Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Comics with Daisy!

This counseling session was from well before Harley began his true career as an International Spy Cat.

ps: Today I was interviewed all about strollering by my special friend Skeezix on The Cat's Meow for Stroller Week! I hope you will check it out, especially if you are interested in strollering.


77 Notes for Daisy:

Misha said...

Well, Harley is a bit of a a monkey!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Ha! Ha! Harley... I some ways you became what you wanted to be! International Spy Cat, or Monkey it all takes practice!

Anonymous said...

Harley, looks like you not only have aptitudes, you also have attitudes! hahaha!

We think it might be fun to be a goat like Bob and Patrick!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha Harley! When you let your fur down when you are not being a spy, you probably act the goat, and we know you can be a little monkey too.

Milo and Alfie bum said...

Harles, we think you are the most brilliant International Spy cat in the whole World! And a bit of a monkey too! Tee hee!

Daisy, you are just gorjuss! Smooches!

Poppy Q said...

You are a little monkey already Harley.

I love your beautiful bookcase, your beans must be very brainy!

Deeps said...

heheh harley, yeah, you look like a monkey too

Teddy Westlife said...

A monkey? I am speechless.

Huffle Mawson

Sandy Kessler said...

I believe Harley has some monkey like qualities but he is destined to be a famous spy cat hahaha,,Got my new dog - training away !!Sandy

CCL Wendy said...

Daisy is so sensible, and Harley so silly! I love the constant look of surprise on Harley's face -- it's those big eyes of his.

Well done as usual! It made me giggle.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You're very funny, Harley!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Harley you are very silly. ~S,S,C & F

The Island Cats said...

Harley...where do you come up with this??? Hahaha!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Harley....we think that you are a great International Spy Cat!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy, I think Harley is just pulling your paw!

Unknown said...

harley you should be a panda bear or a cow next time. LOL j/k

Cory said...

At least you found your true calling. Not every cat gets it right the first time! I'm a professional sweetheart!

The Florida Furkids said...

We think you're just monkeying around with Daisy!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

JD at I Do Things said...


You would make a lovely monkey, but I'm glad you found your career as an International Spy Cat. That's a much more productive line of work.

Donna said...

Wow. I'm glad he passed the test, so he can keep the public safe.

The Furry Kids said...

Oh, Harley! :)

Thank you for your condolences last week on the loss of Mama's Gram. We're so fortunate to have so many kind and supportive furriends in the blogosphere.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

and here i want to be a CAT!!! i think they have the best lives...

smiles, auntie bee

Slash and Bronzy said...

Hahaha! We thoughts being a goat wud be a grrreat job!

~Slash & Bronzy

Mouchois said...

Ha. Harley always looks so excited!

Daisy, you're looking beautiful as always.

Anonymous said...

Well Harley is young - all that nonsense about being a goat or a monkey when he is already a CAT.

I read the stroller story and I even bookmarked "The Cats Meow" so I can read it on a regular basis. Thanks for the link. I would love to take my fur babies out in a stroller, but then I would be worried that they would like being outside so much that they would try to go out on their own. Right now my babies run away when we open the doors for visitors. They remember how NOT fun it was to be outside.

Have a great Sunday.

Meghann said...

LOL, Harley you are phenomenal :)
Congrats on the strollering feature!

Anonymous said...

Harley, you know that saying about how in America you can be anything you want to be? Um, it's not *entirely* true...

Heidi L said...

That was hilarious! monkey cat to the rescue :)

Quill and Greyson said...

Spy cat is the best profession for you Harley.

travislittleman said...

thanz fur ur commint. i tink ur vurry byooteefull gurrl. meowmy sez ur purty too.

Cactus Jack Splash said...

I think Harley would have made a good monkey, but he is a better spy

las794 said...

Monkey Spy Cat!

Sarge Charlie said...

Harley is a monkey

Anonymous said...

Youz guyz had our momma giggling and shaking right out loud! Thanks, maybe now she'll give us some more 'nip.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We think you would be a fine goat or monkey Harley! But Daisy is probably right about aptitude and talents & all that stuff!

小芥 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hee hee~~
A monkey might be a great idea...
Harley you are very smart...

Good luck for your teaching...

Anonymous said...

We think that being an International Spy Cat is a better choice for you, Harley. Maybe you could go on some missions in a jungle, or perhaps the zoo. You would possibly encounter a goat or monkey in those locations:)

Pee Ess: Goats stink, and monkeys throw their poo!

Puglette said...

oh, harley, you are such a silly boy! i think i need a counseling session with daisy, she has some very sound advice!

Lyoness Sealdotter said...

Did you get goat from Pricilla's blog? I meandered over here from there. I love this Blogge!

Hansel said...

I went to see yoor interview furrend, it was Great!

AND harley, i think yoo wud make a fine monkey!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We thinks Harley has achieved his career goal! We love your Sunday Funnies!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Harley, you may not be a Monkey but you are a great Spy Cat!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Mickey's Musings said...

