Monday, May 4, 2009

My Hallmark Card!

I have some very exciting news! I entered my photo in a Hallmark card competition. They were looking for funny photos and messages. And guess what? They selected my card as one of 60 finalists! Each of the finalist designs, including mine, will be made into REAL Hallmark cards that you can buy online and in stores.
Below is the image for my card - Hula Daisy! This is one of my favorite outfits. It is very advanced, too, because it has FIVE pieces. And it has lots of pretty colors. The words on the card say:

To celebrate this occasion, I decided to wear my
grass skirt and coconut bra. Maybe I should have
just brought flowers. Congratulations!
You can vote for the grand prize winner by buying my card beginning May 4 (online) and June 22 (in stores). Each card purchased online will equal one vote, and each card purchased in stores across the country will also count as one vote. The top-selling card by September 13 will win $2,500! That is a lot of moneys! If you would like to buy my card online, just click HERE! Or you can go directly to my card here!

If you buy the card online, there is even an option to personalize the card and edit the message so it says just what you want it to say, for whatever occasion you choose.

Are you on your way? I thanks you!


133 Notes for Daisy:

gemmak said...

Oh wow Daisy...congratulations, you are going to be even more famous now! I will try to 'vote' but I'm not sure if it will work from the UK. Good luck tho....I think you must win! :o)

Country Cats said...

Congratulations. We loooove your hula outfit. We are trying to buy a card but we keep getting an error! Don't worry, we will try a little later. Maybe it is still too early in the day to purchase them. Think of all the outfits you could buy with all those monies!

Daisy said...

I think the "Buy Now" button might not be working right yet. I'm sorry :(

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh we will buy your card Daisy! We love your advanced outfit! I hope you win. I am going to show my Hawaiian friend mr Whiskers your card too...
Mahallo Daisy!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

This is so exciting - we'll "vote"!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

I heard about this exciting news last week on FaceBook, Daisy! Me and the Gray Boys wish you great success!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We shall buy some Daisy cards. You look very cute and we hopes you win. ~S,S,C & F

Kathy said...

Count me in, Daisy! I'm so proud of you. You really know how to work a coconut bra like nobody's business. I hope and hope you win! Fame and fortune shall be yours!

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Can't resist that last picture, Daisy. We will definitely be sure to buy your card!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are going to be sooo famous! Maybe there can be a whole line of Daisy cards (and Harley too)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wow, Daisy, now you wil be even more famous!!!

#1 will be in Canada for the month of July and will look for your card there, and get us plentiful stocks!!!

Donna said...

OMG wow! I is so happy for u. :)

CCL Wendy said...

Wow, you can get lotsa votes between now and September! We think you're a winner. Any kitty that would wear a coconut bra and not try to shred it (shredded coconut, get it?) is a winner in our book!

Poppy Q said...

I hope you sell a millionbijillion cards and win lots of moneys. Imagine how many sea monkeys you could buy!!!

Hula on.

Poppy Q

AB clan said...

Daisy we wish you the Win, your post card is just fabulous!
Your dress is so exotic!

ViVi & AB

The Island Cats said...

Daisy...we luvs your card! We gotta get one! And we sure hope you win!

Mom sez she can't wait to see you in the Hallmark stores!

Parker said...

I'm on my way!
How exciting!

RJ Flamingo said...

This is purrrrfect for my niece's graduation - I will do this when I get home tonight and my head works properly (not enough coffee yet). FYI - the buttons seem to be working properly now.

Oh, the cheese site's page is working again, too, if you want to vote for my Brunch Brie Strata, and Spring Brie Mini Subs! :-)

The Creek Cats said...

Wow Daisy, that is so so so exciting! We are so very happy for you! We are gonna go check out the Hallmark store now! Sure hope you win that grand prize!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Wow, Daisy, this is great! I will send my secretary to buy one right now.

Forever Foster said...

That is so cool! We don't know if it will be sold in Australia, so will order some online. How fun!:)

Scrooge said...

I do not think that I would likes to wear a coconut bra.

But you looks very pretty in your card.

I don't gets to go in stores to buy stuffs but She will watch for your card and buy it if she can find it here.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

DAISY!!! CONGRATULATIONS! This is awesome! We are so impressed!!! We are on our way!!!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, we just bought your card online! It is awesome! Mommy is using it as a College Graduation card for Tatum! She graduates on May 17. Will you autograph it for her sometime! WE KNOW A CELEBRITY....YOU!!!

Okay...we gotta go and get more cards! You are purrfection!

Cory said...

That is so cool! We have to buy it! We would love to see a whole line of Daisy and Harley cards for all occasions!

