Monday Mystery: Solve the Riddle!
Okay, everybuddy, it is time for another riddle. If you solve this riddle, you could become rich. Maybe. Here is a money. The riddle is: What is the easiest way to double your moneys?

ps: There is still a little time left to vote in the Weblog Awards. You can vote once per day by clicking on the badge below (or in my sidebar) to vote for your favorite pet blog! Thank you!

90 Notes for Daisy:
I voted again Daisy but I think we need a miracle to beat that nasty penguin.
I got the riddle right today!
Huffle Mawson
hehe i no gets the riddle. i sez rip it apart and then you haz two! i no understand how penguin is better than iz my fave
That's clever. I'm gonna double my money now
~ Bae
Yay we got it right and voted, too :-) Riddles are fun; we are smart kitties!
that is great~!!!
I haven't think of this way before, thanks for the tips!
I will try to make my money double!
Lol Daisy, I wasn't very clever, I had to look at the answer!
You got us on this one - Mom just isn't awake enough this early!
We're voting every day too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Ooops you fooled us this week.
Miss D, you are the bestest blogger ever, you are a big winner to us!!
I knew this one! Yay!
I vote for you every day Daisy!
I got your riddle right today. Now I feel smart. Can't believe your are so far behind in the contest! Your blot is WAY better than all of them! People who voted for the other ones probably never saw yours. We will keep voting for you to the end!
I keep voting for you Daisy! Oh and I got the riddle this week, which I think is a first for me... :)
We keep voting for you Daisy. You will always be a winner for us.
We got the riddle right too.
Yay! We got it right!
We keep voting for you because you are the bestest! And cute, smart and nice too!
oh oh i know you just tear it in halfz!! no? okay...well me has no idea!! mai mom say she dont know too...
I got it, I got it! I love it when you stuck your little tongue out to think.
I've been voting everyday, but that penguin is going to be tough to beat.
We got it right! And sticking your tongue out really does make you concentrate harder! :)
We are still voting for you on two different computers everyday!
Hurray! We guessed it! You're so fun Daisy, we love reading your blog every morning and we've been voting for you! Momma looked at the Penguin blog and she said it was No Good and had Bad Words in it! Your blog is MUCH better!!!
That was funny!
Good luck today, Daisy!
Hi Daisy! We voted for you today! We didn't get the answer right to the quiz, but it was fun anyway!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Oh...I didn't get it right...but you know, I'm really good at sticking out my tongue so I got that part right! Does that count?
Pretty cool but I got it !!I always love your concentrative faces,Daisy..
Yay, I got it right! Must be the tongue thing. Have a great Daisy-day!
We did not guess that, Daisy. You are a very smart economist!
Off to vote!
not only did i look like a fool when i stuck my tongue out to think better, but i hurt my thumbs trying to fold a quarter.
that's a good riddle Daisy!!!
YAYAY!!! I actually got it right for the very 1st time! Woohoo!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Heehee! I guessed correctly!
We were thinking the answer involved some kind of mirror trick. Your idea is much quicker!!
We tried to vote again this morning but we were too early. Drat those smart contests!
We'll try again after supper!
Give it to Warren Buffet! Of course, you'll need like 999,999 more dollars before he'll talk to you, but still ...
These days, it's probably the only way to do it, too. If only Bernie Made-off's victims had remembered that!
Yipeee!! We got the riddle!
We can not get the voting site up today, maybe it has closed, but will try later.
Those bad words on that pitiful penguin site hurt our eyes. We feel sorry for the pretty animals.
~ Noah
If I cross my eyes, Miss Daisy, I see TWO moneys! Is that the right answer? I did not stick out the tip of my tongue, so if I am wrong that must be the reason why.
I have voted for you EVERY DAY!
ha ha ha ha, I finally got one right. Oh yes, I have voted several times..
ha ha ha, i was going to say tear it in two! i tried sticking my tongue out a little bit too.
smiles, auntie bee
oops! i tore my moneys in two...i better get some tape.
happy monday!
Hey Daisy. I haven't checked in for quite some time (apologies) but I noticed that you were on the weblog awards so I voted for you every time I went there.
Anyhow... I think it's freaking amazing that you got nominated and so big congrats.
love, Pearl
Oh we thought it was a mirror. Oh well. Your answer was much better.
GRRRR! Who the hell is F***Penguin!?
never mind, Daisy! he's just a blog, but you're the best for me! For all of us!
I vote in you every day!
about the money, well, let me see... of, course! you're so clever! thank you! I'm going to double my money right now!
kisse for you all!
Daisy, you fooled me with that one! You are a very smart kitty!
Hahaha! Daisy, that was good! We thought you could rip the dollar in half...but then that would make the dollar no good...
I missed it too. That Penguin is down right on top of it, I keep trying to boot him out, lol!
