Mr. Shrill's Teeths. They are Bad.
This is Mr. Shrill. He is sad today. Let's try to find out why he is upset.

This is Mr. Shrill. He is sad today. Let's try to find out why he is upset.
Mr. Shrill's Teeths. They are Bad.
Posted by Daisy at 1/06/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: good dental hygiene is important, Mr. Shrill, rice teeth
95 Notes for Daisy:
I think Mr Shrill doesn't always listen too well but he could learn a lot from you Daisy and you are very good at having your teeths brushed :o)
I voted for you!
I am impressed Daisy that you sit still for Mommy to help you have pearly teeth, but then you are smart that way . Happy Tuesday love Sandy
Daisy, you are such a good cat! You're a model and a brilliant smile is crucial!
Maybe our mom should brush our teeth, too?! It might be easier to start this when we are young. How many times per week does your mom help you with your teeth?
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
We just voted for you, Daisy! We think that I can haz chheseburger is not a real blog. That's unfair!
Wow! You are right! Mr. Shrill's teeths DO look like grains of rice. You are such a good little brusher, Daisy! We do not enjoy brushing our teeth.
We voted for you!
Mr Shrill had it coming I think..Just voted for you - all the best with the contest :)
You're such a good role model Daisy! But I don't know if I'd want momma to brush my teeths...I'll have to think about it.
Very good for you in getting your teeth brushed so nicely. We hope that Mr. Shrill follows your lead.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
why your mommy tortures yous?? i scares my mommy iz going to tries that next! i know its almost time for my manicure and trip to hair salon (aka mommy strapping me down and brushing me)
The teeth cleaning is not fun. But Daisy is correct, Mr. Shrill. If you don't take care of your teeth, there will be no more candy!
um no teeths brushing. we tried that 'afore and it was a disaster. you are a very good girl Daisy.
I do not think that you look like you are going to let your mum brush your teeths in that photo Daisy!
Huffle Mawson
Mr. Shrills teeth should look like little black beans!
We hope Mr. Shrill has learnt his lesson and cleans his teeth now. We get our teeth cleaned too because Eric has had gum and plaque problems since he was a baby kitty. We don't mind it because we have been used to it since we were small.
I voted for you Daisy!
Mr. Shrill gave me the giggles this morning!! Thanks for that *smiles*
I hope all the other kitties reading this see what a good girl you are! Have you ever tried to floss?
We voted for you today and hope everyone else does too!
I voted Daisy. Good luck!
I am very proud of you that you will sit still for your mom to brush your teeth.
Oh Daisy you are one brave cat having your teeth brushed like that! It's another thing I really dislike, along with brushing and claw clipping you know! ;) Oh and I made a little quiz like your one 'cause everyone needs to know D'Rulez!
Teefs are lots of trouble Daisy. I am proud of you!
oh you have to brush your teefs daisy. he should know that! he doesn't have a very big brain, does he?
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy: you don't look too willing in that photo but I'm sure you cooperated and set an excellent example for Mr. Shrill and all your readers.
PS: Is that Free Rice in Mr. Shrill's mouth?
My poor kitten, Hobbes, is in the process of losing his teeth these days. I find them hanging out of his mouth or on the floor. Like a good mom, they are on the counter awaiting the tooth fairy to visit. How much are cat teeth going for these days?!
Wow Daisy, I'm impressed how you get your teeth brushed! We aren't that good to sit for that. You'll be keeping your cute little teeth a whole lot longer than Mr. Shrill!
Aw, Daisy... love your toofbrush!
Voted again for ya today... fingers crossed for you!
you are much smarter than mr shrill
I never brushed my cats' teeth. I don't think they would let me.
We voted for your blog Daisy! We sure hope you win! We will try to remember to vote everyday!
We really dislike having our teeth brushed! Our mom also puts some oral solution in our drinking water.
You're such a good girl to let your Mom clean your teeth. We put the bitey on her when she tries to do ours!! Mr Shrill should listen to you (but we know he won't).
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Mr Shrill better brush those teeth before they ALL fall out!
PS- Daisy, you are such a great role model, getting your teeths brushed!
We feel very bad for Mr. Shrill. He should take care of his teeths.
