Harley is Confused
On Career Day, Harley cannot decide between training to become a Kung Fu Master...

Harley is Confused
Posted by Daisy at 1/07/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Ballroom dance cat, careers for cats, Harley, Harley knows how to beg, Kung Fu cat
89 Notes for Daisy:
Personally, we vote "kung fu" for Harley. We think he would be cooler that way.
Abby & Stygia
Hai Ya! We think it is very important, especially for a young Mancat-in-training, to stay in shape, Harley. It would be excellent if you were to become a Kung Fu Master!
Do not misunderstand, you are first and foremost a Cat, so you still must be a Master Of Kyoot! And know how to help Mom around the house.
Harley is still young,
but I believe he will be a master someday some year~!!!
Don't have to worry about it.
You could be a stunt double for Kung Foo Panda if they make a sequal, with those moves :)
Mr Harley, you are awesome. I think you should have a career in movies.
All of them careers are purrfect! Of course, the ultimate one isn't a challenge: Looking cute comes naturally to you, Harley!
So cute! I think that anything he does he'll do very well, doesn't it?! don't worry, Daisy, he'll be fine... hehehe...
kisses for you all!
I think you look like you wil make a very good Kung Fu Master Harley and Kung Fu is a little more man-catly than ballroom dancing! ;o)
Kung Fu is a very important skill to learn.
Huffle Mawson
We think Harley will be great at anything he does. In fact, we think he can do all of those things (especially the cute one!)
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What a great kung fu kitty picture. are your entire body and all limbs completely off the ground? That is amazing ability Harley!
We think Harley would be a great Kung Fu Master. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Good for Harley - mentoring for Career Day !!No wonder you selected this super cat !!
I would take kung fu lessons from Harley any day. As long as he didn't wear his toolbelt WHILE performing kung fu.
JD at I Do Things
Me too, I think Kung Fu master is Harley's best bet...
Harley...we think you are a natural at cute....looks like that is your calling...
I vote for Kung fu Master. That is a great pose!
wow wow wow Harley you should be kung fu masterz you will be so good at it!!
Nice job, Harley! Go with kung-fu. I think it fits better.
I think everyone is impressed by your kung fu move Harley! You are SO cute! I'm sure you'll be able to do ALL those things!
Whether you are a Kung Fu master or a ballroom dancer, you are definitely a heartbreaker Harley! Never be confused about that!
a man of many talents!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Talk about being light on his feet!
Go Harley Go!
Off to vote now.
Whoa, Harley...you are a Cat of All Trades! Personally, I like the "Kung Fu Master" best of all.
We luvs u Harley...
No mattur whats u desides ta do.
Try all uv dem!!
Katie TOo
I always KNEW the look cute and beg thing was a winner!
Harley is becoming a star.
in this economy it's best to be flexible and keep as many options open as possible. looks like harley has that covered.
i meant to send my condolences to your mommy on the dolphins loss. i was sorta rooting for them to win the afc.
Harley is certainly an energetic cat. Very photogenic as well.
Harley is a Crack-Up! Multi-talented kitty just like you Daisy!
We think you would be good at any of those Harley!
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay thoze ar sum marshal arts moovs yoov got their!!!! so how long hav yoo ben wurking for bill and how did yoo manadj to avoyd gitting tayken owt by the bride??? ok bye
The intense focus of the Kung Fu Master is awesome. But there is nothing like having a well-outfitted handyman in the family. I must say, that blog that appears to be winning is really terrible... Daisy and Harley rock, plain and simple.
Harley should totally master kung fu! That would be pawesome. Then he can teach kung fu classes at the CB!
I'm glad to see that Harley is so inspired by the choices for his future.
Oh, maybe Harley could be a Kung Fu instructor by day and enter ballroom dancing compititions on weekends! It's really good dat he keeps his toolbelt handy. What a nice brofur yoo are raising Daisy...he will become a well rounded mancat thanks to yoo.
oh my, so many choices. it's a good thing you have a great older sister to help you decide!
We think Harley would make a real good Ballroom Dance Instructor, although if he knew martial arts he could keep Mr. Shrill in check.
That's a tuff choice there, Harley!
He sure has the moves for either career and the begging part just comes naturally.
He appears to do both very well but I think Kung Fu masters get more respect... and definitely are more impressive to many young females...
KUNG FU!!!!!!!!!
