Today I am going to model a summertime accessory. This is a very cute sunbonnet. It has little holes all over to help keep your head cool. They are called "eyelets." This seems like a ridiculous name for them, because the eyelets do not let my eyes do anything.

Here is my most professional pose. I am pretending to be at the beach on a sunny day. My sunbonnet has a chinstrap so a gust of wind will not blow my hat off. Do not worry, my air conditioner is never on high enough to create a gust of wind.

And here is my glamor shot!

Harley wanted to model the sunbonnet. I let him try it on. But I think it looks better on me.

Fashion Friday: A Cute Sunbonnet
79 Notes for Daisy:
Those eyelets do seen to be not much good to me too but you look stunning in your bonnet and I's way better on you than on Harley! :o)
yes you are more the sunbonnet type I must say
I have to agree with Daisy. The bonnet does look better on her than it does on Harley. Harley needs something a bit more macho!
We've really got to put an end to Harley's penchant for cross-dressing, Daisy!
My Dear Daisy, if I were 10 years younger I would ask you to come out for a little stroll in the moonlight with me. Wearing that hat of course.
Oh...I need one of those. How cute!
I guess Harley is not a sun bonnet kinda' guy...
You're right - eyelet is a dumb name, but you look very sweet. We have to get Harley something a little more his style, I think...:-)
Daisy you do look cute in your sun bonnet. It is very impawtunt to wear it so you don't get sunstroke.
Ah, Daisy, you look like quite the lady cat in your sunbonnet. Harley would look fine in a Tampa Bay Rays cap!
You bof look furry purrty and maiden-like in the eyelet-hat. Bronzy now wants one.
Daisy, you always bring to me the first smile of my day! I wish I had a sunbonnet as cute as yours when I was at the beach☺
What a wonderfully summery look, Daisy!
I think we need to find something a little different for Harley...
Daisy, you look great in your bonnet...Harley...not so much....
Daisy, you are just so darn cute I can hardly stand it! Lovely sunbonnet -- I think it would go furry nicely with the sundress you modelled recently. And yes, Harley just looks silly in your bonnet -- he's a boy after all!
We thinks the bonnet looks better on you Daisy. We thinks Harley would look better in a baseball cap.
We loved the hold my paw video, you are a very good fighter Daisy. Harley better watch out when you say NO you mean NO. ~S,S,C & F
Daisy you look pawsitively purrfect in your sunbonnet!
Oh Daisy! You look terrific in your sunbonnet. Glad to hear your air conidtioner does not create gusts of wind; that would not be good. And Harley, I think you rock the bonnet too!
You're right, it does look better on you than on Harley. You are such a great model.
no doubt, it looks better on you miss daisy
Daisy, all your shots are glamor shots! Mom loves eyelet, especially on little girls wearing pink!
That bonnet is the purrfect Summertime accessory and you look adorable in it. Harley is posing nicely, but he looks silly! Harley needs a manly bonnet!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You got it going on Daisy!!! Harley...maybe a baseball cap for the summer?
Daisy, that sun bonnet is definitely for you. I think Harley should stick to a baseball cap.
Daisy, that is indeed a real cute sun bonnet. I wonder if Prudence would wear one when I take her outside. She does seem to squint a lot. Maybe that's what the eyelets are for. I think Harley looks rather sweet in the bonnet. But it's definitely for girls.
aw daisy you look so sweet. Just like a little house on the prairie. Harley mmm I think you should leave this one to daisy. LOL
Has Harley figured out that he's a BOY yet? Your sunbonnet is very cute :)
Huffle Mawson
Beautifull Sunbonnet, Daisy. And you're right, it looks better on you - it just doesn't say Man Cat to me!
Daisy, you grow cuter everyday!
ohhh! I lov your sunbonnet!! you is loook like princess!!
How lovely. It does look better on you ;)
That is a sweet eyelet sunbonnet
definitely you, dear daisy! harley's . . . well, he's just not sunbonnet material. now a fedora, we could unnerstand!;-)
Our Mom has gone plum over the edge squeeing uncontrollably looking at how cute you two are in your sun bonnet!
very beautiful bonnet daisy!
smiles, auntie bee
Ok, I am very behind, so I wanted to say that I love all the recent posts - you look lovely in them, and Harley is a great spy cat! I think the holding paws video is great too! Finally, the sunbonnet is definately better on you Daisy, I think it is a girls hat anyway. You are so good at posing for photos! Hope you and Harley have a great weekend!!
it is amazing that you can make something as simple as a sunbonnet look so fabulous. This is one of my favorites!
love the glam shot..... it's definitely all in the posing for most hats and you've got this on pegged....
