Thursday, June 18, 2009

Harley Ruins My Good Time

This is a story about how Harley ruined my good time. As usual!
So, I was relaxing in my Hepper Pod with the top off. I even got a special blankie to make my pod even more luxurious. Suddenly, I felt some crazed eyeballs trained on me.
It was HARLEY! Come to try to STEAL the Hepper Pod from me. Even though he already has a bed that is his alone. Because I do not like that bed. Here is Harley looming over me.
I tried to tell him very nicely to leave me alone. But he would not go away.
And then Harley launched his attack. It was like battling a giant ORCA!
Harley finally left me alone. But now my good time is ruined.


106 Notes for Daisy:

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh wow, we is FERST!!!

Harley, sometimes you just haf to let the sisfurs be by themselfs on their pretty beds. then they will play wif you later.


Milo and Alfie said...

OH Harley. That was very norty! Tee hee!

Daisy, we are sending you BIG runbly purrs to help harmonize your day again. Smooches and purrs.

suzanna said...

Notti Harley!

Boy, Daisy, you sure looked pissed off! :D

Parker said...

Wow Daisy, you really do look crabilated!

Poppy Q said...

Harley you should leave your big little sisfur alone in her bed.
We hope you learn to play nice together.


Kathy said...

Oh, no! A flat-eared Daisy is an unhappy Daisy. I'm sorry Harley the Orca ruined your good time. If you want to get him back, maybe mess up his fur when he's sleeping? He won't know who did it!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh poor Daisy! Little siblings can be so pesky when you are relaxing and they just land on you and take away your peace and quiet. Sigh......

Your Friend,

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh Boys! Can't live with 'em, Can't live without 'em...Snakes and Snails and Puppy dog tails...

Anonymous said...

We are very sorry, Daisy. We laughed at your very crabillated face. That was not very nice at all.

If you like, we'd be happy to have a word with the giant Orca, um, we mean Harley, about respecting your space.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You do look very angry Daisy. Maybe he just wanted to snuggle. ~S,S,C & F

Freya's Staff said...

Aww, poor Harley! He just wants to be friendly, and share a cuddle!

I think you're a bit of a grump.

Go Harley I'm on your side!! :-)


Slash and Bronzy said...

You look so grumpy in that last pikshur, Daisy. Harley is furry notti! But I hope you cuties haf made up already.


Boy n Beethoven said...

Oh dear poor Daisy! Wittle bwothers are weawwy difficult aren't they? Harwey behaves just wike That Thing sometimes!


Dma said...

i've not fought an orca. if i ever do, i'll do the daisy stare down to scare him.

Spunky Doodle said...

Wow, Daisy, I never saw you so upset! Sometimes Manny and me want the same spot too. I usually win because he knows I am boss of my house even though he is bigger and stronger. Male cats think they can dominate us, but we get the final say!

The Island Cats said...

As our mom sez...boys will be boys!!

Hansel said...

ahahahahhahaha that looks like tesla and hansel all the time! He always tries to steal her bed. And she hisses and whaps him in the face!

The Monkeys said...

Way to show him who's boss, Daisy!

We laughed about the giant Orca! haha!

The Florida Furkids said...

Oh no, that wasn't very nice of Harley. We can tell by that last picture that your fun nap was ruined.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

pee ess - does Harley get in the Hepper Pod with the lid on? Tamir has never tried and we think it's because he's so big.

Lin said...

Hobbes does that too! Maybe it is a silly "boy thing". Sigh. I'm glad you held your ground, Daisy. You showed him that you are boss! Love your face afterwards.

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, poor Daisy! Those are some crazed eyeballs, indeed! Maybe Harley just wanted to lie on top of you and squash you, like Gus does with Pru. Either way, I'm very sorry he ruined your good time. You certainly do look crabby in that last picture.

The Creek Cats said...

Oh man, it's sure isn't any fun when your good time gets ruined! We have a Harley too, his name is Ferris! He is a total killjoy!

