Many of you know I was very sick last week. But I am much better now! And here is the secret of my quick recovery: Nurse Shrill. I had to recover so he would stop chasing me around with the thermometer.

Stay away from me, Nurse Shrill! Unless you can prove you are a licensed nurse.

Strong Motivation
84 Notes for Daisy:
If he goes near your number 13 spot, I think you better squash him!!
I am glad you are feeling better Miss D, and the snuffles are going away.
Be careful daisy - that Miss Shrill looks more like Nurse Beverly Allit! Don't trust her!
And I was so looking forward to seeing Harley in a nurse's uniform...
Glad you're feeling better, Daisy!
I am a bit suspicious of Mr Shrill. Where does he plan to stick that thermometer?
Oh and I hope your card will be available in Australia!
Huffle Mawson
We would get better fast too, if we had THAT kind of nurse chasing us with a thermometer!
ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
look at his little toofies... too cute!
daisy, your mommie MIGHT have a little bit too much time on her hands! ha ha ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
We are glad you are feeling better.
purrs from us,
Spice Cats
AAAAAAAaahhhhhhh! Run Daisy!! I can certainly see why you had to hurry up and get better! I think your mommy had better take that thermometer away from Nurse Shrill.
Yikes! Daisy, I agree - Nurse Shrill should have his license yanked!
We are very glad you are better Daisy.
Nurse Shrill looks scary. ~S,S,C & F
I'm so glad you are almost mended now....I wouldnt trust that Mr Shrill to nurse you!!!
Our cats and dog don't like getting their temperature taken either. I don't blame them. I am glad you are feeling better.
Nurse Shrill, you are a treasure. Hahaha!
I'm so glad you are much better, Daisy! Although I'm having a hard time believing that Mr. Shrill had much to do with that!
Head-bonks from Gandalf and Grayson!
Daisy, if him keeps boffuring yoo- lemme knows, i will come offur quick an SMASH him! -tesla
We wouldn't want Nurse Shrill coming at us with that thing!!!
Daisy, we're glad you're feeling better!
Anyone holding a thermometer and smiling that largely has got to be treated with suspicion. I am glad you are feeling better Daisy!
Glad you're feeling better. And I understand you felt motivated..
Happy that you're better Daisy. Maybe Nurse Shrill was trying to be nice? (and that wasn't an oral thermometer was it?)
Oooooo, Daisy. I don't blame you. That look on Nurse Shrill's face is evil.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Oh Daisy, I is glads you is better now. Nurse Shrill doesn't looks like a nurse I would wants to get too close to!
Oh yes, that's a reason to get better! We are glad that you are feeling better Daisy!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
I am very happy you are feeling better Miss Daisy, not so sure about nurse shrill.....
Nurse Shrill is going to give me nightmares. However, it will be worth all the nightmares in the world to have you feeling better, Daisy.
"nurse" Shrill would be squished flat if he came at me with one of those things and I'm sure you'd do the same thing...glad you're feeling better!
I am glad u are feelin better, Daisy! I do not like goin to the Dokter either. Even if Daddy does let me sit on the couch and have vanilla cookeys after.
Oh my! I don't like to think about where Nurse Shrill would put that thing. It makes one shudder. Glad you're better, Daisy Dear.
glad u are feeling better. i see why staying away from nurse shrill would be helpful motivation.
Oah Wowww....
That is not good, I am so worry Daisy's spot 13!
But I am very glad she is better now!
So glad you are feline better now, Daisy! I was worried about you!
I'm glad you're feeling better Daisy and I'm sure that nurse had a lot to do with it! Also, concatulations on your Hallmark card!
Oh goodness! We are so glad that you are feeling better! We think that maybe you should smash that nurse!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That nurse would scare us into wellness also!!!!!
It's good to hear you are feeling much better now, Daisy. Nurse Shrill sounds like s/he trained with Nurse Ratchet. Sort of a licensed impractical nurse.
Wes are so glad to hears your doing well. And now nurse Shrill can not chase you with that ole thermometer now. Have a purrfect Tuesday Daisy.
Maybe Nurse Shrill can help the student at my school who has the swine flu. Then again, if she did, I might have to go back to work.
Daisy I am glad you are better but I am sorry that you had to put up with that...
Daisy, so glad you're feeling better. I thought about you a LOT and hoped you'd get much better very fast.
