Monday Funday: Help me spend some moneys!
I been saving up my allowance, and guess what? I already have TEN dollars! See? And you can help me spend it. I want to do something good with my moneys.

I will either buy some toys or some treats for the cats at the shelter my Mommie volunteers at (we will show you photos of how the money was used if you choose either of these), or I will donate the moneys to The Animal Rescue Site, or I will buy a new hat for Harley. Or, you can write in your own answer! Please select your choice in the poll, below. The poll closes at midnight on Wednesday the 13th.
If you cannot see the poll, you can click HERE to take it! You did select an answer, right?

93 Notes for Daisy:
We selected an answer, Daisy! We chose donate to the shelter, because they do such wonderful things for all these kitties!
What an excellent post!
I chose to buy toys Daisy, because I loves to play play play and I'm sure those kitties at the shelter would love to too!
We voted Daisy. Doesn't look like Harley is going to get a hat!
We voted too. We think $10 will buy more treats than cat toys, so we picked treats! Harley will have to make do with his current wardrobe for a while...
We voted too. We thinks the shelter cats at the shelter your Mom volunteers at and Harley came from would like some toys. ~S,S,C & F
We voted for treats. I know you wouldn't be surprised!
: )
I voted!
Huffle Mawson
We voted for treats. You are a kind ladycat, Miss Daisy:)
We chose the toys Daisy, because we think that it's important for the kitties at the shelter to learn how to play, 'cos we understand that some of them have had some tough times in their lives.
Gypsy & Tasha
We voted for the toys, because we know that cats who've had a rough life need to learn to play again. A lot of the time, they don't even know what toys are for, or are scared of them because of what they've gone through. So we voted to get them some toys that they can learn to play with. :)
We voted for the treats because it's hard to know what toys cats will like and I don't think Harley really would particularly like a new hat. All those are good ideas though. I usually just donate money to the shelter and let them decide how to spend it.
We voted for the shelter kitties.We think they would love some toys and or treats.
although we'd love to see harley in a new hat, we chose donate toys to a shelter. They could always use some cheerin up!
Hi Daisy, I voted for your poll. I has an award for you on my blog too!
Definitely no to the hat. Maybe buy toys & treats.
I voted, too, Daisy! No pressure, but you know that the Animal Rescue Site is one of my favorite charities.:-)
It's so sweet of you to use your allowance for the good of other kitties!
That is nice of you, Daisy, wanting to spend you $$ on others...but we wanna know how you get an allowance and we don't! We gotta go talk to Mom about that!
Good for you for giving back Daisy! I voted for giving toys to the shelter cats - treats are gone quickly, and donations are great, but toys allow the cats to de-stress in a stressful place. Good luck with your phil'cat'thropy ;-)
How lovely of you to want to use your savings for others!
Daisy you have such a kind and giving spirit! We are so proud of you, no matter which item wins.
I fink making shelter kitties lives better with toys is a wunderful thing. You could split your money and buy toys and treats for the shelter kitties.
I hope this shelter is not affliated with HSUS. Mombean says HSUS is very bad group- they want to get rid of all pets and pet ownership.
Anuther even better idee is to support an organization like Pet Pac which protects the rites of all who want to have pets.
We voted too, toys for the shelter! Great post Daisy and you are so sweet for sharing your allowance like that!
I think you should MAKE a new hat for Harley!
I think either the shelter or the Animal Rescue Site would be nice. You can make Harley a hat from paper. :)
You're such a giving kitty, Daisy!! Romeo the Cat ( is having his FurPower Challenge this month and the recipient is the TNR group our mom volunteers for. The goal is 1000.00.
No matter where you donate, your money will be going to a great cause, Daisy!
Our Grandma volunteers at the animal shelter nearby and she strictly handles the kitties because everyone gravitates to the dogs. Yes, she bores us all to tears with shelter stories, but I think it is great that she spends her time cuddling all those kitties!
I chose the animal rescue group. So many kitties need forever homes. It is wonderful that you decided to donate your allowance -
You are a very generous cat Daisy. We voted for treats for the shelter kitties, but if toys wins out, that's ok with us too!