Hope your day improves, Daisy!

Unknown said...

Daisy is that rambunctious brother trying to steal your thunder again -- I see you put him in his place, but you do look a little ticked off, oh sibling rivalry.

Anonymous said...

It was not very polite of Harley to try and steal your bed and ruin your good time Daisy. You were right to tell him off!

CCL Wendy said...

I don't blame you fur being upset Daisy! You were just minding your own business and Harley wanted to take over your comfy spot. He sure was aggressive, but you won in the end.

So, just try to let it go and relax. Brofurs can be pesky sometimes, but then they go away.

Cory said...

Daisy, we apologize because we are laughing...but those ears of yours and that face!

Harley...silly boy.

Sweet Purrfections said...

You look pretty crabilated, Miss Daisy! But it looks like you won because you are still in your bed.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Good job, Daisy, protecting your bed from Orca! hahaha! We love that name!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo go Girrrrrl!

PeeEssWoo: Furry nice kholours fur your blankie!

Donna said...

My favrit place to take a nap is rite on the floor. Also, the big bed in my Mom's room is nice.

Forever Foster said...

Harley, out of the goodness of her heart, Daisy let you have the bed that she doesn't like all to yourself! Surely that's enough?!

Audrey said...

This was very sad daisy. if i am relaxing in bed and someone bothers me i get very upset as well. your bed and blanket look very confy. i am glad you defended it so well!!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Poor Daisy! Brothers can be such brats!!!

Love, The Taylor GirlSSS

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh you poor little thing! just laying in your pod all nicely and everything and bam. big brother (little brother?) comes along and messes with you. drat...

smiles, auntie bee

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Lilly Lu here daisy this is my life maxie dose this to me all the time !!!!!!!!! brother are so pesky you know

Lilly Lu

Harly Inroge LIlly silly Lu You the man cat you have the right to go were ever you want even daisy bed and lauching an attack is all far in the game of i want that bed your in

Maxie who done the excited same thing to my sister more than once

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, you do look unhappy. We're sorry Harley ruined your good time. We hope you'll forgive him.

i beati said...

yes I can see the consternation on your face..adn Harley must learn some manners..sandy

BumbleVee said...

bad Orca, bad Orca!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Daisy! Your little crabilated face is wonderful! We are sorry we didn't mean to laugh about Harley spoiling your day, but you have got the most expressive face.

Puglette said...

siblings...they can drive you batty! that is a very cranky face you have, i am sorry your good time did not last long.

that is a very cute blanket you have, did your mom make that for you?

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh Daisy, that is EXACYLY what goes on at my house! My mom is laughing (thank you for that she says, she needed it), but I know how you feel. My brother ruins my good time all the time too.
I must say that blankie in your pod looks super luxurious, and if you don't know me well enough, I love luxurious things!

Janet said...

Poor Daisy! That was naughty behavior on Harley's part! :-(

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Daisy, you look so very upset! Boys can be such pests!

Mishkat said...

We have exactly the same problem at our house, Daisy (mom blogged about it on the first three days of this week!) Tasha says she wishes she could make faces like you, though - that would definitely keep the boys off her stuff.

P.S. Our mom laughed out loud at the Giant Orca part! In the photo, Harley kind of looks like one :)

Chrissie said...

Miss Daisy, I know exactly how you feel! You know I do! I must say that Harley looks decidedly Orca-ish in the photograph. And, my dear, you look extremely crabilated. I'm very sorry he ruined your good time.

Split Rock Ranch said...

Oh Daisy, guys are such a pain aren't they?!

Meghann said...

Aww, poor Daisy, I think you deserve a little chin scratch and a treat after that unprovoked attack!

Liss said...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I would be very annoyed as well.

The Furry Kids said...

Dear Daisy, I feel your pain. EG tries (and succeeds) stealing my bed every morning. It blows.

