Photo Hunters: Hope
The Photo Hunters theme this week is hope. This is a hard one, because I do not know exactly what a picture of hope looks like. But then I realized, my butterflies are the perfect symbol for hope!
When I first saw my caterpillars, I could hardly believe they would one day become butterflies. See? They started off a little bit ugly.Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

But I had strong hope that, if I followed the directions, my caterpillars would change into beautiful butterflies!

I became even more hopeful when I saw the beautiful golden chrysalis. Even though there was also a little bit of caterpillar poops. 
Then, it happened! My Painted Lady butterflies were borned!

Even though I wanted to keep them forever, I had to set them free. I hope they are happy. And have many baby butterflies.

71 Notes for Daisy:
Hi Daisy,
It was lovely to see the Butterflies develop (apart from seeing the poop) and I am so glad that you set them free when the time was right. No animal or insect should be caged soley for men's or cat's pleasure. So good on you for providing them with a safe hatching place and then freedom.
You make a great botanist. Have you got one of those Botanist hats? The sort with net over your eyes ... you'd look very fetching in one!
Daisy, butterflies are a beautiful symbol of hope. We hope that they are able to fulfill all of your hopes.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We enjoyed your butterflies last year and we hope too that they are happy. Will you be growing more this year?
Daisy you did such a good job with your butterflies. We hope you have many more adventures in 2009.
Julie and Poppy Q
Here's hoping their descendants will give others pleasure in their being. A Happy New Year to you and your family, Daisy
Hoping for change to our life...
change for a better future..
butterflies represent this prefectly...
Butterfly poops aside, your butterfly project was one we enjoyed a great deal, and we hope your butterflies had lots of baby butterflies, too!
They are beautiful, Daisy. Mum and Dad went to a butterfly park on holiday, and there were THOUSANDS of them in this huge big enclosure. It made mum think of you and your butterflies:)
Those flutterbies sure are beautiful, Daisy. What a good way to symbolise the essence of hope! It was very reasonable to set them free, we should never cling on to something and never hold back the ones we love.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Fantabulous Daisy!!! So so super.
My Photo Hunt entry is here....
For the Birds
tt's a sweet post. happy nY!
O...I like your butterflies.
Truly that is a a series of hopeful images.
I HOPE little kitty gets over a cold and can go to my friend's house to live forever and a day !!
We thinks butterflies are the purrfect symbol of hope. And your painted lady butterflies were beautiful. You did a good job raising them Daisy. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Your butterflies were very beautiful Daisy. And how sweet of you to let them go. You're an excellent butterfly grower!
Your butterflies are indded very beautiful and a very good symbol of hope Daisy, I think you are very clever too be able to show us pictures of hope! :o)
weee Daisy you is buttfly mommyz!! you let them go for now but i is sure they come back say hello!!
Daisy,that is a wonderful display of HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is so nice it worked too :)
HOPE lives!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Daisy!? I'm impressed! how nice you are! yes, your example is very perfect! congratulations! you're so cute!
kisses for you and Harley!
Daisy...your butterflies were beautiful! And they do symbolize hope! Wherever they are, we're sure they are happy!
beautiful butterflies!
have a great weekend! :D
daisy that was the PERFECT post for hope!!! i loved it! i HOPE your weekend is tits!
smiles, auntie bee
DAISY! how can i get myself some of those lovely butterflies?
We hope they have lots of butterfly babies too Daisy! We can hardly wait until the butterflies appear in our garden, but it's going to be months and months...thanks for sharing yours.
beautiful butterflies!
Aww i wans sum butterfly hopes too furrend!
That was a purrfect example of "Hope" - we remember how exciting your butterflies were!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Beautiful pics...did this one time for my was so interesting.
I think your flutterbies were beautiful. They made MB get all excited when they flew off!
Purrs, Sukie x
that is the perfect example of hope.
An excellent analogy for hope.
