It's been a while since we had a guessing game! I thought of a good one. Are you ready?
What is this thing? 
It looks kind of like a roast chick-hen! Let me take a closer look...

Have you figured it out yet? I think this might be a real easy one.

You know what to do! When you know the answer, press the Answer Button to see if you are correct!

Monday Mystery: What is that?
85 Notes for Daisy:
Oh. I thought it was some kind of fortune cookie.
Huffle Mawson
We thought it was a headless lady who needed to use the litter box really badly!
Lol Daisy, that's a goodo one. I had no idea what it was, I had to press the button!
We just wasn't sure wot it was! We hadta press the button to find out. :sigh:
We thought it was a wonton!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I thought it was a wonton, but knew it had to be something to eat. I love Tom's answer, though! MOLMOMLMOL at that.
ouch I thought it was somekind of fortune cookie or matzo ball oh my ..I promise to do better. I see you had your thinking eyes on Daisy..sandy
Yup I was going for the fortune cookie too.
We got it right. Mommy has some in the refrigerator. She is going to make Tortellini Soup with it. ~S,S,C & F
Daisy, it must be a game for look at this weird picture! we just got back from Chey's blog where they did something similar! we got it wrong both times!
hahah Miss daisy you fooled us a cause of the little bits in the pasta! That's not fairs! we only see the smooth kind.. that's like asking someone what crunchy peanut butter looks lie, I mean who eats the crunchies? hahaha
Ha! Ha! What a great game, Daisy! I thought it was some kind of I guess that was close! It looked awfully weird, whatever it was!
Honey the Great Dane
Honestly, Daisy...we didn't have a clue on this one!
*I* finked it was a steamed bun from a dim sum restaurant.
The color threw me off a bit, but I knew it was something food-like! I did Italian today, too! I guess great minds think alike!
Mom loves Tortellini. We think it looks very whap-able, Daisy!
That sure is a weird looking thing and you're right, it kinda does look like a chick-hen!
Nom nom nom!
wow, we thought it was like a chick-hen
Drats, we also thought it was some sort of wonton!
So clever!
I didn't know what it was but I wanted to eat it :)
I thought it was dim sum...and I was starting to look for some sauce!
I would be very happy to bitey it and see what is inside!
Now I should have known that, but I was thinking is was a won-ton - same thing sort of...
Darn! We thought it was a won ton!
Happy Monday!
no idear what that was. none whatsoever.
Yay! I guessed correctly. I will confess: I did not guess the exact brand or flavor, tho.
We thought it was a fortune cookie too! Great mystery Daisy!
I too thought it was some sort of fortune cookie thingey. The Giant Kitty insisted it's a chicken and he's still insisting on eating chickens now because he says if Daisy can have them, why can't he.
I thought it looked like some kind of stuffed Chinese dumpling! Well, I guess I was close. The tortellinis I have seen have more of a twist to them.
Daisy you are very good at mystifying efurryone!
Ha Ha, two weeks in a row that I got it right
Three cheese ... yum! Sounds like three good reasons to take a closer look.
We don't No what it is.... ;)
Maybe chicken!!
We thought it was a fortune cookie too! We're glad we weren't the onliest ones.
It's nice to meet you kitties and we look forward to visiting often!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy
I thought it was a dumpling that got shmushed.
We thought it was a wonton or baby cornish hen.
nope, we din't get that one, though we figgered it was edible. we thort it was dim sum. our tortellinis is furry pale wif a greenish undercast--mom sez they's got spinaches innem. the whole wheat complexion fooled us! we eats 'em wif red sauce!
I was thinking unbaked fortune cookie..but, then it did look like whole wheat, so that was pretty much out... so, then...I was stumped unless it was a bun of some sort. You fooled me by being reeeellly close up to it ...hahhahaa...good one Daisy!
that tortellini looks kind of like a kitty nose to me.
i thought it was a chinese fortune cookie too!
smiles, auntie bee
We did not know either! Great game!
Daisy - First I want to thank you for being my special cat friend. I promise not to butt YOU.
Secondly I really thought it was a little chicken. As you know I am surrounded by them right now so I guess I have chickens on the brain.
XD XD very funny, i dont think in this, mora post like this please XD.
That was a good one. Chester thought it was a Dumplin', since he used to be a Dumplin' when he was a baby.
We thought it must be a fortune cookie too!
I thought it was bread dough!
I thot it was somefin else. Oops!
Dat was fun, tho. :)
We thought it was some sort of fortune cookie too.
We didn't know...till we looked at your chat box! It is funny looking!
LOL I thought it was chicken at first then had no clue!!
Dat doesn't look like da kind mom makes...oh, she sez it is hole weet. Well, dat would asplane it.
I guessed a dry dumpling.
I thought it looked like something doughy -
I didn't know what it was, but just had to stop in and say that third picture of Daisy is priceless! She looks so inquisitive, don't know how you capture her, but it's delightful!
I guessed a fortune cookie too. Good one Daisy. :-)
Hi pretty Daisy. I thought it was a fortune cookie ready to be baked. :)
Monday mystery is fun with you!
Dang it, Daisy! You fooled us again!
Daisy, you are such a clever kitty! I wuvs you.
I thought it was a dumpling so I was close. Your Mom is an excellent photographer.
YAAAH! I gotted it right ! mombean luvs tortellini
YEEEAAAAAAAH WW tortellini is sooo yummy
happy day kitties!!
Whew. I got it right. For once.
Oh man! Mom couldn't figure out what it was. Isn't that funny?
LOL, oh Daisy, the looks you give are priceless!
I want to cuddle and kiss you bunches and bunches. You are just that darned cute!
That was a good one, Daisy. Although I thought it was a pot sticker.
i thoughts it wuz a treat, momma said gnocchi....whatever that is
Oh my have got one of the best blog's that I have ever seen. I have 3 indoor cats, and about 5 outdoor cats; can you tell that I just LOVE cats! The pics of your cats are sooooo cute and funny; of course, I had to press the button to see what it was! I will definitely be back to check on cute Daisy and her friends! :)
I guess Mom does not eat tortillini,she thought it was a fortune cookie or a dumpling!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I missed that one. I thought it was a dumpling!
I thought fortune cookie too!
Daisy, you make me laugh. I thought it was a wet fortune cookie... Good one!
Looked scary.
Oh! I thought it was some sort of un-cooked fruit tart or something. Didn't realize it was so small! Good one Daisy!
I thought that looked like whole wheat!
well ... to tell u da trooth ... i thot it wuz a chicken widowt a head.
i'm glad, however, dat it iz pasta.
I had no idea what it was - had to press the button to find out.
Thanks for coming by to help me celebrate my graduation. I had more friends coming than SS!
Oh wow, we thought it was a sht starfish or a squishy sea cucumber.
We were pretty sure it wasnt a kitty though...
Oh my! I was way off. I won't say what I thought it was, it wouldn't be proper. :)
It sounds delicious, our mum says.
I got it right this time!
Kisses and hugs
Looks very very delicous!!
I think it's a Sesame cake. But I could be wrong... hmmmm....
I feel stoopid. I thot it was some kind of dim sum thing.
Hehehehe! We were not sure what it was and would have never guessed tortalini!
Your FL furiends,
Ha! I thought it was a fortune cookie too! Oh, well... maybe I'll guess the next one correctly.
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