Whatever way you look at it Daisy, you are doing a selfless thing. You're a very generous kitty.
I voted for toys because they stick around longer! Either way it's a good thing you are doing with your allowance. BTW, I really liked yesterday's comic, just didn't get a chance to comment...
wow it's a close poll. those are all very nice things you are proposing.
Today in honor of the dog that I lost yesterday at age 14 , I'd love to see those animals get treats. she loved treats Sandy
I voted. What a wonderful and caring, sharing thing to do with your allowance Daisy! You really are a very special cat.
Wow good going. I always steal change from my people and hide it all over the house. So maybe I should see how much I have stashed away and donate it too.
Awesome post, Daisy! We voted!
You are a very generous kitty, Daisy! We voted!
Oh Daisy how nice of you to want to use your money wisely!! We voted!! Have a lovely Monday!!
Your FL furiends,
Even though I know Harley would like a new hat, I voted to donate to the shelter. Harley can get a hat another day!
i said you should donate it to jeter's mom's cancer walk!
smiles, auntie bee
We voted for toys but changed our minds and now think treats would be better. One of the commentators said that you can buy more treats than toys and that's true!
Daisy, that's pawsome of you!
We yikes treatz soz we voted fur da treatz. Oooo, are we supposta tell?
You are so kind to spend your moneys on someone else.
We are promoting your Hallmark card today on our blog.
We voted, Daisy! It's so nice of you to think of others! :-)
you're a sweetie to use your moneys to help out the kitties... it just makes you feel good doesn't it?
I feel good this week too as I'm helping a little donkey sanctuary...they also have 24 cats on the premises (as well as a few other odd man out a pink pot belly pig) that are well looked after by a really nice lady named Sheila... .... and her many volunteers...
You could buy catnip for the shelter kitties or you could buy me a new hat. I love hats that smell like catnip.
We selected an answer. Ten dollars is a lot of money Daisy. WE will look forward to your decision!
That's a nice thing to do with your monies, Daisy. We selected an for the shelter cats!
That is a very neat poll, Daisy. And those are some great choices you gave us.
How nice of you to take your hard earned cash and buy something for someone else Daisy~! doesn't surprise us at all, you are too sweet!
Theodore and Sasha
Ooh my vote is for the second most popular idea! :) I picked it cause it kind of goes with my very first personal saying... I think it's one every kitty should live by! ;)
(12 weeks old today)
I pawed my vote!
All of the above save fur getting Harley a new hat!
PeeEssWoo: Maybe woo should give Harley to the khanines!
I voted for the shelter kitties. Daisy you are very thoughtful and generous.
Can you get treats AND toys for the shelter cats? That would be the greatest!!!!!
I voted to buy toys for the shelter kitties. My reasoning was this:
Kitties in shelters need lots of stuff. Stinky Goodness and crunchy food would be my first choice; treats are nice, but that's dessert, and you don't give a kitty dessert until he's had his dinner. All kitties need toys, too, and shelter kitties need to learn how to play with them so they'll be ready to be cute for when they get a forever home. SO since stinky goodness wasn't a choice, I think toys are more important that treats.
You sure are nice!
We voted fur toys fur da shelter cats...because alla us who haf been in dem shelters knows dat we need some entertainment.
I asked my fur family and they agreed shelter cats need toys to pass the time until they go to their forever homes!
You're very sweet, Daisy. We voted!
You are such a nice cat, Daisy. I don't think Harley is gonna be getting a new hat! I voted too! I can't wait to see the results.
You are a kind and generous girl, Daisy!
toys for shelter cats because kittytoys do a soul good.
It was hard to decide on just one, but I voted.
Oh daisy, you are such a sweetheart. I know those shelter kitties would be so happy to receive a treat. Youre a wonderful kitty!
Thanks for being such a good and generous girl, Daisy!
We chose donate toys to the shelter. I'm sure Harley would approve since he likes toy so much. It was nice of you to think of buying him a special hat. You are very thoughtful to spend your allowance doing something nice.