Kung-fu all the way. I'd love to do it along with you!
It's amazing how much Kung-fu, ballroom dancing and begging all have in common!
Harley you look good doing all three!! We love the last picture best!!
Your FL furiends,
That first photo is adorable!!
Those are great pictures - We like the kung fu one. We think that would be a great job for him.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I think he'd be great at both.He does look cute begging though...
Kung Fu master is so cool!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Harley, we think Kung Fu master is perfect for you!!
Harley, always remember.....you can do anything you put your mind to! Personally we think you would make a great kung fu master!
We voted for Daisy's blog again!
~Maggie May~
You look great at Kung Fu, but cuteness is way easier.
we vote for kung fu master!
Ha, ha, ha.....those are such great pictures!
Daisy, I hope that you teach Harley that it is not polite to show a "plumbers crack" while fixing things around the house!
We think you make a great Kung Fu Master! Keep your tool belt handy, but watch out for the plumber's crack. hee hee
Well, Harley is so young, maybe he doesn't have to decide just yet - cause it looks like he's good at all of them.
I think Harley can be anything he sets his mind to..but why wowk when you can just be adowable
smoochie kisses
He is very versatile.
You work too hard, Harley!!
You need to play, play, play!!!
Purrs banshee
Harley looks as if he would be good at whatever he chooses. We think he would be a very good Kung Fu master.
Harley, you can be anything you want and still look kyoot!
Daisy, I took your quiz and got 100%. Yay! I only got 50% on Tigmut'hep's though and was gutted coz I thought I knew him quite well!
I think Mr. Shrill should see a dentist... Oh, so should I, lol! :) xxx
What a time for Jan's computer to be offline again. But we did manage to borrow a few minutes on a neighbor's and we raced right over to vote for you. The leading blog -- we didn't even click on it to see what it's about. The title was enough. We like yours. It is a quality pet blog.
he is quite the Renaissance Man Cat! Very talented!
We thought that he was doing Yoga in that last pose!
Harley is so good! I liked the Kung Fu master!!!
We vote for kung fu Harley! We are voting for your blog.
Hahhaha Harley you are a cutie!, in a man way of course!
I love your moves! they all take great skill.. but I must ask.. man to man... did you accidentally push one out while doing your karate?
You face looks like you is a pushing! :)
Oh that Kung Fu shot is very good, but I think the tool belt is the best fit for you.
So many choices! I agree that Kung Fu is much cooler than ball room dancing. You have to look to fancy for dancing.
Wow, Harley - I am super-impressed! You could do just about anything!
Oh and we voted!
It's like The Matrix!
Harley is very talented. Those are great action shots.
Hey Kung Fu kitties, we're voting for you D A I L Y!
Wow that looks like a serious kung fu chop! But Harley remember you should not mix and match. Kung fu or dancing or wearing that tool belt but not all of them at once or you might get hurt!
Yer pal Dozer
I guess handyman is his job!
Kisses and hugs
What do they put in the khat food?
Oh Harley we fink yoo make a mighty fine Kung Fu Master!
Woh. I wanna learn Kung Fu from Harley
~ Bae
That second picture has the look of a sous chef, Harley! You could slice and dice foods before your mommie cooks'em, or you could just slice n' dice things!
You are the man-cat with the moves! You definitely would have a successful career as a Kung Fu master.
I think you should be a "Kung fu" Master or "look real cute and beg for stuff." Because you have a lot of charisma Harley.
How is Daisy? Tell you hello for me, O.K? Also, tell her I voted for her for The Best Pet Blog, and that I will vote for her everyday, O.K.?
Thank you Harley, give yourself a big pet and hug from me, and give Daisy one too.
I like a ballroom dance instructor. Cha Cha Cha!
Harley you are so talented to be able to do all those things! Kung Fu Master is impressive and being able to help around the house is wonderful too! You sure are cute and your markings are beautiful! It is okay to tell a handsome mancat he looks beautiful?
I think he can get more girls if he learns to ballroom dance like a pro. But Kung Fu is cooler. Way cooler.
Wow, he's got reely good Kung Foo mooves!
OOOh, kung foo artist definitely :)
We voted for Daisy! :)
Harley you look so athletic! Good job!
Uncle Bobby
Personally, we vote "kung fu" for Harley too. 'Cos we think nothing could be cooler for Harley as a career choice!
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