Fashion Friday: Hello Kitty is Fashionable!
I got an extra special tee-shirt to wear today! Because it has Hello Kitty on the front and it also is my favorite color, pink. See how the side has little bows?

Fashion Friday: Hello Kitty is Fashionable!
Posted by Daisy at 1/23/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: accessories for cats, cat fashions, Hello Kitty
107 Notes for Daisy:
Accessorising is VERY important Daisy. You look very cute in the pink.
Huffle Mawson
Wow daisy you look stunning! :) However I do so wish I could see Tigmut'hep in something like that too... Ok so I'm being beastly to poor baldilocks! ;) But he does "bop" me...
Pink is very much your colour, Miss Curly Cat. You're working it real good today! You chose the perfect accessory for your t-shirt, it is very stylish.
wow! you look really pretty in pink, and that accessory makes the outfir glamorous. you're such a good model, Daisy.
You look so pretty Daisy...and I think you could get almost anything raising your paw like that! :o)
You look like the prettiest princess ever!
You look very pretty with your ballerina crown. You are quite right. It does compliment your outfit.
Miss D,you are a perfect pink princess. Surely you should get some modeling jobs.
You are such a star, Daisy! And that crown is just perfect on you!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Daisy, you are positively pretty in pink today! You're right - it's terribly important to accessorize propurrly... and to ask nicely. I love your ballerina crown! It totally sets off the outfit!
You are looking very pretty in pink this morning, Miss Daisy!
You are y Fashionable Miss Daisy.
Daisy you are becoming a real fashionista. Thanks for the fashion show.
You are so beautiful Miss Daisy! And such good manners! I wish some of them would rub off on Jane!!!
hello, gorgeous! beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
pink is your colour, indeed!
beautiful crown! how polite you are, Daisy! nice little cat!
kisses for all, specially for you!
We agree, Daisy! That outfit was not complete until you put on the accessory!
Our mom loves Hello Kitty.
Daisy, you look adorable today! And your crown is the purrfect accessory for your shirt!
Oh, Daisy! You are purrfectly pretty and precious in Pink!
That fashion crown makes you look m-a-r-v-e-l-o-u-s,Daisy!!!
You warm my heart on a cold day....
That's good advice. We usually use our paws to thwap stuff.
And our human tried once to put stuff on our heads and we thwaped her, then sat and gave her dirty looks all night.
But you look pretty!
It would be hard for me not to give in to your every wish, when you ask in such a charming manner.
You are the cutest little kitty in Blogland!!♥♥♥
Thank you, Daisy, for teaching me how to properly accessorize. You are definitely pretty in pink.
Daisy, Daisy.
Pink is totally your color!
We hope that your fashion tips show up as a column in your local newspaper. You could help so many people choose the correct accessories and dress for success! Or maybe you can host the cat version of What Not to Wear...make sure every cat is choosing the right collars, etc!
Gorgeous, Daisy!
My mommy loves Hello Kitty. I think the pink Hello Kitty look suits you! And the ballerina crown was a wonderful finishing touch.
It is easy to see that you know good accessorising is the key to being fashionable Daisy. I think the ballerina crown looks beautiful both ways!
Accessories can make the outfit! You look lovely in your pink shirt. Being polite and asking nicely are two lessons we all need to be reminded of sometimes.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
This outfit is very adorable! You've picked just the right accessory, Daisy!
You make quite the fashion statement. I be all the cats are going to want to achieve your style. :)
my sister's cat sylvia gets whipped cream every time she raises her front paw in front of the refrigerator.
that look is simply the cat's meow! :)
The crown was the purrfect accessory. You look gorgeous as always. ~S,S & C
ha ha ha, i learned that years ago daisy, just raise my paw and ask sarge nicely!
you look so cute in your crown, do you have a tiara like me?
smiles, auntie bee
Pink is your Color alright! I love the crown! I am taking notsa on you style. I might learn how to ask nice for things.
