely your color!! Maybe you should have your mommie find you something a little more masculine though......just sayin.
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Um, yeah...very manly, doood LOL
Harley, yoo are a born Fashunista! Ixsept that purrsunuly, I think PINK is the manliest color. The ruffles are vary good becuz they can call attenshun to yer big arm mussuls. Not that I was looking at yoo in that way.
Uh oh. I think Daisy is messing with you. Frills are for girls, Harley!
Nice pics...By the way, we're doing a giveaway for a grooming essentials kit. Check it out!
Hey Harley frum one man to another take it frum me if yer Mummy luvs wut you is wearing then it is wurth wearing a frilly shirt even if you are not too shore about wether it is manly.
Harley I think you did a great job and you do look go in blue. Daisy is a great role model :)
Oh dear... um, Harley... oh never mind...
Wow. We love the blue dress Harley!
Harley, you are one patient cat, and a good sport.
I would not like wearing a dress like that. But you look good in it.
Paws 'n Claws,
Oh you look pawsome in Blue.. I want your pawtograph
~ Bae
Harley, you need to watch Zoolander.
Harley your so adorable! I love your fashion sense.
Blue is manly, but the costume is like a dress, so it does a little bit confusing...
Anyway Harley still looks good on any costume... :)
Yay fur Manly Harley in hiz blue stuffoms!!
Daisy May
You are absolutely falling down GORGEOUS in ruffles and in your new royal blue coat Daisy! WOWZER! Mama needs to get me some of those. (I probably would resist, but anything for a diva like appearance such as you have.
Ooops, Harley...mama said she made a mistake typing for me. Next time I will type myself and get your name right. Daisy, excuse me, darling. Harley...hugs and petting to you.
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