I thought you'd put it by a mirror. Folding is easier tho.
your bud Pepi
We got it right!
We are voting for you Daisy! We are sad to see that so many votes are going to that blog with the bad word in it.
aw we missed it too Daisy. Hope you are having a purrfect Monday though.
hhhahhaha, that is a great riddle Daisy!
Nyay, nyah - I got it!
Oh, no wonder it didn't work for us. We were trying to double a silver dollar.
Ask da beans fer more?
Mom knows what da answer is cuz her grampa used to tell her dat one alla time. He also sed if yoo don't work yoo don't eat...
We finally got one! You're right though,sticking your tongue out does help think!
I got it right Daisy! WooHoo!
I keep voting, but how do you catch up with the penguin blog? I really want you to win Daisy! I'm going to put a vote for Daisy on my blog!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
We got the riddle right today! YAY!
We voted for you again too.
That was a tough riddle. I keep voting...
Yea! We knew the answer. We have been voting for you twice a day - once at mom's work, and once at home.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
hahaha We cud not guess it but it was a funny riddle!
We were wrong. Darn!
PS - What does your Mommie brush your teeths with? Does she use toothpaste? Mama can't find kitty toothpaste without fluoride. She says she's going to use weak chickhen broth, but I don't think I like the sounds of this brushing business and I don't think chickhen broth will even make it better. :/
Psssst . . . we gotted a Purrrfect Post! BAsed on yer recommendation! We REALLY wanted to git da MONDO size one, but we didn't have enough monies saved.
I had to peek at the answer too, I's not much into money, I just like it when Mother comes home w/toys and food and treets! Oh. And I voted for you again too!
I didn't solve the mystery this time Daisy, but I stuck my tongue out he he!
Purrs, Sukie x
Love your blog! I'm visiting from Entrecard--I'm very new at this! Found your blog and enjoyed your posts! Love Daisy--she's so cute!
Have a great day!
Sher :0)
LOL! I didn't get it...oh well, blame it on my mommy brain! :)
Wow! That is clever! I was going to say something else, but I like the answer. :)
Happy New Year! Sorry we haven't been around for a long time, mommy's been busy these days. We miss reading your blog tho.
I like your idea of doubling up the money. I want lots and lots of money for temptations!
~Casey, Marie and Donny
i got it right. i have been voting for you all along and don't understand how that penguin is getting any votes at all, he is very rude with his language. My mommy and i love your blog!
If only that worked Daisy. Thanks for the tip I do appreciate it.
I knew the answer to that one :-D And I didn't even need to stick the tip of my tongue out ;-)
PS: I've been voting for you every day. I do not understand why that bad word blog has so many votes :/
what is daisy doing with all those money:O
I am despondent..the sites that awe winning awe awful..I've been voting and voting on diffewent pootews and it's still not enuff..those blogs awe wude and howwible and Ibe they'we cheating.
I can't even think about money I'm so upset
smoochie kisses
Oooh, that was clever. You are so smart, Daisy. I've been voting for you!!
"Darn" I didn't get it.
I'm voting for you Daisy dearest! How is that foul-mouthed penguin blog getting so many votes?! I visited and didn't leave a comment because it wouldn't have been nice...
I stuck my tongue out, thought long and hard, and then thought, tear the money in half, take each half to a (different) bank and say, "Oh look, my money had an accident, can I have a replacement please?". That would work, wouldn't it...? No? Oh, well...
Thanks so much for your purrs, they meant a lot! :) xxx
I'm pretty sure that sticking the end of my tongue out really did help me think better.
That was cool!! I guessed that pretty quick too :)
Mom likes your table. She thought it was a solid piece(marble?),but we can see there are squares. It look really neat :)
Purrs Mickey
Yay, I know that one! hahahaha
I voted for you but there is some shennanigans going on there (cheating) I think.
purrrs to you and Harleykins
Mum doubles her money all the time, some times she doubles the double!
I got it right this time Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
you are so smart Daisy, as well as pretty.
We got the riddle! We vote for you as often as the site allows us.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
You'll always be #1 for us~
A HA HA HA! That riddle cracks me up everytime!
I got it right Daisy! Great riddle! I voted again too!
You are so smart, Daisy - I'll have to tell my beans about this!
Oppss...we didnt get the riddle correct....
I thought the answer was going to be look in the mirror. I was wrong.
We voted for you again today. We thinks you are doing good and you will always be #1 to us.
We got the riddle right, we are going to double our monies now. ~S,S & C
Darn it, you stumped us again daisy! Doh!
theodore and sasha
Miss Daisy da furry actress!
your mawmee is sooh smart... She knohs jus how ta gets you lookin at fings!!
She iz a goods fotoh director!
Katie Too
Oh, I finked maybe you putted it in front of a mirror. Never finked of "doublin" it over. Hee hee.
That was an eezy one! I got it rite away!
Daisy is adorable! Good luck!
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