Your pal,

PS - Your hepper pod looks super comfy. Do they come in dawg sizes? Not that that would matter anyway since EG would steal it from me. Darn it.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

ROFMOL!!!!! A giant Orca!!! Hahahaha!!! We are sorry he ruined your good time though Daisy.

Quill and Greyson said...

A GIANT ORCA! OMC that was funny. Your Hissed face was serious.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Waking up to those Crazed Eyeballs must be a bit on the Scary side!
And he does look just like an orca in attack mode in that picture!
Your Pod bed is very lovely and feminine looking with that blankie in it!

brokenteepee said...

Whoa, Daisy, that is some fierce face you have.

If I didn't know better I would be scared of you.

The Devil Dog said...

Wow, look at that attack! Look at that hiss! Loos at that peeved off face you are making. Not that I blame you. Harley should learn to what alone time is, when he leaves you alone!


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Daisy, you sure do look mad, and I would be, too!
~ Noah

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Poor Daisy! I can see you really tried to reason with that naughty boy Harley. That was not nice of him to ruin your day like that.

What a lovely blankie and sleeping place...till that rascal Harely messed your beauty sleep up!

Max said...

I totally feel your pain. Buddah ruins things for me all the time. In fact just this morning I got up and realized he was still whole day, totally ruined... ;)

Sassy Kat said...

That last photo certainly sums up how you felt about Harley bothering you while you were trying to have the quiet time. Maybe it might help if you think that Harley loves you so much that he just wants to be near you. I know you won't like that idea OK how about Harley just loves to bother you. Yes that is it!

Asta said...

Aww Daisy
Maybe Harley just wanted to play and got cawwied away..he's still too young to know when you should politely let someone west.
I hope you wewe able to wetwieve youw good time
smoochie kisses

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Oh no, Daisy... brothers can be SOO annoying! I know all about that now!
My brother doesn't even FIT in my bed, and he still tries to use it!!

BeadedTail said...

Boy Daisy, you sure are mad at your little big brofur! We're impressed your fought off that Orca and hope you were able to resume your peaceful nap in your pod.

LZ said...

Daisy! You made the LL laugh, I didn't think that would ever happen again!! Giant Orca...hahah. We still love to go into our pod (with the top on). All of us like it so we take turns, well, Latte and I are always on the same turn but Chase can only fit himself.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

On behalf of mancats effury where...we're sorry. It's a thing, we just gotta, we can't help it. I do it to both my sisfurs...dey look all comfy and dat makes my brain go "attack"! Sometimes dey beat me up, sometimes dey just ignore me.~Speedy
Daisy, brofurs are a pain in da a$$ Zippy! Oh mom, it's not like yoo've never sed the same thing...

Anonymous said...

Hey Daisy I knows you feel cause I have an evel roommate wut steels all my toys and treets and even my wunnerful new bed! But I knows you luv Harley even tho he is a rascal sumtimes. He is too hansum to be mad at fer long.

Yer pal Dozer

The Kitty Krew said...

Harley, that wasn't very nice of you to attack Daisy...

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy

Ikaika said...

Daisy, even when crabilated by Harley, you still look cute!! There are two orca kitties in our house -- both of them are my spicy vixens, so I don't mind at all sharing my beds!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy you look really ticked off in that last photo! Beautiful blanket tho...

Unknown said...

Oh Daisy, that seems entirely unfair. Still, it's better than what Mica did to me. First, he peed in my bed. Yes! It's NOT a litter box! Then the other morning, he pooped in it. WTF??? Anyhow, I now have a new stripey bed that's even bigger and better than the last one, so maybe he did me a favor...

Your pal,


Sarge Charlie said...

harley better watch his step wit miss daisy.

Stacy said...

The photos really tell the story well! Maybe you should look into building a moat around your bed to keep out Harley. :)

Oscar, Expat Cat said...

Tell Harley, who is the boss in the house, Daisy!

Motor Home Cats said...

Daisy, you do look a bit crabilated in that last picture. We think you defended your territory well.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Reese =^..^= said...

Harley is a giant Orca!

