Happy Thanksgiving, everybuddy! This year, I have decided to wear this comfy, yet festive, holiday t-shirt. It says "Happy Turkey Day" on the front. I am trying to wear a Pilgrim's hat, too. I do not think real Pilgrims had to use a chin strip to keep their hat on. But I am not sure.

Hey, turkey! Aren't you supposed to be in the oven?

Oh, Harley wanted to pose for Thanksgiving, too. But he does not know how to wear a hat.

Happy Thanksgiving!
115 Notes for Daisy:
HAPPY THANKSGIVING Daisy...you look very beautiful in your hat :o) Enjoy that turkey....it very good feline food ;o)
Happy Thanksgiving to you both, Daisy and Harley~!!!!!
You look very good~!!!! I think that clothes is warm,
and Harley's expression is very special and adorable.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Daisy and Harley! We think it is Happy for everybuddy but the Turkey!
Happy thanksgiving to you Daisy and Harley and all of your family. We are thankful that you are there every day to make us smile. Enjoy the treats.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Daisy you look very cute in your hat.
Happy Thanksgiving to all af you! You two look particulary cute today!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy, Harley and family. I have to work today . That's not too good - reports but in between I shall try to eat some kind of vegetarian dish. I shall think of you festive in your Turkey Day Shirt and Pilgrim hat..hahaah
Daisy, the only reason the Pilgrims didn't have a chin strap is that they couldn't make it look as cute as you do.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Thankyou for your kind words about our babies.
Dearest Daisy you make a perfect pilgram kitty! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Harley too!
Happy thanksgiving Daisy and Harley and your mum and dad. I hope you get some turkey. I like your t-shirt.
Huffle Mawson
Oh you do have a lovely looking turkey to share there Daisy! I've been hoping for one for my 3rd Gottcha Day, but will have to make do with reindeer pate I guess... ;)
Celebrating my 3rd Gottcha Day in style! :)
Happy thanksgiving to everyone indeed! Daisy you look simply awesome. Thanksgiving to you as well.
Ohh Miss Daisy your poses and expressions are just priceless!
Your little hat looks very nice on you!
Harley my man you is coming along very well!! You still look like a speed kitteh :))
PES: We like your turkey it can't get hurt-ed today ;) shhhhh
Nice outfit, Daisy. Happy thanksgiving to all of you there in nice, warm, sunny Florida! I already put some Temptation Treats in with my breakfast serving for my cats. Hope you get some too today for Thanksgiving!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Daisy, you look gorgeous as usual and I am sure that by next Thanksgiving Harley will be able to wear a little pilgrim hat.
xxx Asha and Katia
(and Lidian)
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! We think you look lovely in your thanksgiving outfit!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
happy thanksgiving for you and Harley, Daisy!
you're amazing with this hat!
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy, Harley and family!
You look cute i your outfit, Daisy. As for Harley, he may not know how t wear a cat but he does know how to gaze up at the camera appealingly!
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. You sure looked cute in your pilgrim outfit. I think it is good that Harley doesn't wear your hats, that way you don't have to share.
Happy Turkey Day Little Daisy and Harley
Oh Daisy, you look very nice in your outfit, and I'm sure some people had to wear a chin strap like you.
I hope you all enjoy your turkey!
Purrs, Sukie x
P.S. I just watched your videos again and they made me laugh! The Mr Shrill one is really clever!
Purrs, Sukie x
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy....and Harley. Next year Harley will be able to wear a hat.
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley! We're not sure if pilgrims uses chin straps either.
Harley's smiling... I can see it!
You all have a blessed day. Enjoy the treats!
You guys make me happy everyday, so I am grateful to you! Miss Daisy, you look adorable in your t-shirt, and Harley looks cute, hat or not! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your mommy!
Happy Thanksgiving to Daisy, Harley and family.
Whicky Wuudler & family
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley. We are thankful that we have such clever and funny friends to visit everyday! We hope you get lots of turkey today. Enjoy!
Happy Thanksgiving! And I love the hat, you wear it well!
Happy Thanksgiving to both Daisy and Harley! I hope you get plenty of "bird" to eat!
Nom, nom.
Actually Daisy, they did need chin straps to keep those cute hats up top... and Harley, hat or not... you look perfectly huggable.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy and Harley! Daisy, you look beautiful, and the chin strap only enhances how cute you look in that hat. Harley, you are handsome and manly with or without a festive costume.
I hope your family has a wonderful day and remembers to give you lots of good tidbits from the table.
JD at I Do Things
You are so cute in your pilgrim hat and Turkey Day tee shirt Daisy! We wish you, Harley, your Mommie and your Daddy a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
I like that hat, Daisy! Lookin' sharp, lookin' sharp!
Happy Thanksgiving Day to you, Harley and your Mommie! Don't eat too much turkey! :D
Daisy, you look very festive today! JJ didn't want to pose for a holiday photo, this morning - guess she just wasn't born to modeling, like you!
Have a wonderful Turkey Day!
Daisy your outfit is great and the hat what can we say but cool. We understand Harley not wanting to wear a hat. We're the same we won't even wear a collar. Happy turkey day.
You look great Daisy. Happy T Day!
Happy Turkey Day, dear little Daisy and Harley.
Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!!!
We've awarded you two awards please stop by and pick them up. Have a great Turkey Day.
Aww.. Harley looks so cute as well! lol Happy Thanksgiving.. I'm thankful for your cute blog to make me smile everyday. :) Peace!
You sure look cute in that outfit Daisy. Would you be dressing as Santa Rina this coming X'mas then? :P
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Happy Thanksgiving, Miss Daisy!
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy and Harley! Please give our best wishes for a peaceful holiday to your mom and dad!
Daisy you look smashing! And, Harley so do you; even without a hat. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy and Harley! Hope you have a fun day and get a few bites of turkey! :-D
Great to see both daisy and harley so in the spirit of Thanksgiving. Have a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving bootiful Daisy and Handsome Harley..hope you have a gweat day!