Paula said...

Yay, Daisy! I hope you win!!

Henson Ray said...

Congratulations! That is great news.

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

That is SO cool!!! We are going to buy ours in the store, and we'll tell all our friends to buy them too.

Are you autographing any copies?? ;-) We've never known a real live star before.

JD at I Do Things said...

I'm so excited!

I actually had this marked on my calendar.

I have shared the link on my Facebook page and will be Twittering it all day.


And I'm e-mailing everyone I know.

Daisy, you deserve to win, but even if you don't, congratulations on being a finalist!!!

Dma said...

cool. good luck.

arbed and edgar said...

I think Hallmark won't be able to help themselves but to have a whole line of Daisy and Harley cards.

I think I know the perfect use for this card. I'll buy more than one, too, just in case!

Good luck!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a cute card! Congratulations on being one of the 60 finalists!

Alan said...

I wish you would put a retweet button at the end of your posts, its really REALLY easy to do. I did mine in 5 minutes.

Good luck with your entry.

renovia said...

I purchased 3 and will purchase more when they come out in stores!~

Kathy, Who Doesn't Look Good in a Coconut Bra said...

Daisy -- Just ordered five!!! I'll have five times the Daisy!

Unknown said...

Daisy im so happy for you and your mommy thats wonderful. I will vote for you some more. I hope you win.

Two Greyhound Town said...

Congratulations! You are hitting the big time now!

Nomi said...

I really hope you win Daisy. If I can vote I will but as I live in the Yoo Kay, it may be a bit difficult !

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...


Cats too.

The dogs are NOT impressed.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i went there but didn't see you. you sure are better than any of the ones i saw though! you look so cute! i know you'll win for sure.

smiles, auntie bee

Meghann said...

Wow, good luck Daisy! You definitely deserve to win for going to all that effort to get dressed up!

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

That is very exciting news. You look great in that outfit. Good luck!!!!!

PB 'n J said...

Wow - Concatulations Daisy!!!!! We'll be sure to buy lots of them!

Meowers from Missouri said...

bestest, biggest concatulations, daisy!! we tried to buy the card but got an error--we'll try later.

you is so famous, we gots to wear shades!!

love & purrs,
the meowers

peeyes--we bets you could get some crossover purchases if you can work lizzerds into the next card (we are assuming you will haf yer own line of cards in no time)!

Carol said...

Daisy!! I work at a Hallmark store!!! I will do my best to show everybody your card.
Hmmm...I wonder if I should ask you for your autograph now?
Good luck!

Anlina S. said...

How exciting! Congrats on getting picked Daisy!

MYM said...

This is so exciting! And yes, I'm on my way :)

BumbleVee said...

Wow Daisy! Now I know a real celebrity! good for you.... oh, I hope you get the moneys..... you deserve it. Finally, a paycheque for your modeling! Now to get Harley working for $$$ ..... hmmmmm... thinking cap on.....
ya know...the toolbelt or spy thingy should work for something eventually for him...

robkroese said...

Congrats. That cat looks pissed.

Puglette said...

yay!! how exciting for you and your family! i will be on the lookout for cards in the store and i will definately be shopping online!

i always thought your were a card, and now hallmark thinks so too! ;o)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Daisy this is amazing and quite wonderful!! I cannot wait for the card to come to the Hallmark store, we will buy ten of them!!
Purrrs and love to you and Harleykins


Daisy This is sooooooo FANTASTIC! We are all so proud of you! Did Harley help?


Unknown said...

Well now your a big time star for sure, what a wonderful adventure for you to be known all over the world Daisy. HALLMARK, wow wee! Congratulations.

Babs-beetle said...

Oh daisy! I wonder if they will be sold in the UK. Congratulations!

Reese =^..^= said...

You are one cool cat! Congratuations!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Daisy that is so exciting! YEAH!!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh Daisy! *clapping paws* This is so awesome! Even my daddy is impressed with your skills. We are totally headed there to get your cards (and vote). Mommy loves sending birthday cards and this is a very very good reason - and funny card - to send!!

Congrats to you Daisy!!! Good luck! We're sure you'll be #1.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are so excited for you, Daisy,
A dream come true!
We will buy a card.
~ The Bunch

Jans Funny Farm said...

Daisy, This is exciting news! We hope you win.

Anonymous said...

I love it and I'm on my way...Congratulations :)

Janet said...

Wow, Daisy! That's awesome! You should have an entire LINE of cards featuring you and your beautiful fashions!

The Devil Dog said...

