Photo Hunters: Chipped
The Photo Hunters theme this week is chipped. This was a hard one, because I almost never wreck stuff. Except, sometimes, I might hurt my Mommie's skin a little bit. Here I am getting a chin skritch. I like this!

Photo Hunters: Chipped
Posted by Daisy at 1/24/2009 04:30:00 AM
Labels: chipped, Photo hunters, the bitey
95 Notes for Daisy:
oh, daisy, daisy...
you always make me smile when i come visit you!
you're such a beautiful, funny and smart cat - if only we all could be more like you!
headbonks from gabriela in sweden (torsten the dog also sends his greetings)
Sometimes the bitey is unavoidable. You have to speak in a language the humans understand, or they will never get it! :)
Miss D, please don't nibble on your mommie. She is such a good helper and has lovely skin.
Oh Daisy - we do that too! Mom says she is too delicate.
Oh Daisy! I never ever bite! I even have a chipped fang...that would leave funny marks if I did. I am sure you do not put on a hard bitey...
Daisy, try not to chip your mommy!
Here are my views of chipped. Have a great weekend!
I believe moms really like to be hurt like this. don't worry about that.
Wow Daisy you have some good teeths! We chip our Mommy's skin sometimes too but she says it doesn't hurt too bad. Have a good weekend!
I, too... tend to have concerns about chipping my toof... after all, it is a very special toof. Yet, sometimes those biteys are required of us...
I do that to my mum too. But, sometimes I make my mum's hand bleed. I think that could be a bad thing.
Huffle Mawson
Your mom should have moved her hand away QUICK!!
She'll learn.
Ooops. My furry masters make those mistakes too... except Ted whomis bad tempered and bites on purpose sometimes! Happy weekend
LOL, it is very important for models not to have chipped teeth.
We are clumsy cats and we do breaks stuff so this was an easy one for us.~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Oopsies.. but thank goodness you Mommy has tough skins. I get holes most of the time here. So far.. never a week without any holes on my body.. haha.
Chin scritches make us very excited and we usually give the bitey too. We don't mean to, it just happens. Be careful not to chip your pearly white teefs.
Daisy, you and JJ have so much in common! She loves that game: lovey dovey, lovey dovey, CHOMP! We should arrange a play-date. Or maybe not...
Have a great weekend, and do stop by if you get the chance!
u r a little vampy today arent u? Perhaps u cld sign up for the cast of Twilight 2?
ouch!! that looks like it must have hurt :)
I maded a mistake and did a bitey a couple times before. I waz very sorry. My hoomans, they forgibs mee. It'z better nao.
Nice series for the theme this week, Daisy. When my kitties do that, I say they are on "input overload" and they just don't know how to react to the stimulation.
My PhotoHunt is up, and I hope you drop by for a visit.
So creative! Love it!
Now that is a great take on the theme!!! Ellie, Allie and Sniffie are all big on the bitey. Tamir has never put the bitey on anyone!
We're glad no teeth were chipped!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I like to give the Bitey to my Momma too! It usually makes her squeal and that's funny.
Yup, the bitey sure can lead to a skin chip!
Ah Daisy - you should have more patience. We had a cat that would take only so much loving and then we would get a polite almost bite in warning. I always listened and stopped...not my husband. He was chipped often. :>) Cute photos, especially of the chin scratching.
If you have time, please check out my photo hunt for the week.
JyLnC's Chipped
Daisy...chipped teeth would not be good...but make sure you don't chip up your mom's hand too much!
honey does your mommie ever put the bitey on you?
smiles, auntie bee
I never bite... but Pierro loves to give the bitey
Happy Saturday Daisykins
I like the "I'm gonna bite you" face in the second photo.
oh daisy you have no idea how happy I was to see this! You are always such a well behaved beautiful little kitty! I thought PB was the only one who turned into a furry-ocious monster when there is too much scratching!
I have such hopes now that she will grow into a wonderful kitty like you and pose for pictures!
Hopefully you didn't put the bitey on your mom too hard.
I am glad your teeth were not CHIPPED!!!!! Good thing your Mom's hand was not CHIPPED either. That would not be a great way to get treats ;)
Purrs Mickey
Nothin' wrong with the Bitey, I say.
ouch, ouch, not such hard bitey Miss Daisy. I did not have photos for this weeks hunt so I did a cruise post. I have one already scheduled for next week, furry, I wonder what it will be..........
Daisy, so adorable! Keep your teeth safe! When we do the bitey, it's usually on feet!
Great take on the theme! Good that Moms skin is so adjustable and nothing gets chipped...
deer daisy,
i alwayz find it surprizin dat a gurl like yerself can suddenly ... owta noware ... put da bitey on yer grate an wunnerful mom.
an den i laff an laff!
your momma is very nice to tolerate love bities.
Those look really quite ladylike biteys so the chipping isn't permanent. I get biteys from my Bertie too. His are fairly gentlemanly, I suppose.
our cats do that too:) and it can hurt sometimes.
Biteys are perfectly fine as long as you don't chip your mommy's skin.
oh, Daisy! this is so cute, doesn't it? my cats does the same thing, but I don't care, because they are so kind, just like you!
kisses for you all! have a nice day!
Now, now...that's no way to treat the hand that feeds you!
Oh Dear! Not the bitey! Be careful!
Oh, we hafta tell dad dat mom's hands are "chipped" and not bitten and scratched. Dat sounds much better and maybe we will not be in so much trouble.
