Copy Cat
What do you mean, "Who is the real Daisy"?That cat looks nothing like me!

ps: Congratulations to Cute Overload for winning the Best Pet Blog in the 2008 Weblog Awards! Even though I did not win, I feel like a real winner because of all the support I have received from my wonderful friends. Thank you to Skeezix for making this beautiful award for me, and to everybuddy for your support and friendship. It really means a lot to me.

117 Notes for Daisy:
iz we really #1? Yay!
thiz iz a head scratcher....i picks the daisy in on the right.
no wait...the lefts. i was backwards...
wait! mommy sez the daisy in the middle iz you! sneaky, sneaky! you iz all beautiful
and i putz yous az #1 on my bloggie too like sweet praline dood. cuz we come here every day even when mommy was sickies. you makedid her laff and smiles. no stoopid penguin dood that!
Look at all the Miss Daisys!! You take such a good photo sweetie.
Oh my! which Daisy is Daisy?? ;o)
Yes Daisy, you are MUCH cuter than that other cat.
Huffle Mawson
All pretty cute, I'd say!!!
Nothing like the real thing, baby!
Now I'm laughing.
Daisy is too funny.
And congratulations.
Daisy, no one could out-cute you 'cos you are adorable. The penguin on the other hand stinks! We've put your glamorous poster on our blog post today to show you our support! Go for it Daisy!
Laughing...Well they all look like you Daisy, but I suspect that something is going on there...In any event, you are much cuter...Hmmm
Well...anyway, I wanted to tell you that I voted for my favorite Daisy cat many times at The Weblog Awards. And I think you are a real trouper.
Have a great evening and tell everyone hello~
Hmmm it's a close thing but we think you are the cutest of all the Daisys.
You are #1 with us too and we have put your poster on our blog today as well.
I love your award Daisy, and I think Mummy will work on customizing my onesies next week. For now I have to put up with looking like a big grumpy baby rather than a proud and grumpy Mancat. However I can still run around in my onesies and my belly is warm and Mummy is pleased to say I'm not over grooming at all! Please let this break me of the habit so I can go back to running around in just my furs terrorizing the Abys! :)
We're so confused - which is the real Daisy??????????????
We're going to put your award on our blog too!! You're the best!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You are the winner in my book Daisy!
oh Daisy I has no dout you is the winner!! Daisy how did you multiply yourself 3 times?? I is confused!!
PS: Yey you can has Hepper Pod!! I CAN NOT WAIT to see you in it!!!!!!
I luv it, cute n' funny Daisy ;))
You are definitely the winner in our hearts, Daisy!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
You're the winner to us, Daisy.
We love that last picture. You are so pretty:)
You will always be our favorite Curly Girl, Daisy!
You make me smile :) Keep up the great work!
I was surprised at the finalists listed. There are so many lovely cat blogs that in my opinion are better. Your blog did very well Daisy and you should not be disappointed.
Yay! Daisy! Will the real Daisy please stand up? Hee! Hee!
You are #1 in my book and I have your poster on my blog today.
No doubt pink feather crowns are your thing..slso you are cuter than that other Daisy.Cute Overload is a winderful site as well.I view them every day.At least it was a positive animal site like yours Daisy!!
hello, gorgeous! I agree with everything at all! you're so cute and you're the winner for me!
how nice you are, Daisy! congratulations!
I like that award that was made especially for you, Daisy. You really deserve it. Even my husband makes sure to read your blog every morning before he leaves for work and he usually laughs out loud. That's when I know he's on your blog again!
You are simply adorable and we adore you. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
You don't need no stinkin voting to be #1 Daisy! We know you are, and you know you are and that's all that matters!
But....which Daisy is the real one? I'm confused....
We are glad you gotted a special award Daisy, you deserve one!!with so many kitteh bloggies, you are special to be nominated, I think. I am especially happy that the bloggie with all those bad werds did NOT win!
I love this. I still have Daisy's "hard look" picture on my pc desktop at work. Whenever I'm feeling just a little bit unmotivated or overwhelmed, I look at it and say, "Yes, Daisy - I'm doing it now!"
Hugs for placing third (I don't count the penguins)! My 3 favorite cat/pet/cute animal blogs, all in a row! Yaaayyy!
There certainly was a wide variety of sites in the category of Best Pet Blog. We do not understand how Drop Dead Penguin (or whatever it called itself) could be a "pet blog" when it showed so many animals that were not pets. And Cute Overload and Cheezburger had many people's pets, so how could it be a fair fight to have so many against one lovely curly cat? You were outnumbered, Daisy!
Oooo, is dey cloning yoo? Three Daisy's would be three times da fun! Yoo did a really good showing in dat dumb contest...we is glad dat horrible penguin one did not win. Yoor always gonna be #1 wif us Daisy.
we are sad that you didn't win the contest, but Cute Overload is a better choice than that pengwin site.
