I got this very extra-fancy dress from my Grandma for Christmas! It is one of my favorites. I am trying to model the back of the dress, because that's where all the fancy stuff is. It has lace ruffles, beautiful pink sparkles, and a big pink bow! Oh, and 'sketti straps!

I am not very pleased with this pose, because I think it makes me look a little bit wide. Sometimes ruffles are not very slimming. I hope
Skeezix does not think I am losing my girlish figure.

I always get treats while I am modeling. Ever since I learned how to do "High Five", I try to do that trick all the time while I am modeling. I think I should get DOUBLE treats for that.

Here I am posing in a more natural setting. A model needs to be versatile.

Do you think it is unladylike to wrestle while wearing a lacey dress? I do not think so. Of course, I would never wrestle while wearing velvet.

Fashion Friday: Lace and Sparkles and Bows!
93 Notes for Daisy:
Hai Daisy Omg you is such a gud modelz!! dat dress is very very pretty I think I is in love xoxoxox Goma
You look sooo girly in that dress! Nice!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
We will pay you 500 Temptations if you can convince Harley that this is a manly fashion for his next shoot! MOL:)
You look beautiful in your fancy dress, Daisy. We don't think wrestling is unladylike at all. It makes you a ladycat of many layers!
Of course Daisy, I totally agree. It goes without saying - wrestling in velvet would never do! What would people think?
Wrestling with Lace~!
That is neat, Daisy~!
There is nothing could cut your cute and fashion profession, so keep wrestling, hahahaha~~~
Dear Daisy thank you for your valuable fashion advice! I think we're going to help Mummy measure Tigmut'hep carefully and she's going to have a look at what is available, even checking out baby cloths if necessary. We reckon she should get him a "baby grow" *giggle*, but she says he needs something a little more dignified... Anyway we hunt is on for a t-shirt for him so that his bare naked belly stops getting so cold and hopefully while he kicks the habit of making it all bare naked in the first place!
However we'd also like to see him in a purrty dress like you have on. While it wouldn't look anywhere near as good on him as it does on you - it would give everykitty something to laugh about! ;)
Daisy, that dress is beautiful, and so pink and ruffley. You look great in it, and we think wrestling is okay.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I think it would be unladylike to wrestle in your feather boa. Otherwise it is okay! That is a very pretty dress.
Huffle Mawson
What a lovely dress! You do such a good job modelling and I don't think you look a little bit wide. Skeezix will love it!
Daisy, some models would not get out of bed for less than 9000 treats a session. This might limit the number of pretty dresses you'd be able to fit into though.
I think wrestling whilst wearing a lacy dress is actually quite saucy!
Whicky Wuudler
Dear Daisy,
We were almost paws-down certain that we were going to like the high-5 pose the most, but then we got to the picture of your exuberant attack on Harley while wearing that dress, and could not take our eyes off it. The motion! The composition! The skill! The pose! Fantastic.
Abby & Styggie
Daisy, you made me really laugh out lous, I'm not sure wrestling is befitting of a lady in lace! ;o))
we agrees wiff abby and styggie! shows that girls can do anything boyz can doos and looks pretty in dresses while doosing it!
but no shows mommy, k? you looks pretty in dresses no gives mommy ideas to get me more!
Mommy says that it is a good thing to never wrestle in velvet!
Very pretty this morning, Daisy.
Love to see you wrestling with your bro! Looks like an episode of America's Next Top Cat!!
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
you're look amazing, Daisy! I loved the "petit-pois"! your gramma is very kind! don't let Harley mess your dress, ok? ah! I loved your bowl too!
kisses for you all!
Daisy, we really like your new dress...and no, the ruffles don't make you look wide...
Daisy you're a doosey, I just hate it when a cat has got a better wardrobe than me!
We love your lace dress - it's so pretty and feminine. We think wrestling in lace is ok, but agree not to wrestle in velvet - you might get cat hairs on it!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
How beautiful! Does that come in my size?
What a beautiful dress! You have a very nice grandma to buy you such pretty outfits.
And thanks for visiting our blog! We love it when you stop by!
Daisy,you look good in anything!!!!!! I am sure Skeezix will like you no matter what :)
I love the wrestling shot,heehee