You are very brave to let your Mom brush your teeths Daisy!
i got a toothbrush and toothpaste at the vet's after the boyz's last appointment but have been too afraid to even try brushing their teeth. mr. shrill might have inspired me though.
For just one second we felt sorry for Mr. Shrill losing his teeth. Daisy, you are such a good girl letting your Mom brush yours.
You are being such a good girl, Daisy. I don't like to have my teeth brushed, but Napper says I must.
Does Daisy like getting her teeth cleaned? She doesn't look too happy. How long does it usually take?
You have your work cut out here Daisy, but you are setting a very good example for tragic Mr Shrill.
We got 8/10 in your quiz and we voted for your blog too.
Whicky Wuudler
PS: Happy New Year if we haven't wished it to you already!
Oh noz! Tell Mr. Shrill that my Mom says he will need a root canal if he keeps that up. And she says root canals are not fun.
You're a good kitty to let your mommie brush your teeths. It gives you fresh breath!
We will vote for you every day!
Our Mama said that she is going to go to the store today to buy us toofbrushes. Gee...thanks, Daisy.
aborio teeths?
Mommie is a good about keeping your teeth clean... that way you can always do the bitey, Daisy...
Meowm talks about brusing out teeth....then I bring out the claws of doom.
Nuff said.
wooo Mr. Shrill no has teethz?? dats so scaryz!! me tell mai mom to brush mai teeth!!
Doing the teeth brush is really really important~!!!!
I think Mr Shrill finally learn a good lesson!!!!
You are a very good model, Daisy, show him the importance about brushing teeth.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hmm i am not so shoor that yoo ar akchooally letting yore mama brush yore teeth so much as yoo ar beeing coersd into doing so if that is the case just say the secret code wurd idontreelywantmytoofeezbrushd and i wil come help yoo owt dont wurry only yoo and i wil no this secret code wurd ok bye
Oh Mr Shrill - Do as daisy says if you don't want to lose all your teefs!
Purrs, Sukie x
We just voted for you. We have our paws crossed that you win.
You are good to let your Mommy brush your teeth, we are not so good. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
hahaha! i like Mr. Shrill! he's very funny. ^_^
I always let the woman brush my tooth...all three of them. It's not so bad.
We will try to remember to vote for you in the fancy award contest every day--looks like you're kind of far behind right now. Hope to help you close the gap.
I doesn't look like you wanted to have your little teeth brushed either. But you just have to sometimes to things you don't want to do so you will be healthy.
I am thinking that Mr. Shrill looks a lot like Mr. Bill, are they related??
Congrats on being a finalist in the blog thingie, I will head on over and vote, will go back each day too.
Daisy, you're very luck to have a momy that helps you to brush your teeth!
I'll vote in you every day!
kisses for you and Harley, and for your momy too!
Poor Mr.Shrill! You should always brush your teeth!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Mr.Shrill needs some instruction in healthy eating as well! A steady diet of choklit will turn him into Mr. Hill-as in "large as a ____".
Now, if Mr. Shrill were a mom, a steady diet of choclit would just keep her from hurting anyone!
You are very good for your Mama, Daisy! We has to go to see Dr. Bill to gets our teef cleaned.
This is a great post!
Thankfully my teeth do not look like grains of rice, but I probably should go to the dentist soon, 'cuz I like chocklit, too.
JD at I Do Things
Thankfully my teeth do not look like grains of rice, but I probably should go to the dentist soon, 'cuz I like chocklit, too.
Oh! And I voted!
JD at I Do Things
Sadie is da only one dat don't mind haffing her teeths brushed. It only takes a few minits and it helps to keep yoo healthy, Mr Shrill should know better. Da better part of mom's morning is spent making sure we haf clean teefs, shiney fur and a full tummy. We is gonna go vote fur yoo now...
We don't like our teeths brushed but we don't want to look like Mr. Shrill so maybe we'll let mom start brushing them...
No way on earth would Minnie ever let me brush her teeth. I might as well say goodbye to my opposable thumbs the minute I pick up the toothbrush! :D
I can't believe you let your Mom brush your teeth. You are a special patient little girl.
