This Monday Mystery will test your visual acuity. "Visual Acuity" is a fancy way of saying how good your eyeballs work.

This is a picture from a story I did a long time ago about watching Godzilla on TV. My Mommie thinks I sit too close to the screen, but I like to see Godzilla close-up. I am not scairt of Godzilla. He is just a big lizard.

Oh noes! There goes Tokyo! Godzilla is very bad. For today's Monday Mystery, you must study this picture very carefully. You can click on the picture to biggify.

In the photo below, there are FIVE things that are different. See if you can find all five! I think this might be a hard one.

Did you find them all? Just press the answer button, below, to see if you are correct!

ps: You might have heard that I have been feeling poorly ::achooooo!:: I started sneezing and then my nose got real stuffy and I feel real bad. I might have to go to the doctor today if I am no better.

Monday Mystery: Find the Differences!
87 Notes for Daisy:
Yay, we found them all. Hope you feel better REAL soon, Daisy!
This is hard. I got 3 and even after looking at the answer, I still couldn't see the differences by Daisy. Sure hope you are okay, Daisy. A visit to the vet may be a good idea.
Oh hai. I only gots two right. But it was lots of fun! :)
I hopes u gets better very soon, Daisy. I sendin u wuv. {{{Daisy}}}
Oh no, Daisy! We did not hear you were snuffaluffagus. The boys and I hope you are feeling much better today.
We did not catch the buttons in front of the TV.
We're so sorry you're not feeling better yet. Might you be suffering from a seasonal allergy? Get well soon, Daisy!
We only got 3 out of the 5!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Miss D, we could only find three. We think mum might need to go to the eye doctor.
Sorry you are feeling snuffly sweetie. We hopes your bugs go away quickly. Rest up and drink lots of tuna juice.
Poppy and Mum Q
I got four so that is pretty good. I hope you feel better soon Daisy!
Huffle Mawson
We only got 3 :(
We hope you're feeling better today. If not, we know the V-E-T will make you better. We'll send healing purrs to you.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We got three. More than half, so we're calling it a win:)
We hope you are feeling better already, Daisy!
Dearest Daisy,
We hope you feel better soon! Havin' boogers in your nose is just awful and absolutely no fun at all! We love you, sweet Daisy. Make them mean ol' boogers go away, 'kay?
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
I always love how much fun your blog is daisy!
We got four of them. We are sorry you are not feeling good Daisy. We hope that you feel better very soon, sending you some purrs.
I almost made it ..Love the hat on the lady and the frisbee???Is that what it was??ha ha Happy week to all Sandy
We got 4 out of 5. That was a toughie!
Daisy, we sure hope you are feeling better so you don't have to go to the vet today! We are sending you healing vibes!
I found three and still couldn't find the differences beside Daisy even after looking at the answer.
Daisy, I hope you feeling better from your cold soon!
I can only see 3 of the 5. But then again, my eyes are crossed ;)
Get well soon Daisy.
We finally got one right...we do better with these because I can paw the screen to help out! Hope you are feeling better soon Daisy! Maybe mom can cook you some chicken soup?
we is sendin healing purrs your way!
That one was real difficult, Daisy!
I got 'em...
But then again, I AM a khanine!
Sorry woo aren't feeling well - do woo have allergies?
I only got three. Yes, that was REAL hard! It almost made my eyes hurt!;)
good challenge, Daisy!
I found them all! W00t! Miss Daisy, I sure hope you're feeling better today. I hope you do NOT have to go to the v-e-t, either. Maybe your mommie will let you veg out on the couch today with the remote in one paw and a little bell in the other-you could watch Animal Planet ALL DAY!
oh daisy i hope you feel better honey. i didn't find the differences because my eyeballs aren't working good enough yet! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Cool mystery, daisy! and we like your new bloggie top bar, you look cute in your pixie hat.
- Figaro and Veronica
Oh poor Daisy, we hope you feel better soon.
I hope you are feeling better. I actually found all five without biggifying! This is a first for me, I think.
3 out of 5. but i'm with you, i'm not scared of godzilla.
Oh Daisy we just found out that you aren't feeling well. We are purring and purring for you to be better very soon!
