Tips for a Happy Thanksgiving
Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I am going to give you some helpful tips for having an extra-good Thanksgiving day. First, make sure you have lots of spare room inside your tummy.

Tips for a Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by Daisy at 11/26/2008 04:00:00 AM
103 Notes for Daisy:
Great Tips~!!
I think the best part is the eating part~~ Hee hee hee~~
Those are some good tips, Daisy! We are having about a dozen peoples here for dinner and history has already shown us that several of them can be very careless about letting some of their Turkey and Ham fall to the floor. We will try to keep our mouths on full alert!
Those are indeed very helpful tips, Daisy. It's such shame we don't have Thanksgiving here in France!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
We agree. We aren't havin turkey, but we will haf a roast chickie, and a BIG chunk of it is gonna be for just US.
ON THE TABLE (gasp, and fall ofer). An there will be GRAVY...
We can't WAIT!
Happy Thanksgiving Daisy, Harley and your mommie. Rocky will be having some canned turkey tomorrow so he can have his meds mixed in. He has it every day, but he celebrates eating every day. LOL
Hi Daisy! A special happy Thanksgiving day to you and don't eat TOO much. LOL (As if I won't.)
It sounds like you are going to be very busy but I hope you get in some good nap time too.
I'm writing thise valuable tips down as we speak, Daisy. Since I'm a vegetarian, my furry friends always remind me to make them something special and I do!!
Haha! Cute.. really cute!
We love seeing you savor that treat! Using all the senses, including opening eyes wide to make sure you see and not just taste it, is perfect.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Abby & Stygia
I bet I never leave the kitchen tomorrow - so much snoopervising to do!
Haha, sorry Daisy but we had to laugh at you asking for a booster seat.
We don't know if you can still eat your feed while we are reading it, but we want to know why we can't eat it either.
Daisy - hoping you and your fambly have a really wonderful thanksgiving and thank you for the very useful tips!
Great tips, Daisy! I will make my mom introduce Thanksgiving to our home!
You look very sweet in those photos.
Purrs, Siena
Is that your purse?? Really nice and colorful but what dress you gonna put with it?
Well, we don't have thanksgiving here but I could take that fancy bag anywhere!
Huffle Mawson
Those are super tips! We're getting ready here too!! Mom and Dad are going to Sanibel, but we're sure they won't forget us for Thanksgiving.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Those are great tips Daisy. We hope you have a very happy day.
Happy Thanksgiving! ~S,S & C
Thanks for the tips, I am ready now for Thanksgiving!
Have a wonderful yummy day tomorrow!!!
Top Tips Daisy! We think there should be a day of eating turkey in the UK too!
Whicky Wuudler
Thanks so much for these tips. As an Aussiecat, I don't really know much about Thanksgiving.
Daisy, we don't have Thanksgiving here in the uk :o( but I will remember your tips if I ever get to visit the US......and I do think you might need that booster seat!
Great tips! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
That is one fabulous doggie, er, kitty bag you've got there for the leftovers. Are you sure it's big enough? :-) I must remember to take mine with me tomorrow!
JJ has a post-Thanksgiving holiday shopping tip to help less fortunate kittehs over at our place, today.
Those are grate tips, Daisy! We're only gonna haff 3 extra beans + 2 woofies at owr howse tomorra so we're gonna haff LOTS of leftovers!
After getting your tips, we are ready now!
Wow Daisy, as usual your step by step instructions should come in very useful. Thanks for the tips. And by the way, your "doggie bag" purse is rockin'
What great tips. All of your readers are now prepared for the holiday.
Daisy, I hope you, Harley and your family have a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Great Tips Daisy!!!!!
Thank you for the tips Daisy. I hope you and your family have a very happy Thanksgiving.
Great tips! Happy thanksgiving to you all!
xx Asha and Katia
(and Lidian)
I love your tips, allthoug Mom said something about us never needing them?
Yes, it is good to have plenty of room, try not to eat too much, save lots for later! I am going to remember these tippies.
(((hug))) to you and Harley
love Prinnie
Daisy, we hope you have a great Thanksgiving! We love your blog and while you have probably already received these awards many times, we still wanted to pass them on to you. We have the Love Your Blog and Butterfly Award waiting for you. Stop by and pick them up when you have time.
I will remember those tips for Christmas, because we don't have Thanksgiving.
I hope you have a wonderful time!
Purrs, Sukie x
Awesome tips Daisy, spoken like a pro...I'm sure that you've prepped Harley for the's his first Thanksgiving, right?
Excellent tips!!! I think cats have much more stylish bags than Doggie bags ;)
I like your bag. That's hot!!!
Purrs Mickey
Daisy, if I were you I'd ask for booster seat. That way you can eat more gooder...lOL!
Those are some wonderful tips, Daisy! We will keep them all in mind ... you are such a good furriend to pass them on!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Great tips Daisy! They will help a lot!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Well, we don't celebrate it here in Sweden, but everything concerning eating is good.
Daisy, these are the best tips ever for Thanksgiving Day feasting!
Great tips, Daisy! We will follow them to the "T" (as in "T"urkey!)
Hope you and Harley get some bites of turkey!
I will keep all of those tips in mind, thank you Miss Daisy.
