At last, my special order has arrived! I must defend it against all intruders. That means you, Harley! Guess what I got?

It is called a
Hepper Pod, but it is actually my new spaceship! I can sleep in my Hepper Pod, or travel all around the galaxy.

Uh oh! I think I hear an ALIEN approaching!

AAAAaaaaaahhhhhh! The alien is trying to breach my spaceship. Activate space shield!

I have defeated the alien. Now I must check my spaceship for damages. All appears safe.

My Mommie says I must share the bed with alien Harley. Rats! She always ruins my good times.

Okay, Harley, permission to board the spacecraft. But you may not drive it. You can be a the flight attendant and serve drinks. But do not spill anything!

I am very excited to have my very own Hepper Pod, just like
Goma and
The Cats P! I usually do not enjoy cat beds, but I love my new spaceship. You can read more about the
Hepper Pod here!

Take Me to Your Leader!
119 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy what a great bed, and I am pleased to see you are doing such a fab job of sharing with Harley.
Do pop over to visit us in New Zealand on your way to outer space.
What a great bed Daisy. You are good to share with Harley too. Don't get in it together when you fly around the galaxy. We don't want you to crash.
How exciting to have your very own spaceship! We look forward to your tales of inter-galactic travel!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
What a cool bed, Daisy! We don't like beds either but bet we would sleep in one if our Mommy got a cool one like that.
P.S. the box looks fun too, we love boxes.
I cannot beeleeve yoo did not buy the PINK Hepper pod!!!
Oooh that looks awesome! I wonder if you can get those in Australia.
I hope Harley does not spill any drinks.
Huffle Mawson
Ooooo,I love your spaceship, I wonder where you will get to in that....make sure Harley doesn't spill any drinks on your control panel tho!
That really is so cool! I wonder if PB would like one....
You are very nice to let Harley climb on board!
That looks like fun, Daisy! I never saw one of those! Too bad you have to share with Harley, but maybe he'll decide he doesn't like it. It's nice of you to share though.
What a neat-o bed/ spaceship! Your post made us smile a lot today, Daisy. Enjoy your travels!:)
Cool spaceship! It's nice of you to let Harvey come aboard, Daisy. That looks like a fun.
Gypsy & Tasha
You are so lucky to have your own space ship with an alien flight attendant. You definitely know how to travel in style.
I love to come here, because I laugh so much!
Daisy, you are the best! now you can control the world! Harley, the flight attendant? kkkk... poor Harley! kkkk
kisses for you all!
Oooh, can beam us up anytime! We love you in the flying saucer photo, reminds our bean of the Jetsons! We're gonna put one of those beds on our wish list!
The cats of Furrydance and Teri
That looks like a pawsome bed, err we mean space ship. Enjoy traveling the galaxy but don't forget about your friends here on Earth. ~S,S & C
PS: it's very nice of you to share with Harley and we think he will be a good flight attendant.
That is so cool! I want my own space ship, too! They do say both Devons and Pugs looks like aliens so we really need one, huh?
I know Goma loves his Hepper Pod and I am sure we are to hear many stories about your "spaceship" bed. I've been trying to convince my mom to get me one.
Wow! That's so totally cool. Very George Jetson of you.
Oh wow Daisy that's just the coolest thing ever! :)
That looks cozy, Daisy. Just in time for the cold weather tonight. I wonder if you and Harley could both fit at the same time - you might want the extra warmth!
I'm surprised you didn't get the pink one, though...:-) Sweet dreams in your new dreamship!
Oh we see more spaceship adventures in your future, Daisy!
That is SO groovy Daisy! I love the colour too! Too bad you have to share it with Harley but you could always leave him stranded on some other planet....
Momma says to say that I'm just kidding and to be nice to Harley.
I love the fact that it's off the ground Daisy--You will be in your own little capsule -cool Sandy
holy Cats! how cool is that! ihave slept in a lot of strange places but never in space!
That is a cool bed, Daisy. But we just sleep on the beans' beds. And I looked at the Website it was ordered from-you should have gotten pink!
Oh awesome i love it and I love the pink one as well from the site!!
OHMAIGOSH!!!!!!! such a wonderful post!!!Daisy dat is awesome space ships!!! Me knew you came from other planets cuz you is so special!!! I is so happy to have same space ship as you!! Hepper rule!
That's a really cool bed. We live on the Space Coast so we really need to get our Mom to look at them. It's really nice of you to let Harley board the spaceship!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wowee! That is quite the poodin bed if we ever saw one! Really cool Daisy!
Luf, Us
That is so great. I saw Chase in one, then saw an ad on Adan's. I want one, but I don't know if I would fit and it would just turn into another bed for Maggie (again).
That is the coolest spaceship bed we have ever seen! Just think what great adventures you will have flying around in'll meet great new friends...maybe you'll even see our favorite Marvin the Martian in your travels??
Bean says that furry expensive space ship and I should be happy with little tent. Of late I have been sleeping on sectional, curled up with my catfish!
