Photo Hunters: Aftermath
The Photo Hunters theme this week is aftermath. Math is hard. This is how I feel after math. It gives me a big headache.

Here is another meaning of aftermath. This is my Mommie in 1999 after she got her brand-new Miata. This was before I was borned, and we do not live in that house any more. And my Mommie is much older now. Much, much older. 

Here is the same car in the aftermath of a big wind, in the parking lot where she used to work. Those tree branches all fell directly on top of her car. And the car was still only a couple of weeks old! A man had to stand on top of the car and saw the tree limbs off.

The car got fixed up. But we do not have it any more.
There are many tropical storms in the summertime in south Florida. Here is one in my backyard!

ps: There are still a few days left to vote in the Weblog Awards. You can vote once per day by clicking on the badge below (or in my sidebar) to vote for your favorite pet blog! Thank you!

80 Notes for Daisy:
Math - or maths, as we say in the UK - gives me a great big headache, too. Hope you and Harley are having a lovely, purry weekend. My pics are up :).
P.S. I've been voting for you. I don't like the sweary penguin blog. Too sweary for me.
Daisy, Mom says you just haven't had a good teacher to show you that math can be fun, and girls are often better at it than boys. That was a bad aftermath alright (and we don't think your mommie is old at all).
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
What a shame about the aftermath for your Mommies car Daisy, that was bad but it was very good that she wasn't in it at the time! I'm not sure it was quite so good to say she is very old tho! ;o)
P.s. I keep doing my voting too and I'm with Siani, I don't like the sweary penguin too much either, he seems a bit nasty and unkind.
Maths would give us a headache too we think, unless it was to add up how many treats we can have.That was a bad aftermath for your mum's car. We are trying to vote for you everyday, but on Thursday it wouldn't work. We kept clicking and clicking, but nothing. We think the horrible penguin must have been trying to get our clicks, but it won't do him any good cuz we know you are a bazillion times better.
Excellent photos...for the week's theme, not for the damage from it.
Mine's aftermath of after math. Come on over to see it if you have some time today.
I need one of those trees in my backyard too Daisy!
I have been voting for you every day.
Huffle Mawson
Whoa, that gave us a headache too. Storms are nasty! It is cool though, that you climed that tree, Daisy!!!
The photo of the storm aftermath with the two trees is awesome. I love the texture on the tree trunks and the ominous Grey sky in the background. The first photo is just plain cute!
Here's mine.
We don't really hate maths as we get to learn how many biscuits we ate a day. Daddy hated that as he has to add and add and add all our bill figures up weekly... Haha.
Well, Florida sure has lots of bad weather last year right? We are glad everyone remained safe.
p/s: We even set my daily timer to click on the vote. We are still dumbfounded how that B&W two legged alien could have moved up so fast. :P
1. maths is hards for me toos! i go sleepies after it too--that was my photo toos!
2. i gets scared of those stormies. i in south furry-duh too and i hids in the backs of closests when it getted like that.
3. mommy hearts miatas. she wants to know if you selldid your to man that just moved in cross the street cuz he getted one and she wants it :)
Great pics Daisy. Sorry to hear about your Mom's car - glad no one was injured.
Tell your Mom she still looks young and pretty and not to worry!
Whoops that was our deleted comment; our Mommy was working on a different blog but couldn't help checking out Daisy's before going to bed!
I get headaches after maths too. The storm aftermaths look scary!
PS: Daisy, we're voting for you!
oh Daisy mi mom hates math too so me dont likes it too!! I bet is iz not yummy! Your mommy iz so purrity no wonder it is our momz!!
Yey you can has hepper pods? I is curious what color you picked?? will you show it here on your bloggy for everyone to see???
Oh we have the same reaction after tutoring my daughter on Math. :D
That picture of a storm is scary. Reminds me of the movie Twister.
Dear Daisy,
We have never climbed a tree, but we are sure that it is just as easy as you say it is. Or maybe you are just unusually talented? Or lucky?
Abby & Stygia
Great shots for the theme.
Wow Daisy! it's a good thing your mommie wasn't in that car when the tree branches fell on it! I know what you mean about Math gives us headaches too.
Your Mommie's poor car! We hope it wasn't too badly damaged. We have a cyclone warning for tommorow, so we are grounded. Big storms are scary.
Excellent series of photos for this week's theme, Daisy. My contribution is similar to the last couple you used from the tropical storm.
wow you have had some huge aftermaths in your lifetime. No wonder your head hurts so ..Have a special weekend all..Sandy
Daisy, we think math is hard too and we would look like you after math...
We don't like the aftermath of those storms!!!
