Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hold my Paw

Harley likes to hold paws. But I do not enjoy holding paws with my brother. So, I must put my paw down and say, "No way, Harley!"
Here is a movie I made about holding paws. This video is rated PG for mild violence. I hope you like it!

If you cannot see the video, here's a direct link.

93 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

I think you need to be firmer with Harley, as he is obviously not listening to you.

Huffle Mawson

i beati said...

My grandaughter calls that slap fighting/good exercise you two- and Harkey what a long tail you have .this is how you two stay so lean and trim..sandy

The Meezers or Billy said...

hee hee great video!!!!

ZOOLATRY said...

Great video, good work! Pardon our pun, but it's quite pawsome!

Bae Bae said...

Oh Harley looks like he really really want to hold paws with you Daisy

~ Bae

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I like to hold paws too, Harley! What a shame you are s far away!


Poppy Q said...

You guys look so cute even when you are wrestling.

Meghann said...

Wow Daisy, you've got some moves! And Harley, the bum-balance was spectacular :)

The Island Cats said...

Wow! Daisy, you really didn't want to hold Harley's paw!

Puglette said...

that is a very funny video. i think you two are very cute together and play just like siblings. and harley, you really do have an extra long tail!

RJ Flamingo said...

Awwwwww... Every so often I like to be reassured that you guys are "real" cats! :-) Great vid!

JJ has a new playmate...

The Florida Furkids said...

That's a super video! We give it four paws up rating!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sandy said...

I didn't realize that Harley's full name was Harley QUINN! Is your mom an Agatha Christie fan?

Anonymous said...

Love the slo-mo, Daisy! We may have to watch it a few more times, in case we missed something!

Hansel said...

Daisy! what an awesome video! hansel always tries to hold MY paw too...... or chomp my head. Or give me a bath. I DON'T like it!

Parker said...

Boyz never take no for an answer...

AM said...

Harley were you asking nicely or commanding to hold hands :-) ?
Also, we never realized what a super long beautiful tail Harley has.

The Monkeys said...

No means no! That video is hilarious!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hee Hee.....Daisy really means it when she says NO!!! What a great video!

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, my gosh! I woke up in a bad mood this morning, but then I watched your video and laughed and laughed. Harley, what is up with your TAIL?! I especially appreciated the slow-motion version of your gentle appeal to hold paws. Just keep trying, Harley. Daisy will give in.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I think when Daisy says no, she really means, NO!

The Creek Cats said...

That was a great movie, we give it 5 paws!!
Reminds us a lot of the mild violence that goes on in this house :)

Anonymous said...

We appreciate your warning us about the violence, but it didn't bother us... we're used to the occasional whapping around here. :-)

Unknown said...

That was AWESOME! At least they settled on a "hug" at the end. LOL

CCL Wendy said...

Great job on the video -- simply PURRiceless! I can see the same kind of show at my place in PURRson, between Dylan and Domino!

Those boys really want to dominate, the undominatable!

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Great video.

Team Tabby said...

What a super video! You tell him Daisy - no means NO.

purrs....the whole Team

Donna said...

Oh noe. A fite! I sad. :(

Monty Q. Kat said...

It's definately a sibling thing, Mombean has the same moments with KidBean and SweetBean.

They've had a couple o' rumbles like that too...

Cory said...

Love it! Love that whapfest!

Miss Lizzy said...

HAHAHA!! Kind of looks to me like Harley is more interesting in starting a kerfuffle. Great video, hilarious!

Anonymous said...

A little wap-wap is good exercise but why not hold paws - I like to hold paws too.

Liss said...

Good movie

arbed and edgar said...

Wow, you really are a lot smaller than Harley, aren't you Daisy? You sure hold your own against him, though. You don't have to hold paws with anyone you don't want to, especially icky little brothers, right? ;-)

~Story said...

Harley, i never realized how looooong yoor tail ams!!!!
Hi Daisy and Daisy's Mommy!!!

Janet said...

Gosh, I see some of that same behavior around here, and now I understand that our kitties are just trying to hold paws! Thanks, Daisy! :-)

Tybalt said...

Holly and I have been doing that a lot lately . . . fighting, that is, not holding paws.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We play that game! Ours usually ends up that way, too! Harley looks so big next to you! Kirby has a long tail like Harley!

Anonymous said...

Holding paws?? When Star holds my paws I does not like it ether but let me tell you she does it cause she LUVS me. I thinks Harley is in LUV with you!!

Yer pal Dozer

Your Daily Cute said...

Daisy, I would hold your little hand! :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i was laffin and laffin daisy!

smiles, auntie bee

Shaggy and Scout said...

Brothers can be so persistent!
Just hold your ground and he will figure it out....or not!

Chrissie said...

Wow! Harley has a really loooooooooonnnngggg tail. Maybe he's trying to teach you boxing-which is not suitable for young ladycats, according to my mom. In which case, you should still tell him NO! But, Harley could go play with Lizard...

BumbleVee said...

I'm not sure if Harley lurves you ...or if he just lurves to bug you....

You're pretty quick...

Anonymous said...

Brudders can be such teases, Daisy. Show him who's boss!

GSD Adventures said...

That was an awesome video! We'd hold your paw if we were closer. :D

Pruett and Daphne

Cat Street Boyz said...

Boy Harley, you are getting big or Daisy is one peanut size cutie! Harley, you have to protect your sister not bat at her....and we can give you 7 good reasons why ;P =^Y^=the 7 Cat Street Boyz

brokenteepee said...

Daisy, did you put the bitey on Harley?
tsk tsk.
I should send Abby over there to teach you how to butt. It is much more effective....

