My Magical Bowl
I got this very beautiful new bowl from my Grandma for Christmas! It is called the "Fat Cat" Luxury Cat Dish by Wetnoz. It is designed so you can eat from it without any whisker stress. And I do not like any stress on my curly whiskers!

Don't forget, you may vote once every 24 hours for your favorite pet blog. Just click on the link below to go to the polls. I also want to say that I really appreciate all of the wonderful support I have received. I was a little worried I would not get any votes.

105 Notes for Daisy:
Hey, I am #1......It is truly a Magical Bowl Miss Daisy.
Your Grandma sure gives wonderful gifts, Daisy! It is beautiful. How unusual that it flips the reflection! How does it do that?
Mom said she would love that bowl for herself! Do not let her have it Daisy! We want your whiskers to be unstressed!
We are hoping for pictures of you actually eating from the bowl. We think the reflection might enhance to "look" of the food.
I don't know why she chose anything called fat cat though, cause you aren't fat, you are elegantly slender.
Abby & Stygia
Wow Daisy, that is a beautiful dish. You are truly a lucky girlcat.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You look bigger in that magical bowl,
How magical~!!!!!
I have voted for you, Daisy~! For certain!!!!!
That bowl is pawsome! We've never seen anything like it! Phew, glad that whisker stress is now history...
That is an amazing bowl Daisy, very beautiful and very good for the curly whiskers :o)
What a cool bowl. Do you use it to check for food on your face when you've finished dinner? I get little bits of crumbs on my whiskers sometimes.
We sent mum to look at the Wetnoz site, and wow that stuff is cool!
Miss D that is a super bowl. You should write them a letter, and tell them how much you love your bowl and how many cats love you. Maybe they will give you some treats.
Your nana is a sweet and thoughtfull granny, to buy you such a special present.
Wow, magical indeed. Enjoy it, Miss Daisy! :)
Voted for you again!
that is the most amazing bowl ever Daisy! Your grammy is wonderful!
OMC, we have one of those bowls for our fancy showcat decorated cage, but silly Teri never ever noticed the reflection thing...the pictures of you looking into the mirror kinda thing, well you should win a prize just cuz you look so beautiful in the reflection. We are voting for you everyday to win, and you truly are the best pet blog! Besides that rude penguin on is repulsive and cheezeburger isn't really a blog or helpful to all cats like your blog is.
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
That's a great bowl Daisy, Mommy thinks that we might like those a lot!
wee!! Daisy you can has magic bowlz!! really funz!! and I is really excite it you can has Hepper pods!!! You should get that same color as mine!! which is gray and orange!!
Oh I'd LOVE a bowl like that!
Huffle Mawson, going to vote for you again.
That is a very nice bowl, Daisy! We likes seeing ourselves in things too. Teal'c would like a bowl like that - he has HUGE whiskers.
That's a beautiful bowl! We would spend all our time looking at our reflection if we were as purrty as you! We're glad your whiskers won't be stressed! We're going to send Mom to that site!
We've been voting for you. We think the bad werd one should be thrown out.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What a great bowl! That was really thoughtful of your Grandma to think of you and your whiskers. We're voting for you as much as we can, and we're gonna make Mum vote from work too...
Gypsy & Tasha
So that's what happened to my whiskers. All that stress made them all frizzy!!
Rockin' bowl, my friend.
We voted for you again this morning. We checked out that rude site, that is not a pet blog!!!
This Magical Bowl is the fabulous indeed. It's not empty, but full with love that never ends but grow while sharing
That bowl is very good for your delicate neck too Miss Daisy . I must see if Princeman would love one--Sandy
What a Beautiful dish Daisy! You're one very lucky girl.
Your magic bowl looks neat and you must keep it very clean to be able to see your reflection in it.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
That is a furry fancy bowl to eat out of...we like how shiney it is!
We love your new bowl!
AB Clan
Those are fabulous pictures!
mommy getted me new bowl for chrissymouse but i likes this one better! i coulds looks at how pretty i iz whiles i eats!! mine has a dangly crown on it...
I keep voting for you Daisy. I don't see how those other blogs could be better than yours. I was even offended by one of them.
I just love your new bowl. That is so cool.
Happy to vote for you! :)
Beautiful bowl Daisy! And what a beautiful face looking back at you from the bowl!
Wow. That is one special dish. I wish I could eat from one.
Wow, I have never heard of whisker stress before! It really is a beautiful bowl and a funhouse mirrow too! I keep voting for you everyday!
it is lovely daisy! truly beautiful. your foods will taste extra special in that bowl. i have a favorite bowl too! i put cereal in mine.
smiles, auntie bee
That is an awesome bowl your Grandma got for you Daisy! She is so sweet and you are so lucky!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
That looks like a fabulous dish. So posh! My purr friend will sure love to own one.