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: I like your magical bowl :)
That's a cute dress you have. You look so elegant, Daisy! Go ahead to wrestle some more, you never lose your beauty!
You are lovely in lace, Daisy! We think that High Five earns you all the treats you can eat, but then you would lose your curly-girlish figure!
Very good demo of how you can be both pretty and strong at the same time! I know have to go figure out how to do the high-5! That's a move that deserves 5 times the treats!
furry cute daiiiiisy, yoo shood try wrastling in silk then harley wood slide rite off
I cannot stop laughing Daisy- You think of everything.. hahahahahaahhaha
Are you happy the Gators won last night??I am not happy I saw more gators in the pond yesterday ..
You are the picture of purrfect pulchritude..Bu the way what kind of purr have you ???
Oh wow! Lace wrestling! What would kitties think?
I just love your dress.
I must go off to vote for you now.
Hello Daisy,
Nice to meet you. I saw you on the hudson furkids blog and thought I'd stop by. Your blog is wonderful and you look so pretty in your dress.
~lickies, Ludo
It is very fancy, I think you could even whap a little in velvet.
Daisy we think the sketti straps do a great job of showing off your beautiful shoulders!
Grandma sure gives nice gifts!
oh Daisy, that's a very beautiful dress!!!!!
What a girly girl dress you have on! Love the little pink bow!
We luff your fashion sense. And as to girlish figures, Devons are supposed to look like they just ate a full meal, so they are more Rubenesque than those like Skeezix relatives...
We have lotsa outfits too, but we don't pose as nicely as you do in them, so you don't see many pix of us dressed up.
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
ah! now there are two rules about velvet! never wear it after valentines day and never wrassle in it! got it!
your dress is beautiful daisy!
smiles, auntie bee
We hope you charge more for the natural setting "on location" shots...
Another FAB photo shoot, Daisy. That dress is so pretty. And I think it's quite practical for wrestling - the sketti straps won't interfere with your half-Nelson hold. Love the Hi-Five!!!! I'd give you the entire treat can for that!!!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am glad to heer yoo do not ressel in velvet becuz evrywun nos velvet is wot yoo ware for boksing!!! ok bye
Daisy, you look beautiful and not at all "wide." And I think it's perfectly appropriate to wrestle in a dress.
JD at I Do Things
We say that you should go ahead and get your wrestle on while wearing lace. Your feminine costume will only work to your advange because your foe will think you are a girly girl and he'll be thrown off of his game.
That is a very nice dress. My beans will never get me to wear clothes. You are so well-behaved!
It is a very pretty pretty dress. I think it shows you are a good sister to attack wearing your pretty dress.
I do not think it is unladylike, but I would worry that Harley would damage that nice lace.
hi daisy! you look lovely in lace! and you are correct, fashion rules do say that you should never wrestle in velvet, but lace is appropriate for a smack down.
Wrestling in lace is SO ROMANTIC!
Luf, Us
Ha ha! You look very grand in your dress, but I don't really think it's made for wrestling in. Still It's fun to be different, and I think I would wrestle in it.
Purrs, Sukie x
You are so funny! White and ruffles are not slenderizing but we all know you are not overweight. Wrestling in a dress is hilarious--ladylike, I don't think so.
Daisy - you could never look fat! You are way too adorable!
Miss Daisy you is always the picture of perfection!!
And the professional!
I was a little surprised at your last picture.. I like a little Sass in a girl! hooty hoo!! :)
That's a very lovely dress Daisy. If you lived here in Minnesota you would not be able to wear it for a few more months yet, but it is perfect for a Florida cat!
Once again Daisy yoo haf made dat dress look FABULUS! Yoor gramma is really good to yoo, she must be a great lady. Speedy was very interisted in what would happen should Sadie show up fur a rassling match wearing lace. He sez he'd be thrown off by da fact dat she was even wearing clothes but also by da lady like appearance...da result would still be dat she kicked his butt, but it would be much more feminine.
You look very classy in the dress. I love the pink bow!!
Love Prinnie
You look very classy in the dress. I love the pink bow!!
Love Prinnie
No, wrestling in velvet is not a good idea at all
You look beautiful Daisy! Lace really suits you!
You look marvelous in that dress!
And wrestle when you must...no matter what you are wearing!
