Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Say Whip It. Whip It Good.


104 Notes for Daisy:

Bae Bae said...

Woh... I think you look way better Daisy

~ Bae

Country Cats said...

Oh that will be stuck in our head all day now, Daisy!

Susann said...

I have to agree with Bae, you look way better! :)

Skeezix the Cat said...

We LOVE that song!!! Kyoot hat!

Country Cats said...

Oops we put the wrong words in our autolinky too. It says Sunday! Oopsie!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh Daisy, just when we think you are the hostess with the mostest, you put a dixie cup on your head and make us snort stinky goodness out our noses!

By the way, some of the people I work with didn't know about you!! So yesterday, all of us at The Cat Hospital spent time looking all thru your blog, especially the fashion shots!

We had fun and now everfurryone is going to bookmark your blog when they get home! More Daisy fans!!

Teri and the cats of Furrydance

Ps: and add Teri to the list of people who will be singing that Whip It song all day.

Teddy Westlife said...

AHHAHhahhahah Daisy you are so funny!

Huffle Mawson

Poppy Q said...

OH miss D, we weren't expecting to see that. You made my mum laugh and laugh, and she is going to go to bed with that tune playing in her head.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You look so much better~
I agree with that , totally~!

Vivienne said...

Oh My God this photo is so funny. Automatic Stumble! Helps that I'm a serious 80s music fan. Daisy, you should have your Mom play The Cure's Love Cats for you. It's the bomb. (the good kind of bomb.)

Anonymous said...

"Devo Daisy" is very cute!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We loves your hat Daisy. We are sending Mommy to the store to get us one. You look great as always. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Parker said...

Yup, now that song is in my head!!!

Anonymous said...

Very funny! But...but now my momma's dancing around singing...and she's a lousey singer...can you make it stop?...please??


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We don't know who the song or the man is, but we agree you look much better than him.

The Florida Furkids said...

Ut oh - Mom just snorted her coffee!! She says she will have that ear worm all day! (Mom has worms in her ears??????????????)

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Luzinha said...

kkkkkkkkkk and k!

nice hat!

have a nice day, Daisy!

kisses for you all!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh no, that song will be in my ears all day because my mom will be singing it all day.

Deanna said...

Very cute, Daisy. Hats sure look good on ya!

SandyCarlson said...

You've got the look, kitty!

Marsha said...

Nothing like starting out your day with a little Devo! At least visiting here has knocked out the song 'Rubber Ducky'... now I'll just be head slingin' 'Whip It' until the next song post I come across!

Anonymous said...

We love it! Hahahhahahha!

i beati said...

Devo always a star

Cat emergency at our house.They have annihilated some animal outside-bad smell cannot be found

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we will always be your DEVO-ted fans! :)

Forever Foster said...

Hahahahaha! You go, girl!

The Creek Cats said...

Haha! That's a good one Daisy!
Thanks for all the purrs!

Cory said...

Oh, we are laughing so hard! Now we'll be singing that all day long! You are the funniest cat we know.

Anonymous said...

That's one of my favorite dance floor tunes. reminds me of my college days (or should I say, daze?)

Honey P. Sunshine said...

we are not cats, we are DEVO
har, har, har , har.........

Babs (Beetle) said...

I have no idea who that man is, or the song, but you still made me laugh lots Daisy!

Purrs, Sukie x

Tybalt said...


Mommy screamed. I think that meant she loved it, too.

Anonymous said...

LOL...big time!

Asta said...

You won't believe it, but we have a wed deco lampshade that looks suspiciously like the hat you'we weawing..of couwse it looks bettewew on you
smoochie kisses

JD at I Do Things said...

It's not too late! To whip it. Whip it good.

Dma said...

that's the best Devo imitation i've ever seen. and i've seen quite a few.

Maureen Hayes said...

Daisy, you don't look at all happy. . . although if someone made me look like Devo I probably wouldn't be too happy either!

Happy WW!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh FANK YOU for he tuesday dancing idea!! - Billy

The WriggleButts said...



Janet said...

Silly Daisy! You look just like Devo!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but crack that whip first! The Diva and Devo, a perfect combination.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

LOL! You are so funny Daisy! Great impression.

Thanks for the comments about Harley when he was new they helped me feel better about my new sister and mom tried the playing with me when she let Hope (a.k.a. little miss hissy fit) out of study this morning. It worked pretty good.

Puglette said...

daisy, your mommie has a silly streak...but you don't look thrilled with your whip cream cap.

eastcoastlife said...

That is a lovely red hat you are wearing. Auspicious colour. :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

MOL!!!!!!! Meowm is laffin her butt off!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

1. mommy spit coffee at me when she laughed so hard
2. she blasted a song that said "whip it, whip it good" very loud and waked me from my nap
3. she picked me up and made me dance wiff her to the whip it song.
4. she putted me on the ground and made my pretty floofy tail do the whip it.

I no likes this post!!!!!!!!! (but you looks very pretties even if you looks like you no wants to have hat on cuz you nose iz not real hat!)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Into shape. Shape it up.

meemsnyc said...

Hhahahahahaha, Daisy, you are so funny!

The Lazy Iguana said...

I never knew you were a Devo fan...

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I love your littel red hat. Whippiecream is sooooo yummy!

catsynth said...

