Water: The Funnest Toy of ALL!
HELLO! It's me, HARLEY! I have a SECRET to share with you today. It is about a new TOY I have discovered. I call it WATER!!!

Don't forget, voting ends TONIGHT for the Weblog Awards. You can still vote today by clicking on the badge below (or in my sidebar) to vote for your favorite pet blog! Thank you!

110 Notes for Daisy:
oh yey! i is first commenters today!! Harley you lookz like having fun game with your water!! I think water is fun too! xoxoxo Goma
I love your water video Harley, I think water is so much fun but maybe your Mommie would like for you too keep your water toys *away* from her laptop? ;o)
Wow Harley looks so fun and slippery!
I loves water too. Mum put a video of me on my blog, not as fancy as yours as we don't know how to add titles and music.
HARLEY! Don't you know that water is where baths come from?
Huffle Mawson
I'm a little sad that the bowl didn't fall of the counter!
We just love your video! Alfie and I were making bets on wevver you would knock da water off da kitchen cabinet and then be in trubble!
Alfie loves to play wiv water too - and I like to catch drips from da tap in the bathroom!
BUT - not near the latop Harley, or you might be in BIG trubble.
LOL! That was funny to watch, but maybe it's time that Harley moves up to a stoneware water dish!
Harley, you are such a handsome boy! Even when wet!
Wow Harley, you like to live close to the edge!
We agree Harley, water is lots of fun. You were very good not to push the bowl onto the floor. We like to paddle in puddles.
I enjoy water too and I think Banshee may as well. My cousin Bella goes absolutely crazy for water poured in the bathtub. I'll have to get the PM to get a video of that!
Purrs Shade
That's a great movie! LOL You got quite the right hook!
I was actually thinking Harley will hit the water down the floor. Hey Harley was too careful or Mum will be furious.Lol. :)
You movie is very good, Harley! I like to play with water too! I do not mind getting a little wet at all. I have made some videos too. It's fun, isn't it?
SPLASH! That looks like fun. I think I will try it...
Harley, I kept waiting for the bowl go go off the edge! I am very glad that Gandalf and Grayson are taking a nap and did not see this! I already spend lots of time picking up their 'other' toys!
You fooled me! I thought you were going to push the bowl over the counter. You sure look like you are having a lot of fun with the water.
Harley, that looks like so much fun! We love water too, even though cats are not supposed to like it.
... watch it wiggle!
By the way, you are looking like you're starting to get really tall, Harley.
Abby & Stygia
We were sure that bowl was going to end up on the floor - you're pretty smart to keep it on the counter!! Water play is fun! Tamir likes to "swim" in our water bowl!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Ah it seems you are much like Isis in your love for water... She does some really silly things with our water fountain and goodness knows where she'd take it if it wasn't attached to the wall by a big black cable! ;)
Oh Daisy I now have a set of custom tailored onesies to help me stop over grooming my belly all day... I feel the need for some cool slogans or the like to go on them though, 'cause I just can't due full on cute. I'm a mancat and have attitude or I did have before the onesies! :S
I think the next time Mr. Shrill plays a mean trick on you, you can use those skills to dump a bowl of water on his head!
You sure gave the water a good whapping, Harley. I like to slap the water, especially ninja slaps when Suey is drinking.
The bird in your window is pretty.
Wow, a cat that loves water...
Hee hee! Great movie, Harley! That is pretty much why Mama just ordered us some stainless steel bowls. (EG loves water, too.)
Your video is great Harley! Water is lots of fun to play with. We were wondering if you were going to whap the whole bowl of water off the countertop. It is good that you didn't because then you might be In Trouble!
P.S. We voted for Daisy!
MomBean hopes the bowl didn't hit the floor...
Harley has just proved a point! You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a good toy. This is a perfect idea and I don't understand why your mom wouldn't want you to play with the water.
I have voted for you each day. The voting makes you wonder how it is being done. Reminds mom of the election stuff happening, too much cheating maybe. Anyway you are a winner to me 100% every day.
Very nice video. Harley does not seem to like that water, though.
I was hoping you'll push it off the counter Harley. Hehe! Wow! You're really weird coz I know many cats infact most cats just hate water! Especially when they get wet or even step on it.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
i thought it was going to go flying! i like water too harley!
smiles, auntie bee
that's very funny and looks like fun. mr. shrill didn't teach you that did he?
I was laffing and laffing at harley in his new movie, he is fast becoming a star like you Miss Daisy. I tried to vote this morning and could not, I assume it is over. Even if you did not win you are still the best blog.
Harley, awesome movie! And great choice of music, too! You had me on the edge of my seat...I was SURE you were going to push your dish off the counter! lol
That was neat Harley!! I can't believe you almost rolled in that water though!!!!! :o Now you need to dry out all your furs!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
...your left ass-cheek is great...I love the black circle marking.....
Harley, My kitty Winks loves water too. He especially likes the self-watering jug that makes bubbling noises when you move it. He used to make horrible messes wrestling with it so I had to take it away. :(
HARLEY!! ME loves water too!!! Know what would haf maded that a academy award video? if you had WHAPPED the bowl off the counter. That would haf been AWESOME!!
wanna come ofur and PLAYPLAYPLAY and HAMSTER DANCE wif us?