Who knew Mr. Shrill thought he was a nurse. We would be a little bit wary of him with the thermometer and our spot 13. We are so glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
So happy you are feeling better.
That nurse is scary!
Mr. Shrill has a sister???
Double trouble!
oooh..ouch...just thinking about that one hurts! duck and cover...and,
get better quick!
Daisy we are so happy that you feel better. I do not think I would trust Nurse Shrill either, speshally with that scary looking pokey thing!
We have an award for you on our bloggie!
We are very happy to hear you are feeling much better, Daisy! Nurse Shrill would be a great incentive to do so!
Oh Miss Daisy! Opus and I are so proud of you! Your very own Hallmark card! I must buy one!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I hope that you will feel good enough to enjoy cinco de mayo!
Much love,
Daisy, I am very glad you are feeling better, being sick is no fun - especially if you have a Nurse Shrill!
I bet woo will NEVFUR be sikhk again!
PeeEssWoo: Glad woo are feeling better!
Nurse Shrill??!! I think not!
Do not send her to Virginia. infact, no just put her in a box or something quick!
I am glad you recovered from your nasty cold!
Hugs and purrrs
I am so happy that you are better Daisy! Nurse Shrill is rather scary! Where did he get that uniform?
I am very excited for you Hallmark card! I can't wait to buy one (or two or three) :)
Have a great day!
If I were you, I'd keep my tail down low, Daisy! ~Tristan
Nurse Shrill??? Now I've seen everything!
Glad you are feeling better, Daisy.
It is good you are feeling better. Is your site sick? I had trouble getting into it today. You didn't give it a cold, did you?
Nurse Shrill looks kind of scary to me!
I am so glad you are feeling better! Oh, and stay away from that thermometer......but you probably know where that gets stuck!
I would run away from Nurse Shrill as well. We are glad you are feeling better.
I'm not sure what is scarier--the thermometer or Mr. Shrill so happy to be using it?!! Eeek. I know where that kind of thermometer goes....:(
We're so glad yoor feeling better Daisy. We can see where being chased around by "nurse" Shrill with that thermometer could be motivation. We're kinda hoping he was actually trying to be helpful but somehow we doubt it.
Hi Daisy,
That is SO COOL that you do clicker training too! Wow - my human is really impressed because everyone says cats are so much harder to train than us silly dogs...your human must be a really good trainer!
Hsin-Yi wanted to start trying clicker training with Lemon but sadly, she died before Hsin-Yi had a chance. She is definitely going to try when we finally get our next kitty.
So glad you're feelign much better!
Honey the Great Dane
I would have gotten well weally fast too wif nuwse shwill chasing me, hehehe, I bet I know whewe she would have stuck that thewmometew.
I'm glad she didn't
smoochie kisses
We're so glad you are feeling better. I'd get better too just so Nurse Shrill didn't come after me with that thing.
How do we know where that thermometer has been? :-o
Yikes! That is very good incentive to get better. Glad you're back to your sweet self, Daisy.
Nurse Shrill looks a bit combative with her arms terrormeter, she really wants to poke you with that!
Miss Daisy, I think that Nurse Shrill needs extra training. In fact, I'm thinking a background check and some references might be a good idea. Nurse Shrill doesn't look very, uh, uh, nursey.
Glad you are feeling much better!
That is a very good motivation!
Kisses and hugs
I hope you feel better Daisy and that nurse Shrill does not catch up to you with that thermometer!
Omigosh. That thermo thingy is the worstest part of enny trip to the v-e-t!!
Yer pal Dozer
So glad to hear you're feeling better, Daisy! That nurse sure looks like motivation to get better quicker
Nurse Shrill... isn't that a Stephen King book?
Uh oh, Nurse Shrill scares me!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Run Daisy, run. Stay away from Mr. Shrill!
Hi Daisy,
Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Oh noes! Not the dreaded thermometer!
Glad you're feeling better :)
Glad you are feeling better and thanks to nurse Shrill. :)
A little resemblance to Nurse Ratchette.
That would motivate you to feel better.We're so glad you're well.
Miss Shrill looks like Mr. Bill. I hope you took care of her in similar fashion !!!
Oh no...quick, cover up Spot 13!!
Run Daisy Run! :D
He looks like he could be my blog mascot!
Oh no Daisy!! Run from that thermometer!! We are glad you are feeling better!
Your FL furiends,
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