We should get our 5 Daisy cards from Hallmark by May 18th! We are very excited!
We loved the memory pictures of Pixie. It made us smile to remember her and how much she loved nanners. We still miss her too.
PS Congrats to you Harley on your ASPCA picture! That is wonderful!!
I voted Daisy, and I voted for toys before reading the comments. Having now read them, I agree with Max and lots of the others. Besides which, I bet your lovely Mommie and the other volunteers often buy treats for the kitties, so I'm sure they don't lack for tasty gromph gromphs in addition to their stinky goodness! Playing, or learning to enjoy playing, is so important. PLAYPLAYPLAY, yay! You're a sweet and generous kitty beautiful Daisy :) xxx
How pawsome of yoo to share yer monies! The mom bought some toys fer us at a cat show last year and dey was really inexpensive. We really loves our catnip carrot from there, it even has fevvers. Dis is da ladies site (just incase yoo wants to get sum stuff fer both yoo and Harley and da shelter kittehs)
You are very generous, Daisy! We voted for the treats:)
We voted! We spent all our allowance on Mother's Day so we're going to have to start saving up again!!
jane & Alice
What a nice thing you are doing finding ways to help other kitties with your moneys! I think your mom should buy you something special just for you for being so nice and donating your moneys.
We think you should either buy toys or treats for the shelter because it is more immediate. You will know exactly what your donation is being used for, and you will make some of Harley's friends happy.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
I'm sure Harley doesn't want any more hats so we didn't vote for that one.
As much as Harley deserves a new hat, I think it would be nice for the shelter animals to get some treats. Thank you for being so kind and giving with your moneys, Daisy!
We voted for treats at your Mom's shelter :) We were going to go for toys, but we must have bees craving treats when we voted :) heeheehee
That is a great thing to do Daisy :)
So nice of you to share!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I chose the toys for the shelter. Every kitty deserves a toy. You are a very thoughtful girl.
Hi Daisy!! I fixed my plague ratsie video!
Can't wait to read all about your experience tomorrow!
~Maggie May~
I select the 2nd,
I hope it helps a little bit...
I'm afrade that win I voted I had my own selfish intrists in mind.
I voted for buying treats for the shelter cats!
Kisses and hugs
What a generous kitty you are Daisy! You could have bought a new outfit or treats for yourself! That's why I love ya cause you are always thinking of others! Yea, I voted to donate to the shelter!! *Thumbs Up!*
Oh Daisy I think you should donate and then your Mom should buy you treats.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar verry jenerus to want to spend yore munny to help the poor kitties or yore brother harley!!! my noo frend the broker wot livs in my boiler rum sez that he can dubbel yore munny in a week if yoo let him invest it but i say stik with yore orijinal plans!!! ok bye
Guess what we got in the mail today?? We got your Hallmark Card. It's so cool, we feel lucky to know a famous cat. We're going to save it for a special occasion to use it :)
We voted Daisy! You are very sweet to spend your allowance on others!
We selected an answer, too, Daisy.
Daphne says anytime you want a shopping buddy to spends some money, she's more than willing!
The Purries and Mo
Daisy i fink yoo shud buy a plane ticket and come see me in Canada!!! :)
That's a lot of moneys. You awe vewy good at you get an allowance?
It's hawd to decide, but I think Harley can wewowk some of the old hatses and maybe the sheltew cats can use it bettew
smoochie kisses
Yes donate to the shelter Daisy, all kitties love treats. I hope your mama had a wonderful mothers day.
All of us kitties lubs treats Daisy. Have a purrfect Tuesday!
What a wonderful idea! Of course I voted.
There is a new part of the story on my blog.
We selected treat for the shelter cats Daisy - cos they need treats to cheer them up while they wait for their forever homes.
Voted! What a great cat you are Daisy!
Daisy, Little Honey, Are you feeling okay yet? You look like you have lost some weight. Prayers to you.
Can spend for all choice with $2.5 each?? :D
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