I love the sunbonnet! But I agree, Daisy, it suits you much better than Harley. It's not quite manly enough for him!
you are both very sweet in the sunbonnet. daisy, the next time you go strollering, make sure you wear the bonnet. it will protect your sweet ears.
You are right. Those eyelets only look semi-functional, but they do add a bit of pizzazz none the less. Harley is so cute wanting to try all the fashions too, even if some just ain't doin' it......
Aww Daisy, you look so maiden-like in that frilly bonnet. Your furs add some pizazz to the white hat, that's furr sure! And, if we didn't know Harley was a boy...we think the hat looks cute on him too!
Hahaha. Harley cracks me up. He tries so hard. :P
I love the bonnet Daisy. You look beautiful. No, it isn't Harleys style. Harley I love your eyes. They are so expressive.
Oh, dat is a furry purrty sunbonnet Daisy. It looks lovely on yoo. We think Harley needs a fishing hat...den he can go fishing too.
The sunbonnet suits you very much, are you sure you weren't a Victorian maid in a former life? You look beautiful.
Daisy do the eyelets let you see out of the back of your head? If so I want a hat like that
heh heh
Harley looks cute it in, but you do look better, Daisy! Harley should get a biker leather jacket... does he have one? Pimp does if he wants to borrow it. ;)
You look so cute in your sunbonnet!
dear, you look wonderful with this beautiful white "hat"! this acessory is so spring!!! I loved it!
Harley is soo well too!
have a great friday, dears, you, Daisy, Harley and mommie! kisses!
Daisy - you look unbelievably cute in that sun bonnet! Harley needs something more masculine!
Oh Daisy, you are a picture of sun time adorableness! Who needs the coppertone girl when we have you.....sorry Harley, you need some Mancat accessories!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Oah dearest Lovely Daisy,
How wonderful I can see your fashion friday, that is awesome,
I just love your sunbonnet,
it's very useful at your place!!
Yoo make anything luk good, Daisy! Way to be summery!
It does look better on you Daisy. It kinda looks like a sailor hat on Harley.
hehe Harley looks ready to pounce. Silly Harley, dat hat is fer girl kittehs.
Daisy we has an award fer yoo and Harley on our bloggie today.
Much better on woo Daisy!
It looks too tight fur his Harley Head - I mean his eyeballz are poppin' out!
That bonnet is very cute.
Best. Hat. Ever!
Well done, Daisy. Well done.
We think you do look better in that bonnet Daisy. Harley is just too much of a Mancat ;)
Good thing you have a 'cool' head ,heehee
You look absolutely adorable in your bonnet, love the beach pose, that windswept look. And the white contrasts nicely with your furs.
Harley not so much, he just looks silly. He does silly well.
Your sunbonnet is quite pretty,it looks great on you. it's good to hear your air conditioner does not blow such gusts that your sunbonnet blows off. Thank you for a cute fashion Friday Daisy.
That was nice of you Daisy to let Harley try your hat on. It's not quite manly enough for him but he looks cute too!
Very pretty Daisy, you look quite dramatic in the first pose too.
But, um, Harley....I wouldn't let Daisy post photos of you wearing a sun bonnet.....not cool.
Daisy, you look very cute in your bonnet! Harley, you look like Gilligan ...
You look beautiful in your sunbonnet, Daisy. And you have a very nice smile in your glamour shot.
Harley, I think you need to wear a different type of hat.
Hi, Daisy!
Yes, it looks much better on you than Harley!
Kisses and hugs
That is a vary kyoot hat. Is it eezy to ware? Cuz I don't like hats smooshing down my ears. And duz the eyelit come in pink?
I can't believe you made poor Harley wear that hat!
Oh Daisy you are always a professional! You too Harley!
Ooooooooooooh! I love the special effects!
You two are beyond cute! And I love the video on yesterday's post. I'd love to hold hands with you both :) xxx
The bonnet definitely looks better on you, Daisy! It shows off your pretty face
You must have done modeling before Daisy, you are a natural, you'd look good wearing a phone book!
I have never been to a beech before but I thinks that hat is a loverly one fer being in the sun! There is lots of sun here at my howse. Plus I am a white dawg so I thinks that hat would match my furs nicely. Does it come in a larjer size?
Yer pal Dozer
It definitely looks better on you, Daisy!
On you it looks like a sunbonnet. On Harley... well, it looks like he's about to do a Shaker re-enactment and he needs a butter churn to demonstrate pioneer life for tourists!
Oh, Daisy, I love the hat on you. Very summery!
As for Harley, you must NEVER allow him to wear you clothes. EVER. You will turn him into a girly cat from a manly cat and that won't be pretty. He needs to get his own wardrobe:)
oh wow you look so cute daisy...
you are a professional! you must have a lot of experience.
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