Daisy: Hi everybuddy! I am starting to feel better, but I need to spend the day resting and recovering. So I am going to let Harley do today's post. Do good, Harley!
Harley: Daisy, I am VERY sorry I sneezed on you and made you have a SICK. I will do my BEST to make a good post. Here I go:
Daisy and I are LUCKY because we were sent this new TOY for free to try out! It is called a
CAT QUEST and I LOVE this toy very much.

Here I am looking at the toy for the FIRST time! It's a DRAGONFLY! I can HUNT it!

Can you see how the WINGS really MOVE?

Sometimes I like to STAND UP on my strong LEGS to grab the dragonfly.

And I has GOOD eye - paw coordination.

I give this toy TWO paws UP! Daisy, I hope I made you PROUD.

Toysday: The Best Wand Toy Ever!
109 Notes for Daisy:
That looks like a very fun toy! Mine are similar--one has a big feather and the other is just a tiny knot that looks like a fly. I like jumping for them too!
Glad you are feeling better Daisy, but take it easy. I sneeze sometimes too, not lately though. Great job on demonstrating your toy, Harley!
WOW Harley that is a great toy and a fun post. You did Daisy proud. We want one of those toys .. NOW!!!
We hope Daisy is feeling better soon.
We're so glad you're feeling better, Daisy. Take good care of yourself today.
That toy looks awesome!
Daisy we are glad that you are feeling better, rest plenty. Harley, you did a great job posting today. That cat Quest toy looks like bunches of fun. You sold us on it.
Hope you get better soon Daisy!
That is a very funny toy, have FUN!!
My story is continued today. Have a look at my blog.
Very fun toy, we'll like to play with you!
ViVi & AB
Daisy, we wish you a quick recovery
ViVi & AB
Good work Harley, you did a great job posing with your new toy.
Hope you feel better soon Miss D, and the sniffles go away.
big healthy smooches to you.
Harley, what a great job you did!
I am glad that Daisy is feeling better!
Harley, you did a great job! That toy looks pawsome.
Daisy, we are glad you are feeling better we are continuing to purr for you and Fenris is sending some healing puppy licks.
~S,S, C & F
wow harley that's such a cool toy!
Gandalf and Grayson love dragonflies, Harley. Real ones. Except they don't like the noise their wings make... very loud!
I hope Daisy is all better soon.
Head-bonks from the Gray Boys!
What a cool toy!! We'd love to play with that! You did a great job on the post today, Harley!
Daisy we sure hope you feel 100% very soon! We are sending you healing vibes!
You did great, Harley. I saw Goma playing with that toy, too.
I hope Daisy is feeling much better soon.
Very nice. Where did you get it? I'm sure my cats would love that.
You did a super job, Harley! Daisy will be furry proud of you. We're glad she's feeling better.
Hey Mom - Harley has a cool toy........................
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I saw one of those a few days ago and so wish I could have one to put the bitey on! However Mummy says I have some purrty dragonfly danglies to go on my fishing rod once the babies are a little older and less destructive - but Mummy I'm over 2 and I'm still destructive with my toys! ;)
That looks like one of the most fun toys ever! I hope you get lots of enjoyment from if and I hope Daisy feels better soon :)
That was a very good story Harley, I think Daisy will be very proud of you :o) I hope you are feeling all back to normal soon now after your poorliness Daisy :o) xx
Daisy darling, we wish you a day cuddled up warm, cozy and restful. Take good care of yourself:)
Harley, you did a stellar job filling in for your sister. That was a good review of a supercool looking toy. The photo of you second from the bottom is fabulous:)
Wow! What a fun toy. I think you did good, Harley. And I hope you're all well again soon, Daisy!
I haz almost the same toy! I put a picture on my blog yesterday. Mine is a bird that looks like ball.
What a marketing method! Several cat bloggers have received this toy - the overall positive reviews will make the people who do it very happy. It does look like a cool toy!
Harley did you really give the sneezles to Daisy? Don't feel bad, gorgeous one, maybe she got it on another way. We are happy to hear that Daisy is already feeling better!
Purrs to you! Siena & Chilli
Lots of summer sneezes here too ..I have a cattery in the back of my house and it has 3 sides with hanging mice- real lizards etc. Now it needs this toy too!Thanks Harley You are a great reporter. Get well Daisy ..Princean Evie, Tandy, Toppy and Sweetheart
Harley- you sold me. I want one of them toys.
Glad you're feelin better Daisy.
Oooooh it's good when kitties actually like the toys bought for them!
What a neat toy!!
That is the coolest toy Harley. Thanks for showing it to us. And best wishes for Daisy's quick recovery.
I'm happy to see Daisy is feeling better!