Good Morning Darling Daisy! I am so happy to finally have my laptop running and quiet time to visit my furry friends! I just found out that you have been sick! Oh honey, I am so sad to hear that. I have a Bast statue that I light candles by when I purray for kitties, so I will include you for sure. I'm starting to think I should just ask that every kitty could please just get better and/or stay healthy. All of this illness is so upsetting. I'm certain Mommy Abbie is being the best nurse ever!
I must go back and look at your Godzilla picture because I was so intent on letting you know I am thinking of you.
Take care sweetie.
Gentle Hugs to you and Harley,
Lorianna (Cricket says you must get better so you can be just a little bit naughty!)
doh! i only found three, i did not find the ones on the tv. i hope your cold goes away soon! when i am stuffed up i like to eat spicy food. it seems to help and it tastes good too!
Daisy, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well.
Now I hate the vet as much as any other self-respecting cat, but what must be done, must be done.
hope you feel better soon!
sending you lots of healing purrs,
Ooh no wonder you want to hunt lizards when you see them, you certainly don't want to let them grow THAT big! ;)
Mom found 3. Hope you are feeling better!
Get well soon Daisy, I don't like to think of you being pawly. My miewmie was useless. She only got one right. I got all of course cos miewmie has weely old eyeballs and mine are so young !!
I got 3 right away but I don't see any difference on the arrows on the bottom. Oh and Daisy I hope you feel better real soon and don't have to go to the doctor!
We are so proud of ourselves, we got it right too. Have a purrfect day you guys!
I found three of them but the ones on the tv were hard!
Feel better Daisy! And keep eating!!!
Get well soon, Daisy!! Is it allergies? Take two furry mice and call in the morning.
Wow - we found them!
We sure hope you feel better soon Daisy, we'd hate for you to have to go to the V-E-T!
I only got two.... drat. oh, well.... better luck to me next time. Or maybe my eyes will be better another day.
get better right away Daisy... I'm waving my magic wand around over here hoping that will help. It's just not nice to feel snuffly and unwell.
Daisy, I hope you are feeling better today! Tinsel had an allergic reaction to something a couple of weeks ago. She sneezed and sneezed and was miserable. Our vet prescribed Benedryl and it helped a lot. I hope you go to the doctor if you're not better soon!
Hope you feel better, Daisy! We found all but one.
Hope your feeling better dear Daisy. Henry and I are both sending you lots of purrs and furry thoughts.
Har Har Har, I found all five, I have learned a trick with these mysterys
We found four...Sure hope your feeling better Daisy. Being sneezy and stuffy is furry icky.
Dear Daisy,
Tommy, Hope and I (and our mom) hope you get to feeling better soon! We will be crossing our paws and sending warm healing purrs your way for a speedy recovery!
Keep us posted, my friend! I hope the v.e.t. doesn't have to stick you with needles.
We only found two, but we were only looking at the big screen and not you!But you said picture and that includes everything!
Hope you're feeling better soon.
You are so tough making me work before I have had my morning hay! But I found them. Thanks Daisy!
Oooh, I missed the last section. I hope you feel better very soon. Maybe you have hay fever...
got the three from the tv show. didnt get the two off daisy.
i mean, there is nothing to change , on her, she is too cute : )
hope you feel better pretty girl!
WOO HOO!!! We got them right!!!
Get better soon Daisy!!!!!!!!!
we gotted 3 - that's pretty good, right?
we hopes that you gets better really fast Daisy
dear, sorry, but are you sick??!! oh, MY! what happened with you!? I hope you get better very soon!
and about the differences, I found only three things... pity! but I see very bad, I think, don't you think too? há há há!
all the best for you, dear. kisses for you, Harley and your mommie!
Snoozing is not good. We think you need to go the vet too.
We tried to get the Man to the help us with the five differences, but he just complained about his poor eyesight. Sigh.
Thanks for the monday fun, hope you feel better soon.
Wow Daisy, that WAS a hard one! We only got 3 and then Momma had to peek at the answer.
I hope you are feeling better soon and that you don't have the swine flu!!!
PS I think Temptations cure sneezes.....