Wow, Daisy, that is really cool. Soon everyone can have a hard copy of you.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations - we registered a vote by sending a card with your picture via Hallmark for a belated birthday!

Sandy, Toni, Rusty

Sarge Charlie said...

I hope you win lots of monies

~Story said...

Daisy thats so exciting!!!!!!!!!!

Asta said...

That is asoooo pawsome..I'm going to go buy one fow suwe!
I always thought you looked so festive in that outfit..It's pawfect!
I hope you winsa ALL the moneys and can help some othew fuwwfwiends wif it
love and smoochie kisses

Luzinha said...

hey, dear Daisy! congrats! you are amazing!

I hope that you make a lots and lots of "votes"!

thanks for the message on the Black! today is a hard day to me!

all the best for you, Daisy, and for all of you! have a great day!

Max said...

This is so cool! I'll go vote right now!

The Crew said...

We're so proud of you, Daisy. You're already the winner in our book!!

Thoughts said...

Wow Daisy that is the coolest thing we have ever heard! You are REALLY famous now!!! Congratulations on being so sweet and adorable!

Purrs and hugs,
theodore and sasha

Anonymous said...

How furry 'citin!! Daisy we is so proud of yoo and we is goin to make sure we has mom search yoo out at da store!

Mo and The Purries said...

Wow Daisy, that is awesome!
We are so proud of you!

Plus, we love that picture of you, it makes us smile!
Mo & The Purries

Cat with a Garden said...

This is huge, Daisy! We will have to check if we can vote buy getting your card too. It would go as a piece of art on the wall, though.
Siena and Chilli

P.S.: Please tell Harley that it was very sweet of him to worry about me being unsnoopervised outside. Mom was terrified too but thankfully I came so fast she didn't have to worry a long time. Siena

Kelli said...

Daisy, congratulations! A true star is born...
I most certainly will vote.

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is very cool, Daisy!! Congratulations :-D

Anonymous said...

Miss Daisy that is so very exciting!!! And we thinks the card is just puurfect like you!!
I can't believe all my famous furiends now! :)

Skeezix the Cat said...

Concatulayshuns!!!! I never had any dowt. Now I'm gonna go and buy a sqwillion cards!

Mrs Sweetwater said...

I Got My CARD !!!!!!
I was patient and the process was painless.

Thanks Daisy, now all I need is that Autograph ;)

Theresa111 said...

Dearest Daisy,

What did I predict? This. You are going to be one of the most famous kitties ... ever!


Theresa, Joe & Bobby

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to buy your new card, Daisy! Is it okay if we tell everyone at the store that you're our furriend?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Concatulations Daisy!!!!! We can't purchase online, but we will purchase in store!!!

Debbie said...

You so deserve to be in the top 60! I hope your picture in the post today means you are feeling better.

Kimo and Sabi said...

In da werds of Pariz Hilton - "That's Hot!"

Peggy's Place said...

WOW! yea for you Daisy.. we're on our way to buy one now.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Congrats Daisy!
you are so photogenic, and yes, that was indeed a complicated outfit with five pieces!!!!
We are going to buy a few and tell people we know the model!

Mickey's Musings said...

Way to go Daisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love your outfit and really hope you win :) How exciting!!
Good Luck!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

AM said...

We can' t get enough of that picture! Everytime we see you in that hula outfit, we laugh & laugh. Not at you of course, just because you are so darn cute!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh my Cod!!! Daisy, this is so wonderful and awesome! Congratulations! We have marked our calendar to go look for your card in our local Hallmark card store.


Pandafur said...

That is so exciting Daisy - you is a star!

Anonymous said...

How EXCITING!! We're not too good at buying cards online but we'll try and when it's in the store we'll buy THOUSANDS of them!! Well, at least several. Congratulations Daisy!!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Wow! Congratulations! We LOVE your card, and we just ordered three of them online. We know Hallmark will sell a squillion of them.

Mishkat said...

Congratulations, Daisy (and Daisy's mom too!) We really like the card!

SophieKitty said...

Daisy, that is so awesome! Mommie's friend just got a new job, so your card is perfect! I really want you to win.

Kibb said...

Congratulations. You deserve it: you're so gorgeous with your big eyes. x

Liss said...

We can't wait to get our card!

carlota said...

congratulations are so famous! will buy one later this month for a dear friend on her bday.

brokenteepee said...

Yay! Daisy...I hope you sell lots and lots and lots and lost of cards.
You look so cute in your Hawaiian garb.

The Creek Cats said...

We ordered your card! Mom is using it as a wedding card for her bestest friend. You rock, Daisy!

Lorenza said...

