Hi everybuddy! It's ME, again. Secret Agent 007.5. I got another special ASSIGNMENT from Q. Here is what he said:
"We would like to do an annual kit inspection. Please show us all of the kit you have for missions for SpyCat Inernational missions as soon as you are able."
Since Daisy is still a little bit under the weather, this is the PERFECT time for me to assemble my spy kit and make sure it is all in GOOD working order.
Here is all of my cool GEAR! I will LIST it in the order of the ALPHABET for you:
A. Binoculars!
B. My fancy DETECTING cap
C. Well-stocked TOOLBELT
E. Mini-flashlight
F. Tweezers
G. Magnifying-plastic

Here are the handcuffs. I am still trying to FIGURE out how this thing works. Because my PAW seems too NARROW for the cuffs. So, I can probably only arrest real BIG criminals.

My TOOLBELT has a screwdriver and hammer, a nail and a screw, and a DRILL!

Here is my MINI flashlight. I am still saving my moneys for some BATTERIES.

This is my OFFICIAL uniform. It helps me DETECT stuff.

Tweezers. I am still trying to FIGURE OUT how to USE them.

My fancy MAGNIFYING plastic. I like to POLISH the plastic LENS. So I can spy CLUES better. And ALSO, my pointy FANGS are my strongest WEAPON. Because I am NOT allowed to carry a firearm. A firearm is the same thing as a GUN. Even though it SOUNDS like a firearm would be FLAMES shooting out of your ARM.

This is my whole spy KIT. Am I missing any IMPORTANT gear, do you think?
I hope Daisy might be well enough to post for FASHION Friday tomorrow.