Daisy, that was a beautiful post! :-) We love the pictures of you and your butterflies, especially the one peeking into your butterfly house. Maybe you can get some more butterflies some day!
Furry nice post!
I got my Doggy Nanny a butterfly feeder thingie from the animal reskhue site - it is purple and will glow a bit too!
oh, what a perfect picture of hope. Well done. What a talented cat you are.
Just found you Daisy. Your blog is in the UK Daily Mail today so you should be getting lots of hits. I have just signed up for e mail notifications. I will enjoy reading all about you.
I would have tried to eat them so well done for setting them free. FAZ
Daisy, that is lovely.
I 'hope' you get a chance to come see my post and leave your link.
Happy New Year!
Daisy, did you get any Butterfly Kisses? Congratulations on your nomination. We will vote for you.
You raised some very beautiful butterflies Miss Daisy. Way to go!
Wow! I loved all these photos! :)
That was a beautiful post, Daisy. I'm glad your hopes came true!
We have always loved those photos of you Daisy, with your pretty butterflies.
~ The Bunch
...sadly without one..
We think you found the perfect illustration of Hope!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo no wot they say if yoo luv sumthing set it free that way yoo can hav fun chaysing it arownd the yard until yoo ketch it agin ha ha ok bye
Daisy, that is a beautiful way to show hope! Your butterflies are lovely!
It was very nice of you to let your butterflies go free after they were borned. I HOPE they live a long and happy life too!
Beautiful butterflies, Daisy!
Very cool!
I played too :)
Hi daisy that is a nice choice for the tme. Mine is up also. Happy weekend.
Hope is well-symbolized in the form of your butterflies, Miss Daisy! Excellent metaphor.
That is very hopeful. I was hopeful that I would read Sunday Comics but your post reminded me it was only Saturday...
Ooo, very pretty--I'd never seen a chrysalis up close before--how cool--thanks for sharing these pics Daisy!
I love that quote about happiness, so true. Your hopes for the butterflies were fulfilled, and I hope your hopes for 2009 will be too.
That looks like such fun! I have to look into doing that with my son next summer.
Those are wonderful pictures of hope...hope with a little caterpillar poops on it.
This is a very hopeful post miss daisy, I am hopeful that I will get my blog back
Hi Miss Daisy!
Thank you for the information about Ruby at the shelter. Were the inhaler meds expensive? We imagine that Annie would accept the inhaler. She isn't a wacko cat, and she is easy to pill.
Luf, Us
Awwwwww.....Daisy that is a great HOPE to have! Your butterflies were beautiful!
Your FL furiends,
Butterflies are a perfect simple of hope. I know some companies or community groups called Chrysalis for that reason. This is my first visit to your blog. Very nice and a beautiful kitty you are;-).
Aw, how beautiful!!!! A perfect symbol of hope, that's for sure!
I just hope this snow will stop sometime soon!
That was a beautiful description of Hope, Daisy. Your butterflies were very pretty.
Daisy, that is an excellent post for "HOPE" - I couldn't think of anything to use.
But you always know just the right thing to do!
Miss Daisy that is an extra lovely little ditty about happiness, and so very true! :)
I remember your butterflies, we loved seeing them grow and also while a little sad, being set free.
And your beautiful little face the whole time!
I know you hope they are happy and have many babbehs, The looks on your face was more of " I HOPE I can get some butterfly breakfast!" hehe
Daisy I thinks butterflys are a bit scary when they flaps their wings but they are still purty thangs to look at so I reckon they are okay. I hopes yer butterflys had babys too!
Yer pal Dozer
That is so lovely Daisy. I really enjoyed your butterflies this past summer. They are a great symbol of hope. I have hope of seeing all of our beloved ones that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge some day. Maybe they are playing with butterflies right now. You are always so sweet.
That was awesome. I think you're right Butterflies are a good symbol of hope. 'Cause you know about the Butterfly Effect, don't you? A butterfly flaps its wings and you see it and then hope Ashton Kutcher doesn't make any more movies. Or something like that.
What a grrreat symbol of hope. Excellent post.
Love & Purrs,
That an amazing story of hope :)
Sure enjoyed the butterfly process - what fun & lots of Hope.
Come check out my HOPE.
Good actress with good director.
Hiya Daisy!!
Where you gits ur harness?
Mawmee iz lookin fur one likes dat us... speshullee fur our Daisy.
Katie Too
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