We think that you're furry purrty in trip-la-kit
You are number one and especially number one in our hearts. We love you.
Will the real Daisy please step forward? Yay, I got it right, you are the one in the middle! Step forward and accept your award as the truly best pet blog!
There is only one Daisy Curly Cat - and that is you. And you're my winner no matter what polls say.
Have a great day!
Those cats may look like you Daisy, but do they smell like you?
You are ALWAYS #1 in our books!!!
You get a lot of paws up in this house!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I often wonder whether cats actually see the same thing we do when they look at something. Are they able to distinquish the same features and details?
Any picture of Daisy the best! We put you as the real winner on our blog too!
Looking in the mirror...
Daisy, in our eyes, you are the true winner!
dear daisies-
congrats on the honorary award. i guess i shouldn't have voted for you. i have a history of voting for candidates that don't win.
Daisy, you will always be a real winner to us!
Daisy, you're so gracious and that makes you a real winner in our books!
Your pal,
I think the one in the front, because she has the pinkest nose! :)
There is three Daisies? Wow! And here all this time we thought there was only one! ;)
We think you are #1 Daisy~!
At least Cute Overload won and not that bad word blog.
You and your blog are the bestest in catdom. We are glad we all in the catblogosphere helped tell the world how special you and your blog are in our eyes!! #3 is quite an accomplishment when you think of all the billions of blogs out there! And you ARE the #1 CAT BLOG!!
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
Warm Congtratulations for your award Daisy.
Well deserved
ViVi & AB
Yoo's definitely cuter, Daisy! And yoo's deffinitely the winner in our book! We putted a grate badge Skeezy maded on our bloggy too cuz we knows yoo's #1!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i dont want to wurry yoo but i think yore compyooters hav sum sort of weerd daisy obsesshun yoo mite want to keep an eye on them ok bye
We liked seeing you three times at once, Daisy, but we know which one is really you - in the middle! We voted for you every day, and so did Mom and Dad on their computers and we all know that you are really #1 of all those not-so-much pet blogs. We're putting Skeezix's poster up on all of our blogs too so everyone who visits knows who the real #1 is - DAISY!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
You ARE the best, Daisy! You make me smile every single day. Thank you to you, Harley, and your mommie for making such a special place for us all!
You are always the No.1~
And no matter how many copy cat like you, I can always know which is the truly you - The cutest one!
Both Daisys are gorgeous!
You're always #1 in our book, Daisy!
the Cafe Cats
I voted for you too, my cats told me so ! I didn't even know that Cute Overload was a blog as I get pictures from them every day. I thought it was something commercial.
Of course you are the cutest between these two others on the screen !
You make us smile every day, Daisy and you are always # 1 with us!
~ The Bunch
You're a winner every day for us, Daisy!
We are happy and proud to call you our friend, there can never be any copy cats!
We hope the people who did that poll will separate out "animal websites" from "pet blogs" next year, but we're glad that the cheating penguins got kicked to the curb by Cute Overload.
But YOU are the real winner in our hearts!
Uncle Mo, Daphne, Chloe, Spooker, Jazper, Little Isis, and Petey
Daisy: looks like your mommie is doing a little online "cat"alog shopping.
Daisy, you are beautiful in real life, pictures, and pictures of pictures! :)
Dear Daisy, you are #1 wif us too!!!
Lots of Love
Finny Buddy & Jazzy
I'm a huge Daisy fan! And thanks to Daisy a Huge Skeezix fan too!
Ya'll are way cute and leave me smiling daily!
Thanks and keep up the great blogs!
Yeah! Daisy! we foted as often as we could! Acouple of those other sites are nice, but not real blogs! and that last one is nnot nice at all!
Your coat is more plush that the coat on the other Daisy!
You are much much cuter than that other cat Daisy.
We think real Daisy is cuter than internet Daisy! our book you are the winner of the best pet blog!
You'll always be tops with us, Daisy. You're the best, paws down.
this is a little bit confusing, isn't it? ha ha
and i think you are the winner of the contest for sure. you are the real cat blog, they are not. so there...
smiles, auntie bee
I agree with Skeezix, you are #1. Yep, you are cuter.
Daisy, I think you're a little bit wonderful! And I'm glad for CO, 'cause they're devoted to cute. But, I think you're simply the BEST!
There must be a mistrake! Daisy, you ARE #1! I am glad the Skeezix gave you the Special Award because it is worth more anyway. Everyone will see it today on my blog and know how beeyootiful and curly you really are!
Multiple Daisys means more cuteness! You are our true blog winner Daisy!