My Spycat Bag of Tricks
91 Notes for Daisy:
I think you have all the basics covered there Harley. I hope Daisy is feeling a little better.
Huffle Mawson
You need a UV light to check for.....uhhh...evidence someone missed the litter box.
You have everything you need to be the best spycat around! Tell Daisy we are purring for her.
I think you need a sidekick, Harley!
Your kit looks complete to me. That's good news about Daisy!
Columbo and Monk (hooman detektivs) would be proud of you...007, I'm not so sure.
That's a very impressive and very complete-looking kit, Harley!
We do hope that Daisy is well enough to post tomorrow!
You are well set up there harley...good to go! I hope Daisy is feeling better today, could you please pass on some neck rubs :o)
Your kit has everything we think a spy might need. We hope that you get your batteries for the flash light soon. Give Daisy a nosetap and purrs from us.
You look well equippet to me, Harley!
You are all ready for any spy mission!
Please tell Daisy that I hope she is feeling better!
That looks like a great kit, Harley. We think you will be prepared for any circumstance:)
First please tell Daisy we hopes she is better.
OK, Harley we thinks you have everything you need to be a pawsome spy. You looked like Sherlock Cat in your cap. Very cool Harley. ~S,S,C & F
What a fantastic kit, Harley! Sure hope Daisy is feeling much better. :*
PeeEss Harley - Mom is going to a concert today and the support band is called Arms on Fire! Now wouldn't that be a proper fire arm? I'm going to make her have a look and tell me (and me you) if their arms are on fire. If you're curious you find them here: http://www.myspace.com/armsonfiremusic they are from the are my Mom is from (and where she and Bajas used to live before I arrived)
You've assembled a great kit AND you put them in alphabetical order!!! Great job. We hope Daisy is feeling better.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You need a flash car and some babes Harley!!
That's some cool spy equipment Harley!! You might need a listening device, so you can hear what everyone is saying from afar! Purrrs and purrayers for Dasiy to feel better!
Your FL furiends,
We think you are ready for anything, Harley!
We hope Daisy is feeling better soon!
We are impressed, it looks like you have thought of everything! We could use a resourceful kitty like yourself in our efforts to take over the world. -Gracie and Ellie Mae (@fuzzypigz)
Harley, ummm...we mean....Secret Agent 007.5, you have a great kit! Looks like you have it covered!
Please tell Daisy that we are sending lots of purrs and prayers that she will feel better soon.
Maybe a little sidekick to run errands for you?
I hope Daisy is feeling better soon.
Harley, it looks as though you are well equipped to handle any covert mission that may come your way!
Has Daisy been teaching you her circus tricks in your spare time, Harley? You are very clever and nimble. We love the colour of your urns.
Harley, don't you have a shoe phone? I thought all Secret Agents had shoe phones. And a cigarette case that was actually a combination camera and dart shooter.
I sure hope Daisy is better! The Gray Boys are very worried about her.
You are doing a good job Harley but the old sarge is getting a little worried about Daisy, whats up with that.
Harley is just too hilarious fur words! He sure is an inquisitive kitty -- a good trait for a secret agent!
Wish I could get a kit like that.
Special purrs for Daisy.
get Well lovely Daisy
I don't know that I've ever seen an agent chewing a spy glass before, checking for authenticity no doubt..sandy
You are well on your way to being fully equipped as a spy...we love looking in your mouth through the magnifying glass!!!
Purrs to Daisy!
looks like you're prepared and ready to go. i particularly like the special spy hat. it reminds me of johnny carson's floyd r. turbo.
Harley, it looks PERFEKT to us.
MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM can we get spy kits too????
What fancy gear you got, Harley! Chilli says she wants to be a spy cat too!
Purrs, Siena
Wow Harley, that's quite the spy gear you have! It's not hard to tell you're a mancat now - you've got big responsibilities in the spy world!
If you hold the biggifying glass by your mouth your huge fangs will scare all the bad guys!
Tell Daisy we hope she's feeling better.
The Crew
harley you are ready for anything! and i sure hope our little daisy girl is better...
smiles, auntie bee
Sounds good Harley. I think you need a good spy outfit-maybe a trench coat or something? And, not sure if I missed it, do you have anything to catch the lizards in there?
You look all set for any mission, should you choose to accept it! Looking forward to seeing Daisy feeling better!
Know criminal is going to want you on their tail!
Fluffy and Bonkers
Well it certainly looks like you have enough tools. Glad to hear Daisy is feeling better.
I think you have a very nice spy kit, Harley! Just be careful when you are out there fighting crime!
We hope Daisy will soon be much better. Hope you stay well, too, Harley!
oh wow 007.5! you've got a great kit there. on TV they wear gloves sometimes so they can't be identified.
Dear Daisy, we didn't know you weren't feeling well! Bendrix and I will send healing purrs your way. Being sneezy and sick is NO fun. purrrrs
Harley, you are such a cutie. Are you keeping Daisy entertained with your spycat fun?
I am worried about you Daisy. I am lighting candles and wishing and hoping! Please feel better honey. Now, I'm all leaky eyed again...
Lots of Gentle Hugs,
Wow ... you seem all geared up for whatever happens!
Hugs and blessings,
A-hahahahaha! Harley, I'm glad you are protecting the world from supervillainous mice - you look great doing it too!
You do an amazing job of keeping track of your special spy stuff! And you keep it super clean!
