Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Pssst! It's Secret Agent 007.5 here. I have been assigned a new mission: take a photo of Daisy in her jammies!
First I spotted this! Daisy's fancy pink robe. I waited and waited until she got done in the litterbox room. Girls take a long time!
And then she put on her pink robe! I do not know why Daisy is in the guest room. This is another mystery.


76 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

Wow Harley you are doing really well!

Thank you both for your kind words about Salvador.

Huffle Mawson

Barb said...

Harley, you are on the case! Well done Agent 007.5 Have a Niptini - shaken, not stirred!

Daisy! Mom would love a robe just like yours! Where ever did you get it?!

-Gandalf and Grayson

Misha said...

I think you also need to investigate who Daisy is getting so dressed up for to go to bed. She's looking a bit saucy! Me-ow! :)

Poppy Q said...

007.5 mission accomplished.

Miss D, looks awfully glam, is she expecting a visitor?


gemmak said...

Your position as agent 007.5 goes from strength to strength Harley but I think you need to investigate why Daisy is getting so dressed up for bed time!! ;o)

Forever Foster said...

Agent 007.5, you didn't happen to notice Skeezix in the guest room, did you? Daisy is looking awfully glamorous.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is a mystery indeed, Harley! You still have some investigating to do!

Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Unknown said...

Agent 007.5 you are doing a great job. We just read that you helped Sweet Praline find her floof too! What a super Spy you are!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Daisy has a very fancy robe. You did a good job, Harley.

Country Cats said...

Good job, Harley! Daisy looks very posh in her robe, too. We hope you solve the mystery as to why she is in the guest room!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ niptini shaken not stirred... Clever!

Harley, you make a great spy.
I want a pretty robe like Daisy's

i beati said...

Harley the super sleuth .I must say that robe is divine.would she loan it to me , do you think??

Anonymous said...

I have to agree Harley, that you are a super sleuth! And I'm wondering about Daisy too....something fishy is going on in that guest room...

Mickey's Musings said...

Great job Harley...oops,I mean 007.5! I just know you can also solve the mystery of Daisy in the guest room :)
Maybe you can solve the mystery of why girls take SO long to get ready ;)
Purrs Mickey

AB clan said...

Thank you Harley for sharing this rare photo from a Star, THE star 's Daisy.
ViVi & AB

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Well Daisy looks divine in her pink robe and your skills as a spy are pawsome Harley. Daisy will never be safe from embarrassing photo's now. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

Good job Harley! My first thought was that maybe you were working for Skeezix, but I think that maybe Forever Foster have it right! Keep up the good work!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Great job, Harley. Thank you so much for helping me find the culprit with the missing floof! Now, I just wonderful what Miss Daisy is up to in the guest bedroom. Hmmmmmmmm.

Henson Ray said...

Hilarious. Love these little Harley adventures.

Cat with a Garden said...

Mysteries all over the place! Furry good job so far 007.5!!!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, Daisy... My Blue is pining now!


Babs-beetle said...

That's some good secret agent work Harley! Daisy looks very alluring in her pink robe.

Purrs, Sukie x

Donna said...

She likes to play dress-up. What could this mean?

Anonymous said...

LOL very cute post!

Anonymous said...

007.5 You are proving to be a very useful Secret Agent. You are swift and efficient in your work. Well done!

I will post another mission for you next weekend. This message will self destruct when you have read it.


Anonymous said...

Harley, we think you are the best Secret Agent ever! What a sleuth! Do you think that Daisy's fancy nightwear has anything to do with Valentine's Day approaching? We're only saying ... that's all!

The Island Cats said...

Good job, Harley! You are turning into one top-notch secret agent! Look out, James Bond!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

daisy looks very beautiful in that robe in that room! good job harley! (who gave you THAT assignment? skeezix? ha ha ha)

smiles, auntie bee

Cory said...

Harley, your are going to be in supreme demand! We think your work with Daisy is just beginning...who exactly is she waiting for in the guest room? Very mysterious. I'm wondering if we can hire you to help us figure out where our Mr. Bojangles goes when he's hanging in our yard and why it's taking so long for him to give in to our charms?

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh Wow! Daisy is mighty fine looking, Harley.
Now you must find out why she is in the guest room!!
~ KittyBoy

Boy n Beethoven said...

You're a gweat secwet agent indeed!


brokenteepee said...

Good work. Daisy sure is in the pink. Must be some special guest. I am sure you will figure it all out. Are you sure you don't want to come work for me? I really need help with all the stuff Abby does.

Anonymous said...

My goodness Harley - why are you spying on Daisy? And doesn't she look lovely in her pink robe?

Dma said...

excellent spywork 007.5.

Jimmy Joe said...

You are an expert at carrying out your assignments, Harley! Momma says Daisy looks like someone called "Jean Harlow." I don't know who that is, though.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Forty Paws said...

Very purrty robe for Miss Daisy!

Luf, Us

Liss said...

Good job and I love the pink robe! Do you have a blue one?

Janet said...