We voted, and left the tab open so we can vote again tomorrow.
Oh Daisy you're good....we refuse the whole brushing thing. We hide even though its just a finger and not even a brush.
Oh, get the one with the top! You can take it off if you want to but its so cozy and warm in there with the top on.
Brushing teeth is very important. Greyhounds are known for their bad teeth. Mama brushes ours quite often and the vet is impressed by our teeth. All furkids...stand up and ask for your teeth to be brushed.
Daisy you are such a good girl ,getting your teeth brushed and all! We hope Mr Shrill listens well to you!
Theodore and Sasha
The v-e-t says that Mom needs to brush my teeths more. I do not like it. You are very good to put up with the brushies, Daisy.
Your pal,
PS - Do not be sad about the card. It's nice that you thought of us. :)
It is hard work to let your mommy brush your teeth. Mini doesn't like to let me brush hers.
Oh the things a khat khan be taught!
hehe, Mr. Shrill is furry lucky to have you to give him such ecksellent advice! And you are a furry good gurl to let yur Momma brush yur toofies.
ConCATulshuns on yur bloggie nomination! We Ballicai are gonna go vote fur you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
As a dental hygienist, I just want to say, "Good kitty!"
Daisy!!!!! I have emailed all of my friends to go and vote for you and told them to tell all of their friends too. I hope we can help pull off a win for you. We did once for Karl so I am hoping that our voting will make it so.
I have tried to email you but it keep coming back to me?????? Did you get a new email address????? If you want to send me your correct address I will be able to contact you when needed.
Brushing your teeth is a great idea. Daisy, you are so smart.
You go Daisy. Keep them choppers clean!
All mewvie stars need pearly whites right Daisy! We get natural cleaning liquid in our water fountain and Mommy has us play a game, bity the spikey balls besides the Vet check ups!=^Y^=Teak
Daisy you are very co-operative. My Mummy has tried to brush my teefs many times, but I won't let her!
Mr. Shrill should see a dentist right away!
Thanks Daisy you helped mom with this post.She's been trying to get the niece thingy to take brushing more seriously....Hugs
We voted for you Daisy.Your the best and we love you and your blog...Arianna,Ariel and Ariel's Mom
Mr Shrill never listens sumtimes we wonders if its worth yoo talkin to hims. Daisy yoo has sparklin teefs!
Poor Mr. Shrill. Oh Daisy, you do not look like your normal happy self. I don't like my teeth being brushed either.
You got my vote, Daisy!!!
Mr Shrill better listen to you Daisy. He will talk funny with no teeths!!! Heehee
Good to see you brushing yours :)
Purrs Mickey
hhah Mr Shrill has funny funny teefs!
You are so good to let your Momma brush your Miss Daisy!!
I like having my crunchies and raw chicken neck to clean my teefs :)
You're right in that it's important to brush your teeths but you don't look too thrilled having it done.
Oh noes I does not like the teeth brushing. It is yukky! But now I am worried bout what will happen if I dont let Mummy brush my teeths.
Yer pal Dozer
Daisy, do you have fuds flavored toothpaste?
Hi, Daisy!
I don't like to brush my teeth either but my mom does it anyway!
Kisses and hugs
You are very brave to let your mommie brush your teefs.
That was a very cute post..made me chuckle..and Yeah! for Daisy!!
Oh boy, Mr. Shrill -- my mom has to go to the dentist on Thursday, too, so you are not alone.
Abby & Stygia
Ooh, you are quite brave, Daisy... we won't let anyone brush our teeth.
Oh dear. I hope Mr Shrill dont lose all his teefies
~ Bae
Poor Mr/ Shrill didn't learn that too much candy and no brushing cause tooth decay!! Are his new teeth dentures?
Your FL furiends,
Oh, wow. I like fruit-flavored toothpaste. It's kind of nice.
Oh, perhaps I should brush MY teeths, too ... I don't wanna look like Mr. Shrill. Sigh.
I think Mr. Shrill needs dentition.
Daisy, we are VERY impressed - 'cos if Mom tried to brush our teeth she's need a five foot Band Aid! Tee Hee! But we do chew dental stick thingies that clean our teeth!
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