You don't look so happy doing your Devo impression. But it did bring smiles to a lot of readers :)

mog said...

You're so funny, your expression wearing that red cup is too much, spitting soda time.

No wonder the keys on my keyboard are sticky.

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Hi Daisy! thanks for writing a repurrrt about me! I am excited for my TV-spot. I will post it on my bloggie after it happens!
PS I like your photos today.

The Devil Dog said...

We love Devo. Great look, Daisy.


Anonymous said...

Mom is laughing so hard her tears are coming out.

We think you look fabulous Daisy, much better than those Devo guys.

*Just Jen* said...

Thanks for getting that song in my head! LOL The kitty doesn't look real thrilled about this! LOL

The Island Cats said...

Hahahaha! Daisy...we didn't know you were a DEVO fan!!!

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

Very cute hat. Of course you make everything you wear cute!
Thanks for making my mom smile.

OscarTheCat and Henry (aka Quadpawd)

Unknown said...

Daisy I wanted to say you look so awesome and tell you that I probably won't be able to get by and see you for awhile. Since I have surgery next Thursday, I am very busy getting fitted for two different back braces and so many tests being done, it's just been a plain ole hectic and stressful human life right now. I do hope that you will take good care of Harley, and know I will be thinking of you both. God bless.


jenianddean said...

Shouldn't that be Redi-Whip It? Great hat. You always amaze me with your ability to model.

Liss said...

crack that whip...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Will The Safety Dance be next?


Anonymous said...

It looks cute on you, Daisy -- very retro. But don't let Harley try it on. From what we've been seeing here lately, he does not need an Energy Dome!

Anonymous said...

That is too flippin cute!

Anonymous said...

That's cute Daisy! You are so fashionable!


Ryan@Cool Dad Central said...

Wow, I was just talking about that song w/ a friend last week. A classic.

Jackie said...

Oh Daisy I have missed you so much. You are just as gorgeous as ever.:-)

Mo and The Purries said...

Licorice Whip!

You are Devo-licious!

Anonymous said...

Well anything looks good on you Daisy, even a dixie cup!!
PS How did you get it to stay on??

brokenteepee said...

I am not sure you look so happy Daisy. Are you happy? I am a happy goat. are you a happy cat?

Black Cat said...

Dearest Daisy,

1. Why are you wearing a flowerpot on your lovely head?
2. Who is Devo?
3. What is the song?

Just wondering... :) xxx

The Furry Kids said...

Hahahahahahaaha! Mama sure did need that today, Daisy!
Thank you!!!

zevo hussein calamari said...

You have our pet human shrieking with laughter....thank you so much

Sarah Coggins said...

ROFL! You're too funny, Daisy. :D

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, you whip it real good!

Donna said...

Are we not kittehs?

We are Devo! :)

Unknown said...

Ha, ha, ha....Daisy, you are so funny!

Chrissie said...

Step on a crack...

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we do not know the man nor the song. But what we know is that YOU look much prettier with the little red hat!!

~Ruis & Karl

Hansel said...

Whip it daisy! it looks much betteh on yooo!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your fashion stylist has a a lot of creativity and a great sense of humor. We love the Devo look.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are just too silly sometmes!

Spooky said...

Ohhhhhhahahahahahahahaha! You are so funny, Daisy!

Fred said...

I still have that record in my LP collection. A classic.

Unknown said...

Oh I like the new header image Daisy!! and are you wearing a backet??

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Diva Daisy in a Dixie cup!

Maureen said...

Ha! But you are far more than a one-hit wonder Daisy!!!!

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Oh Daisy! Whip It, was one of our most fun songs to perform. We used to have such a good time with that one. As usual you look adorable in your hat.

Bobby says he loves your new header along with Harley. Rub your Mommies leg to let her know she is doing a great job.


Theresa and Bobby

SophieKitty said...

A HA HA HA! That's funny!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Q: Are you not Daisy?
A: You are DEVO!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you make me laugh from the word "go!". I swear...that's why I never miss a day reading your blog!

By the way, "Whip It" is one of my favorite songs! :D

Quill and Greyson said...

He He he, that's funny. Now it's stuck in my head.

Julie said...

Bwhahahaahhaa! What else can I say?

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

devo ... daisy devo ... harharhar!
whip it good!

Lorenza said...

Very stylish hat Daisy!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Daisy: Do not tell me you are old enough to remember Devo because I just won't believe it.

I just noticed that, in addition to your new publicity photograph, you've added Harley to your header. Nicely done. How does he feel about it?

Max said...

[ robotic ] We. Are. Devo. [ /robotic ]

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Why the long fez, Chey?

Anonymous said...

That's the spirit, Daisy! When a problem comes along, you must whip it!

Anonymous said...

Lol...Daisy your so funny and cute.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Hahahaha!! You're so funny, Daisy :-D

Anonymous said...

you should send the image to - DEVO's official fansite. Seriously.

Chat Blanc said...

hahaha! loves it!! :D

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo luk kyoot in yore littel fez but why is the man in a raynkote waring a big coffee mug on his hed??? ok bye

Samantha & Mom said...

Hehehehehehe!! Daisy that is so cute! Mom loves that song!! Does that mean she is real old?
Your FL furiends,

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