This is such a feminine dress Daisy. You look absolutely adorable. thank you so very much for donating money to help me and Bobby find homes for six of our cats. You and your family are the best!
Love, Theresa & Joe and Bobby
Daisy, you look so lovely in your new dress! I really like the ruffles. I do not think they make you look wide. :) Your hi-5 trick is so cute! I am glad to see that Harley is feeling so good and he is very spunky! You are a good sport to wrestle with him and yet you manage to look very lady like doing it.
I'm off to vote for you again! Have a great Friday.
Hugs and Smoochies,
Daisy your dress is wonderful, and no, I do not think it's unladylike to wrestle with it on- You can wear it wherever you wish-After all, you're a natural born model who hasn't lost her girlish figure.
Well, I'm on my way to vote, and to pick up your adorable button. Have a great day Daisy. :))
Giant E-Hug
The only bad thing abowt that dress is that it duzn't reeveel more of yer tummy. And Mr TF told me NEVER to respond win a gerl werries that sumthing makes her look wide becuz no matter whut yoo say, it's gonna be the rong thing and it will git yoo in trubble!
And Goma, stay away frum my gerl!
Daisy, you are an excellent wrastler. You get an A for being pretty and an A+ for your moves.
Youw Gwama suwe gave you a pwetty dwess..I know you'we not loosing youw giwlish figoowe..all models know that the angle and lighting make a big diffewence.and you'we a pawfect model!
I think it's totaly appwopwiate to play in a bootiful wuffly dwess..it show off the movement of the wuffles.
smoochie kisses
One MORE thing woo find THIS khanine wearing!
It is frilly nice fur a KHAT but....
PeeEssWoo: My poor mom is having flashbakhks to her childhood and wearing fancy pants!
I am versatile! Maybe I can be a model, too? Purrs, Chilli
P.S.: That dress is extra sweet, Daisy - very girlish!
Daisy, the first picture of you is so beautiful!!!
Wow Daisy, that truly is a gorgeous dress. I love it, its sooo pretty!!
You look cute no matter whut yer wearin' or whut yer doin'!
you look very nice today Miss Daisy, oh, who won the wrastleing match
That is a beautiful dress Daisy. We purrticularly like the lace ruffles.
You do look great in that dress! Your a great model Daisy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Stunning! Daisy, you look mah-velous. Was Harley teasing you? Is that why you had to wrestle him?
You would make a great member of the Olympic team, Daisy.
Beautiful dress, your grandma has excellent taste. Be careful when wearing such a fantastic dress not to show your claws too much. It will be OK to show them if you maybe paint them with nail polish to match the outfit.
That is such a pretty dress. I wish we knew how to high five for treats. If we did we'd always be doing it if it meant we got temptations. Mom wants to start having us do modeling with treats and see how it goes.
-Patches and Nemo
Lovely, and the 'sketti straps just set if off!
It is good to see you do not let Harley get the upper hand, even when you wear ruffles and sparkles!
~ The Bunch
Are your 'sketti straps made out of real 'sketti? Yum!
Okay....I confess...I have been lurking. Daisy...you make me laugh! ...and ooh and aah....what else can I say?
Your dress is beautiful and you are the best model!
Kisses and hugs
Isn't wrestling part of the modeling process? Love those 'sketti straps, Miss Daisy! When I wear 'em, I look a little too 'buff' for a geezer girlie.
Daisy, your grandma has very good fashion sense! That dress is purrfect on you!!!
You look super-super beautiful in that pretty dress, Daisy. I think it's fine to wrestle in whatever you're wearing, if you're in the mood!
Your Grandma sure gave you wonderful gifts! You look so cute in that dress and I'm glad it didn't get in the way of your wrestling match!
Your lace dress is so pretty!
I do not think it's unladylike to wrestle in your lace dress. I bet Harley was egging you on to wrestle with him ;-)
I really think daisy looks really cute with the dress on her. :)
Have a nice day! :) :)
Daisy that is a beautiful dress on you and we know Skeezix will not think you are losing your girlish figure! That is so cool how you can High 5 and you got the best of Harley, too!
Your FL furiends,
Aw, Daisy, you're beautiful!!
Hey Daisy that high five wuz good form. I am a high five expert myself and I agree the minimum wage fer that trick is too low.
Yer pal Dozer
P.S. My Mummy luvs yer outfit.
We agree!! Double the treats! And thank you for making us laugh with the wrestling scene!
Very cute cat you got there Dais, i'm started to like my cat even more, lol ;)
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