Peggy's Place said...

Brothers are such a pain. Yea for you for standing your ground. But don't be surprised if it happens again, boys never learn.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Daisy, you just make that bed look so comfy that Harley wanted to try it. In that last picture it is obvious that you are very frustrated at his little coup attempt!

Nomi said...

One unhappy Daisy I think !

Black Cat said...

Giant Orca, hahaha! Sorry to laugh Daisy, but he does look like one in that photo and your crabilated look is an absolute picture! Well done for standing your ground! :) xxx

Debbie said...

Brothers can be like that!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Little brother is always rude,
you just give Harley a great lesson, I mean... one of good lessons...

He still need time...

Anonymous said...

Harley, dood, yoo was jus playin wif her, right?

Bonnie Story said...

Time for total crabilation, and I cannot blame you honey. That is a big, mean Orca. You did good, sugarpot. Blech - did you have to spit out orca furs? OMG little brothers are just such a pain sometimes. Too bad that your nice relaxation time got ruined... breathe deeply. The horror.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are sorry Daisy! You look so ruffled and upset! Sandusky sometimes does similar.... only he doesn't look like an ORCA!!

Everycat said...

Aww Daisy, there will be other good times very soon when you calm down and get over the giant orca attack.

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

Crikey always does that kind of nonsense too! Just when I settle in to rest, he tries to lick my tail:( ~Tristan

Rebecca said...

Poor Daisy! Harley is all ORCA!!! :S

P.S. That made me laugh!! Sorry. :|

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
You looked really comfy there!
Sorry Harley ruined your good time!
Kisses and hugs

Fred said...

Daisy, that is one mean look.

renovia said...

ouch, that look hurt me and I didn't even do anything!

Anonymous said...


SophieKitty said...

You look quite crabilated, Daisy. Sorry Harley ruined your good time. That totally bites.

Anonymous said...

I must say that's a very unhappy face going on in that last photo! I know just what you mean though about having your good time spoiled. Alice does that to me but it certainly isn't anything like battling a giant Orca!!


PS I'm envious of your pod!

Just Ducky said...

You certainly don't look very happy now Daisy. Cheer up, the weekend is almost here.

Your Daily Cute said...

Oh that Harley... I love your special blanket! Is it handmade for you?

Anonymous said...

I hope you got lots of comforting and plenty of Temptations after that harrowing experience!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Boys can be such bun-kisses!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Do yoo need me to come over and beet him up? Cuz I can! And I will! I did a werkowt today so I am espeshully buff. And musselly.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh no Daisy!! You looked so comfortable and just ready to chill!! Then pounce!! Brothers can be bratty! Hope you got to rest after Harley left!!
Your FL furiends,

The Crew said...

Oh my goodness, Daisy. You are most definitely wearing your crabillated face after being so rudely attacked.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow!!! i hav batteld an orca wunse as wel ummmmm wel ok maybe i didnt battel it so mutch as i didnt no it wuz their wile my sister trouble wuz trying to eet it but ennyway orcas ar nuthing but trouble!!! ok bye

Maureen said...

LOL!!! What a FACE!!!!

Poor Daisy... I know how you feel. There is nothing worse than a rude awakening.

My but that bed DOES look comfy!

meowers from missouri said...

oh, daisy! if looks could roast, harley'd be toast!

brofurs; ya can't lif wif 'em, ya can't sell 'em fur spare parts!

sympathetic purrs,

Janet Roper said...

Oh Daisy,
I'm sorry you were attacked by Orca Harley! I'd be crabby too......

Lidia said...

Hi, I just started following you in twitter cause your blog is very funny and I love to keep up with what daisy. She is the cutest cat!!!! I also have a cat named lily.

Pandafur said...

Diasy you has purrfected that angry look. Verry impressive!

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Hahaha, we shouldn't be laughing, but we find you so unbelievably cute, we can't help it!

I say you plot something to get him back! That Harley, just like Tofu...can never leave me alone.


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