Daisy! That is a very beautiful bowl, and good for your whiskers too. What a wonderful grandma you have!
Now that is one lovely cat bowl! How fun for your cat to see his reflection!
What a great gift! We have never seen a bowl like that before!
We are gonna check on a bowl like that for Cal, who hates when his whiskers get in his stinky goodness!
Daisy, that bowl is truly beautiful and so stylish. I totally goes with your image. The fact that it prevents whisker stress is just an added benefit. I hope you enjoy many wonderful meals from your new bowl.
What a beautiful bowl! It's fitting that a lovely princess-cat like you should have such a special bowl. Maybe I should get one for Gus, so he won't mind the bowl being empty so much.
JD at I Do Things
What a wonderfurr gift you got there Daisy. Have a pawsome day.
great bowl. i think it may be too fancy for my boyz though.
you deserve each and every vote.
What an elegant bowl! We are voting for you every home and Mom's work!
Great bowl bad name.I'm so against that word...Fat.I'm going to vote for you now...Hugs
That is a COOL bowl, Miss Daisy! I like that we can see your reflection right-side up! And that reflection might make it look like you have MORE FOOD!
All the dieters would love that bowl!
Wow! What a wonderful gift! That bowl is beautiful and awesome!
I'm glad that you won't be having any more whisker stress, and you get to look at your pretty self every time you finish eating. That's a "diva bowl" for sure! ;)
What a pretty bowl. Just purrfect for you, Daisy!
We are still voting!
~ Gracie
That is a very pretty bowl! Does food taste better when you eat from it?
Great bowl, Daisy! It would truly be a magical bowl if it filled itself with water!
Wow, that bowl is amazing. I checked out the site and my bean said I'd have to get a job to get that bowl. I thought I had a job. It's called being a cat, duh! #1 responsibility: look furry and cute. Man, beans!
I really hope you win the Best Pet Blog award, but even if you don't, you're the best pet blog I've read!
That is indeed a very fancy new bowl! Maybe if our Lily saw her reflection in her bowl she would not eat quite so much! :-)
And thanks for the tip about the penguins...I must admit that the thought crossed my mind! Your blog is the best one, no matter what the numbers say! Go, Daisy!
wow! that bowl is beautiful! your mommie could put candy or nuts in that bowl and set it out for one would know the difference!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i dont want to skayr yoo but i think yore bowl is hawnted or sumthing it has a fayse in it!!!! ok bye
That is one fancy eating bowl. So fitting for you to have it. Your grandma has great taste in gifts.
The voting is picking up, if you don't count the maybe rigged voting I think you are in first place, that is how I call it. You are always number one with me.
We can see TWO Daisy's in each piture!
Never saw that kind of a bowl before, very cool! We are voting for your blog every day, Daisy--it's definietly the BEST!
Firstly we've voted for you a couple of times now and plan to keep on doing so until you win!
As for your cool bowl we have had one that shape for a while now, Mummy refers to it as our trough! ;) It's silver, but not all purrty and shiny like your one is...
Anyway I need to ask you for a little serious advice… You see we (Isis and I that is) are planning on buying Tigmut’hep a nice t-shirt to keep his big bald belly warm and to hopefully stop him over grooming it quite so much. The purrfect t-shirt for him would have at least a little sleeve in it and would be reasonably long to cover up his belly, while still giving him a good range of movement from the bed to his ‘nip stash and from there to the food bowl to deal with the munchies… Other than that it would preferably be plain black or at least subtle and mancatly in a Tigmut’hep sort of way - camo would also be acceptable to him I gather - especially if it would help his budding bird watching hobby! :) Any and all advice would be great, you’re the best dressed cat we know and have such a good eye for both attractive and practical clothing, we’re both sure you’ll have a few ideas…
Ramses and Isis
Oh, dat bowl is so cool. Yoor gramma sure knows how to treat a kitty.
That is a lovely bowl Daisy. WE have been voting for you all the time we can!!!
I love your new bowl. And worried that you wouldn't get any votes? That's just crazy talk.
What an awesome bowl! Practical and fun. :D
Voting daily for you, Daisy, and added a link to my blog. Good luck!!
Ack! I need to proofread before I post - I meant I added a link on my blog....not to it.
Oh Daisy, you are so beloved that we know you'll get many votes! We have a special object that pertains to our whiskers. Can you guess what it is? We'll show it next week for Whisker Wednesday.
oh now that is just tooo funny ! You will have to tell me if the dish makes the food taste like metal, if, that is, you ever get the dished filled with some yummy stuffy.
I love your magical bowl, Daisy!