wow daisy ... dat wuzza innerestin vizit i jus had. doze stormz ar disturbin ... an to brake a hole tree down ... wow.
i am votin an votin fer u.
i luv u--jh
Mom had a miata too (or a Meowta as she called it). We're sorry your Mom's got hurted in that storm.
We're impressed with your tree climbing abilities!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
ps - we're voting for you every day and we wrote to the award people to complain about that nasty word blog.
Mom had a miata too (or a Meowta as she called it). We're sorry your Mom's got hurted in that storm.
We're impressed with your tree climbing abilities!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
ps - we're voting for you every day and we wrote to the award people to complain about that nasty word blog.
Oh wow, I've never done math before so now I have an idea how I might look if I try it....I think I'll skip it! Ha! My mom says that she understands math well enough that we have to vote every single day to give you enough votes to win...and she said that "words I can't say" penguin is getting too many votes so we have to keep trying!
Mommy loves the Miata. Although she thinks she would be too old to get in and out of it on a regular basis. Daddy is driving a Saturn Sky while he is in Sandy Eggo and Mommy says getting in and out of it is a pain. She left us kitties all alone to go see him. We are going to bite her when she comes home.
You are always a winner to us. We are voting for you.
Your cheerleaders, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Oh, your poor Mama's car! What a nice car it was. I'm just glad that she was not hurt or even anyone else. Stay safe okay. Looks scawie out there!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I hope the aftermath of my voting everyday is that you win the weblog award! Go Daisy!
daisy your mommie looks cute! and i bet i could climb that tree with you! what fun that would be. we could wear tiaras and climb!
smiles, auntie bee
I would always agree that the time after math is a relief, whichever way you take it. :)
math is hard miss diasy, but you are so right about tripical storms in the summer time. that is why we go to the mountains.
Why was you doing maths Daisy? Cats are made for mousies, birdies and bugs hunting, not maths !!
You miewmie looks in great shape both then and now, just a shame about the car ! Atleast, no one got hurty.
Daisy, we are lucky we don't have to worry about math, but our Daddy must really like it because he always has the calculator out ... hee hee! We cringed when we saw what happened to your Mommie's new car, that must have been just awful for her, but we are thankful that she wasn't in it so she didn't get hurt! We love the picture of the tropical storm, it is really neat!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
LOL! Yeah, my head would hurt after math too! Daisy, you guys get lots of bad weather there. Glad you weren't in that car after math!
very good examples of aftermath.
I love miatas. that is very sad about you mommy's car.
Oh Daisy, we don't like the look of those storms! We are moving to south Florida this summer, to Hallandale Beach. We don't like math either. Unless we're counting how many treats our Mama handed out!
Math is hard, Daisy! Those clouds in your yard are very scairty!
We remember them from when we lived in central Florida. Hurricane Jeanne was not very nice to our roof. Not nice at all, and we were inland! And it ruined Mom's sister weekend at a nice resort in Orlando. They had to checkout after only 18 hours because Jeanne changed her mind and decided to come inland after all, and Mom had to go home to bring all the stuff inside. Yuck.
Mommakitty says just thinkin' about math makes her head hurt!
We votes fer you everyday (and we tolded Blogger that penguin bloggie has dirty werds in it!)
LOL! I feel you on the math! Algebra makes my head hurt. Thank God you'll never have to do it! ;)
hope that you and your family stay safe through all those storms. Must be scary sometimes!
I have to lie in a darkened room for 3 days after doing maths with an ice-pack on my head and cucumber slices over my eyes. The maths part of my brain seems to be missing, it's held me back all my life. ::da dee dah, dee dah dah dah:: sing the violins!
I've never heard of that car your Mommee had but it looks lovely! What a shame it got hurted in the storm but I'm so glad your Mommie wasn't in it at the time! My Daddy (in SC) has had to have his roof repaired several times thanks to the horrid tropical storms!
I'm voting for you like crazy kiddo! :) xxx
P.S. Your Mommie is not old and she's very feautibul!
wow, Daisy! what a storm! poor trees! nice car has your momy! hehehe... I don't like math... math sucks! kkkk...
kisses for you all!
Those are some crazy aftermath pictures. Too bad about the tree and the car, but I bet walking on the tree was fun.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay it seems like yore miata attrakts big wind if i wer yoo i wood moov away from the persun wot bawt it frum yoo assooming the reezon yoo no longer hav it is that sumwun bawt it of korse rather than the big wind pikking it up and blowing it away ha ha ok bye
I can add and subtract, but that's about it!