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a looooong tail Harley has!

Sherri said...

That is so funny! My daughter just made me play it (and read it to her) over and over and over for her and she is just beside herself giggling. Thanks for the laugh:)

Anonymous said...

That was great! We especially liked the tail action by Harley.

Mo and The Purries said...

What a great video, Daisy!
Is that PG for Paw-rental Guidance?

Gonna have to watch it again - the slow-mo is way cool!

Patrice said... means no. LOL

Slash and Bronzy said...

Hahaha!!! That was furry farnee! And we just blogged about holding paws too. Maybe you might like to try holding paws wif us instead, Daisy.

~Slash & Bronzy

Recycled Frockery said...

"Smack, Wack, Smack Smack"that's the instant replay text translation.

Daisy, you need to take off those kid gloves and show Harley Who's Boss.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That is sweet! Harley you are a real doll!!

Noll's Nip said...

Pawsome video!

Daisy Deadhead said...

Men can just come on SO STRONG sometimes!

Just adorable video. :)

Anonymous said...

Harley, I am with you there. I've tried to get Molly to play with me but all she does is meow and whap me AND then she runs away! I don't know what to do about that.


Gemini said...

I do not think I'd like to hold paws either.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Ninja Khats?

Rokhk Paper Scissors??

Furry furry funny!


Sarah Coggins said...

Harley clearly doesn't listen well. ;)

Peggy's Place said...

The kids are playing "lean mean fightin' machines" Wish any one of us was still so thin and sexy as you two.

Thoughts said...

Very cute video Daisy and Harley! Perhaps my dear Theodore is just trying to hold paws when he bats at poor little Sasha..??

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your prayer for us! We are so glad to have you as friends and truly appreciate your support during this tough time.

Wags, purrs and kisses,
Theodore, Sasha, Benson and Gibson

Anonymous said...

We call that playing patty cake. We don't really play much, we like to chase each other better.

Lin said...

Yeah, Grace and Hobbes do not hold hands so well either.

Hey, I was making a big ol ruckus in the Hallmark store last night because I saw your card there! I was all like "HEY! There's Daisy!! Yeah! She's a blog pally! Look, Joe! There's Daisy! See her coconut bra?!!" and I kept going like that until everyone in the store probably snuck over to see what all the fuss was about. I hope you got some major card sales out of that one!!

You can count on me to support you, Daisy (and gang)!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, good job fending off Harley! i do not like to hold paws with my brother, either. on account of he has cooties.


Reese =^..^= said...

I'm not into paw holdin' either!

las794 said...

LOL, that was hilarious! Both kitties are very determined to stand their ground!


Hmmmph! Looks like Harley is getting too big for his cat-britches. Good work at keeping him in line, Daisy!

Chat Gris said...

So cute!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was a great video Daisy. Harley doesn't seem to take no for an answer though does he.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, is Harley dat big or are yoo dat petite? Harley sure haf a long tail. Maybe yoo could hold his paw once in a while, he might be lonely...or not.

BeadedTail said...

Boy Daisy, when you say no, you mean NO! Harley just doesn't listen! He sure has a long, snake like tail doesn't he?

Luzinha said...

if you don't mind, Daisy!, I hold the Harley's paw! I like hold hands and paws too! but even you don't like to hold my hands, or none hands and none paws, I don't mind, because I like you, very much, even so!

all the best for you! sweet dreams for you all!

The Devil Dog said...

Wow, Daisy, what a long tail Harley has, and boy was it amazing in action. As were you, giving it right back to Harley.


The Oceanside Animals said...

hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay see no meenz no!!! unless yoo ar tucker in wich kayse it meens yes!!! ok bye

Lorenza said...

You must understand that No means No!
Kisses and hugs

Fred said...

Loved the video, especially the pop-ups. Harley's tail sure was a-waggin'.

SophieKitty said...

I loved your high five, Daisy! And Harley, you've got game!

Anonymous said...

Woah Harley you is bigger than I thought! Maybe you shoudl be a little bit softer with Miss Daisy a cause she could be a little scar-ed of your size and be making for it..
hehe we play like that a lot, usually just after one of us has done a poo, we chase each other around saying "ha ha you stink" *rocket around the house* hehe

Maureen said...

What a great video! Lovoe the captions....

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Is that what Iza is tryin ta do when she whaps at me? Huh.


Quill and Greyson said...

I wanna hold your hand, I wanna hold your hand. (Beetles)

Duni said...

Great video! I'm sorry Daisy does not want to hold your paw, Harley. Maybe another time :)
Soon, very soon now, I get to hold paws with my little sisfur. At least I hope to...I'm not much into (cat)fighting :)


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Daisy, we thinks you got the upper paw in that situation! You go girl!

Kelli said...

You always make me smile. Thank you. Now Daisy, you must hold your brothers hand when crossing the street.♥

Milo and Alfie said...

Harley doesn't take any notice at all, does he? Tsk. Tsk.

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Wow Harley needs to know that No means No Daisy. Way to whap him though.

Skeezix the Cat said...

I cannot git enuf of that tummy shot foto. I looked at it all day.

Do I hafta come over thare and beet Harley up? He needs to show yoo sum respekt!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Harley kept the beat of the music with his tail! Too cool!

Keiko said...

Oh my! We just saw this now, Harley's tail is so long!!
That is what happens in our household, although Kenji doesn't want to hold paws, he just wants to hit me!! :(

Admiral Hestorb said...

How in the world did I miss this great video! Mommy was just looking at old posts of yours, Daisy and came upon this gem.

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