Just so you know that I am the Good One, I feel I must show you some of the bad things Harley has done lately. The very worst thing is, he ruined the laptop computer! Harley was playing with water and got some in the laptop. This made the letter "A" stop working. See, we had to use this external keyboard for a while. Because I did not want to be called "Disy." My Mommie ordered a replacement keyboard. And now, no water is allowed on the counter.

Harley, you better get away from there!

And here is the broken keyboard after the laptop got all fixed up.

Next, look at this chair. You might think that it looks fine. But you would be Wrong.

Harley, you better move away! Because I am going to show them your secret.

Look! Harley tore a big HOLE in the bottom of the chair! And he climbs inside the chair and plays in there.

Harley, please do not tear up any more furniture. Okay?

Now look at what he did to my beautiful ballerina crown! It is also ruined. This makes me very sad, because I loved my pretty headpiece.

Harley, leave that alone! (The mark on Harley's nose is from his ringworm).

Harley has also chewed up a bunch of books and magazines and he chewed the cord off a weather station. Even though Harley has Done Wrong, he did not get in trouble because he is just a kitten and we love him very much. But I did give him a very hard look.

Tattle Tail Tuesday: Stuff Harley Wrecked!
109 Notes for Daisy:
Oh dear Harley, you better be nice to all of your mom and Daisys stuff. You have lots of toys to play with - you can chew on them, instead of the crown and the furniture.
Miss Daisy you are being such a nice older sister, by not growling at Harley.
Oh my Harley gets into all sorts of shenanigans! You are very patient with him, Daisy.
That is some serious tattle-tailing, Daisy! We actually feel a little bad for Harley because he is still a kitten and we know he didn't mean to be destructive...
You should give him just a few more hard looks Daisy. Maybe he will learn then. Or maybe he will stop being naughty when he is grown up like you. When he turns Four.
Huffle Mawson
Harley is a little imp isn't he Daisy! We are glad your mum got your keyboard fixed because the name Disy sounds like Dizzy and that duzn't suit you.
Well Daisy, you are very good BUT I must defend Harley somewhat. After all, most humans know you should not have any liquid near your computer. We have that rule at our house.
Next, that chair looks pretty ugly anyhow, and the hole is in the bottom where no one sees it so I say let Harley play!
Chewy up your crown wasn't very nice, but you need to put your things away if you don't want Harley playing with them--he is a kitten you know.
I must admit, the other things were very bad. Chewing wires is definitely not good! Hopefully he'll be growing quick and getting over that bad kitten habit. I used to like the telephone wire when I was a kitten, but now I don't chew on any wires anymore.
Oh noes Harley we think we finally found a cat more destructive then Scylla (of course she isn't a kitten anymore so she doesn't have that excuse).
How to fix keyboards when liquid comes in contact with them. Immediately take them apart and allow them to dry (vacuuming the cat hair out at this time is also recommended). We do not know if this will work after they have set awhile, but you could try it and see the key might just be sticking. Mommy spilt her coffee on the keyboard and no cats were involved in this disaster. Luckily Daddy was home to unassemble the keyboard immediately. While Mommy mopped up the mess on the desk and floor. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
It's very nice that you and your mom understand that Harley is just being a kitten and doesn't mean to be bad. Climbing inside the chair through the hole underneath looks like wonderful fun...and a very big surprise for anyone sitting in the chair.
You are a good big sister for giving him advice about being good. I am glad you do not have to change your name. Daisy is better than Disy!
Daisy, Disy, Dizzy...You are the bestest tattle tail ever, and you do it in such a way, that you remind us of a teacher...where's that ruler to rap Harley's paw with?
You have to have a lot of patience when it comes to training kittens like Harley. He will thank you for your diligence when he grows up...though you may have a few more grey (blue) furs by then.
the cats of furrydance and teri
poor Harley! he is just a boy! óh!
Daisy!, you must to teach him good manners and good behavior! I'm sure that he will learn with you! don't be angry with him! and about your ballerina crown, your mommie will buy you a new so or more beautiful then the other, for sure!
kkkkkk... so, that's very funny indeed! sorry, but I laugh so much!
I know that you are very sad, but he will be better, you will see!