Thats a lot of Daisys! You are the #1 pet blog in my book Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
We think you are the true cute overload bloggie!
By the time I got to the bottom of the comments I forgot what you posted hahaha! Oh yes! Triple vision. I don't mind three of you Daisy, but for kisses I think the middle one :O)
Purrs, Sukie x
I'm sorry you didn't win Daisy. I voted for you lots of times! Even though you didn't win, you are still a great and wonderful blogger!
Ha, ha, ha......that is funny to see 3 Daisy's all in one place! Of course you are cuter in real life!
Well Daisy the Curly Cat, I hate to tell you this but uh, I am actually the "REAL" Daisy, at least the real Pink Pit Bull Daisy and I am not very curly at all.
You'll always be #1. When you look at the top four, you are the only true "pet" blog, anyway, so I say they all should be disqualified.
no copy can evew be as cute as the WEAl Daisy!
congwatulations on being the bestest bloggie
love and smoochie kisses
Awesome award! We are bummed about the contest. Mama would vote from all the computers at work and then the ones at home. hee hee
Of course YOU'RE cuter LOL
You're Numero Uno in my books Daisy...
You are the number 1 cat blogger, Daisy! I love the award!
Hmmm. It's hard for me to decide which of you is cuter. You both look absolutely adorable to me!
JD at I Do Things
Our Mom does that too - she has a photo of one of us up as her wallpaper. Sometimes she even puts up our friends photos. Right now, it is a picture of Tiki. Congratulations on getting so many votes in the contest. We think you were definately the best.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We like all the Daisys, but especially the middle one! Congratulations Daisy, you are the best!
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Cute photos! The only thing better than one photo of you is several!
You are the #3 Winner in my book, I have a copy of your winning award that Skeezix made for you.
Those kitties are pale imitations of the real you Daisy!
And you're number one in our book - who cares what those overloaded people think!
Boy if I saw three Daisys in frunt of me, I mite faynt frum "Cute overlode"! Yer number 1!!!!!
Daisy dear, all of us in the "real" cat blogosphere love you and know you're #1
You certainly are our #1 Pet Blog for 2008! I can't handle all of those Daisy's- I can't figure out which one is you!!
Oh, so many lovely Daisies! All of them winners in our book!!
You are definitely the cuter cat, Daisy! Love the award Skeezix made for you. :)
Lots of Daisys is good.
Altho you do look cuter than any copy cat.
~Donny, Marie and Casey
I voted for you a whole bunch, Daisy.
you is the best for us, simply #1
we wented there to vote for you daily!
we loves you. period. :)
Even though you didn't win Daisy, I think you're the best! (That Thing says he thinks so too) Oh, and I think you're way cuter than those 2 copy cats too.
Your definitely the cutest.
Daisy, you're always #1 with us!!
We're going to post that cool graphic tomorrow!
Wouldn't that be wonderful to have multiple Daisy's? But only one is the cutest ever!
Daisy, I think you are the #1 Pet Blog!
Daisy, u are the real winnerer of the best pet blog ever. :)
Those other kitties are very lucky to be almost as beautiful as you.
WOOooooooHOOOOOOOOOOooooo! Congratulations Miss Daisy. We are so happy for you and so proud of you. You deserve that award. Thank you so much for all your wonderful posts and all your kind words...oh and of course all your fashion tips!
that's a great award!
You are always #1 Daisy! Skeezix made such a nice award for you. He's a good kittyboyfriend. :)
I hope you had a happy Wednesday honey.
Hugs and Smoochies,
I love Cute Overload, but it's not exactly a blog, is it? Not like you darling Daisy, yours is a true blog and Number 1 in my view. Great award from Skeezix. It (I can see) will be popping up all over the CB's blogs and on mine... :) xxx
For me you are the real winner!
Kisses and hugs
We all know Daisy should have won! Yeah, Daisy - we love you and Harley!
Yay! that is a terrific award from skeezix! you are the winner in our heart!
You are the winner Daisy, I'm sure it was a miscount.
You're the cutest cat in those pictures. Congrates on winning the award. ;)
~ Bae
CONGRATULATIONS DAISY!!! You deserve this award hands down. You have such an interesting blog and you are so photogenic, and great in the fashion world. By the way in the first photo, the real Daisy is in the middle.
We think you are #1. An we think there was some funny bizness about the voting...
(Don't let it go to your head, Daisy!)
You are the best.
We wanted to post our support of you yesterday too but we are so limited on this borrowed laptop. And Jan spent the day involved with trying to help get a dog a doghouse and -- that is a sad story.
But we voted for you as often as we had access to a computer. And even though you didn't win that contest, you are still a winner!
Daisy, you are the real winner to us!! Your bloggie is the best!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
I voted for you every day, Daisy! You are the bestest in my book.
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