Monday, January 26, 2009

Solve the Word Puzzle

Today, we are going to try a new kind of word puzzle. I hope you have fun!
Here is how it works: see the nonsense sentence below? You must figure out what it actually says!
I am not sure if this will be hard or very easy. If you need to wear a thinking cap, I would recommend one like this. On account of there are lots of words on it.
Do you want a hint? I can give you two.
  • Hint number one: I hope everybuddy will do what the message says.
  • Hint number two: If you read the sentence out loud, it might help you figure it out. Good luck!


111 Notes for Daisy:

Country Cats said...

OOOhhhh we thinks we got it! Please neuter your cats & dogs? Mommy had to say it several times out loud to get it. She looked silly. We knew it much faster. And we are all (whispers) fixed.

That was a very hard one but fun!

Country Cats said...

Oops we forgots a word. Please spay and neuter...

And by the way we like that thinking cap! Mom needs one!

Teddy Westlife said...

I don't have a thinking cap which is why I think I struggled to figure this one out.

Huffle Mawson

Donna said...

This is a good one! :) I kno whut it meens. Thanks! :)

The Florida Furkids said...

We got it!! Oh, Country Cats beat us to it!! That was a good one and made us think early this morning!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Duh ... !

Forever Foster said...

We had no idea, it was lucky you gave hint number two. We need to look into getting a thinking cap.

Anonymous said...

That is very good advice, Daisy. My dad didn't have his cats done and had a very smelly house because of it! Also, Sweet Thing, one of his male cats, had such tough skin that when we took him to the vet for help when he was licking his fur off, he had a hard time giving him a shot because he could hardly get the needle through his skin.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We likes your thinking cap. We thinks we need to get one; especially for our Mommy. We kinda figured it out. We got the spay and neuter part........~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Parker said...

That's a very good word puzzle. I hope everyone follows your advice!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We got it right. We hope everybody listens to your advice.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We got it right away! WooHoo! We are on fire today.

Hopefully we'll start heating up this cold house!! It is -30 outside this morning!!

Hope your day is warm and sunny, Daisy!!

Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

RJ Flamingo said...

It took me a long time, Daisy... I think I need another cup of coffee! I love your thinking cap -- you are so cute in it!

RJ Flamingo said...

It took me a long time, Daisy... I think I need another cup of coffee! I love your thinking cap -- you are so cute in it!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Yikes! We both gulped hard when we saw what it meant, being, ahem, both "whole".... But there are good reasons for this, #1 says.

Tom and Tama-Chan

gemmak said... look fabulous in your thinking cap! :o)

Anonymous said...

Yes, please spray and neuter your cats and dogs... Oh, I am too late? :-S

Stacey Kimmel-Smith said...

Daisy, and FYI from a devoted fan -- I wrote a tribute to your feline cuteness (well, actually a blog review) at (Jan 26).


Karen said...

our mommy had a real hard time with this. She was mumbling something about it being monday morning and that makes it harder

Sweet Purrfections said...

I don't think I had on my thinking cap this morning because I just couldn't put two words together to make sense.

The Creek Cats said...

Shew! That was a toughie! It took a couple of times reading it out loud, but we finally got it! Great message, Daisy!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a good message, Daisy! BTW, nice hat... just perfect for the occasion!

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, that was kind of hard but we agree with the country cats

Anonymous said...

Daisy: thanks for the hint about reading aloud. I got it! I feel so smart.

Cupcake said...

Hmmmmm. I'm still pondering over that.

Anonymous said...

If Momma hadn't read it out loud she never would have guessed it! I'm spayed and I still haven't grown my belly fur back yet!! It looks funny but Momma says it'll grow back eventually.

Love the hat Daisy!

who wouda thunk it?? said...

Daisy , did your mommie draw the little dog and cat?? They are TOOOOO cute and ought to be in their own comic, dont you think so?

Mickey's Musings said...

WE got it!!!! That was good Daisy!!!!
We hope everybody does it too!!
Your thinking cap is kinda cute,heehee
Purrs Mickey

Cory said...

I'm glad the Country Cats helped me figure it out! We love your thinking cap! If I had one like that I'd probably chew it up.

Tybalt said...

I got it! Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs!

I really, really hope everyone does it, too, Daisy. Purrrs!

Anonymous said...

It took us ages to get this so we think we need a thinking cap like yours!

JD at I Do Things said...

That was hard, even with my thinking cap on! I'll admit: I cheated and looked at other people's answers. That is VERY good advice!

momsbusy said...

mommees got it pertty quikly. she likes word puzzels. mommees is a beeleever in spay & neuter so we have been take care of. we wish more peeples would take your advice so there would be no more homeless pets.