That is a cool space ship miss daisy, beam me up........
Wow neat space ship Daisy, we are glads you let Harley share it with you. Have a purrfect Tuesday.
Daisy, how fabulous! It is a new bed and a way to have adventures on far off planets, all in one. It is very nice that you are going to share your new space ship with Harley and I think that serving drinks is a good way for him to get started. And everyone needs a flight attendant. Have fun and enjoy your adventures.
Very nice space ship Daisy.
What a really neat spaceship. Remember not to leave Harley out in space.
that's pretty awesome Daisy!!!!
I think Harley and you should take a trip to Uranus. I'm not sure who named that planet but they must've had a sense of humor.
hepper pod? man. if i were you i wouldn't let harley in my time machine either. just sayin'!
ha ha ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Cool, I guess my cat would love to have a Pepper Pod as well!
Ehhh, I mean Hepper of course...
That's a really great spaceship Daisy! I wonder where you will travel to in that. It's very exciting!
Purrs, Sukie x
We just fell in love with the space ship bed over at the Cats P. We love yours too, Daisy!
We think Harley would make a great flight attendant!
Today i have post about "Pet ownership contributed to their overall health..?" can you give your comment (your experiences)in my blog , thank you so much
Oh Daisy, I just love your new spaceship. And OMC, it looks sooo comfy.
Your last picture is pawesome too. I can't wait to read all the space travels you will be taking taking in the coming months.
Isn't it like the BEST BED EVER??? Oh, and you might want to flip the pad over so the colorful side is up and the fleece is down. I know it doesn't make sense but its actually more cozy that way.
We're all so glad you like it so much!!
Daisy in Space...da continuing adventures of Captain Daisy and her sidekick Spacey Harley. Join them as they travel the universe...
"Wow" that's a really cool bed Errr....Spaceship.
Daisy... your Hepper Pod looks totally comfy and cool! So nice of you to let Harley share it with you!
PS I wouldn't let him fly it either!
Wow, what a great spaceship bed. It looks very comfortable. You can sleep A N D fly ??? Great!!!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Those Hepper pods are cool. I have been looking at em on the Internet. Very space-aged and futuristic. Bring me back a souvenir from your space trip, eh?
Oah My~
That space ship looks just wonderful~!!!!
I would love to follow your lead!
I think my kittehs would probably ignore the spaceship bed and play with the box! Goo sharing with Harley
Hahaha! Thanks for the good giggle this morning. Daisy & Harley are too cute. Love their new spacecraft :P
Daisy, I think your spaceship is ultra cool and wonder if you might add Lubbock, TX to your itinerary. I know a nebula where we'll find some yummy mouse-flavored critters that actually WANT us to catch and eat them! REALLY!
Thats awesome Daisy!
Scout might fit, Scout may fit, but Shaggy will NOT fit!
I think that is a fascinating bed. But after traveling the galaxy with the Borg, I think I would need much more room...
What a fun bed Daisy! I hope you have many happy snoozes in it.
oh daisy! what a fabulous spaceship / bed!! wow! can you fly over to my house someday? we would have so much fun! i will keep watch on the skies to see you and harley flying about!
oh! i looked at all the pods and the pink on is on sale!! if your mommie bought the pink one for you, harley could have the green one!
Oh that is thee coolest alien space craft! I think I am too fat to fit in one, but my new bro just might...I will get mother to check into this!!
Thats a really neat looking bed Daisy! Enjoy flying all over the universe!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
That is too cute! I love your space ship, Cadet Daisy. Be careful flying around the moon.
WOO HOO!!! New beds are the best!
Wow, Daisy, what a nice bed! I've never heard of a bed that flies!
Daisy, that is a cool spaceship. I look forward to your many adventures in space with Harley. Meowza might like one but he's too big.
Daisy and Harley in outspace. We can just see an idea for a video or cartoon.
Oh my goodness, that thing is really neat! What a cool, new bed you and Harley have!
I might look into getting one of those for my cats! ;)
Enjoy it, you two!
That looks like an awesome bed! Do they come in dawg sizes? Titus is all about beds. hee hee
Harley, you look like you have very long legs. Are you lots taller than Daisy?
Mom and Dad saw these at the Cat Connection! it looks coozy!
Hi Darling Daisy and Cutie Harley! That is one of the coolest kitty beds I have ever seen! What a perfect place to get cozy. Great find Mommie! :)
I hope things are warming up for you in sunny Florida.
Hugs and Smoochies,
What a cool spaceship bed Daisy! That is nice of you to share with Harley!
I want one! Wish they'd ship to New Zealand :(
Dats a wondurfull bed! haves fun whens you go in outerspace!
Katie Too
That is a vewy cool pod..will you be taking many space twips?
I'll wave to you as you fly by my house.
It was vewy nice of you to let Harley twy it out, although he is pwobably to young to know how to use all the contwols yet
smoochie kisses
I can't let my furkids see this post or they will want one too!
Daisy Tereshkova - first curly cat in space.
