Even though Harley is only 8 months old, he already outweighs me by almost 4 pounds! And he likes to wrestle! You might think that since he is so much bigger than me, that Harley always wins...

But here is video PROOF that I am VICTORIOUS!

Video Proof that I am VICTORIOUS!
115 Notes for Daisy:
Good for you Daisy. We think that is a good example of brain over brawn!:)
Go GIRL!!!!!!
Your Pal,
WELL DONE!!!!!!!
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!
We elder brothers and sisters are the best of the best of the best!!!!
Youngers.... you go away!!!!!!!
I am Victorious today as well, again! Yes yes yes!
Attitude wins every time, Daisy dear!
Mom says she was taught that lesson a bazillion years ago from her paternal grandmother, who happened to be smallest in stature, but tallest in attitude and confidence!
Aha I saw it - you are clearly the winner Daisy !!
Dearest Daisy,
You is what is called a "tough chick". Hang tough, Daisy!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Hey HARLEY!!! come ofur and PLAYPLAYPLAY!!! DAISY!! DANCEDANCEDANCE at mine house!!!- Billy
Yes, Daisy, you are cat No. 1--must keep Harley in his place BUT wrestling is fun! Manny and Spunky like to wrestle too on occasion. Spunky Doodle is not afraid of the big Manny Mancat. Your mommie did a great job on the video! I don't know how to make good videos yet. Maybe some day.
I think this is indisputable proof that you are the winner Daisy. Harley should hide his head in shame.
Huffle Mawson
***wild clapping***
Well done Daisy!!!!!!
Purrs Shade
I think if Harley had a towel he would have thrown it in the ring!
Well done Daisy, you shown him! About the photo though. Where did your head go?
Well done Daisy, you really showed him who is boss! :o)
Great job Daisy!! Little Ellie just has to look at anyone here and she wins! We think Girl Power rocks!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You go girl, you have to show Harley how it is done! Happy Tuesday.
You rock Daisy!
Thank you for this. I really needed a laugh.
Good for you Daisy, you've gotta keep those mancat's in their place you know! ;)
Daisy, you clearly showed Harley what for!!!
Brains over brawn, I always say... Nicely done, Daisy!
You go girl!!!! I think it must be the stare at the end of the whap!
You go Daisy. Show Harley that you rule the countertops. He may come up with your permission.
Well done, Daisy!
Cool Daisy!!! Bigger is not always better!! Skill wins the day!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Yoo Go GIRL! Dat is an awesome position yoo got yurself in.
Girl power! Way to show Harley who's boss.
Good whacks on the head Daisy! Great job! Looks like size doesn't really matter after all!
Yay Daisy...that was an awesome example of skill and bravery...I'm only 8 pounds, but I can out wrestle my sister Ginger who is 15 pounds...I'm not scared of her!
nice position there daisy
Wow! Remind me never to mess with you Daisy. You are a great fighter! It good right from the start to let Harley know who the boss of the house is.
Girls Rule !!!!!!!! ~Scylla & Charybdis
Harley was just being a gentleman. That's why Scylla always wins our wrestling matches. ~Socks
well done little Daisy, show him who's boss ;)
Wow! That was a very swift victory! Good for you, Daisy. I think it was that last deadly paw raise that made Harley turn tail and run.
Our beloved Simone, half the size of her opponent, Kilbey, was ALWAYS victorious. She didn't have the size, but she had the moves.
JD at I Do Things
Daisy, you sure can keep your baby brother in line! Good work. :)
Love Clover xo
Ha ha:) Congrats:)!
woo hoo daisy, I'm impressed. way to not back down (and if you did you would have fallen off the counter).
You go gurl!!!!!
AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!!! ::makes waaaahhhh crowd noises with paws around mouth:: Daisy the Wrestling Diva has trounced her opponent, Harley the Hilarious, yet again!
::wahhhhhhhhhh:: (crowd noise)
Fight fight fight fight!!!
Ah precious memories of me and my brothers..
We women are formidable creatures. good job, Daisy!
Wow, Daisy, dat's awesome! You's in charge; don't let Harley furget it.
But... You's Daisy. I's Victor. If you say you's Victor, we'll all get confuzzed.
Harley, it's ok. Daisy is your elder and deserves respect. As a younger sisfur, I understand. ~ Nina
oops! I keep furgeting Harley is a BOY! I can't smell you over the Internet.
~ Nina
You go, Daisy! Show Harley who is in charge! :-)
Haha, all you had to do was show Harley "machine-paw" and he backed down! You're pawsome, Daisy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Wow Daisy, you certainly have a way of bringing your competition to their knees in total submission! You go girl!
"Yay" Daisy you definitely won :)
Girl power! :)
We love how you just raise your paw a little at the end and we think you meowed something too, and Harley went off of your counter...what did you say to him?
xx Asha and Katia
(we like to play fight too, but it's usually a toss-up)
Yay Daisy...What's wif da big mancats getting beaten by tiny girlcats? Zippy is 6 pounds, Speedy is 18 pounds and yet Zippy wins every time.
Three cheers for Daisy!
I bet you are getting lots of fun exercise with Harley.
I'm still trying to figure out how you bent like you did in the first pic...
Whew! That was the scariest cliffside tussle since Holmes and Moriarty went at it above Reichenbach Falls!
That's the way to stand your ground, Daisy! Size doesn't always matter... it's all in the attitude.
It looks like you are ready for the FWF! (Feline Wresting Federation) Moe and I wrestle all the time. He's twice my size, so I have to use my slinky, stealthy skills to win!
