It's me again. HARLEY! I have been reading EVERYWHERE about a wonderful toy called a PLAGUE RAT! So I asked my Mommie if Daisy and I could GET one, and she said YES!

We bought this toy from my FRIEND,
Baby Patches. She has her own store. With RATS! And here's my very own RAT! I have named him BEN! He's very LOVELY.

HELLO, BEN! Can you HEAR me? You will be my NEW friend. Okay? OKAY?! Why don't you ANSWER me, Ben?!

How LONG is your TAIL, anyway? I think MY tail is LONGER, Ben. Does that BOTHER you?

Ben, I ADORE you a little bit. THANK YOU for being my very own PLAGUE ratsie. Um, you would not give me the plague, right?

♫ Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you, my friend, will see
You've got a friend in me ♫

Meet Ben, my Plague Ratsie!
79 Notes for Daisy:
That's so sweet Harley. You have your very own pet rat. Ben is a nice name for him!
Huffle Mawson
Wow he's cool , I see hours of fun here sandy My cat Angel Baby had surgery yesterday .She's been very sick. Put on your halos and send up a prayer ot two. She lost her big frined yesterday though. Wubby went to Rainbow Bridge in her sleep..
You have fun with your rat Harley. He looks like a great toy.
Congratulations on your wonderful new friend, Harley! And that is such a lovely song!
Harley, When you're talking to the tail end of any animal, you REALLY don't want them to answer!
Oh Harley ...
could this be love?
Ben looks like a very good friend!
That looks like a lovely toy, Harley! Have lots of fun with it, mate:)
Neato! I think JJ would like a Plague Rat, too. And she will call him George. And she will love him and squeeze him and pet him...:-)
Harley that's a gorjuss new ratty friend you got there. Are you gonna share him wiv your friends? (hint!)
Harley is in love with a RAT! I hope the two of you have a very long life together.
Yay! Plague ratsies are the best!! Glad you guys are enjoying yours too!
O Harley, that is a very fine rat.
I want one of those. That looks like a lot of fun.
Did that ratso rizzo come all the way from the UK?
And Ben and Harley look like fast friends already, MOL
Awwww, cute! Maybe the two of you can play ball or frisbee.
Concatulations on getting your very own Ratsie! Looks like you luv Ben as much as Henry and I luv our rat.
What does Daisy think of your new friend?
holy cat, how long is his tail?
Oh, cool, I need to get one too! Now I'll be singing that song all day!
Awwwww... I want one too!!! What a cutie, just like his namesake in the movie. You are so lucky, Harley!
Yay for Plague Rat!
Harley, that looks like the best toy. Ben may not talk to you, but you can talk to him and sing him your song. I'm very happy for you! That is one handsome ratsie!
you didn't just sing that "Ben" song from Willard... did ya?
uh, harley. did you know your new friend is a rat?
Harley, Plague Ratsie looks like lotsa funsie! We think his tail is just the purrfect length to drag him around!
I likes the song at the end... that is very nice. She sang it to me.
She is being very weird today. First she putted blankets on dirts, now she is singing. But she doesn't get ready to go for a walk yet.
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My mom says PLEASE make it stop!
PeeEssWoo: She khonfided in me that she has that 45 in her khollekhtion...khan WOOOOO believe that?
what a great toy!
That plague rat looks like a lot of fun to pounce and wrestle with. I'll have to see if Mom will get me one.
Yay! You gots your plague ratsie. That is so grate.
A plague ratsie! LOL. You lucky guy!!
Harley, you give a furry good demo of that plague ratsie! It makes up want one more and more. Wow, that's some long tail -- my Dante would get off on that. Have lots of fun with Ben!
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay i woodnt wurry abowt gitting the playg frum that rat it duznt luk like it is likely to hav fleez yoo ar lukky its a rat and not a pig tho becuz then yoo mite git the swine floo!!! ok bye
nice friend you have, Harley! so cute!
have a great day! tell your mommie and Daisy that I sent a kiss to them!
all the best for you all!
Ben will be a very nice friend for you, Harley.
Well that toy is too small fer me but you makes a very convinsing case fer it and I wish I has it too. I thinks you should consider being a salesman Harley!
Yer pal Dozer
well harley i am not too crazy about rats but i'm glad you have one to love...
smiles, auntie bee
Wow, that's a lot bigger than feather-butt mousies...and such a long tail!
Harley, That plague ratsie looks fun!
Mama's giggling about your friend's name. I am not sure why. He looks pretty harmless to me.
hi harley! that is a very nice rat you have for a friend. he may not say much but i think he likes you too. have fun playing together!