As much fun as your spy kit was, we hope that Daisy feels better too.
you seem to be prepared, agent harley. i like the fang action shot very much. you are a very cute spy, kind of like daniel craig!
Wow, Harley! I think you're well on your way to being the ultimate Secret Agent.
Please tell Daisy that we hope she feels better soon.
That is a great spy kit Harley!!!!! We bet if you blink your big eyes at your Mom a few times she would get some batteries for your flashlight!
And if you pad those handcuffs...there might be some lady cats who might want to "play" with you.
Give Daisy a gentle headbutt for us! We are thinking of her and purring for her.
Oh gosh that last picture...!!!!!
Wow! That is some kit, Harley. Sounds like you should be able to open up a Catective Agency and earn those moneys for your batteries.
Give Daisy a nuzzle from all of us on the Farm.
You're a very well-organised spy 007.5! You will pass the inspection with flying colours!
I do hope Daisy is better very soon :) xxx
That looks like plenty for now, Harley, but you could always use a kitty Q for more later...
Harley, dear! are you really ready for this job, hã? how much equipments do you have!? oh, MY!
I'm crossing my fingers for Daisy to be better!
tell her that I sent a kiss! another kiss for you, Harley! all the best today!
You should add that stick of Dynamite that you showed us the other day. You never know when you might need a diversion!
Agent 007.5, it certainly looks like you have the basics covered. We think there are a few things you could get later - just the more high tech stuff, but that is just fluff stuff.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Harley, I think that you have just about everything you might need for you spy kit!
I hope Daisy is well enough for Fashion Friday too!
We expect Daisy able to post tomorrow, if not w'll enjoy an other post of Agent 07,5, We are sure he as plenty to tell.
WiVi & AB
You have every angle covered Harley. I love your grip on your spyglass !
agent 007.5
I think youw equipment is vewy complete!..Maybe you could detect what is making Daisy not be well..I hope you find the evil culpwit and put and end to hew sickies
smoochie kisses
Harley, I can see your tonsils!!! You kitties just crack me up. Yey!!
You're very prepared Harley! I don't think a clue could escape you with all that gear.
That's a really good spy kit Harley, and you demonstrate them all so well!
I hope Daisy gets well really soon.
Dear Harley,
This post would make Daisy very proud because you have an in-depth story complete with photos and explanations.
You can use the hand cuffs around the thigh and perhaps it would stay on. Otherwise you could use them in a choke-hold, which would not be a pleasant thing. Better not use them after all.
Please give Daisy hugs and kisses from our house to yours. Check your mailbox next week.
Uncle Bobby and Theresa111
It looks like you have everything a spycat needs in their Bag of Tricks!
I sure hope Daisy gets well soon! She's lucky she's got such a good little brother who can take over her blog duties so she can rest and get well!
That is a great kit you have there, Harley. You are doing a very good job of keeping it clean and in working order.
We hope Daisy feels better soon.
Wow, cool tools!
Harley I hope you get batteries soon.
I love the tool belt and the magnifiying plastic too
I hope Daisy is perking up and feeling better
Love and purrs
The kit looks great. You could possibly do with a mini spy camera, but I think you'll do fine with what you've got.
Hope that Daisy is feeling better!
All I khan hear in my head is the theme to Mission Impawsable...
You are a pawsome spycat!
How reasonable are your fees?
purrs Luke
You should try to eat all your ekipment first, to see if it werks. :)
Wow! That is some really cool gear! It looks like you are definitely prepared for anything.
Hi, Harley!
I hope Daisy is doing much better now.
I think you have everything you need!
Kisses and hugs
wow - you gots a lot of spy stuff.
I don't got any - but I gots a bone.
D'you think I could use spy stuffs to find me a chinchilla? I wud likes to have one.
Harley you are the purrrrfect secret agent 007.5! Don't forget to take real good care of Daisy...we are blowing bubbles together! Being under the weather is no fun at all!
Love Miss Peach
Your have the coolest cat(s) ever. They are so cute & talented. I know who to hire if i need a good spy. Does he have a ninja sidekick? Just encase, ya never know when a ninja will come in handy these days.
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow yoo hav a better bag of triks then felix the cat!!! ok bye
You look like a vampire in that last shot.
Oh and I love that leap shot from yesterday.
We just love everything about you both. Hope you're well Daisy!
That last photo is awesome~!
I can use that tool to spy the little things in your month, hee hee~~
You are so cool, Harley!
Hey... is Harley getting enough to eat?? Judging by the stuff he's putting in his mouth, he seems like he might be hungry...
Us girls think you look very manly in your toolbelt ;)
Your equipment has passed the check. Well done.
Do you have any disguises? We may need you to disguise yourself for your next important assignment.
Over and out.
Shouldn't they be called paw-cuffs? Mind you - you'd hafta catch BIG jinormous furries so they'd fit.
Yep, we thinks you got it all for what it takes to do your important job well.
I am pretty sure that is the coolest spykit we have ever seen. Lookout Bond!
Harley, you are as fabulous as Sam Spade!!!! (kiss)
Awesome Harley!!! Love the magnifying "plastic" !!!
Odds and Sods - merry month of May edition
You sure are talented for one so young, Harley. We think you are a fabulous detective.
Harley, you are so funny and CUTE!!
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