kisses for you all!
Daisy, tattling isn't very nice, but I'm glad you did, because it's a reminder that you are both real kitties, not just glamorous supermodels (well, Harley is a supermodel-in-training)!
Being good is in the eye of the beholder. Right?
Oh no Harley! You sound like Maggie May. We can't get mad at her either cause she is just a kitten. Our mom just got a laptop so thanks for the advice to keep water away from it. Maggie May put a hole in the bottom of the box springs and climbs inside.
Daisy, you are being a very patient big sister. Just keep trying to lead my example and hopefully, Harley will learn.
Oh, Harley! You're such a boy! My Lucky used to chew phone cords, but a nice lady at work said I could buy cord protectors that slip on over cords and then curious kitties can't put the bitey on it. I'm happy to have found them because Mr. Lucky ruined not one, but TWO, cords when he was a baby.
p.s. I know it's very hard not to play under furniture. It's like a secret hideaway! But please save your mommy's furniture. Furnitures look much nicer without holes in them!
Oh. I loved your ballerina crown. *Sad*
Hey! We've got one of those holes in the bottom of my ottoman! It's from a cat who has since left us (not by choice, of course--she died), but nobody uses the secret hole now----thank goodness! Poor Harley--trouble finds him.
My goodness! Harley has been a very naughty kitten hasn't he? He's so lucky to have such a wonderful big sister and patient mom and dad. I'm sure he'll learn to behave soon.... Maybe you should bop him on the head when he does something bad....
my cat removed some keys from my keyboard, but the little teensy button things under the keys still work --looks unsightly though. Th chair deal, that has happened here--to my bed! nothing like cats inside the box spring while you try to sleep. But you gotta love Harley for enjoying himself / exploring !
Oh Dear, Harley is being a bit mischievous! We've had the water (or coffee) on the keyboard problem, but Daddy and Mommy did that themselves. We did the same thing to one of Mom's chairs, but we never thought about getting inside it!!!! Wires and cords seem to be cat toys here too. Sniffie loves to chew on cords which makes Mom very unhappy. We're sad about your ballerina crown.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
ps - Sniffie had bag ringworm when Mom got her and it took a long time for it to go away, but she looks purrfect now! Mom used Oregano Oil.
Even though I know Disy is not a good name and Daisy is much better...just know that you would still be loved. You need to teach Harley some manners maybe?
We can understand him destroying the computer and the chair (if it's spelled Disy...it's still pronounced Daisy)...but the...ballerina crown...?
Oh noe. Plz don't get stuck in the chare.
Maybe next time just play with some yarn or a toy mousie.
Daisy you have such patience and I am sorry about your ballerina crown but some kittens are just more, ummm, curious, is that a good word? than others.
Just wait til the terrible twos.
Sometimes when we get in trouble Mom will pet us fast. It's not really punishment, but it's better than a spanking. Maggie likes to get the carpet on the top step. And I've chewed through my share of power cords. Huggy Bear thinks the dining room chairs are scratchers. Josie does no wrong. I guess we all have our trouble we like to get in to, but we've never climbed into a chair like that. Gives me an idea, though...
Yes Harley is very kittenesque--But so loveable as you are - See how it feels to be the big sister.
Now what advice do you have for older cats still scratching under the mattress and on the leather furniture.I have done my screaming meemie run with arms extended yelling like a banshie - did not work??
Oh, Harley! My cats love to play inside chairs too. But as Daisy points out, that is Wrong. Pay attention to Daisy's hard looks and try to be a good boy-cat.
I would put my finger gently but firmly on Harley's nose and say no and give him a proper toy- that might work.it did for my eldest cats..
Oh, Harley you are a very naughy boy!
You know how I got part of my name? I would always do silly things, and mum would say "Oh you silly sausage" to me. So they decided to add 'Sausage' to my name.
We had a little giggle at the chair cubby house. As destruction goes, it's pretty funny.
That's how kittens learn Daisy! It is good he has an understanding mommy and big sister to teach him right from wrong. Just love him and he will outgrow all the bad behavior!
i think you could get by without xn 'a' on your keyboxrd xlthough i think hxrley will hxve to lexrn to behxve better.
oh Harley. You're just being a baby and you're furry cute