As fur your paw/eye khoordination: I'll be the judge of that!
Harley, you did a great job! I want to get that dragonfly toy for my cats -- it looks so exciting. Daisy, please rest and feel better.
Standing ovation Harley, great job! Daisy, hope you are better soon, you should be proud of Harley for carrying on so well and letting you rest without worrying about anything.
i wonder if sarge would like to play with a wand like that? it might be lots of fun! i am very glad you feel better daisy!
smiles, auntie bee
Dat looks wicked kewl Harley. We already toldid the mom we wanted one, we hope she listens.
Daisy we hopes yoo feel better soon.
That does look like a fun toy. I bet my kitties would love that. And yes, Harley, you did a very good post.
Daisy, Rest well and get better! Harley, you did a fine job. Daisy will be proud of you. That toy looks fun!
Great post and looks like a fantastic toy.
Daisy I hope you are feeling better. Please be careful, maybe Harley is on purpose making you ill so she can overtake the blog. It is good to share but just keep a heads up.
good job Harley!!!!
Feel better Daisy!!!
Good job, Harley! That looks like a very fun toy. Glad to hear that Daisy is feline better. Take good care of her!
You're doing an awesome job, Harley and we were impressed with your strong legs!
Get better, Daisy....!
what a cool toy! i love all the playful photos of you, harley. i also love that cute picture of daisy snoozing.
Super post Harley and super new toy. I'm pleased Daisy is taking it easy today.
I think our mommy should run out today and get us one of those fly things. Maybe she could get it for us for her birthday. Today is our mommies birthday so that could be our present from us to her.
Harley, you did a great job! That looks like a fun toy.
Daisy, we hope you feel better soon. We're still purring real hard for you.
Wow, Harley, you did real good! I want to go out and buy one for me. It looks so fun!
Hope Daisy feels better. Rest is good...
That looks like a wonderful toy!!!!!!!!
Harley you did a very good job!
Oah Daisy~!
I am glad you are doing ok!!!
I am so worry!!!
I am keeping praying for you!
And yes, I can see that is a great Wand Toy for Harley!
I gave my brothers colds too when I came to live here. Hopefully Daisy feels better soon and can play with the toy. I just LOVE that toy.
oh we got that same thing too!! cat wuest toy is the =best love it!
Wow! It looks like you are having lots of fun with your new toy. I am glad that Daisy is starting to feel better.
That toy looks like fun!
Get well soon, Daisy!
What a neat toy Harley, how lucky you are. Tell Daisy to get well soon. God bless.
Awesome toy!!! I'd like to have one of those for my Crisp. I think you did a great job for Daisy Harley!!!
Get well soon Daisy!
We are glad you are feeling better and hope you get all well very soon Daisy!
Harley you did a very good job with today's post!
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
You are very beautiful, Harley!
well done, Harley! you are very clever and your toy is very cute! I hope you and Daisy have good moments playing with it!
tell Daisy that I hope she gets completely recovered very soon!
have a great day! kisses for you all!
That new toy looks AWESOME!
Pruett and Daphne
Greetings from the tribe.
Hi Daisy - I hope you didn't have to take bubblegum-flavored pink drops to make the germs go deaded. Hope you are just taking some quiet time and recovering. Go white cells!!!
Harley, You are so cute and handsome I just want to gobble you up! It's just a manner of speaking, don't be scareded. You are such a good hunter too, standing up to snag that buggy-bug!! You go on, Mr. Mancat!
That's pawsome, Harley! You did real good in today's post:)
Pee Ess: We're purring for you, Daisy. Get well, sweet flower!
That's a pawesome toy!
P.S. Feel better soon, Daisy!
Great in-depth reporting, Harley. It looks like you gave that dragonfly a good workout.
Daisy, we hope you'll be feeling better soon.
lol. Looks like the kitty is sure enjoying it. I bought a couple of the ones that hang on the door knob although it didn't have any cool wings.
Great job Harley! We love your pictures, you are so photogenic, and we thinks we might make mama go get that dragonfly. I personally love trying to catch the real ones outside but mama gets mad at me when I catches them... :(
Purrs, kisses and hugs.
Sasha and Theodore
PS- Daisy we hope you feel better :)
Good job Harley! I must compliment you on your great paw eye coordination and coordination in general. I wish I shared your coordination skills.
Hope Daisy feels better soon.
That looks like a good toy to hunt. I would have to chew the string then run off with the dragonfly.
Thanks for featuring this new toy. We think it's going to be a hit at our house!
I hope you feel better Miss Daisy, Harley did a good job with the toy.