China Cat & I are voting for you every day in the contest!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
That is a cool bowl! I like that it keeps your whiskies unstressed. There's nothing worse than stressed out whiskies!
Hey nice bowl! Oh, I voted for ya!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a cool bowl Daisy!! It is so cool that you turn upside down in it!! And now your whiskers won't get mushed! We have been voting for you every day! You are the best!!
Your FL furiends,
That's a very posh new bowl Daisy! MB says she would put sweeties in it. I say she should put Temptations in it though!
Purrs, Sukie x
P.S I vote for you every day!
Is that wonderful dish for your mushy food? 'cause it's real pretty (like you) and I have 3 fur babies who might each want one. Oh, and how could you NOT get lots of votes? I vote for you every day.
Its attractive and functional! A good cat bowl. You always get the neatest things!
What a magical dish - I love your reflection in it. Your Grandma really made a good choice!
That is a very cool bowl, Daisy! I'm glad you don't have to suffer from whisker stress anymore. :)
Daisy, that is such a gorgeous bowl! How luxurious! We've been voting for you! We want you to win!!
Hai, Daisy! We voted for you for best Pet Blog! It was tough, because our NOSS friend Rattitude is on there, too, but we kittehs have to stick together, right?
Dat's a nice shiny bowl. We has a fountain, but of course we don't drink from it when the beans are watchin'. We goes to drink from the Big Porcelain Bowl in the little room instead!
Daisy, you have a very nice Grandma to get you such a nice bowl and to be thinking about your whisker stress. It is a very pretty and shiny bowl. My Mum saw those bowls online and thought they were a wonderful idea.
I vote for you everyday! I wish that Penguin website wasn't winning : (
Your cool new dish is magical! How neat that your reflection touched you back :-)
Thats one magical bowl Daisy! I've been voteing every day!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I voted for you, Daisy.
And what an achievement, to be a finalist! have a really good grandma. That bowl is magical. We voted for you and you so deserve to win. You always make time to visit everyone and leave a kind word.
Wishing you a happy 2009.
zevo & friends
I love your new bowl Daisy! It is so classy and pretty, just like you. :)
I have been voting for you too! Everyone who meets you just loves you honey.
Have a wonderful happy day!
That's a beeyoutimus bowl! You are very lucky for such a great Grandma!
Luf, Us
I love the photo of your sweet face reflecting in the bowl. Ohh, I love kitties!
Utilitarian, beautiful and fun...what a great bowl!
What a cool Idea, my cat would love that, she doesn't like any stress, getting kind of old. I voted for you Daisy.
Oh Miss daisy how could we ever be worried.. we all loves you!!!
Now about this bowl... it sure is puurtty for the hoomans and Momma says that Stainless Steel is much more hygienic.. she never got why we wouldn't eat out of it...
I wishes I could talk a cause Momma.. Would you eat out of something looking right at yourself???
That is a beautiful magical bowl Daisy. We have been voting for you everyday.
Daisy, we think our Mom could use one of those stress free bowls....however, having her reflection larger is probably a bad idea right now!!!!! You on the other hand make quite a beautiful reflection=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz PS, we were able to vote again today!!!!
That is a cool bowl. I will go vote for you!
That's a beautiful bowl ... and you can see yourself that's the best. Bear would like that, she likes to hear how beautiful she is :)
We've been voting too ... and complained about that penguin non-pet blog that seems to be in the running. It's obviously a humour blog, not a pet blog ... and not a very humourous blog at that.
gramma is kewl
Your new bowl is pawesome... and magical!
Kisses and hugs
Gee I never realized my whiskers were stressed.
hhaha.. you're so cute Daisy and yeay.. I voted already.. good luck!!
That is an awesome dish that you got from grandma, Daisy. We love the reflections in it.
We've been over to vote for you every day.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
What a fancy bowl, almost like a mirror. Mum says she votes for you at work as well as at home. So twice a day!!!
What a beautiful bowl Daisy! It even reflects a beautiful kitty!
Wow, that's spiffy. You can eat and then admire yourself! That's what I would do, anyway.
That's an amazing magical bowl, lucky cat indeed.
Voted for you, btw.
That sure is a pawsome bowl. It looks like a magic mirror
~ Bae
Hi - Thank you for visiting me and 'yes' I am feeling alot better. I love your bowl - I like making faces too especially in the mirror in the office.
WOW! Whisker stress must be avoided at all costs! That's a very fine dish indeed.
Wow, I wish evrybuddy was like yer gramma and understood the dangers of wisker stress. That's a vary byootiful bole!
That is one cool bowl! Meowm worries about the stress on our backs and necks when we eat sitting down, so she has our dishes elevated.
That's a wonderful bowl. I'm sure your whiskers will be much more relaxed from now on.
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