Oh, my! You caught Daisy looking quite elegant, Harley! Does she know you took this picture?

Shaggy and Scout said...

You did it Harley!! You're an awesome detective!
We think Skeezix gave you this assignment. He loves those "boodwhar" photos!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Daisy is planning a rendezvous with a handsome stranger.

Lorenza said...

Good job Harley!
Now, go to solve the mystery of the guest room and let us know, ok?
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Harley what a pawsome detective yoo are! Hmmm why IS Daisy gettin all fancy before beds?

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Dear Mr Secret Agent Mancat,

You are doing a good job keeping the pawpawrazzie away from the starlet, Miss Daisy. She looks like Marilyn Monroe or Mae West in that boudoir gown...I think she is expecting a male visitor?

Teri and the cats of Furrydance

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I bet Daisy is having a boykhat over to see her skhratchings!


Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

wow you iz sooo good. you helps praline find her floofs and now you sneaked up on daisy and catched her! you is best secret agent!

ps--i agree, daisy looks like miz scarlett! that robe looks warm and cuddly and furry pretties

BeadedTail said...

Agent 007.5, you are doing a great job. I hope you are able to solve the mystery of why Daisy put on such a fancy robe to meet someone in the guest room. Looking forward to your next report!

meemsnyc said...

I love the robe and the jammies!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Excellent photo Harley! Daisy you look stunning in your jammies!

Puglette said...

well done, agent harley! you completed the mission and now we have our answer. i can't wait to see more exciting secret missions!

daisy's robe is quite lovely, much fancier than my pj's!

WCTs said...

Too funny! I love this post & the Photos!!!!

The Whippy Curly Tail's Mom

Lux said...

My goodness, Daisy looks quite ravishing! She obviously didn't realize you were sneaking up on her at all! :)

Anonymous said...

Good going, Harley. We're glad to see the results of your research. Daisy reminds us of a silent movie queen.

But not like Norma Desmond.

"You *are* big -- it's the Internet that got small..." ;-)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Daisy, you look like a movie star!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Good work 007.5 but now you need to use your secret agent skills to find out what is going on in the guest bedroom. You may want to check out where Skeezix spends his nights.

Daisy Deadhead said...

I love Harley!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am not shoor but i think yoo may hav become a paparatzo!!! if so can yoo git me sum pikchers of lassie??? thanks ok bye

JD at I Do Things said...

Secret Agent 700.5:

I have an assignment for you. Can you please try to find Prudence's secret stash of blueberries? She can be found playing with them all over the house, and unless she's able to open the refrigerator, I don't know where they're coming from.

Thank you.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Uh oh....Harley, maybe you had better check outside the window for a ladder.....if you find one it's time to call in for re-enforcements, better known as, "Daddy bean!"=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Jans Funny Farm said...

Harley, You're a great detective! You helped Praline fine where her floof is hiding. You get an assignment and you ace it. You're going to be as good a detective as Daisy is a model.

Puglette said...

hi daisy's mom,
i checked in on madison the giant schnauzer's blog and she is looking for her lost brother. i am not sure if you are near her town in florida, but maybe you know someone who is closer that can keep an eye out for a giant schnauzer.

renovia said...


You are beeauuuuutiful. We wishes we didn't have valentine's already because we'd like to take you out for catnip. Will you be our un-valentine?

Stoli and Luxor

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Daisy, I think your pretty in your pink robe!

catsynth said...

Ah, it's still fun to use the phrase "Mission Accomplished", isn't it - especially because Harley in fact accomplished a mission :)

Thanks for stopping by today, and your nice comments about our home.

Sushi said...

Daisy, Mommy is jealous of your robe! So chic!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Harley, you are en excellent secret agent! Daisy looks so glamorous! I love her fancy pink robe.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

oAH, Harley~
You lead us watching unknown part of Daisy~!

Isis said...

Wow what a fancy robe she has! good job harley!

Hansel said...

o mai!


I lefted yoo an awardie... HERE!

Quill and Greyson said...

You sure look snappy in that robe Daisy.

Sorry for the loss of your friend Jake too.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Harley, you are a real super spy agent! And Miss Daisy has perrty pink jammies!

Asta said... ..I mean secwet agent 007.5
You awe a vewy good secwet agent..that is a pwivate moment you caught Daisy hew bootiful silk wobe..was she waiting fow a secwet love to come visiting?
inquiwing pups want to know
smoochie kisses

Chrissie said...

As Tripper would say, she's in the her negli-zhay..I think she's tryin' to distract you, Agent 007.5, from your mission. Slinky girls always try to distract secret agents from their missions.

Unknown said...

good job harley!!! I know it is har to take photo of Daisy wearing dat pink robe!!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Harley, I mean Secret Agent 007.5, you are an excellent secret agent! This was meant to be!

The Crew said...

Uh oh, I think you caught Daisy getting ready for her boyfriend Skeezix to visit.

Kylee Baumle said...

I have a case for Secret Agent 007.5, if he chooses to accept it: Mystery of the Spilled Water

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