Daisy - Another awesome photo shoot! I wish I could High-five you back! You were so right about the accessory. You look so serene with it on. Pink rocks!! Have a great day - meow! Bonnie
"Oh" Daisy Mom loves your shirt(she's a big Hello Kitty Fan).You always look so cute in everything you wear....Hugs
Daisy, all of us give paws up to your pink lady-cat look...
You look very cute Daisy! And you did a great job modeling today!!! We hope you got extra Temptations!
You are an awesome accessorizer, Daisy! Mama loves your t-shirt. Do they make them in bean sizes? hee hee
Oh Daisy, yoo are simply beyootiful! Yoo amaze us wif yoor fashon sense...even a simple t-shirt can be glamorus wif yoo doing da aksessoriesing.
Daisy, We are very sure you could have anything you wanted whether you raised your paw or not - because you are so adorable!
Daisy, only a SUPER model would give us extraordinary fashion tips AND a valuable lesson at the same time!
chin scritches,
uncle mo
We love your new outfit, Daisy. You're always on the cutting edge of fashion.
Oh I love that crown with your t-shirt. It is so chic
You certainly do get lots of pretty things Daisy! The crown looks lovely on you.
Purrs, Sukie x
hi daisy! you look very sweet in your pink outfit today! i love your ballerina crown, it really looks nice on your cute little head. have a happy friday!
Totally glamorous, Daisy.... Hey, you may be able to get some temptations that way, too!
You look very cute in pink. Patches will raise her hand to me when she wants to be picked up. It is very good to raise your hand and ask nicely for things.
-Patches and Nemo
TOO CUTE! The Purrfect ensemble for a Princess!
That is quite the feminine outfit!
I love the shirt, and HELLO KITTY; my daughter (as a child) had a HELLO KITTY purse and notebook. :)
Next to last photo is very high-fashion!
Oh my Daisy! You look stunningly beautiful in your Hello Kitty shirt and princess crown. Such cute pictures, you are such a good girl for your Mommie.
Daisy, thank you so much for the words of encouragement for Franklin on our blog. He needs all the support he can get right now. He is very timid and scared still even after two weeks in a home.
You're right, Daisy, the shirt was very pretty but the crown really sets it off.
Hi, Daisy!
You look great in pink!
I like pink too! But I don't have those accesories. I will ask nicely to my mom about them.
Kisses and hugs
That is a very lovely Hello Kitty t-shirt, even without the ballerina crown. But it was a good call to accessorize. Your fashion experience is shining through.
That Hello Kitty shert is the kyootest!!!! But I think the only aksessery it needs is yer byootiful smile. Altho the pink princess krown looks vary kyoot and stylish.
That is a very nice crown, Daisy. It is just the right accessory for your tee shirt.
Every day we get fashion advice from you Daisy, and makes Teri want to rush out to Petco and get those new outfits she saw. She's been buying a lot there lately cuz they were having a buy 3 for $9.98 sale. Of course, the new Spring line is not on sale, but they are cute. If she gets them, we'll have her post some pix of us modeling them. We like the way you accessorize too, and while we usually use hair scrunchies as toys and probably wouldn't leave them on our heads like you do, we like the look a lot!!
The cats of Furrydance and Teri
beUtiful! Pink is so your color! I am too fat to fit into anything so lovely as that tho. yous one lucky kitty XO
We always look forward to Fashion Fridays at Daisy's. And you did not let us down today. Beautiful shots!
Daisy, you look beautiful in your pink crown and Hello Kitty tee shirt. If you look here you will see what I look like when my publicist puts jewelry on me. I am not sure it improves my look.
Daisy, your the best model ever! You are a real princess!:)
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
You are such a photogenic little lady. I love your crown! You look great in pink...
nice try on the "psst kiddo change your blog to light pink" :)
Oh Daisy, that is a very pretty outfit - I especially like the pink crown - very ladylike!