Be careful or your could CHIP a tooth on her watch!
oh noes! not the bitey!!
we have a kitty named vanilla that likes to do the bitey too. they are just little love nibbles.
Ouch!! Why do kitties bite after chin scritches, I wonder? Livvy does the same thing, as does Fuzzy. Hmm. My skin is more than chipped on account of it!
Great post! And I like your new widget ad photo!
Good thing,.. lol. Great post.
Oh Skitto does that too mommy allots, and oh mommy says she is a very naughty girl too when she bites. Happy Saturday to you all.
Woof! Daisy
I just found your blog and LOVE your photos and videos. I would like to invite you to visit my blog and be my friend. Woof! Sugar
Furrydance kitties do that bitey thing too, but Teri says it's sort of like they want to hold on to you, not really chomp.
But bean skin is so tender and tastey, especially these parts--the inner elbow and the cheek. Teri lets us bitey her anywhere but hisses at us when we bite those parts and we stop...for a second anyway.
Kiki also chews on her hair, so sometimes she puts on this nightcap so she doesn't bug her when she wants to sleep in...
the cats of furrydance and teri
Hi, Daisy!
I like to play bitey hands with my mom. It is very fun until she begins to scream Ouuuuuch!
Kisses and hugs
DAISY! #1 rool - don't bitey da hand taht feeds you!
I like to do that to my mommy too. We play a game called "Ouch". It's fun!
I bite my mom thoroughly and with frequency, Miss Daisy. She's in pretty bad shape. Chipped, scratched, scarred, dented. And she still loves me. I don't know why.
Yes, you can't be too careful with your teefs, Daisy. Need we mention that certain someone with the rice-like teef?
Daisy .. We luvs to do the bitey thingy too! You are such a pretty girl!!!
Kitty Crush on you,
Little Bunny &
The Whippy Curly Tails
That just happens sometimes, Daisy - you mustn't worry!
Oh, the bitey can definitely lead to chipped skin! Great choice for the chipped theme!
Daisy I can't think you would ever chip anything--even your Momma's skin!
nom nom nom nom nom
Oh Daisy, the Bitey is fun for furry people like cats and dogs, but not so much for us furless ones!
Oh, I'm glad you didn't chip your teeth, Daisy!
Little Isis was putting the bitey on me this morning, too, when I tried to brush her.
chin scritches,
uncle mo
Daisy! i'm glad your teeth do not get chipped too!
Yeah Daisy, mind your teefs on your mommy's skin. You have your modelling career to think about !
BOL! Are you mad at your Mommy Daisy bacause she stopped scratching your chin? My Mommy says she had a kitty that would claw her if she tried to pull her hand away from scracthes!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Gotta watch out for the bites. Luna sometimes gives a little nip when she's had enough of being pet, but it never "chips."
hai Daisy!! oh you bite your mom's hand too?? me too! mai mom's hand is yummyz!!
I think I wood like gitting da bitey frum yoo!
Why do you do that Daisy? My Spunky Doodle dose that too. Manny just screeches and rolls over.
Very even teeth marks there Daisy, well done!
Daisy, don't chip the hand that scratches you, lol. Be good and have a great weekend.
bad daisy, bad! lol...but youre so cute, mommy cant stay mad! My hunt is up please come and visit when you get a chance
I'm chipped...
But woo need a magikh wand to see it!
Oh Daisy, Mommies hand is not for pretty little thing, you.
You made purrfect little chips in your mommy's hand. It is a good thing your teeths didn't get chipped too!
I get a lot of those from my cat as well Daisy, she gets excited sometimes and likes to play.
Ollie loved that game; after he had chipped me, he would look at me with big, round, laughing eyes, then run and "hide", waiting for me to find him and bite him back! He must have thought I was a real wimp, coz he never got chipped, even when I bit him really hard (not) lol!
I have to say that "medication" was "planted" there by Pinky, but I had probably had a fair bit out of it, so... Hee hee! :) xxx
Good thing you didn't chip your tooth on the watch; you have good aim... ;)
I sometimes chip Mommy too, when I get over stimulated.
Yeah, we get too ectited and do a bitey on The Big Thing sometimes. He unnerstands.
I know it's the love bite~!!!!
I like make that bite mark as well~!
Fortunate that her skin does not chip your teeth Daisy! Otherwise you would miss out on a lot of enjoyment. chipped your Mommy! Good thing her chips can be mended. I don't think it'll be nice to have a Mommy who's all chipped up.
Oh dear Daisy! When you do da bitey it's best NOT to leave evidence in the shape of teef marks! Your poor Mom (tee hee!)
I am sure your mommy does not mind being chipped.
oh daisy. you aren't supposed to bite your parents. silly cat!
How do you become a follower because i want to be 1!!
Oh Daisy! You are so bad and so cute!
I am glad you do not chip your Mommie.
~ Napoleon
Daisy that was a good CHIPPED for Saturday!! We couldn't think of s thing!! Mom's sniffles were getting in the way of our creative juices!!
Your (Thank God the warmth is back) FL furiends,
Daisy its good yer teeth did not get chipped. I never does the bitey to my peoples ever ever but one time I runned into Old Lady Dawg head first and acksidentaly chipped her teeths! Oh boy Mummy wuz unhappy bout that.
Yer pal Dozer
A scary chip... :P
The Photo Hunters theme this week is chipped. This was a hard one, because I almost never wreck stuff.
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