Daisy, you must be very intimidating!!!
Well Daisy.....you have the benefit of wisdom on your side...you have been around a bit longer than Harley.
yay! Daisy, you sure gave Harley "the look" at the end and made him jump off the counter. Silly boy, doesn't he know the girl always wins!
oh, Harley just says...why bother..stupid fight...I have better things to do...
Wow, Daisy! You won! Harley's paws are gigantic, what a great victory!
Purrs, Siena
Daisy you are very brave and quite a good fighter!
Harley respects your position as dominant cat in the house!
LOVE IT! You go Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Good for you Daisy! You're tough.
Woo Daisy! You put the super whappy on him!
Love that attitude on your pretty face!
~ The Bunch
Well Daisy, we all know that the female of the species is the toughest really. Harley will soon learn that ;O)
Purrs, Sukie x
Wow! I watched that twice. I see he definitely submits to little sister. Go Daisy!
oh wow! Daisy sister wins!! your martial art skill is impressivez!!
good job daisy. I like the slow motion. :)
You go GIRL! Did you learn that whapping technique from the Meezer Tails? I hope Harley is playful and not mean about his wrestling.
muahahha you are the queen of fighters Daisy!!!
Please, teach me!
Way to go! Also, your mommy has a lovely kitchen.
As the song says, "The female of the species is more deadly than the male"! I think Harley knows you were there before him and that you are Queen of the Household! So long as the wrestling is fun, all's well (though you do look a bit cross!). :) xxx
It's not about size, but technique, when it comes to cat wrestling. Maggie likes to pounce Huggy Bear and me a lot, and we well out-weigh her. But she does fight dirty and bites butts. (Sometimes being a brother means letting your sister win, too.)
Skillz...you got dem!
OMG! I am laughing so hard!!! :D
You let him know who's BOSS, that's right, Daisy!
Good win, and fast, too!
Great soundtrack too, by the way! :)
Patches is much smaller than Nemo but she always wins. I think part of it is the feistyness of being calico and being a girlcat.
-Patches and nemo
I knew you'd be the winner, Daisy :-D Size has nothing to do with it. It's all about being smart and attitude ;-)
Good job in reinforcing your position as Senior Cat!! Harley needs to learn that you are the boss there.
A tumble, a whapping and a stare down! Daisy is the law Harley, you know this.
Whicky Wuudler
Yes Daisy is Da Alpha Kitty
Boy you sure showed him Daisy! He jumped down first! You win!
Wow! Great Ninja moves, Daisy!
Good job Daisy! You sure did win that battle with Harley! You're fierce!
What's the expression? Age and treachery overcome youth and agility...bla bla...every time! Seriously, you have the moves, girl.
Brains over Brawn Miss Daisy!! :))
ehe you guys sure do look cute! It is hard keeping little brofurs in line.. trust me I IZ the little brofer :p hehe
In your first picture it looks like you is aiming your poop shoot at Harley to fire him with ponky missiles!! hehe
I think that is a good tactical move! It will take him ages to remove the smell! :p
Daisy those pictures look very similar to the ones of tes and hans... you kittens are strange!
DAISY! me so proud of YOO! I like dat too, i wins!-tesla.
No she dun... i wins...-hans
Good on you Daisy!!! Well done!!!
Thankyou for coming by and leaving healing purrs and get well wishes. I sure appreciate them. I am much better now as a result - just have to gain some weight.
Happy Thanksgiving! On my part I am very thankful for having such caring furriends.
Yep, you were the winner, no doubt! I'll bet you'd be fun to play with! :)
Hail to Daisy! Oh victorious one!
Have a happy Thanksgiving
Daisy, I think it's because Harley is a true Gentleman cat in training and he let you win.
~ Troo ~
That is a great photo! Your Mom took a great shot.
Way to show the "Girrrl Power" Daisy!
Harley has to learn that you are the boss and I think you did it gently. :)
Excellent video skills Mommie! You always pick songs I like too. The 90's had good rock music.
Hugs and Smoochies,
LOL, Daisy, you gave Harley the smackdown! Niiice!
Good job, Daisy! It doesn't matter how big you are, it just matters that you let him know you're the boss lady around there.
Girl Power, I love it.
The Champion!! Great moves, Daisy. Mommie hasn't heard your soundtrack song in a long time. It's one of her favorites.
GIRL POWER! You really showed Harley who the boss is! Woohoo!
Pink Ladies rule!
Daisy! Yes, you won!
Kisses and hugs
Yeah... you go Daisy. :)
~ Bae
He knows that you are the Top Cat.
Luf, Us
Harley gave it his best shot but learned to think twice before messing with you Daisy. You make all us females proud. Way to go!
KRAP! I can't git the video to play!
Now Daisy, just because you can beat Harley up doesn't mean you should. Teach him to treat a ladycat with manners! You're the big sister, you need to set the example. But, if he starts with you, take him to the mat!! :-)
That was awesome! You didn't even have to draw blood!
Kind of reminds me of Adan and Lego.
Now, get along, you two!
Great left hook Daisy! I can see that you wear the trousers in your house! LOL
I believe the maneuver in photo one is called "azz over teakettle" isn't it?
Hurray fer you Daisy!
Beauty over brawn, Daisy! Well done.
Congratulation on your victory Daisy... I believed you.
Daisy I have this probelm with Maxie worst now i go boo boo on my fur and got to go to the vet
Zing! You should put that on ESPN.
It's all in the eyes. I could see the intensity.
i love the way he thought about it before backing off...
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