The Photo Hunters theme this week is: books. I like books. There are lots and lots of books at my house. But many of them are a little bit boring.

Harley prefers to use the Kindle Reader. Because it is easier for him to turn the pages with his big paws. Even though he usually just reads comic books.

Photo Hunters: Books
62 Notes for Daisy:
Do you have any good books about cats?
Huffle Mawson
I'm looking at the books you are reading. There are so many titles.
Books are really my moms favorite things! I think she likes them more than me... she has so many of them!
FANGtastic Daisy!!!
Mine this week is my high school year book with me...LOL
Happy weekend.
Mom's books are mstly in baskets and boxes. Your's look much neater, Daisy!
We forgot to tell you... We had to open your blog a few times before we could comment. IE is apparently still having issues.
Mom uses Firefox for her blog and IE for ours so she does not have to keep logging in and out. She use to keep forgetting who was logged in and commenting under the wrong name, so that is how she resolved it.
Love those book shelves! You sure do have lots of books!! The Kindle is bigger than I thought.
I love your choice this week. Fabulous photo. I can't imagine having that many books in my house, but I can bet you that when I get a real house and not this basement "studio" apartment, I'll have tons of books!
Daisy, I can see why you said some were boring. I see the Accounting book. I made a poem for you:
Accounting books aren't page turners.
They don't leave you wanting more.
The only thing they did for me
Was make me want to snore!
What IS Harley reading? It made his eyes open wide!
What a huge book shelf. We loves books Daisy and you look right at home up there amongst all the books, you must read a lot.
Harley, we thinks you look very high tech with the Kindle Reader. ~S,S,C & F
We have a ton of books in our house too! I'm not allowed to read them because I just chew on the pages. Maybe mom should get me a Kindle!!!
That's a lot of books! Our Mom has thought about the Kindle reader - does Harley like it?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Miss Daisy what a beautiful bookshelf you has! And so many books!
I like Harleys little thingy, momma even is going to have a look see what it is a cause it sounds cool! :)
We love your photos today. And Harles looks very growed up with the kindle reader!
Love the huge expanse of books--and you look very literary on that shelf, Daisy! Harley is so cute with his big-eyed naif look! :D
My daddy has bookshelves like those in his "office" and all of those books are really boring, too. I think your mommy is really nice to leave a space for you. Daddy would get mad if I did that!
Love - JJ
We just love both of today's pictures!
Great photos, Daisy! Looks like you and Harley have lots of reading to do. :) I shared my photo here.
Books are great Daisy!
It is good to know such erudite cats.
gosh that is sure a lot of bood daisy! you look very pretty sitting up there. were you scairt? i don't know if i'd like one like harley has or not, i have been thinking about it. i don't keep books after i read them except cook books...
smiles, auntie bee
Daisy, that's a great picture of you in the bookcase!
And Harley - do they put graphic novels onto the Kindle???
i love books too. i just finished a really good one and have two waiting for me. i get mine from the library. i love it there.
Great photos of you two. Happy to see that you both love to read
Wow Daisy and Harley, we thought our Momma had a lot of books, but your Mommie puts ours to shame ... hee hee! You can never have too many books! Harley, enjoy your Kindle Reader and Daisy, you are a wonderful decoration on the bookshelf!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
*GASP* OOOh it is my dream library where all of my books are in one place, and *GASP* a Kindle! WOOOO! I want one of those sooooo badly, lol. I love books too, can you tell?? Hubby has practically banned me from the Amazon website...I am needing to buy a new bookshelf almost every year, LOL.
Have a great weekend!
yeh.... Accounting and Taber's is not exactly light
Harley has the right idea...comics at least give you a laugh....
Mom is jonesing for a Kindle. I find books to be comfy nap spots.
Daisy, you found a great place to pick out a book! And Harley with his Kindle, cool. Our mom listens to books sometimes. These are all great ways to keep reading!
from all of us.
Young people today! They are always into the latest gadget!
Our mom is a bookworm too! Lots of books at our house, not enough shelves!
He's khwite the tekhkhie, eh?
Mom's been yearning fur a kindle...she has trouble holding on to books sometimes cuz of da arthurs-itis in her fingers. Alas, we will still be finding piles of books all over fur a long time to come...
We have lots of books at our house too, Daisy! Maybe someone will write one about you and Harley:)
Thanks for visiting my blog! The bracelet and necklace set are now on my Etsy store!
Have a great weekend :)
Wow, that's like our house. All these bookcases with books, but the people are now reading on their Kindles. At least Harley gets to sue one. I know near the Woman's and I get yelled at :(
Hey, that bookend looks just like Daisy!
That is a lot of books!!!
My grampa has that kindle reader too!
I love your sunbonnet from yesterday heehee you look so very pretty!
Daisy, Mom's books are a bit boring to me too,heehee
Harley, did you just find out Archie proposed to Veronica????????
Purrs Mickey
Those sure are lots of books! My mom mainly listens to books on CDs now.
I sleep always next the book
from my Mommy ^___^
I gots lots and lots of books at our house too. But just books. No very pretty cats to decorates our bookshelves.
Daisy & Harley....what great pictures of you both! Mommy LOVES to read. She says:
Books + Cats = purrfection
I love ur liberry. I needs to go there. :)
So many books, so little time. Looks like Harley is reading for you. Hope he takes good notes!
Daisy, you look like you would make a very good book-end, if you could stand still for hours and hours at a time.
What a wonderful bookshelf of books! I have not tried Kindle, but I used to really like comic books way back when!
Any reading is good reading according to the reading specialists!
Daisy, you look like a library cat like Tober in Indiana.
Mom likes to read a lot, too!
I see you have an Accounting book Daisy! Mommy has been trying to get us to read her Accounting books but we don't want to but now she says "but Daisy does". Great!
Ha Harley! I prefer comic books too!!!
How you guys like that kindle? My human2 was finking of getting one, but was wondering how the pages change. Is it smooth or does screen go all black like the sony reader?
Kittehs don't haz to read we just absorbs the knowledges by sitting on top of dem. But I hear humanz like to look at da pages.
The mom has lots of books but dey is in da attic acuz there is no room here right now to take them out. Sumtimes she finks bout them and says she must go look - but she dun do it. Is there books bout kittehs in yer shelves?
YOU CAN GET COMICS ON KINDLE? I gotta tell my mom-she lerves her Kindle. That doesn't keep her from acquiring more books, tho'. Just call'er a bibliophile.
Hi, Daisy and Harley!
You have tons of books!
Comics are great too!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy looks like a bookend Sandy
Wow Daisy, you sure do have a LOT of books! Have you read all of those?
As much as I love Daisy, Harley is getting more and more on our good side. Comic reading is one of our many hobbies!
Oh, it looks like someone got scared by something he saw! LOL. Cats love books more than dogs. Great job Daisy!
My books are up here.
Daisy, you look gorgeous (and very erudite) up there!
Harley, I never heard of a "Kindle" before. I guess from your picture and the comments that it's a reading device. But I'm looking forward to receiving the Ballicai's Momma's book "Mirror Blue" and lying in bed reading it! :) xxx
WOW DAISY! look at all those books!
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