Having been born and raised in eastern North Carolina, I can relate to the wind storms, having dealt with many a hurricane mysylf.
By the way, my wife LOVES your blog!
Good job with that tree, Daisy! I like your aftermath pictures. I'm glad your Mommie was not hurt during that bad storm!
Aftermath seems to be a difficult thing :/
Daisy, we are just glad that your mommy was not in that car and that is something to always be thankful for.
Your mommy is very beautiful and she's not really old!
Math does not give Taco a headache because he sleeps on it!
Oh we hate wind storms and ours are not even tropical!
I think that you should avoid math if it gives you a headache...
MB says she would be very frightened if she had all those tropical storms!
I think I might be too!
Purrs, Sukie x
I thinks maybe Miss Daisy you should help your Momma and Dadda move.. those are yukky aftermaths!
You Momma looks so tall! Was she a model? Is that where you got your skills from Miss Daisy? :)
PES: Thank you for your help with the readers :)))
We gets headackes from maths too, it is furry hard fur a kitty to do maths. Mommy wanted a car like dat but she is frugal and ended up wif a Rabbit hatchback instead. She discovered dat is was a fun car too!
We had a miati and one winter another driver couldn't decide if he wanted to stop at a red light or not - it was very icy and snowy out.. he tried to stop and in the aftermath, our cute little miata was a crunch of twisted metal. Thank goodness hubby was ok.
Great tree-climbing, Daisy!
We're really sorry that happened to your Mom's car!
Hi Daisy,
I feel the same way about math. Boy, I'm glad I don't live in Florida. Not sure I like the aftermath of tropical storms.
Have a great weekend!
Oh noe. Silly trees!
I'm glad ur Mommy and fambly is okay nao.
We are sorry to hear about a tree falling on your mom's car. That is not nice.
We don't like math either. Yuk.
Daisy,I think I would feel that way before math too,heehee
It's too bad your Mom's car got damage in the AFTERMATH of the storm, but I am glad she was not in it!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
The best thing is that no one got huwt in any of the aftewmafs.
I loved that caw..and youw Mommi is sooooo too
smoochie kisses
We are totally agree with you, Daisy, Math makes us headache as well.
I like the idea you share aftermath with us~!! You have very good amazing examples.
Those black clouds look furry ominous!
Your momma's poor little car. How sad for the Miata. Mom almost bought one back in 1993, but the trunk was too darn little.
Wow! Your aftermath photos are pretty impressive. Sorry about the car. That must have been a real bummer for your mom.
Those were good examples of aftermath Daisy! I'm glad your mommie wasn't in the car during that storm. And you are very impressive climbing that tree!
Those storm damage pictures look like my head feels during math.
We wish you still had that car Daisy, that is one car we wouldn't mind riding in as long as we didn't go near the vet place. Time for us to check and see if we can vote for you now. We vote every day.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Math is a nightmare... well... that is what my mom says!
Poor car!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for the ancient history pictoral! I know what you mean about math -- I usually get a headache after I try to calculate the density of the universe. I find that treats cure the headache.
Except for making it easy for you to climb a tree, I think 'aftermath' is a bad thing.
I see that you have already won numerous awards for your blog, but here is one more from me! :) You've won a Lemonade Award! Go to my website to collect it! Congratulations!!
other blog:
Those are all furry good picksures fur Aftermath! And we Ballicai laffed the hardest at yur pickshure fur After Math. Math gives me a headachie, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I hear it is not too hard to climb as long as you dont look down. But I have never climbed nothing before so I dont know if that is true. I thinks you are purty brave to climb that tree even if it wuz horizontal.
Yer pal Dozer
Your mommy doesn't look any older! She's very lucky. Well, except for the smashed up car ;)
But she has you and your brother, so that's lucky.
Oh, my! That was a very bad storm! Your mommie is lucky she wasn't hurt!
Oh my! The lovely car is wrecked! I would have a big heart-ache!
We think your Aftermath photos are great! We could not think of any, except a fuzzy toy that is not fuzzy anymore so we did not play PB this week.
We are still voting!
~ The Bunch
How was I not here yesterday? You're usually the first blog I check in the morning! :-)
I feel the same way you do "after math", Daisy - especially taxes!
Why, Miss Daisy, your mommie is a spring chicken! That was a very bad aftermath for her very little was terrible the man had to stand on it. He got it all dirty and put dents n' things in it!
We think that math is hard also. We were sorry to see that aftermath of your mom's pretty car.
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
P.S. We are still voting for you on all of our computers - even our dad is voting for you!
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