Books and magazines... wow, Harley, you are in the advanced chewing group! I wish I had a place like the hole under the chair to crawl into though and make the snow go away... maybe I should try chewing on a mag sometime. I have a "Traditional Home" edition that could be kinda tasty. Young man, you went too far with Disy's ;~} headpiece. Models don't stand for that - watch out! You might get ambushed by big sis.
Oh, my...sweet Harley has gotten himself into some trouble! Lily does these kinds of things, too. One time she made a hole in our wall and ate the drywall! Her lip swelled up and she had to get medicines. She has pulled up our carpet in places and eats the fibers! You'll have to keep an eye on Harley maybe even after he grows up, because Lily still does naughty things all the time and she is 2 years old!
That was too funny. Daisy is a very good "post host". I like the little Harley Havoc tour she took us on. ☺
Wow, Harley! You sure are a playful little fella! I overheard my beans saying the "kitten" word. If I get a new brother or sister, I hope they behave!
Chloe loves to chew things too. I try to leave a box or piece of cardboard for her, so she will not chew anything else.
Of course, the new set of sheets still in the packaging was just too tempting...
Daisy, I'm sure that one of your looks is enough to keep Harley in line for a while! (sorry he messed up your pretty head piece!)
uncle mo
Harley would have fun here cuz Tiki tore holes in the bottoms of TWO differed BEDS and climbs up into the bed guts to hide and play! But we don't get mad at her either even though she's no longer a kitten. She's still kyooooot!
Oh poor Harley - we do hope the ringworm on his nose gets better soon.
We think you are very understanding though - 'cos it must be noying to have him chew your crown. And the whole in the chair is HUGE and then there is the keyboard to contend wiv.
Of course it could be because he is feeling uner the wevver and maybe when he feels better normal "good boy" behaviour will be resumed. Or praps not!
In the meantime purrs to you both and to your long suffering Mom who is probably tearing her hair out. When we do awful things our Mom says: There's no such thing as a FREE KITTEN! We think she's referring to how much our accidents cost!
Ha ha ha ha Oh Disy, Harley hasn't even come close to the destruction that I have wreaked upon the house. And I wasn't a puppy. He might just get worse. Better practice your hard eye glare more.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay tel harley that i apreeshyayt wot he is trying to do but reely he needs to mayk bigger messes then that utherwise wot is the poynt of destroying stuf??? oh also tel him coffee with creem and shooger wurks better then water for busting laptops or so tucker tels me ha ha ok bye
I like to claw the carpet to pieces!~Junior
I would claw everything to pieces if I had claws!~Orion
We don't think Harley is all that bad.
Dearest Daisy, do you need that muzzle Mummy said I needed if the onesies didn't stop me licking myself bald?! I'm not sure if she has one as yet, but just on the off chance I'd like to get lots of miles between myself and it! ;)
When I was a kitten, I tore open the bottom of my mommy and daddy's box spring under the bed and crawled inside it to play. It's fun, isn't it Harley?
oh my, harley you have been a busy boy! i had the keyboard problem too, i spilled coffee on my old laptop. :o( but stay out of the chairs, you might get sat on!
Oh, Harley... you act like our Tawnee, the youngest. That little ragdoll has been quite a handful lately. But we luv ya both anyway!
I had to laugh at you being called "Disy", Daisy!
Daisy, maybe you should start giving Harley some Eddie Cat lessons. You know, to teach him how a proper Mancat-in-training should behave:)
I think it is ok because the hole in the chair is under the chair so nobody can see it. He is just a kitten, so I am glad you are not punishing him too much.
Oah My~!
Looks like HARLEY is very hard to be controled~!!!!
Oh Harley! You better be glad you are so cute and adorable. If I ruined mommys laptop, I would be in BIG trouble. You're lucky you are young and havent learned yet. Please leave Daisy's things alone too! I know there are lots of toys to play with around there. It's just like my beans...what one has the other one wants! lol.
oooo, kitties are hard work for sure! (I am much better of course!) I understand the laptop issue cuz Porter ripped out the left side Control key with his claw the other day! sheesh. gotta love kitties!
We totally killed the bottom of the boxspring in the guest room. Oh, and Latte likes to get into the pullout couch and can still fit. Kittens will be kittens!
Oh dear. Harley, you sure are a busy kitten. Mama is sorry, but she laughed right out loud at the hole in the chair. She's secretly a little glad that there is another kitty out there who does naughty stuff, too. Not that we do naughty stuff any more or anything...