Hi Harley! I'm so happy you got a plague ratsie!! Ben looks like lots of fun. Enjoy!
Well, if you want a rat for a friend, that is definitely the way to go. Looks like you made a wise choice.
You look like you are having a great deal of fun with Ben.
Harley, Ben looks like a lot of fun to play with...I'm gonna go visit Baby Patches and see if she's got an extra one!
i hate to say it ... but do u know hoo wood luv dat plague rat?
dat'z rite.
he luvz da mowsies ... in fact he brot a reel live ded mowsie home fer mi mom dis mornin.
Awww so sweet :)
Wow Harley, Ben even matches your furs. How cool is that?
Hi Harley, we just found your and Daisy's site! We can't wait to read more about you both! All the kitties are totally jealous of your new toy - they really think that I should get them one. You look like you are having a lot of fun!!
Ben looks like a neat toy. We hopes he doesn't give you the plague, we don't thinks he will. It's good to have friends to play with. ~S,S,C & F
PS: Tell Ben hi for us.
Awe Harley, yoo and Ben look like wunnerful frends...the two of yoo is gonna haf so much fun!
Ben looks like a great friend Harley!!!
Meowm absolutely loves that last picture of you! She wondersi fy our Mom softened the picture somehow!
Uh....Harley? We think that your new friend Ben, wasn't so nice to his old friend, Willard.
What an awesome toy Harley! Does the Valerian make you sleepy, or does the Nip counter it's effect? Valerian tea smells super stinky! :)
Still Ben looks like a very nice friend and I sure hope you have lots of fun together!
Daisy, Cricket actually likes the Cat Dancer the most. She is so graceful and fun to watch. Toeshee needs the exercise because he is getting F A T. He prefers to play fetch.
I can't wait for your card! :)
hugs and purrs,
That looks very fun!
Hello Ben the rat. I think you will be a really good frend for Harley and Daisy. I love your tail.
Harley, Bed might be your new friend but Daisy will always be your best friend - Have fun!
You two are cute together!
That is a very cool toy, Harley, mom just shudders when she thinks of the name. Plague rat! Ugh!
The "Ben" lyrics made me laugh and your photos made me smile as usual!
Harley,that is the coolest rat we have ever seen !!!!!!!! No wonder you like him,he looks like a lot of fun too :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We've been seeing these ratsies all over the blogosphere! We gotta get one of those cuz they sure look like fun!
We like the name Ben for your new pet rat. It looks like he is lots of fun to play with.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Hi Ben, you're filled with catnip and valerian root, how it smells, Harley?
Daisy, please email me, give me your addie if you don't mind, if you don't want to, I'll understand.
Love ya!
Ben looks like a very nice ratty. I used to have my very special Scruffy Rat which I have had since I was a kitten. When the Beans went on holiday last year, Scruffy got lost. Mum says he has to be in the garage somewhere and he will turn up again one day. I really miss Scruffy, and mum has got me another one who looks the same except Scruffy didn't have much stuffing or fur left. Maybe she will get me a plague rat.
Sad Eric
Ben looks like a great rattie Harley. I can see you like playing with him! :) xxx
Ben the plague ratsie looks like a fun friend. I'm sure he won't give you the plage.
Hi, Harley!
Your friend Ben is pawesome!
I am sure you two are going to have great times together!
Kisses and hugs
Harley, I bet you are going to have lots of fun with your new pet rat Ben!
Harley, your new friend is so cute! His tail is so long too! I'm happy you have your very own friend! I know you'll take good care of him!
Oh, that song at the end makes my face go wet. I wish I had my own plague rat like Harley.
We will take Ben over Mr. Shrill any day!
Oh my gosh! I have been hearing abotu this ratsie too!
Mom, mom! I want one too!
Wow!! That is a really cool rat Harley and Ben is a great name!!
Your FL furiends,
PS: Last night was the first time it had rained here in months! We really needed it too! Hope the rain gets down your way soon!
Nice to meet you Ben.Harley is a cool friend to have.
That is so sweet
~ Bae
Great looking rat there! I see you are in love with him!
I luvs dat name! I never thoughts of givings my Plague Ratsie a name. I is so glad your mommy lets you and Daisy gets Ben! Thank you very much for gettings it from momma & me. *nosetaps*
Cute cat with fun toy...enjoy...
What a kool toy! I bet it is addictive. I can see you like him alot because of your crazy eyes, so wide open! Ben's tail is pretty long huh? I think as long as yours Harley. I like the song you wrote. How sweet.
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
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