Harley Gagarin - first harliquin cat in space.
That's two firsts!
You are so lucky, Daisy! By the way, that picture of you soaring through the solar system is out of this world:)
Dear Space Traveler Daisy,
We looked at the pod and we wonder if they make a larger one.
P.S. Send me some space mail, please?
I think you should inform Harley Mr. Shrill is not allowed in the spaceship under any circumstance. Harley is gullible and, well, Mr. Shrill is bad! That could be a disaster!
That is a very cool spaceship and it was nice of you to let Harley in. I wonder if you can both fit in there? That might be worth a Guiness World Record! :D
OMC's! Do yoo fink the alien blurpy wud use it if we gots one? It does look comfy though ...
That bed rocks! You and Harley are going to have some great adventures. If you fly over Chicago, let me know. I'd love to go for a ride. I'll even serve drinks!
Daisy your so luck to get that new bed. We want one but mommy said it cost to much. She said she would have to buy two because we would fight over it.
Does spaceship pull u in wit majic trakter beem?
awh man, you got your very own SPACE SHIP -- er- i mean hepper pod?!!? AWESOME!!
Happy inauguration day!
what a great space craft errrrr... bed!
Sharing how terrible! But I am thinking you have the right idea making Harley be the steward! If you must share that is the best way to do it.
Yer pal Dozer
Do woo need me to help woo with takeoff?
That is one cool cat bed you've got there, Daisy! WOW! I don't think my kitties would be nearly as good at sharing as you are if they had one.
Boy, don't you just love Photoshop!? That picture in outer space is just fantastic. Well done. A great way to end my day (I'm on the bus riding home). Thanks!
Hi, Daisy!
Your own spaceship is awesome!
Glad you are sharing it with Harley!
Kisses and hugs
HA HAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!
Is that planet kittie you are flying by??
Ooo ... I saw that Latte had one of those an' it looked pretty darn cool. Would this be something that I'd like?
That's such a great spaceship Daisy, but like Skeezix and some others, I'm surprised you didn't go for the pink one, and it's on offer too! Should I buy one for the cat(s) that Pinky hasn't adopted yet? :) xxx
That is a very cool bed. Even PlusOne thinks so.
Awesome! But I don't think I will show my cats this; I don't want them travelling to outer space! (and speaking of space, I don't have enough to house three ships!!!) Happy Travels Daisy!!!
Wow. That's all I'm sayin'. Wow.
Hey you don't both fit in there do you? Hey you could maybe travel over here?
Wowie!! What a cool spaceship bed Daisy!! Just think of all the places you and Harley can go! The CatClaw Empire or maybe the Lost City of Cattonia!!
Your FL furiends,
Awww Daisy!
That spaceship is AWESOME!!!
Did you seem my alien eyes from my last Randay post? Can I ride on your spaceship now that I have alien eyes??
love & licks,
Daisy, I love your spaceship....I just asked my Momma for one, and she is going to check it out! I think it provides a great view of the room, and you can keep the perimeter safe from unwanted aliens!
Love, Lucy
P.S. This is my first time commenting on your blog...Momma has her own blog with my pic on it, come check me out!
Daisy, your new spaceship looks so cool. Mom wants to get one for us too. We can't wait to hear some of your adventures from space.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Daisy and Harley, That Hepper Pod is way cool! Now you can go anywhere you want!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Daisy, that is the coolest thing ever!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is a cool spayship it is much more streemlined then my own ship the gofer broke but it is probly a gud thing my sister trouble the kitty duznt hav wun or she wood rayn deth and destrukshun down on us or at leest buzz us wen we ar trying to sleep ha ha ok bye
Daisy, do they make those for people? I love your new spaceship.
Whoa, that is the coolest bed ever. Harley, maybe you could fly over to visit me, ehem us, I mean us, of course.
Purrs, Siena
Wow, your own flying saucer. How cool is that! We can call you Capt. Daisy now and Harley will be your First Officer.
Can I come for a ride?
Your friend
That is a very cool bed to have, Daisy! I have never seen one of those before. I do not think it would suit me, though. I'm not sure I could jump up into it or fit in it comfortably...
Wow. How many times you have visited the universe with that one Daisy?
Wow! Your very own spaceship, that is so neat Daisy! And now you have your own flight attendant, too? Harley! If we ever gets one of those I would be in charge and my sister would be the flight attendant...
What a fabulous stylish bed. It's very unique and modern looking. I bet my girls would love one of those.
Now you can teleport in real style!
Our Mommakitty said whut we were gonna say. Pffft.
HAHAHAHA!!!!!! That is so cute and funny!!!
Daisy, you are so always give Harley a chance to try everything..
That's magnificent! How kind of you to share it too - I know it's kind 'cos I have to share wiv my pesky little bruvfur Alfie too.
It looks a very exciting new space-ship! Does that mean you are the urban-space-cat? Hahahahahah!
Love Milo xx
I am so NOT pesky! Love Alfie xx
Greting from Belgium, Louisette passion retriever, cats
Blog well done , nice fotos
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