Unknown said...

Thanks for advertising on my blog Daisy!
I love your funny blog.

Dma said...

that was fun and a great message. but two of those words still make me wince.

Anonymous said...

We had to think and think but we finally got it! It would have been easier if we had a neat thinking cap like yours Daisy.

Lidian said...

Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs! Great puzzle and great advice!

xxx Asha and Katia
(Mom helped us but only a little!)

brokenteepee said...

This is a very good idea. My publicist is feeding several stray cats and it is soooo cold here. She has three cats in her house that have hired her as staff. She has spayed and neutered them. But the goats are still...uh, reproductive. Which is good 'cause we give them good, rich milk!

i beati said...

Clever but I had to tell you I laughed and laughed at your face in the serious thinking hat still laughing

Babs (Beetle) said...

I did not get that. I didn't have one of those great thinking caps Daisy!

Purrs, Sukie x

the magic sleigh said...

we can only hope....
Kira, The Florida Siberian

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

You got me, all I could think is New York police! Maybe I watch action movies a little too much!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i think that sentense mayks perfekt sense the way it is but never mind that wen ar we going sayling??? i meen yoo alreddy hav the pirates hat so i asoom yoo hav a bote too rite??? yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me ha ha ok bye

Puglette said...

yay! i figured it out all by myself! what an great message, daisy.

Kaltsas Kats said...

That was a good one Daisy. Mom read it to us several times and we finally got it.
-Patches and Nemo

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

How silly Momma sounded, three times and she still didn't say it right.

Last week in Georgia we got new spay neuter license plates and they have a cat!!
You can see it HERE.
Did anyone in your family come to Georgia to model??

Boy n Beethoven said...

The Countwy Cats are bwiwwiant! I couldn't get it no matter how many times I wepeated the sentence!


BumbleVee said...

I was a total dork...didn't get it AT all......sigh........................

Randi said...

Yeppers...spay & neuter...

That thinking cap really helped!

love & licks,

Shaggy and Scout said...

Took a couple tries out loud, but then it came!
Excellent advce!

Janet said...

I got it! Great public service announcement, Daisy! :-)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are glad that someone else got it or my human may have been sending dogs somewhere...

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

i really hopes mommy getted the msg cuz i telled her that all last week! i no want kids! get me spayed :)

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

ps --we likes your hat!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Woww....
This is difficult for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent advice, Sparkle. Thanks for getting the message out!

Paul Eilers said...


Well, we did get our black Lab neutered.

BeadedTail said...

I figured it out Daisy! What an important message!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We likes the hat! It would be fun to play wif!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get it. Obviously I need a thinking cap like yours. But I probably wouldn't look as cute as you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is an important message indeed! Just think of all the needless suffering that could be prevented. Tristan is spayed and I'm (gulp) neutered. And the puzzle? It took us four tries but we finally got it:)

catsynth said...

We got it! And it is indeed a good message. And we didn't even need to re-arrange any letters...

(One of us at CatSynth is an enthusiast of word games, and an avid crossword-puzzle player)

Isis said...

Oops *looks at belly* I think I may well have skipped that one Daisy! ;)


Rebecca Mecomber said...

Wow, that was a tough one! But I finally got it. Oddly enough, today is Livvy's day for her spaying. I miss her right now and it's n-ba-rib-buh-l!


Anonymous said...

Ooh! You were right about saying it out loud! That helps! That's a very nice word puzzle, Daisy!

The Crew said...

We just love your thinking cap, Daisy! Can Mom borrow it? She can't figure out what the sentence is.

Your friend

Lex said...

What a great game and a great message! I have successfully read all of your blog posts and am happy to be able to keep up with you and Harley now. I used to have a cat names Schatzie for 17 years and I just love animals. Keep up the great work :)

Mr. Hendrix said...

Please neuter your cats and dogs. this was hard. We kept saying it out loud but mommy kept thinking "new york" Then she had lunch and figurecd it out.

She is weird. I love your thinking cap. I should make mommy one!

Katie and Mea said...

That was a FUN word game, Daisy! "Spay and neuter you cats and dogs!"

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs! Mom read it out loud and kept saying it faster and faster until da sentence came out! Dis one was hard...sort of.

Anlina S. said...

You look very cute and brainy in your thinking cap. That was a good puzzle to get me thinking first thing in the morning.


Asta said...

That thinking cap was a gweat help to figoowe out that good message..
and you make it look like that heighth of fashion
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

This one was hard and I didn't get it. Luckily other smart readers did get it so I wasn't left in suspense. We do believe in spaying and neutering.

The Furry Kids said...