Water is FUN! I like to put my paws in it and splash and splash and when Mama is brushin' her teefs I climb in the fishy sink!
heh heh! I liked that game Harley!
Purrs, Sukie x
We thought sure the bowl was going over the edge! Good show, Harley.
We could not get in (again) to vote. Maybe it has ended?
~ The Bunch
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmm that duz luk like fun but the problim with water is that yoo cant grab it by the nek and shayk it all arownd and yoo cant bring it to the door and present it to mama and dada wen they come home frum wurk wel ok yoo kind of can present water to them but they seem not to like it for sum reezon ha ha ok bye
Harley, you are SO funny! My mom and I jumped 3 or 4 times as we were SURE that water was goin' overboard. Mom screamed when she jumped, but I did NOT scream 'cause I'm not a girl. Mom screamed like a girl, but that's 'cause she IS a girl. And you creamed your mommie's laptop? Whoa, young dude, that would not have gone over well at my house.
hi harley! what a great game! i loved watching your video and the new water game is so fun! you sure are a big kitty boy!
I liked your movie, Harley, the bluesy soundtrack is great! Were you thinking about covering up the water at one point? When in doubt, cover it up. Works for politicians! Anyway, does your Mommy ever leave the sink tap trickling just a leeetle bit so you can swipe your paws and/or stick your mouth under the trickle? My dearly departed kitty "Watson" was a tap-trickle devotee. Would spend hours trying to solve the mystery. Have a great day you guys! Bonnie and Pepper
Harley, maybe your Mommy should think about one of those cool water fountains or she might end up with slippery floors and hurt herself! We were waiting to see how long it would take for you Mommy to stop filming so she could catch that bowl.....got pretty close!!!! =^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Water does look like fun!
I love that water toy sorry unable to see the video - new computer
What a nice video. It looks like fun! I like to play with my water bowl, too! It's cool to see my reflection go all wobly!
It looks like you were trying to clean that marble! Crikey likes to put his dry food in his water dish, and then he fishes it out and eats it.
You really startled us with that big whap in the first part, then we liked when you got down and sized up the bowl when you were on the counter. You got it right about rolling in it to mop it up. Then your mom won't suspect a thing.
ha ha ha You are soooooooo talented Harley. You're a water artist. Like a water color artist.
You're also uber talented to keep that bowl on the counter.
I am not that agile. Things I push usually fall off and break.
I had no idea water could be so fun! I can't wait to play with my water today!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
you make a big mess with the bowl and the water! My cat Meg loves to drink water "from the sink"!
Harley you're very funny!
kisses for you and Daisy!
I have voted for your blog, what's next the Oscars?
Hahahaha...Harley, effurytime yoo whapped da bowl mom would go "ohoh". We kept waiting fur it to hit da floor! Dad sez yoor 'a' may start working again when it dries out. Zippy once dumped a haf a cup of coffee (with cream) on dad's keyboard. He was not happy, did not find it funny or cute, but, he did learn not to leave likwids around. We keep voting fur Daisy, and even if she does not win in dat silly contest, she will always be a winner to us!
It looks like you're having a lot of fun Harley! And your mom gets to clean up a wet kitchen. Our mom has to clean up a wet kitchen (and cat) every time Indy gets ice cubes in his water dish (which is every time the freezer opens and he begs for them).
Harley, that was a very funny video! I loved how you tried to bury your water! You are too cute!
Great video Harley! We really thought your Mom would be cleaning up water off the floor! What a fun game!
Awww Harley...you are just precious! I was kinda down in the dumps and you made me a little bit more happy! Thanks!
Whoa - I was so waiting for the water dish to go of the counter! You are so cute, Harley!
Oh, Harley...I thought the bowl of water was gonna hit the floor! You are soooo funny!
It looks like you are having fun with your new discovery! We prefer to play with water by drinking it ONLY from the tap, no water bowls for us, we are finicky kitties our mu-ther tells us :)
theodore and sasha
your very brave Harley - Karmen doesn't even like drinking water let alone playing with it...
omg, my cat drove me crazy playing with the water bowl! I ended up weighting it down so she couldn't do that anymore....cleaning up water every day was not fun!
I had no idea other cats did this!
We really like your water video!
I like playing a bit with the water in the big tub that Meowm sits in. I stick my paw in there and splash around.~Junior
You're a movie star! Job well done. Water is fun.
Uncle Bobby
We kept waiting for the bowl to fall off and make a big splash. It looks like you were having a great time playing with your water. Do you have a fountain so that you can play with it all the time?
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Harley, that was the best movie I've seen in quite a while. It was so suspenseful, wondering if you were going to tip the bowl off the edge of the counter.
(By the way, have you been sneaking into my house while I'm gone? Sometimes I come home to find the water dish halfway across the kitchen, and I know it couldn't be Gus or Prudence.)