That is a cool toy. Now I want one too. You did a great post Harley!
Daisy, I hope you are feeling better today. Rest is a good thing, and extra foods...
purrrs and hugs
Daisy, we hope you continue to keep getting better.
Harley, we think you did a wonderful job telling about your new toy. We think it looks pawsome.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Oh Noes! I hope you are feeling better Daisy.
Harley, that looks like a very fun toy, I like the dragonfly ALOT!
What a soooper kool toy! I bet it looks like a real Dragonfly! You did a good post Harley. Daisy will be proud!
Solid Gold Dancer
You did a splendid weview of that cool toy! I'm suwe Daisy is vewy pwoud. I hope she wecoopewates totally vewy soon. I'm sending hew my healing smoowchie kisses
Thank you fow the cheewing wowds fow mommi
love you
Harley did rilly good. That toy looks like so much fun! I sure hopes you feel better soon Daisy.
That sure is a fancy toy Harley! I bet it's LOTS of fun! You're so nice to help Daisy out with the blog so she can rest and recover....we're sending her purrs.
Oh Daisy sweetie I hope those nasty germs go away soon! You are wise to rest. Harley you are an awesome toy tester. I hope you have lots of fun with that cool toy!
Sending hugs,
That wuz a furry good review Harley!
Wow, Harley! That's a really neat toy and you've done a stellar job of demonstrating it to us. Please tell Daisy I said you did a good job today!
Miss Daisy, I'm so sorry you're still feelin' poorly. I'm sure purrin' for you!
That toy looks like a lot of fun!! And Harley...you did real good!
Feel better, Daisy! We think you need some chick-hen soup!
Daisy will be very proud, Harley. You done good.
Harley, you did a great job showing off your new toy!
Daisy, I hope you got plenty of rest today and are feeling better. Take care of yourself sweetie!
Good job Harley, hope you keep feeling better and better Daisy.
Woo, Hoo, that is too cool Harley, looks like you are having fun with it, hope you are feeling better soon Daisy.
Great Post, we like to know there are kittie toy testers out there like yourself Harley!
Hi, Harley!
Glad to know Daisy is doing better!
That sure is a fun toy!
Kisses and hugs
Good job Harley. That toy looks fun.
Roxy & Lucky
well dat lookz like fun. yer luckee to get toyz fer free.
continyoo to take it eazy daisy... an feel 100% soon!
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar verry brayv tayking on that dragginfly fortchoonatly it is not the firebreathing variety eh??? ok bye
That's a really good toy Harley. You demonstrated it very well! I think that maybe Sukie would chew it up and break it though.
Hope you are all well soon Daisy!
I can't wait for mine to come!!
Purrs sweet Daisy!!
Glad you're feeling better.
LOVE that toy, will have to get one for Nixon and Fatty.
Wow, thats a spectalular toy! We whap at dragonflys outside, but nefer see them indoors!
Sorry to hear that you hve been sick. We have been out of circulation for a while since SS went on a field trip more than a month ago. Hasn't Harley grown into a handsoem mancat!!!
Very Smart cat!
Looks like aqua blue! That would be fun to have!
Daisy I hope you are feeling better soon! It is good that Harley apologised ... but I reckon you can milk it for a while :P
Comment No. 100 - YAY.
I just wanted to say I WANT ONE OF THOSE TOYS.
We got one too! Tripper tride to make it go ded.
Harley...you did a great job! Those pictures are fantastic!!!
Daisy: darling...we hope that you are feeling better!!!
That looks liek a very cool toy, Harley! I'm gonna ask my Mommy hoomin to buy one for me.
Daisy, I hoep you gets better soon. I had the sneezies a few months ago. But I getted better, and you will too.
Excellent review, Harley! That looks like one cool toy.
Daisy, hope you are feeling better! Sending lots of good health vibes. :)
Dear Daisy I hopes you are feeling better now. Harley did a good job with yer post. Altho I am a dawg and I cannot play with that toy I still felt like I mite want it!
Yer pal Dozer
Harley, You are making good photos for your sister, Daisy. Keep her in good spirits.
Wow!! What a cool toy Harley and you did a wonderful job of standing in for Daisy! We have to get Mom to get us one of those!
Your FL furiends,
PS:Please get well soon Daisy!
Hi Daisy - I only just heard that you had a sickie! So sorry to hear that! Hope you are feeling better soon - sending you lots of slobbers from far away!
Harley - that is an AWESOME toy!! I wish I was a cat so I could play with one too!
Honey the Great Dane
Aw, what a great toy! I just may have to look for one! Feel better Daisy!
Daisy is sooooooooooooo cute. I hope she doesn't get the measles. Everybody would be sad then.
Daisey has a great toy. And I want one too. It looks fun. Soooo cool. Every bodyy should have one! You're so cute Daisey!
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