We are glad Harley decided to be a Spy instead!! We bet he can 'monkey' around a lot though,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Dma said...

nothing wrong with a little dreaming Harley.

Anonymous said...

Harley really thinks outside the box, doesn't he? Good job, Harley. I, for one, think he'd be a great monkey. I remember the photo of him leaping, sort of like a monkey. Why not?

Craig & Caroline Hind said...

I see monkeys in my garden. They often look like they are haffing a lot of fun. But sometimes they make a big noise and fight.

I like you guys. You're cute like me!


Anonymous said...

International spy cat sounds very exciting!

Dorothy said...

I hope you'll visit my site and see the letter Nigel had written by his cat owner to the vet..after a visit..

Nigel is so cute of course as yours..

Dorothy from grammology

its the second or third post down with a photo of Nigel..please leave a comment if you can so I know you stopped..


Liss said...

I think Harley would make good monkey.

Buckwheat Snapp said...

As usual, I loved the sunday comic! You guys are so funny. I'll have to read your interview with Skeezix, sounds informational, maybe my mum will get me one after she reads it.


Tatang Sulaeman said...

We think you are the most brilliant International Spy cat in the whole World! And a bit of a monkey too! When you let your fur down when you are not being a spy, you probably act like goat, and we know you can be a little monkey too.

Parker said...

I think International Spy is a much better profession for Harley, I am going to go and read your interview now!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think Harley should khwit whilst he's ahead and just be a HARLEY!


Black Cat said...

Hahaha, you're very silly (and cute) Harley!

Daisy, I loved your interview about strollering. Your stroller looks quite big. How many cats could fit in it comfortably (if none of them was wild and crazy, of course!)? :) xxx

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Harley, you are so funny! Thanks for making me laugh! That is a pretty hard question, Daisy, but I think Harley makes a good spy cat.

Lorenza said...

Oh, Harley!
I hope those sessions let you get the idea!
Kisses and hugs

AM said...

I think being a monkey would be tons of fun! I also bet that in some ways you are a little monkey-ish!

Asta said...

I'm glad that Hawley will stay a cat..he's awfully good at that and being a supew spy of couwse.
sowwy I've been missing fow so long
smoochie kisses

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Harley, you are such a silly boy! You are 007.50 Super Cat!

Anonymous said...

Harley, do you really want to be a monkey?? Maybe as Spy Cat you could go undercover as a monkey....


Reese =^..^= said...

A monkey? That sounds like a furry good job!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Harley, I think you should be a monkey so can you come to St. Louis and climb all over the counters and the refrigerator and on top of the tv's and the bookshelf and the treadmill with me! Sabrina and Sam are boring, they don't do that stuff ... hee hee!

Daisy, we are going to check out your interview with your sweetie Skeezix right after we post our comment!
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

MaoMao said...

hehehe, whatta cute comic! You and Harley are so adorabble. And I'm crackin up cuz Momma's always callin me her little Monkey, or MonkeyMao!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMaoMaoMao!

Maureen said...

Haha! Well, Harley you already ARE a monkey! (I often call my cats monkeys too...) ;)

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I dunno ... Monkey an' goat seem like pretty good career opportunities ...

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo need to think a littel harder abowt this kareer choise after all their ar lots of diffrent kinds of monkees!!! their is peter and their is davey and their is michael and their is that other guy hooze naym nobody can remember oh wayt it wuz mickey i think like the mowse hay maybe yoo cud be a mowse insted!!! ok bye

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Daisy, I've been so out of touch lately, but Mom HAD been keeping up with your blog on her BlackBerry. Unfortunately, it's a work BlackBerry and following blogs is now against policy. We are so distraught. Now we cannot wake up to you and Harley. :-(

Mom met Rosie and Cheeto's lady (and R&C) in Chicago. She was so excited about that.


Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Harley you are such a cut up!! It must be what makes you a great SpyCat! We just love your Comics Daisy!
Your FL furiends,

Katie said...

I think Harley would make an awesome monkey or a goat! I wonder what sort of monkey skills he has? :D

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Ha Ha we think Harley might have a career in being a Monkey. After all Monkeys and cute and funny too.

Anonymous said...

nice pOst ., Lolz!!

Have A nice Day...,

brokenteepee said...

Well, Harley I think you would make a great goat! I am sorry I missed this yesterday but the pubilcist was sick in bed.

Anonymous said...

Good choice Harley! Monkees is smarter then gotes and they are athletik too.

Yer pal Dozer

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We think Harley should try bein a cat. Monkeys make weerd noises a cat cant, and their tails are weerd too.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We went by to read your interview on stollering. You have a lovely green neighborhood and smooth sidewalk to stroll on.

The Furry Bambinos said...

Harley, being a monkey is a very interesting career for you to aspire to. Daddy used to call Clyde "Monkey-Cat", so clearly, this is a viable career choice for you!

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

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