smoochie kisses
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and harley
Happy Thanksgiving to both of you and your beans! Darling poses!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley....
love your fashion shows....
Happy Thanksgiving to Daisy and Harley! Enjoy the turkey!
That is a grate Thanksgiving outfit, Daisy! I hope Harley enjoyed his first Thanksgiving dinner.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I hope you're having a great Thanksgiving Daisy, Harley, Mommie and Daddy! D & H, you look so adorable in your pictures I just want to cuddle you both:) I like the turkey too! xxx
Daisy - we especially adore that hat and the way you are wearing it! But Harley poses well too, you probably teach him?
Happy Thanksgiving to both of you!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin, Naughty, Luna, Ruis and Karl
Happy Thanksgiving to two adorable friends.
I'm blessed to have friends like you and I'm so thankful for that.
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy! Happy Thanksgiving, Harley! Happy Thanksgiving, mommie!
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy, Harley and Mommie!
Daisy you look beautiful in your cap!
Happy thanksgiving for the whole family! :)
Happy Thanksgiving to Daisy & Harley!
You look very comfortable in your shirt Daisy but that chin strap does not look so comfortable though. Hmm..
Will you get to eat that turkey later?
Happy Thanksgiving
Daisy & Harley Happy thanks giving day!!! I luve your costumes and turkey!!! wow are you gonna eat all that up???
Are ya havin' fun???? Happy T-Day!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley! Enjoy your day!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley! I am so thankful to have you both as my friends. You always manage to put a smile on my face and you are two pawsome kitties in my book!
Happy Thanksgiving! Your turkey looks a little glassy-eyed, you might want to send it for a drug screening before you eat it ...
I want to wish everyone a great Thankgiving!
ViVi & AB
As always Daisy- you make me smile. You and Harley are both adorable. :)
Happy Tanksgiving Daisy and the Mum here wants you to let that Turkey free!
happy thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley!!!
~The Creek Cats~
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy! I hope your turkey get into the oven eventually..
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Mericky friends!
Daisy and Harley, Happy Thanksgiving!
Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom and Angel Winton
Dearest Daisy,
We hope you and your family have a wonnerful Thanksgivin' Day!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy!
You've received the Lemonade Award for good cattitude:
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy, Harley and family. Today we are thankful that we have friends like you in our lives!
Happy Thanksgiving! I love your outfit!
It iz time to teachez Harley how to roastie a tur-key. If he iz not gonna wearz da hat, den at leastee tell him howz to turn dat EZ oevfun of yourz on!!!
We've come to wish you, Harley & your beans a happy Thanksgiving day - you both look awfully cute!
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy and Harley. I hope you're having a great holiday with all the humans.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Fangs-giving! Gobble, gobble, gobble ... 'urp!
DMM and the Feline Americans
You look so very cute in your hat, Miss Daisy!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Happy Thanksgiving to my adorable friends.
I'm blessed to have friends like you and I'm so thankful for that.
Daisy, that turkey is absolutely beautiful! I hope you are not going to eat it!
Happy Thanksgiving! Harley, you don't need to wear a hat to be cute.
Daisy, you and Harley are just the cutest Thanksgiving greeting! My daughter had a good giggle with your picture. (not an easy feat with a teenager!)
I hope you all had a wonderfully happy Thanksgiving with lots of good nom noms.
Hugs and Smoochies,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy, yoo look vary festiv. Why's Harley nekkid?
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley.
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy, just gotta say I love your profile image.
Have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Skittles, The Huntress
Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy, Harley and fambly! :)
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy to you, Harley and your mom!
And may I say that you have wonderful taste...pun intended...in clothing!!:-)
This is so cute and Daisy you do look like a pilgrim. You need to get Harley to practice wearing hats and clothes because then you could do a cool photo shoot together. Happy Thanksgiving you fun kitties. Tell your Mommie nd Daddy hello!
I am thankful for the smile you put on my face everyday! Happy Thanksgiving Daisy!
Happy Turkey Day, you two! *purrs*
You 2 look pawsome for thanksgiving
~ Bae
happee thanksgiving daisy. i'm yer 103rd comment. dat'zza lotta frendz fer u.
i'm glad i'm one uv dem.
Great hat Daisy! Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Many purrrs for our dear friends.
Daisy, it is important to wear stretchy clothes on Thanksgiving. My beans had TWO meals today and they wore stretchy pants...
Harley, you look great even without the hat!
I think maybe the Pilgrims DID have to use chin straps...but they had double chins so no one could tell...
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy! You sure look cute and festive! I hope Mommie gave you and Harley some yummy turkey!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy, Harley and your Mom & Dad!! Hope your day was fun and full of Turkey!! You look so cute in your Thanksgiving outfit!!
Your FL furiends,
Great outfit Daisy! You are just the most perfect Pilgrim girl!
But at least he posed fer a picture!
My gosh, that Harley is getting more and more handsome every day!
Hope everyone in Daisy Land had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Happy thanksgiving to you and Harley!! Hope you both got lots of turkey yesterday!! We are grateful for you both!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Hope you had a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING Daisy and Harley and fambly!
so cute! :)
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley! Hope you had lots of yum yum turkey. I wuz not alowed to have turkey but thats ok cause I got to visit with all my family frends!
Yer pal Dozer
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy and Harley! sorry this is late, ya know the people tho, always have way too much stuff ta do!
Daisy your just to adorable....Hugs Ariel
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