JD at I Do Things
That is a vewy good film..I loved seeing you play wif the watew..I think you would be a vewy good ice skatew judging fwom those moves on the slippewy countew..have you evew considewed it as a caweew?
smoochie kisses
They wouldnt let me vote today again..Sheeesh..
HAHAHA! That was lots of fun, Harley, watching you play with your new toy, water :-D Me and Sunny's Daddy were LOL'ing :-D
Harley, you are so tall! And so handsome!!!!!
Mom was waiting for you to knock the water off the counter. I don't think she would be happy with me if I did any of that.
Oh Harley, that is so cute you play with water!
Harley yer movie acting wuz so convinsing I almost changed my mind about bathies time! Almost.
Yer pal Dozer
hehe harley you iz so funny! have you ever tried playin in the water in the big white bowl in the bathing room? that is fun time too!!
We can't believe that water dish didn't land on the floor, hahahahahahaha! You are a funny one, Harley!
We just voted for Daisy again and she won!!!!!! Maybe not THAT contest but the important one she did!
Polls there should be closed by now but it looks as if they aren't... We posted about it anyways....
You are right Harley, water is safer to play with than fire. I think you might have missed the class about kitties and how they do not like to get wet. Has Daisy showed you the toilet yet? There is this really fun game called The Swirly. You should try it.
Harley, water is for drinking. :)
Harley, that water does look like alot of fun! Did you end up knocking the whole bowl on the floor? My Mum kept thinking you would : )
Daisy and Harley! go to Black Cat and pick up a present that I left for you!
kisses for both of you!
Hey, Harley! Water sure looks like a fun toy!
You Know, Harley~!
I just thought that water bowl might be get on floor....glad it doesn't, I think maybe the video recoder stops you~~~
But you are right, it's better than playing fire, I think you are playing right thing.
Have great fun!
:) LOL Harley! Poofitza just love water, we have WW theme with water: http://bsilvia.com/2009/01/14/wordless-and-wet-wednesday-with-poofitza/
It's Wednesday here already :)
You are a funny funny boy Harley & your mom is so good to catch it all on video!! Sandie just scored a goal on the foosball table and now he keeps sticking his paw & head in the goal looking for the ball. It would have been a great video, but...nothing.
Water is a great toy! I love it too!
Kisses and hugs
Wow, Harley you sure look like you're having fun! I better not let Toeshee see that or he will get ideas!
Daisy, I will take your cold snap over ours any day honey! :)
Have a happy evening sweet kitties and Mommie.
Hugs and Smoochies,
That looks like a fun game. ;)
~ Bae
Harley, you are definitely a water baby! I was so rooting for you to knock the bowl off of the counter.
What a great video! Harley, water is great fun but you REALLY are playing with it - love it! Have you discovered how fun it is to play with water in the tall glasses beans leave around the house? BIG fun if you know what you're doing!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Looks like the bad titled blog lost by a couple of tenths percent.
We came by to tell you you're a winner in our book!
Ah Harley you look so cute with your new toy!
oh, watergames are a bad word around our house since Spot turned on a bathroom faucet and flooded the house. But even Teri had to giggle at the dance of the waterbowl that Harley did!
The cats of Furrydance and Teri
I loved how you tried and cleaned up the mess you made!
hey Harley... u is likes me!!
I luvs water! I tells you how I drink... I dips my paw init ta make a cups n den I drinks out of my paw!!
I taught Bootsie how ta do dat, too!
Ifns you looks closely ats our blog header, you kin see me doin da paw cup trick.
Katie Too
O, Harley, I's fur sure you's gonna push tha bowl off that counter. That's what mine brofurs loves to do.
That looks like a reel fun slick counter.
Love & Purrs,
Way to go Harley!! We were just waiting for you to knock the water off the counter!! (hehehehehehe)
Your FL furiends,
Oh my gosh... You love water!
I am not sure we met, Harley, but I love you already!!
I am a water cat too... :-)
ps -- although I was not posting and visiting , we voted for your big sister each day
That Harley is a NUT!!!!!
Oh, I thought you were going to push it right off the edge, there, Harley! Fooled me! Maybe next time....
Hi Harley! You were sure having fun with that water. It's also fun to learn new things. And it's especially nice to have a terrific forever home to learn them in!
Harley you are a true water baby! Is it all the reflections that attract you?
Whicky Wuudler
I like the video! My new brother, Kirby, loves to play in water, too! He paws the water out of the bowl. I have trouble finding a bowl that has clean water because he has had his big feet in every one!
Haha, unbelievable, my cat would run away as fast as she could at the pure sight of water.
Harley you are getting really tall!
Hope Harley's vet visit went well, he's a cutie pie and we love him here at nanjodogz!
Harley is hilarious! Water is the best toy ever.
Harley you are a natural born star!!!
Harley? I have to admit that I believed you were going to knock the watr dish off of the counter. You did a very good movie.
Aunt Mama Teesa
We had to laugh when you were playing with the water and trying to clean it up. That is if that's what you were doing. Anyhow my Mom is thankful none of us play with our water. Very intertaining Harley.
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