The Mom needs one of those hats. She's super slow. :sigh:
Happy Monday, Daisy!


Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs! I can't believe it! I think I got it!!

Cat with a Garden said...

Nope, we were lost on this one! But we understood the comments, hehehehe. That was difficult for non English kitties, but good fun!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We didn't get it, but it is a great message.

Purrageous Pirates said...

We got it! We got it!! Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs!! YAY!!!!!

Maureen Hayes said...

Pain has fogged my brain so I before I go insane I decided to cheat and come to your smarter visitors to find the answer!!

Happy Monday! I want a kitty for myself. . .

Kimo and Sabi said...

It says: Pleeze spay and nootur yer cats and dawgs!

Mommakitty hadded to help us wif this cuz she is good at it - she is good at figuring out vanity license plates too!

Maureen said...

Oh, I didn't get it... but I do LOVE your thinking cap!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I got it! At first I thought I was going to need that thinking cap.

jenianddean said...

Oh that was a tough one, but fun!

Cat Street Boyz said...

First....we want to THANK YOU for all your purrs & prayers for our Mommy. She is getting better every day! We also liked your message once we figured it out! BTW, TEAK was neutered this morning and is home sleeping the whole crazy day off. Someday Mom hopes he will forgive her and know it was for his well being.=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
PS, we love your news hat Daisy!

Black Cat said...

I got it! I got it! At first I was distracted by the thought of New York Police, then I realised it said, "Please pay and nurture your cats and dogs". This is very important coz you should pay them lots of treats for their loving ways and of course you must nurture them big time. Then after you've spayed and neutered them, you must pay and nurture them even more so they recover really quickly (srsly)!

Luvzya Daisy, you are so wise :) xxx

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

We got it we got it! Woo hoo!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - I actually got it! I am so excited. "Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs"

Fat Eric said...

Thank you for visiting me on my blogoversary!

That word puzzle was quite hard!

Hansel said...

We gots it daisy we gots it! Also... i miss meh man bits... :(


Good puzzle Daisy!
And good message too.


Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

That's great advice Daisy! My dog Blitzkrieg was neutered when we got him. Good thing too because they found and fixed 2 hernias during the original neuter surgery. One he was born with and the other was from being hit by a very bad human.

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

We just by to thank you for visiting our blog. We are very honored to have the blogging cat of the year drop by. As far as Mouse catching. We've actually got real live ones (not for long). Here in da Ozarks dey are weeely big. When Granmom saw da first one she thought it was a baby Oppossum.

Heesh, da mighty hunter

Eduardo said...

Oh I got it! WOOHOO! Great hat Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Unknown said...

IIIII GOOOOOT IT!!! awesome quiz as always Daisy!! me like your hat!!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Daisy, we need new batteries for our thinking cap! We couldn't figure it out at all ... DUH to us! It was a good one!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

The Island Cats said...

Hmmmm...this was a little tough...but is it please spay and neuter your cats and dogs???

Okay...we cheated...we looked at some other comments! Good one, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I got it without cheating. Please spay and neuter your cats and dogs. Good one.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Bob Bark Yours

Anonymous said...

Haaaa! I got it! It didn't take me too long, either! :D

And yes, we should all spay and neuter our beloved pets!
Good message and nice puzzle!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
After reading it more than 20 times we got it! Ha!
Kisses and hugs

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I had my mom help me with this one. I think I had this operashun when I was little.

Mimi Lenox said...

The paper on the head....cause there are words on it. Bwaahaahaaahh!

Max said...

I didn't have to figure it out. My empty boy bits shrivled up in memory...

Motor Home Cats said...

That is a good word puzzle today Daisy, and it has a great message.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Sasha said...

I don't know it, but you look nice in the cap.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That's an excellent message. I think the thinking cap definitely helped me get it.

Thoughts said...

Wow, we gots it right we think! That was a good one Daisy. And we just LOVE your thinking cap!

Theodore and Sasha

Anonymous said...

At first I did not understand why the police would spay and neuter Yorkie dawgs. But then Mummy telled me what it reely sed. Gee this wuz a hard one Daisy but I liked doing it.

Yer pal Dozer

Anonymous said...

First we want to say that you look VERY cute with the newspaper hat! :-)

As for the word puzzle... We already try to read it last night at bloglines, but how hard we thought we didn't saw it. Are we now dumb cats?;-)

Of course ALL cats & dogs of our both families are spayed and neutered!!

Ruis & Karl

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

I did not have a thinking cap. Yours is cool. I did not get the answer. I did try. :-)

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Dasiy, that was hard and we would have never figured it out for ourselves! Good thing the Country Cats did!

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