Awww I missed the two on the bottom. Grrrrrowl!
Get better Daisy girl!
That was fun! Thank you for the cool post!
We hope you are feeling better today. We're purring and purring for you.
I am not very good at these. I only guessed three.
I hope you feel better, Daisy. Being sick is no fun.
Our human dad did not do so good, but it just proves that history shows again and again how nature points up the folly of men.
Sending head-clearing vibes and purrayers your way...
We found three!
Daisy, what's that about you being sneezy? We do hope it is nothing serious! Please repurrt asap if you are okay!!! All the best to you, Siena & Chilli
This was a tough one, Daisy. We found 4 of the 5. We missed the writing on the bottom of the TV.
That was fun! You made us work!
We hope your cold gets better!
Oh Daisy, I have missed so much of what is going on in your life. My mom is so busy and having purrsonal problems with my now ex-daddy. So that means no help with blogging.
I have been sneezing and do that sometimes normally too. Kinda like a snort.
My mom says I seem ok now, and I am cleaning myself on her desk, and no more bloods, so I hope I am ok.
Thanks for your comment and info on cat noses. I heard you were a little sick too? Are you ok now?
we found 'em all, too! we surprised us!
hope you are feelin' better, daisy!!
the missouri meowers
We got the first 3 very easily and had to biggify to see the last two!! We love those mysteries!!!!
Mom often goes to The Daily Diff to play this game,heehee
WE hope you are feeling better too!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
That was a very hard Monday mystery. We hope youb are feeling better.
As soon as we heard you were under the weather we rushed over to offer healing purrs and healing puppy licks. We hopes you are all better, it may be allergies we have a high pollen count here. Let us know how you are doing.
We didn't even try to find the differences. Our eyes are so tired we are already seeing double. ~S,S,C & F
We got the three on the screen correct, but we still can't find the other two, even with the arrows helping!
Pee Ess: Feel better, furriend!
Oh Daisy dear! Are you feeling any better yet? I am not so we are quite the team today. It is hard to be sick. Sleep is the best medicine and lots of mommy love.
I hope you are feeling better Daisy - my cat used to get that every spring and the vet said it was allergies. Now my dog gets itchy in the summer, but it only starts after they are a few years old. I hope that is all it is :)
Yippee!! Success finally!! We found all the differences!! We hope you feel better and don't have to go to the VET! Purrrrs and hugs for you!!
Your FL furiends,
Oh Noes! Feel better Daisy! I found three of the five; I missed the two on the TV (buttons and name)!
I like play this type of riddle the best~!!!!
Oh Daisy, please feel better soon!!!
Hi, Daisy!
I hope you feel much better now!
I found them!
Kisses and hugs
I founds them all too Daisy! Though I tooked a long long long long time!
I hopes you gets better soon and stop sneezing.
We got em! Hope you feel better soon, Daisy.
Make Harley take care of you.
i fownd sum uv da diffrencez ...
i hope u feel better verree soon.
Oh no Daisy, we are sorry to hear that you are still sneezing. Sebastian had a cold this winter that lasted a week. He sneezed a lot as well. We hope you feel better soon.
Well, I only found three but I remember when you had Godzilla on before. A good sized lizard and you love lizards. Daisy we are sending purrs and prayers that you will be feeling all better real real soon. Take care O.k. Oh yes Harley, Miss Daisy is the boss.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am trying to find the diffrenses but dada keeps distrakting me by singing sumthing wot goze "go go godzilla" hay dada if yoo want to sing go tayk a shower!!! i meen reely!!! ennyway i hope yoo feel better soon ok bye
Dearest Daisy, get better soon!
I only found two :( But I am cross-eyed, so... Luvsya :) xxx
OH i found 2 only. haa but it's fun
~ Bae
I'm sorry you weren't feeling well Daisy, but SO glad you are getting better!!!
It took a long time but I finely fownd them all. I hope yer feeling better. My big bruther Mao had a cold a munth or two ago. It lasted a few days and then it wint away.
I, and Sunny's Daddy, found all of the differences. Maybe it's because we're older than dirt. You forgot the "go go godzilla" but I realize you're much younger than we are ;-)
PS: I hope you're feeling better today.
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