OMC, Harley sounds a lot like my little brother. He likes to sit on moms laptop. It wouldn't be a big deal, but he has made screens appear that we didn't even know existed and he's deleted a couple of moms articles.
Anyway, don't be so hard on the kid. You were young once too, remember?
Purrs to you both,
Uh oh. Harley you need to calm down!
Sounds like Harley is teething! I used to LOVE eating books when I was teething.
My goodness Harley does get into some mischief! Daisy you are very smart to realize he is still a kitten and has a lot to learn. Trixie was the same way when she was a kitten.
You're a great big sister!
Harley is lucky to have a big sister like you to help get him out of trouble!
Harley you are as bad as Michael the goat. He tries to eat everything too. And he keeps jumping over his fence and ruins it. His male person is NOT happy.
It is a good thing you are so cute!
That Harley sure has got itchy mouth!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Virus has gotten something stuck in our keyboard, so we know the feeling.. It's under the "2" button making it hard to press, but it still works so lazy Mom have done nothing to fix it..
Harley, you get lots of slack because of the ringworm. Use it to your advantage! - Laurie & Scrubby
Oh Daisy, maybe you mum can get you another pretty crown. Harley is still a kitten and doesn''t know he's being destructive. If you give him enough hard looks, he may learn :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
Harley looks like he is enjoying his kittenhood. We hope he doesn't damage any more stuff tho.
The ones who came before at our house, ripped the bottom out of a box-spring and scared our great-grandma by running around under the bed.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Ha! Harley has a lot on his record. Just like Chilli! It is sooooo good to be the good ones (for once), isn't it?!
Purrs, Siena
It's a good thing harely is such a lovely brother in other ways or I think he might be in big trouble for breaking all those things!
Daisy...boys will be boys...we can't say anything cuz we've done lots of bad things too...
Wally & Ernie
Daisy, kitties really want to be good, they just forget how sometimes. You have to be patient and understanding (no matter how frustrating at the time). Harley is so cute, you just have to forgive him.
Oh my goodness, I didn't know boys were so naughty!
Harley, thats okay. Shadow and Molly also tore a hole in the sofa underneath to get in to sleep (and I use it too). Just becareful cuz the older you get the more the beans aren't so forgiving. (((( I heard they use a bottle that squirts water to make us stop doing things. ))))
It is so hawd to teach baby bwuvvews..I know fwom twying to teach the Scwuff bwat Duffy, heheh
but when they'we good, they suwe awe cute..He'll leawn wif youw help..thank dog , he has such a good big sissie
smoochie kisses
Oh no! Good thing you are there Daisy to show Harley the proper way to play and treat things! I think he's just being a kitten though!
You & Mommy are go nice to be so understanding with Harley. You are right, he will outgrow the kitten stage pretty quickly.
OOOOOH Harley! When I was a puppy I misbehaved as well but i'm better now! Maybe you should make your Mommy & Daisy a present something to make up for all the stuff you messed up? I make my Mommy piles of ripped up paper, she seems to like them, she gets all excited when she see it!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Silly kitten,hahahahahahaha!!!! I have to tell you Daisy,Georgia is 5 and and likes to attack a chair. It is old but she keeps trying to get 'in' too. She is a burrower!!
Tillie loves to shred paper :o
I guess you will have to keep your eyes on Harley!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh, Disy, Hrley nd Tripper hve lots in commun. Like rekking evrything they tuch. Tripper rekt the elektrik kord to the FL's lptop. She needs to by new one. He likes to jump on the kichen tble nd spill red wine on the tblecloth. He is THE BD ONE.
Oh my goodness! Harley has been a very bad boy!
It's important that you share that you are the good one. Sorry he ruined your pretty pink head piece! And thanks for visiting my blog:)
Harley is certainly a rascal-y little guy. But, that's all part of being a kitten. You are very nice by trying to teach him manners, Daisy. He'll come around soon. And I'm sorry about your crown. Maybe your mommie will buy you another one.
Please don't feel bad Harley - at least you did not PEE on the laptop. hehe
I have been off line for two weeks because my computer was in the shop. Of all the blogs I visit, I found that I missed you Daisy the most. I almost feel like you are my own cat I love you so much. You are soooo cute!