Excellent tips. I'll be sure and bring my booster seat to the table tomorrow.
I have lots of room for turkey having been on hunger strike for 36 hrs, but I have no turkey... :(
Thanks for the tips Daisy, hope you have a wonderful T-Day too!
These are all great tips!
Now if I can only keep from over eating...
Excellent tips, Daisy! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)
Those are good tips, Daisy!
I gots to remember to groom myself before I steal all the turkee on Tanskgibbin Day.
Great ideas Daisy! The bag is extra special for left-overs!
Luf, Us
Daisy...what fab tips for our holiday cooking!!!
We're going to be prowlin' and on guard around the table lookin' for fallen turkey...
Barkin' at ya...quietly of course,
Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan...
Asta's friends...
Well, Daisy, lots of our friends have been sayin' I look a little on the lean side, which I think is from huntin' squirrels, so I think I've lots of extra space for some fine victuals! Happy Thanksgiving!
Those were such great tips, Daisy! What would we do without you!!!
~The Creek Cats~
thank you for the helpful tips, Daisy! I will go find a fancy bag for leftovers today so I can be ready!
A Thanksgiving delite! And a Booster seat.
I hope you and your family has a very Happy Thanksgiving, Daisy! :)
We especially like the bag for leftovers!
Daisy, you are the cat's meow! Love you, your blog and your wardrobe, you are a sketch!
Happy Turkey Day to you and Harley.
Remember to share with him in the spirit of the holiday!
Lol. Those are great. Thanks Daisy. Don't forget loose clothing too!
Those are all good tips Daisy - we'll be sure to follow them!
We almost forgot the Leftover Bag!!!
Daisy, you are too cute, staring at your belly like that. I hope you get lots of yummy Thanksgiving treats tomorrow. And wish your Mommie and Harley a Happy Thanksgiving, too.
Most excellent tips!
We hope you and Harley and your beans have a tasty Thanksgiving.
~ The Bunch
The big kids table cracked me up.
Thanks for the giggle.!
Have a happy Thanksgiving, Daisy. I hope you catch lots of lizards.
Mom's already started cooking Daisy! It all smells so yummy we just can't wait...Thanks fur da tips, we will be sure to use dem.
Great ideas (I'm writing them down)! :)
You are very cute, and also very smart. Those are good tips.
Oh Daisy, if only I had these tips weeks ago when we had our Thanksgiving (Canada's Thanksgiving is in October).
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Excellent tips, Daisy! We hope that Mama brings us lots of yummy leftovers.
Happy Thanksgiving!
You are too precious Daisy!
Theresa and Bobby and Joe
oh yey fankz for tips Daisy!! me not eat today so mai stomach is ready to eats tomorrow!!
Thanks for the tips, Daisy.
Here in the YooKay we don't have Thanksgiving but thems is useful tips for all year round ! I can always find room in my tummy !! he he
Very good tips indeed Daisy! I hope you and your whole family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Good tips Daisy. We're almost ready for Thanksgiving!
Thank you for your words of wisdom. We hope that momma brings home some tasty treats for us.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Moe and Carmela
Thanks for the tips Daisy.Have a great Thanksgiving :)
Ah Daisy, you make my day! I should try to remember the part about making room in tummy instead of just stuffing it! I love your fancy purse for leftovers, perhaps you can tell us where you found it?
Happy Thanksgiving dear, to you, Harley and mommy!
Waaaah! I feel deprived! why don't we have Thanksgiving here mum? where's my TURKEY???
haha they are great tips Miss Daisy!
I thinks you need a few boosters though!! hehe
hve a Happy Thanksgiving! :)
We love the eating part! It makes the rest all worthwhile....except maybe' the lovin' from beans.
We love the eating part! It makes the rest all worthwhile....except maybe' the lovin' from beans.
Those are all very wise decisions Daisy!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! And don't ask for a booster seat - ask them to lower the table. Booster seats are degrading ;-)
I hope you get lots of leftover treats!
Hi, Daisy!
All those are good tips!
The bag sure is very important!
Kisses and hugs
Yum. Leftovers! We're prepared ;-) Have a great Thanksgiving with your family, Daisy!
Thanks for the advice. This is only our second turkey day so we can use all the help we can get. Have a great turkey day with your family.
Fantastic tips Daisy!! And Yay I made it home for the holidays.
I missed you little miss Daisy very much!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!:-)
THanks fer da great tips! Have a wonnerful Thanksgiving!
Thanks for the tips! Have a happy Turkey day yourself.
Thanks for the tips!
Happy early Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Hehe.. I sure hope you have a great thanksgiving cute kitty. :)
Thanks for the tipss. Especially the one about the booster seat. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle that situation this year.
Good tips, Daisy. Happy Thanksgiving!
Darling Daisykins, I hope you and Harley and Momee and Dadee have a super dooper Thanksgiving with lots of turkey to put in your pretty kitty bag for later. Smoooooch! :) xxx
How adorable you are! We love your blog! Please stop by ours any time! We are having a contest and giving away free cat collars (or dog collars) during December!
Happy Thanksgiving and cheery wave from
That's hilarious! I hope I get a seat at the big table this year, too!
Happy Thanksgiving!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy tanksgiving that is all gud advice!!! ok bye
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