You are the fashion queen! You are right, though, that crown really did dress up your t-shirt. You a very pretty, Daisy!
You make any T-shirt look fabulous Daisy!
Accessories are everything Daisy - (Lordy but you are cute!)
I still didn't get the part about "asking nicely". Could you tell me again?
Purrs, Chilli
Now, cats are ok, but I am really a dog person, and I definitely don't like pink... but this was so cute that I couldn't resist looking at the whole sequence, and actually telling you. Are you sure that's not a human in a cat body?
HI, Thank you for visiting my page . I would like to add you to my blog role.Lets be friends.
Sweet Kisses ,Bambi The Spoiled Princes
Hi I'm a new member. Regan showed me this blog and i really liked it. I love the shirt!
Oh Daisy, we especially like the poofy shoulders!
Tipper & Misty
Pink is your color Daisy!! You are such a wonderful model and we love your Pink Crown!
Your FL furiends,
You are just too adorable. Where did your mommie get that t-shirt? I'd like to get one for my girls (though they probably wouldn't like it as much as you see to.
OH yes, I think that accessories really class that shirt up. YOu look marvy!
happy week-end kitties
Carmela said she is pinning for the exact same shirt. I have a feeling she won't look as good in it as you do, but please don't tell her I said that! ;-)
You were so right about the accessories Daisy! The crown makes you look very glamorous!
Oah Daisy~!
You are so much cuter than Hello Kitty, hahaha~~~
I bet woo are much tastier than Hello Kitty too!
Awwwww! You are such a fantastic model Daisy! I wish you could teach MY kitties to do that!
Hello Kitty suits you well!
Your shirt and accessory are pretty indeed! I shall have to learns from you Daisy, to raise my paw and ask for pretty accessories!
Ooh la la Daisy! you are such a fashionista!
Ooh! She's all dressed up! I saw you enter the funny pet contest at Energized Seller. Nice!^__^b
Miss Daisy, I could not refuse you ANYTHING when you look so fetching!
Oooo - our blurp's pink cowgurl hat would look sooper wif that outfit too!
That is a very good lesson Daisy !! I think wearing the crown as a crown was the best choice!!! You look beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
We loooove your paw doodles! You are both such talents! Squee, squee, squee!!!
what a wonderful cats you are! I'm impressed! you have so much talent! artists indeed, both of you! so cute! your mommy and daddy must be very proud!
You are so stylish, Miss Daisy! An' PINK is definitely your color!
Niiiice. You be stylin' there, Daiisy!
youw adviceis aways up to date and soo puwwfect..I see what you mean about the wight accesowy..that ballewina cwown makes the outfit
smoochie kisses
Looking good Daisy, looking good!
Pink is definitely your color!
you're such a good model, Daisy.
LOL! Daisy, you look so cute!!
I LOVE that outfit. You are adorable!
Wow Daisy you have quite a wardrobe! I think I might need to go shopiing where you do. Do you think they have my size? You know pinks my favorite color too!
The t-shirt is cute, but you look so purrty in that crown! You are such a cute kitty!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hav been trying to rayze my paw and nicely ask for a pet rat for a wile now but mama and dada havent gotten me wun do yoo no wot i mite be dooing rong??? thanks ok bye
You are too, too much, Daisy! I swear, you have the cutest clothes ALWAYS! Wow! That is a really nice ensemble right there, and you wear it well...AS USUAL! :D
oh you're such a cute fashionable cat, Daisy :D
you're good in pink ;)
I'm torn between the pink crown and the red hat you wore last week. You look absolutely adorable in both, a true supermodel.
Meowza approves.
Miz Mog and Meowza
I love pinky... hehe... this is cat very cute... i like see cat
Wow, Daisy is rockin' Hello Kitty. Love it!
You should become a acttres
You should become a acttres
Daisy a Hello Kitty tshirt is very apropriate espeshially when you are waving hello!
Yer pal Dozer
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