Yikes!!! You are a little devil Harley!!!!
Daisy, it's so difficult to get little brothers to act responsibly. It will happen, but it's going to take time. You just continue to set the good example that you are setting.
Have a purrfect day. Ear scritches to the both of you. :)
Teak, "It's not easy being a kitten and staying out of trouble. We are just learning our words. One thing different is you, Harley, have a sister who is used to things being a certain way and it's not nice to mess with her stuff. You also, when becoming a Mancat, will be expected to protect your sister. For now, it's her job to help teach you and treat you with understanding.....we think she is doing a very good job!!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
I would ofFUR my help but woo might have to leave befur I got there!
My old kitty, Tiger, did something very similar to what Harley did to that chair. He tore into the bottom of my mattress when he was a kitten and slept in it, but as he grew he got very big (he was half Maine Coon) and one day the lining tore and he fell to the floor!
Daisy, you are very good and Harley will be too someday but he's just doing what kittens do. You are such a good big sister though trying to teach him what not to do with your hard looks. I hope his ringworm goes away soon.
Harley, I know you are a baby, but you got to learn not to chew up every thing! Dad had to get the squirty bottle after Kirby for chewing on the phone cord. Miss Daisy, you are so sweet to understand about baby brothers.
Opps Harley. you better be nice now..
~ Bae
Daisy, you are the queen. I imagine Harley trembled at your hard look. Be easy on him, poor little guy.
dt'z nuthin disy ... try livin wid job
wutt terrible kitten he iz.
pee ess ... sorry bowt d spellin ... i seemed to hv misplced mi "*"
Oh goodness. Harley is quite the little mischievous boy isn't he? We do all kinds of crazy things here too, and we aren't kittens anymore. You are a good, big sister Daisy.
Luf, Us
Harley! Harley!
Looks like you are a busy boy!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Harley, are you up to no good? You sound like our Dante!
Harley's a big troublemaker!!
Remember when you were a kitten, Daisy? I remember when I was, and I got into *everything!
But Harley has me beat with that hole in the chair! ;-)
Harley you better start being good and not wreck stuff
Oh Hrley you hve to be creful.
Dang, it's like you're living with Buddah! He chews like that, too, and rips into things! Just tonight he killed a brand new toy! I don't know what we can do, other than make sure we don't get in trouble for the things they do...
daisy i thinkz you haz to sit harley down and tells him the story bout curry-ox-diddy and the cat. my mommy tells me bouts it all the time when i doos bad things. i don't really nose what its bout cuz i no listens...but i think bad things happen to the kitty.
jenny: curry-ox-diddy = curiosity and yes, bad things happen to the curious kitty!
Oh dear Harwey, you're vewy vewy naughty! But, wet me tell you a secwet. You're not as naughty as That Thing, because he wuins even more things than you!
Well, Harley is just doing what kittens do. I've been there myself, and not that long ago either.
But I think you're going the right thing, Daisy. The stern look from an older sibling worked well when I was being trained.
Your friend
Oh, Harley, Harley, Harley! What is your Momma gonna do with you? But a kitten just can't help himself, right? We're sure Daisy has forgotten her kitten ways.
Oh Daisy...
I recognize some of the bad things Harley has done: Last year Gucci ruined our apple laptop by throwing a cup of coffee over it. The year before the staff had to let repair the bottom of the couch because Korenna's kittens made a hole in it and played with the three of them in the couch. I am glad I don't have a ballerina crown....;-)
Of course Harley is the bestest brother and you love him very much. And if he learns with just a hard look then that's good.
Headbutts and (((hugs))) to you and Harley, from us -- Ruis & Karl
Sounds as if you need to give him one of those tiny dog bones and some chew toys. He is into everything. Keep him away from your beautiful costumes. Boys can be too rough.
"Oh My" Harley been busy.It's a good thing your all patient and forgiving :)
oh dear, dear daisy...my human says harley is a little sh*t. I disagree, I think he is a boss in the making!
Oh Harley, I myself, a Mommeh once spilled water on my keyboard (worse it was soda and vodka...I was a bad Mommeh). And you know a hole on the bottom of a chair isn't so bad, cuz noone can see it....But please don't eat up any more of Daisy's fashions, Okay?
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