Congratulations Daisy!
Yes, I am on my way!
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

Good luck, Daisy -- we hope you win!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Good lukhk too woo!


Katie said...

Congratulations Daisy - that's wonderful! I hope you win - your card is the best! :)

Just Ducky said...

Cool beans Miss Daisy. Mum loves the Hallmark cards with cats on them.

Maureen said...

Awe-SOME Daisy!!!!! Congratulations!

Can I have your paw-tagraph on one?

Tuck said...

That is awesome! I will ask my mom to buy some of your cards!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Wow! So many green papers if you won! We will tell everyone about your card and just like when Coco won Cat President...we know that friends votes count! We love your hula girl outfit, too and the coconut bra us Rex cats need one, too MOL

Sassy Kat said...

Will soon be on my way! That is a great contest and I am not surprised that your card was chosen. I hope you win. You will be rich with all the royalities that Hallmark will give you. You can retire, maybe even your mom can to and you can support her with the $$$$$.

Your Daily Cute said...

Aw! That is so exciting! Congratulations on being a famous card cat!

I hope you win. I'm sure there's someone I can send your card... ;)

Daisy Deadhead said...

Going nationwide and getting famous! (don't forget your friends, Daisy!)


Cat Street Boyz said...

That is awesome Daisy! Mom is gonna get one or more too...We are sure you will win!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Concats Daisy!! You look marvelous!

Black Cat said...

Oh Daisy, this is awesome!!! Will I be able to buy them here in England? If you know, please email me at blackDOTcatsDOTfolliesATgmailDOTcom. If I can't, I'll take a chance and buy online with my unsecured debit card (apparently my income is too low to qualify for a secure credit card) coz your card is really great and I want you to win and I could buy enough cards to send to all my relatives and friends for their birthdays and Christmas and... OK, shut up now Penny.

Luvzya :) xxx

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Daisy, congratulations. We will buy a daisy card and vote for you. You could buy lots of pretty pink things if you won.

jenianddean said...

Concats Daisy! You are even more famous now! What in the world are going to do with all those green papers if you win???

I can't wait to order my card.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Motor Home Cats said...

Congratulations Daisy. We are so excited for you. Are you feeling better?

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is really great news Daisy. You are so pretty... That will be so cool! I will know a famous cat!

Misha said...

That's gonna be the bestest selling card ever! Wish we could buy them in NZ :(

Milo and Alfie said...

Daisy, that is wonderful noos! You are both pretty and talented. Good luck in the competishun! We'll tell Mom straight away about the card.

Boy n Beethoven said...

Wow wow Wow!!! You're famous Daisy! I hope you win!


i beati said...

I always buy cards. You should create a line of funny everyday cards. That's what I always need stay in touch kind of cards. you look better Daisy Sandy

GSD Adventures said...

THAT IS SO AWESOME!!! Congrats!!!

We've got a cool contest going on right now - you should enter!

Pruett and Daphne

Mrs. Mecomber said...

Wow, Daisy, WOW! I will buy your card. I really hope you win! And now you are famous! Just think-- I will be able to tell my grandchildren and great-grandchildren that I-- lowly I-- KNEW Daisy the Curly Cat!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm telling all my friends!

Noll's Nip said...

Aloha and congrats. You are marvelous darling!

Anonymous said...

Hey Daisy congradulashuns on this eksiting noos! I will go vote fer you rite now. I jest hope they do not ask me fer my voting rejistrashun kard cause I does not have one!

Yer pal Dozer

Unknown said...

oh Daisy your card will sell like KRAZY for sure!! I vote for you!! I is glad you get better!! love, goma!

The Fitness Diva said...

Awwww....look at YOU, Daisy!
I knew it would just be a matter of time before you became super famous!
You really are a STAR, and I can't wait to go find your card and buy it!
You should definitely win! Congrats, girl! ;)

Samantha & Mom said...

WOW!!! That is a great card Daisy!! We are so excited for you!! We will go and vote for you!
Your FL furiends,

Lisa said...

Congrats! What an honor to be nominated...but then again, that is quite a charming photograph!

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Oh, we totally missed this, but congratulations!

free cracked softwares said...

Really very awesome blogs for pets...

meemsnyc said...

We are so excited that you are going to become a Hallmark card. HOW so very cool!!

Kathy said...

Daisy! Guess what?! I got my cards in the mail yesterday and they're beautiful! All coconutty! They're too pretty to use, so I'll just have to congratulate people the old fashioned way. I might take one card out of the package and frame it so I can see you every day! Oh, and you should make a Daisy and Harley calendar. I would buy that, too!

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